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 According to a study among marketing students has shown that the introduction of

technology makes 87 per cent of students more likely to attend class and 72 per cent of
them more likely to participate.
 It will help to bridge the gap between rural and urban school by removing the infrastructural
 Currently, collaboration between MGIEP and Samsung India emerged bringing together their
respective expertise to create immersive learning experiences. Using UNESCO heritage sites
in India as the entry points of exploration to build learning experiences that dwelt on not
only the cognitive component, but also about learning from different cultures to build EMC
skills, as promoting also education for SD, an MOU was inked between Samsung India and
UNESCO MGIEP to build such curriculum for 28 heritage sites of India
 Samsung India through its CSR in education project will be providing this experiential
content to Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas (JNV), where over 500 Samsung Smart Class have
been implemented since 2013, and also for all school going children of India. Samsung Smart
Class program has so far benefitted over 2.5 lakh students and has trained over 8,000
teachers on how to effectively use interactive technology in the Samsung Smart Class to
teach students
 Gartner has predicted that by the year 2021, 60 percent of higher education institutions in
the United States will "intentionally" be using VR to create simulations and put students into
immersive environments.
 Augmented Realities (AR):- is the result of using technology to superimpose information -
sounds, images, and text - on the world we see.

AR adds digital elements to a live view often by using the camera on a smartphone.

 Mixed Reality (MR):- referred to as hybrid reality, is the merging of real and virtual worlds to
produce new environments and visualizations where physical and digital objects co-exist and
interact in real time.

A prime example being civil engineers that need to find pressure spots and weaknesses in their
bridge designs, or someone studying our brain's function and seeing what happens to the brain if it
is being put under immense stress

 Virtual Reality (VR) :- a three-dimensional, computer-generated environment which can be

explored and interacted with by a person. That person becomes part of this virtual world or
is immersed within this environment and whilst there, is able to manipulate objects or
perform a series of actions

 Game-based learning is forecast to become a $7.3B (US) market opportunity by 2021, while
Virtual Reality represents a $30B (US) market opportunity by 2020. These immersive
learning experiences can be combined to create an opportunity to redefine supplemental
 Experiential learning is being implemented in India in the form of virtual labs, social media
platforms, virtual and augmented reality tools, and gamification of learning.
 Gamification of learning is an effective pedagogy which maximises student motivation and
engagement by integrating game elements in learning environments.
 Virtual labs are interactive environments for creating and conducting simulated experiments
based on real-world phenomena so that students can interact with an experimental
apparatus or other activity via a computer interface.
 This eliminates the problem of accessibility as well as the lack of physical infrastructures for
lab-based learning, especially in science subjects.
 VR allows students using e-learning platforms on mobile devices to directly interact with
study material. This keeps their engagement levels high and motivates them to learn more
and better.
 On the other hand, AR facilitates teachers and trainers in performing tasks, they previously
haven't or cannot, in a safe environment.
 Together, all of these are engaging students in ways like never before and are poised to
become a lot more widespread in their usage and impact in the future.
 VR labs will be proved to be very helpful in various subjects like Astronomy, which is very
difficult to teach verbally, also it can be proved to be very helpful in medical field where we
can students can perform operations and human body by the use of Virtual world which
they are unable to do right now.
 Students in Husson's entertainment production program are currently designing theater sets
in a computer aided drafting class, which will be imported into the app to provide users the
experience of walking through a set on stage before construction begins
 Various companies are building software for the various past historical places and events so
it will be very easy to teach students about those events by experiencing them.
 It can also be used for certification for various skills test


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