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1. Eating a healthy and balanced diet containing green vegetables, bright coloured
fruits and dietary supplements. It should be balanced and must have carbohydrates,
proteins, minerals and vitamins in the right proportion.

2. Keep yourself socialised. Spending time with friends and family reduces the tension
of our day to day life. It calms our body and mind and makes us more relaxed.

3. We should drink 8 glass of water every day to flush out all the harmful toxins from our
body. Doing exercises at least 3 times a week to keep our body toned up and fit.
Exercises elongated risk of many diseases like diabetes, blood pressure, etc.

4. It is a very famous proverb that ‘Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy,
wealthy and wise’. Hence we should follow our sleep-wake time table.

5. We should have a habit of a regular checkup from a doctor. Doctor’s visit once in 3
months will keep our health problems in check and will avoid illness to grow.


1. Avoid eating junk food and street food. People nowadays rely more on them rather
than eating healthy at home. It may cause many diseases such as jaundice, etc.

2. Avoid habits like smoking, chewing tobacco, drinking alcohol or taking drugs. This is
one of the main reason that youngsters nowadays are more at a verge of death.

3. Don’t skip your meals. It is mostly seen that teenagers and even adults skip their
breakfast or meals on a regular basis. Breakfast is the first meal for our body which
should be nutritious. Our breakfast is the main source of energy for our day.

4. Avoid excess dieting. It is seen that with the growing modern world and society,
adults are being more and more fascinated to have a slim and fit body. And IN order to
achieve that they practice dieting. Dieting excessively may result in heavyweight loss
and even anorexia.

5. Avoid sitting for a continuous period of 2-3 hours. Sitting for a long period of time will
lower the blood pressure and increases the chances of weight gain.

6. Don’t take stress or tension much. It has been scientifically proven that stress causes
heart problems, hypertension, etc. Staying positive is the best solution to avoid tension.

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Is Wealth, health is wealth speech, health is wealth images, speech on health is wealth,
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