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1. Time of delivery:
1.1. On a certain day
- For example: On Thursday, August 8th, 2019
- With this provision, the seller must deliver the goods within a certain day
(without deviation); This will be detrimental to the seller because in the
course of contract performance there may be force majeure
circumstances where the seller will be difficult to implement the delivery
date as prescribed. For example, it is difficult to prepare goods for export,
or the process of renting ships has problems ... Moreover, the goods
bought in foreign trade often have a large quantity, the shipping by sea
depends heavily on the problem.
1.2. Delivery within a certain period of time:
For example: from August 8th to August 29th, 2019
1.3. Delivery according to a certain milestone
For example: Not later than August 30th, 2019
1.4. Time of delivery is under a certain condition
For example:
+ While 30 days after L/C issued date
+ Within 30 days after effective date of this agreement
1.5. Prompt delivery
1.6. Delivery as soon as possible

2. Place of delivery
The parties must agree the place of shipment for the carrier, or for the buyer in
one of the following ways:
- Place of delivery is specified in the contract (rarely used)
For example: The shipment would be delivered at ABC head-quarters (No.
100, Phan Dang Luu st, HCM city, Vietnam)
- Place of delivery according to Incoterms® with price conditions.
For example: USD 1000/MT FOB Cat Lai, Incoterms® 2010
3. Delivery method provisions
- Whether to transfer or not (Transshipment)
If, from the port of loading goods to the port of discharge, there are at least 2
means of transport used, this case is called a transfer. On the contract will note:
+ Allowed (transfer)
+ Or Not allowed (transfer) or Prohibited (transfer)
Based on the ship's voyage and the amount of cargo to accept whether the cargo
is allowed to be delivered.
- Full delivery or partial delivery (Partial shipment)
+ If the shipment is accepted for partial delivery, write in contract:
Partial shipmen: Allowed (partial delivery).
+ If you have to deliver goods once, write in contract:
Total shipment.
- If the shipment is accepted many times, write in contract:
Shipment by Instalment: Allowed (multiple shipping).
Acceptance of multiple or one-time delivery must be considered in a way that is
suitable to the vendor's ability to provide goods; but at the same time facilitating
the receipt of the buyer. On the other hand, it is necessary to consider whether
the seaport conditions permit or not (if shipping by sea mode). In particular, the
cost of delivering goods must be placed in the best condition.

4. Notice of delivery (note of shipment)

Depending on the delivery conditions, a partner must notify the other party of
related issues:
- Buyer notifies seller:
Ship name, code number, carrier name, delivery location, delivery time ... (if
buying goods under Group F conditions).
- The seller must notify the buyer of all information about the delivery:
+ Delivery results
+ Quantity and quality of delivered goods
+ The day of loading goods on board
+ Date of B/L issuance and B/L number
+ The date the ship departs from the port of departure and expected date to
arrive at the port of discharge
+ Ship name, code number and nationality (if winning the transport right) ...

For example: At least 7 days before vessel’s arrival at loading port, the buyer will
advise the seller of the vessel’s E.T.A

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