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Writer/Designer: Monte Cook

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Cover Artist: Roberto Pitturru

Jacob Atienza, Marco Caradonna, Milivoj Ceran, chrom, Florian Devos,, Jason Engle, Erebus,
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Brynn Metheney, Grzegorz Pedrycz, Mike Perry, John Petersen, Roberto Pitturru, Scott Purdy, Nick Russell,
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Chapter 2: ANYTHING GOES 5

Chapter 5: CHARACTER TYPE 22
Chapter 8: EQUIPMENT 182


Chapter 9: RULES OF THE GAME 188
Chapter 10: OPTIONAL RULES 224


Chapter 11: FANTASY 236
Chapter 12: MODERN 244
Chapter 13: SCIENCE FICTION 250
Chapter 14: HORROR 258
Chapter 15: SUPERHEROES 266


Chapter 16: CREATURES 274
Chapter 17: NPCs 334
Chapter 18: CYPHERS 340


Index 410
Campaign Design Worksheet 412
Character Sheet 413

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Chapter 1


cypher is a secret. It’s something that not everyone understands. It holds potential.
The Cypher System Rulebook came about because we published a game called
Numenera, and then another called The Strange. These were quite popular, both for
their settings and for their rules. They shared the same basic game engine: the Cypher
System. So it occurred to us, what if gamers want to use the system for fantasy, horror, or
something else? Wouldn’t it be nice if they could have the system material from Numenera
and The Strange with all the setting-specific material stripped out?
And doing that would be easy, right? We’d just need to grab stuff from both games,
already finished, and cram it all into one book. No problem.
Of course, once I started working on it, I realized that the way both games handled
character types was entirely idiosyncratic to those settings. You can’t take a Numenera
nano and plop her down in any genre. And if you tried to make the type fit more into a
fantasy setting, it wouldn’t fit into a science fiction one. Oh, and superheroes—those throw
a big wrench into things.
In other words, while the Cypher System Rulebook is partially a compilation of game
material from both Numenera and The Strange, it also has a
whole lot of new stuff. New descriptors and foci to make different
genres work, along with four new character types. New creatures
and NPCs. New cyphers. Lots of new rules for handling everything
In the Cypher System, the story is from starship battles to the rising dread of horror. And rules for
king, and thus you can’t really get superheroes—characters who break all the other rules.
the rules wrong. If it works for your What you’ll take away from this book depends on your context.
game, then it works! If you’re already a fan of both Numenera and The Strange, many
of the specifics here will be familiar. Still, you’ll find new descriptors,
foci, types, creatures, cyphers, artifacts, and rules. Mostly, though,
you’ll see how to use the game system you already love in any setting and any genre. Use
the material in this book to supplement your current games, or start a new game set in a
fantasy land of elves and fae creatures, a science fiction setting spanning the galaxy, or a
modern slasher horror game, different from anything you’ve played before.
Fans of Numenera and If you’re a fan of Numenera or The Strange, but not both, you’ll find a ton of material
The Strange should here that is new to you. Again, this can supplement your existing game, or it can be used
check out the rules for
Insights (page 216)
to stretch the system into any genre you wish when you’re finished with your current
and the optional genre campaign.
rules in addition to the If you’re new to the Cypher System entirely, you’re really in for a lot of great information
descriptors, types, and and advice. The rules are simple, but this book includes plenty of character and setting
foci that are brand new
to this book. options. It might seem overwhelming at first. But remember that in the Cypher System, the
story is king, and thus you can’t really get the rules wrong. If it works for your game, then it

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Anything Goes

Chapter 2


or just a moment, I’m talking directly These are broad categories, and I use them
to the game masters out there. Both in this book as a starting point. Those
players and GMs will use this book, but categories are: fantasy, modern, science
more than likely the GM will look at it first. fiction, horror, and superheroes.
What you hold in your hands is a With those broad strokes, I cover most
guidebook. A how-to. You can’t just sit down (but probably not all) of the kinds of games
and start playing, because the Cypher System you can run with the Cypher System. Some
Rulebook is not meant to be used that way. of these genres require unique equipment,
You have to put something of your own into artifacts, or descriptors. Some need new
it first. There is no setting or world here. The rules to convey the experience you’re after.
system is designed to help you portray any I say “experience” because in many ways,
world or setting you can dream up. that’s what a genre is. If you want to capture
Think of this book as a chest of toys. the experience of being terrified by zombies
You can pull out whatever you want and swarming around a character’s home,
play with it however you want. You won’t you want horror. If you want to convey the
use everything in it, at least not all at once. experience of being extremely powerful and
You’ll use parts of it to build the game you using those powers to protect the world
want to play. Pull out some pieces and give from aliens, you want superheroes (maybe
them a try. Put back the ones that don’t suit with a dash of science fiction).
you, and try different ones. Use some now So really, what you’re choosing here is
and save others for your next game. You the experience you want to have—and that
have all the freedom in the world (many you want the players to have. This is such
worlds, actually). a fundamental decision that perhaps the
Speaking of worlds, you get to decide whole group should be in on it. Ask the
what setting to use, based on what genre other players what genre they like and what
you want. It can be anything. Pick your kinds of experiences they want to have. This
favorite book or movie, or just design is vital because it ensures that everyone
something from scratch. gets what they want out of the game.
Of course, not everything in this book is
GENRES suitable for every genre. You, the GM, will
Take a look at Part 3: Genres, which has need to read through it once you’ve chosen Part 3: Genres, page 235
a number of chapters devoted to genres. a genre and pick types, foci, and so forth.

Genre categories are difficult. Sometimes they can be constricting when they
should be liberating. Don’t worry too much about being a genre purist. Just
have a fun game.

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EXPLORER Group Role: Explorers sometimes work
Your character’s Fantasy: explorer, adventurer, delver, alone, but far more often they operate in teams
starting equipment is as
important as his starting
mystery seeker with other characters. The explorer frequently
skills. Learn more about Modern/Horror: athlete, explorer, leads the way, blazing the trail. However, she’s
what you carry and how adventurer, drifter, detective, scholar, also likely to stop and investigate anything
it’s used in Chapter 8: spelunker, trailblazer, investigative intriguing she stumbles upon.
reporter Societal Role: Not all explorers are out
Science fiction: explorer, adventurer, traipsing through the wilderness or poking
wanderer, planetary specialist, about an old ruin. Sometimes, an explorer
xenobiologist is a teacher, a scientist, a detective, or an
Superhero: adventurer, crimefighter investigative reporter. In any event, an
explorer bravely faces new challenges and
You are a person of action and physical ability, gathers knowledge to share with others.
fearlessly facing the unknown. You travel Advanced Explorers: Higher-tier explorers
to strange, exotic, and dangerous places, gain more skills, some combat abilities, and
and discover new things. This means you’re a number of abilities that allow them to deal
physical but also probably knowledgeable. with danger. In short, they become more
Individual Role: Although explorers can and more well-rounded, able to deal with
be academics or well studied, they are first any challenge.
and foremost interested in action. They face Background Connection: Your type helps
grave dangers and terrible obstacles as a determine the connection you have to the setting.
routine part of life. Roll a d20 or choose from the following list

Roll Background
1 You were a star high school athlete. You’re still in great shape, but those were the glory days, man.
2 Your brother is the lead singer in a really popular band.
3 You have made a number of discoveries in your explorations, but not all opportunities to capitalize on
them have panned out yet.
4 You were a cop, but you gave it up after encountering corruption on the force.
5 Your parents were missionaries, so you spent much of your young life traveling to exotic places.
6 You served in the military with honor.
7 You received assistance from a secretive organization, which paid for your schooling. Now they seem to
want a lot more from you.
8 You went to a prestigious university on an athletic scholarship, but you excelled in class as well as on
the field.
9 Your best friend from your youth is now an influential member of the government.
10 You used to be a teacher. Your students remember you fondly.
11 You worked as a small-time criminal operative until you were caught and served some time in jail, after
which you tried to go straight.
12 Your greatest discovery to date was stolen by your arch-rival.
13 You belong to an exclusive organization of explorers whose existence is not widely known.
14 You were kidnapped as a small child under mysterious circumstances, although you were recovered
safely. The case still has some notoriety.
15 When you were young, you were addicted to narcotics, and now you are a recovering addict.
16 While exploring a remote location, you saw something strange you’ve never been able to explain.
17 You own a small bar or restaurant.
18 You published a book about some of your exploits and discoveries, and it has achieved some acclaim.
19 Your sister owns a store and gives you a hefty discount.
20 Your father is a high-ranking officer in the military with many connections.

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Character Type

to determine a specific fact about your Starting Equipment: Appropriate clothing

background that provides a connection to and a weapon of your choice, plus two
the rest of the world. You can also create expensive items, two moderately priced
your own fact. items, and up to four inexpensive items.
Special Abilities: Choose four of the
EXPLORER STAT POOLS abilities described below. You can’t choose
Stat Pool Starting Value the same ability more than once unless its
Might 10 description says otherwise.
Speed 9 Block (3 Speed points): You automatically
Intellect 9 block the next melee attack made against
you within the next minute. Action to
You get 6 additional points to divide initiate.
among your stat Pools however you wish. Danger Sense (1 Speed point): The
difficulty of your initiative roll is reduced by Initiative, page 197
FIRST-TIER EXPLORER one step. Enabler.
First-tier explorers have the following abilities: Decipher (1 Intellect point): If you spend
Effort: Your Effort is 1. one minute examining a piece of writing or
Physical Nature: You have a Might Edge code in a language you do not understand,
of 1, a Speed Edge of 0, and an Intellect you can make an Intellect roll of difficulty
Edge of 0. 3 (or higher, based on the complexity of
Cypher Use: You can bear two cyphers at the language or code) to get the gist of the
a time. message. Action to initiate.
Practiced With Light and Medium Endurance: Any duration dealing with
Weapons: You can use light and medium physical actions is either doubled or halved,
weapons without penalty. If you wield a whichever is better for you. For example,
heavy weapon, increase the difficulty of the if the typical person can hold his breath
attack by one step. Enabler. for thirty seconds, you can hold it for one

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Chapter 8


quipment in the Cypher System require gold on the table. The exact amount
plays only a small role. It’s far more can vary, and in many campaigns, the exact
important to focus on what you can amount will matter. The GM will develop a
For any game set in the do than on what you have. Still, sometimes detailed price list for her setting, and players
present day, catalogs or it’s important to know if you’ve got enough will track their money on their character
shopping websites can
rope, or what kind of gun your space pilot sheets to determine what they can afford,
provide prices for any
kind of item that you has at her hip. often ignoring the terms inexpensive,
might need. moderately priced, and so on.
CURRENCY AND PRICES Of course, some GMs might want
Dollars, pounds, euros, credits, gold pieces, to keep things simple and use only the
Martian solval beads, bottle caps—a lot general terms, indicating currency just
of different currencies might be used in as flavor now and then. In a space opera
your game, depending on the setting and game, where the PCs are the crew of a
the genre. You should use whatever you starship blazing about the galaxy in search
like. In the Cypher System rules, we talk of adventure and profit, fuel and upkeep
in generalities rather than specifics. Not for the ship might be expensive. Hauling a
unlike saying immediate or short distance few passengers from Epsilon Eridani back
rather than giving precise numbers, we to Earth might earn enough to purchase
talk about goods and services in terms of six expensive items but cost the equivalent
inexpensive, moderately priced, expensive, of two expensive items, leaving the crew
very expensive, or exorbitant. with the means to refuel and maintain the
The GM can figure out what those things ship for two further voyages. In such a
mean in her setting. In a fantasy setting, game, where money only means keeping
an inexpensive item might be 1 or 2 copper the ship flying, no one has to talk in
pennies, while an expensive item might specific amounts. Characters might refer

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to “galactic credits” or something similar, An exorbitant item is something only the

but amounts might not be tracked on the very rich can afford. A very nice house. A
character sheets. ship. Extremely expensive jewelry or art.
Think of the categories as powers of 10.
PRICE CATEGORIES That is to say, a moderately priced item is ten
There are five price categories for goods and times more costly than an inexpensive item.
services. An expensive item is 10 times more costly
An inexpensive item is something that than a moderately priced item, and thus 100
common people buy. A simple meal or a times the cost of something inexpensive. A
drink in the bar. A pen and some paper. A very expensive item is 10 times the cost of
book or magazine. an expensive one, 100 times the cost of a
A moderately priced item is something moderate one, and 1,000 times the cost of
that common people buy, but not too often an inexpensive one. An exorbitant item is
and not in great quantities. A small piece priced 10 times beyond that.
of furniture. A major entertainment. An
expensive meal. A new outfit. USING THE PRICE CATEGORIES
An expensive item is something that Regardless of how precise you want to be
would strain a common person’s finances. with prices and currency, you can use the
Rent on a simple apartment. A major piece of price categories in a variety of ways.
furniture. A very nice outfit. The cost to travel It’s easy for a GM to say to a player, “You
a long distance (if appropriate to the setting). can afford two extra moderately priced
A very expensive item is probably out things at the start of the game.” She can
of the reach of most people except in very look on the list and pick two moderately
special circumstances. Jewelry. Luxury priced items without worrying about their
furnishings. cost. Plus, this approach makes it clear that

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Chapter 14


lthough it’s very likely a subset of the horror-themed game is that if everything
modern genre, horror as a genre gets is terrifying, nothing is. Think about every
special treatment. Unlike the other good horror movie you’ve seen or story
genres, horror doesn’t necessarily suggest a you’ve read, in which scenes of horror are
setting. Any setting can be horrific. Horror paced nicely with scenes of normal life.
is more of a style. An approach. A mood. The key is the contrast. People need rising
You could easily have horror in other and falling tension, or they will break from
times and settings, but for our purposes, the story. So you need a setting that has
we’ll deal with a default setting in the ordinary scenes, encounters, and events as
modern day. The PCs are probably normal well as horrific ones. Even a world overcome
people, not secret agents or special by hordes of zombies needs to offer
investigators (although being a part of a moments of respite for the characters.
secret agency that deals with monsters in
the shadows could make for a fine horror RUNNING A HORROR GAME
game). Running a good horror game is difficult.
Suggested foci, types, and additional You’ve got to maintain mood and atmosphere
equipment for a horror setting are the same at almost all times. Consider these tips.
Chapter 12: Modern, as in a modern setting, so refer to Chapter Give the players time to develop their
page 244 12: Modern for that information. characters before going to the haunted
house, spooky cemetery, or mysterious ruin.
CREATING A HORROR SETTING Let them get attached to the characters, at
Whatever the setting, the main thing least a little, so that when those PCs are in
to remember when preparing to run a jeopardy, the players will be frightened.

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Use music, lighting, and the environment campaigns, but it’s possible. If that’s what
to help create a mood. Don’t hesitate to use you want, remember that you need rising
candles or flashlights in a dark room rather and falling tension. There must be respites
than conventional lighting. Shake things and calm moments between the horror.
up—if you normally play in the dining room Horror needs to be brutal and ruthless,
when you run sessions in other genres, play even if—or rather, especially if—other
in the basement for your horror game. games you run are relatively safe for PCs.
Unnerve your players as well as the Kill characters. Maim characters.
characters. As you describe a scene in the Focus on the startling and unexpected
game, occasionally glance out the window when possible. Blood and gore can
or toward the door, particularly if it’s behind be shocking sometimes, but only in a
one or more players, as though you hear context in which they are unexpected. In
something strange. Make it seem like other words, they might be expected on a
creepy things are going on, but be subtle. battlefield, but not in the middle of a happy
Make the players sense it without being fully religious ceremony or family gathering.
aware of it. Fear of the unknown is the greatest, most
Startle the players as well as the characters. primal fear. It’s the thing the PCs don’t see
When the monster finally appears, shout that scares them the most. Take your time
at the top of your lungs! Turn out the lights and allow them to hear the horrific creature
suddenly. Do something shocking. approach before the encounter begins. Let
Horror games are often one-shot them see its shadow before they see the rest
sessions or a short arc of a few sessions. of it. Let them react to the unknown threat
They are very difficult to run as long-term before they can identify it.

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Chapter 15


Brash, page 65 ike horror, the superhero genre is really
Adept, page 29
a subset of the modern genre with SUPERHERO SETTING
extensive special considerations. In Even by roleplaying game standards,
Bears a Halo of Fire, many ways, it might appear that the Cypher superhero games are all about the PCs.
page 98
System is a strange fit for superheroes. But Think of the PCs as the main characters of
Tough, page 87 if you think about it, with foci like Bears a their own comic book. They are the stars of
Halo of Fire and Wears a Sheen of Ice, the the show. Rather than create a world and
Warrior, page 22
Cypher System makes all genres a little bit have the players make superhero PCs to fit
Performs Feats of “superhero-ish.” Character sentences might into it, have the players create characters
Strength, page 156 look like the following: first and build the world around them. They
Mystical, page 81 Firebrand is a Brash energy projector are the superhero team that the setting
(adept) who Bears a Halo of Fire. should revolve around, whether they are
Exists Partially Out of
Phase, page 122
King Brick is a Tough warrior who a new group or the heroes who have been
Performs Feats of Strength. defending the city for years.
Mysterious, page 80 Dimensionar is a Mystical warlock (adept) Before you dig in, consider the following
Explorer, page 38 who Exists Partially Out of Phase. topics.
Dark Ronin is a Mysterious crimefighter How prevalent are superpowered beings
Solves Mysteries, (explorer) who Solves Mysteries. in the world? If they’re common, how has
page 167
Speedburst is a Fast crimefighter the world adapted to this idea? Police
Fast, page 73 (explorer) who Moves Like the Wind. or military units particularly suited for
And so on. superpowered threats, special prisons for
Moves Like the Wind,
page 151 holding powered criminals, and special laws
for superpowers (is it a crime to rob a bank

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while under the effects of mind control?) have been defeated this time, but he’ll be
are all obvious issues that will come up. back with a whole new plan of conquest
If superbeings are not common, how will sooner than anyone expects. Think of your
ordinary people react when they learn of the superhero game as a comic book series.
PCs? With shock and awe? Fear? Respect? Each session is an issue, often ending in an
Are aliens, magic, mutants, and exciting cliffhanger. Stories are told in arcs
impossible technologies at play in the over multiple issues, but sometimes those
setting? (The answer is almost certainly arcs overlap. In other words, a new story arc
yes.) If so, does the majority of the world starts while the previous arc is still going
know about these things, understand them, on. You can play with this concept further
and accept them? and have special “double-sized” issues for
Superhero games are usually confined to epic confrontations with a lot of “splash
one major city, but occasionally the heroes pages.” If you really want to do something
have adventures that take them around the different, have each PC have his or her own
globe or even into space. series, playing sessions with just one player,
Do the PCs already have arch-foes? If so, and then have crossover issues where all
developing a bit of history of their previous the characters come together to defeat a
battles and adventures can add a lot of powerful threat.
flavor. Here are some other tips to consider.
There’s a danger that superhero PCs
RUNNING A SUPERHERO GAME become entirely reactive. They wait for the
Superhero stories, unlike others, rarely have villains to do something and then try to
a definitive end. Doctor Vengeance may stop them. If you can occasionally find ways

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Doctor Dread is usually
accompanied by a
handful of robot minions. DOCTOR DREAD 7 (21)
Dread’s robot minion:
level 3; Armor 1; long-
Doctor Dread is larger than life thanks to her brilliant mind, her media savvy, and the
range laser attack inflicts
4 points of damage robotic armor she uses to enhance her otherwise normal abilities. Indeed, Doctor Dread
has become the most feared terrorist on the planet. She uses her abilities to extort money,
GM Intrusion: Doctor
Dread uses a function
influence, and technology from the rich and powerful, whether her victims are individuals,
built into her robotic governments, corporations, or superheroes.
armor that is the perfect Alicia Coleridge is Doctor Dread’s secret identity. Born into relative obscurity, she
solution for her current
predicament: healing received a full scholarship to the Russell Institute of Technology, where she studied the
herself, teleporting away, effects of radioactive substances on living tissue. In a freak lab accident, Alicia’s fiancé was
disintegrating a barrier, slain, and Alicia was disfigured and driven slightly insane, so much so that she built the
or whatever is needed.
Doctor Dread armor. She plows the vast wealth she accumulates through terrorism into
Assume that Doctor research into the rejuvenation of dead flesh. She hopes to one day bring back her dead love,
Dread has three power
shifts in intelligence
whose body she keeps in suspended animation.
and two in resilience; Motive: Accumulate wealth; reanimate dead flesh
see page 270. These Environment: Wherever money can be extorted
shifts are already figured
into her modifications Health: 40
and other stats. Damage Inflicted: 7 points
Armor: 4
Movement: Short; long when flying
Modifications: Resists mental attacks and deception as level 8; understands, repairs, and
crafts advanced technology as level 10.
Combat: Doctor Dread’s armor allows her to exist without
outside air (or air pressure), food, or water for up to
ten days at a time. She can call on her robotic armor to
accomplish a variety of tasks, including the following:
Plasma Blast: Long-range heat and electricity blast that inflicts 7
points of damage
Fade: Become invisible for one minute, or until she makes an
Barricade: Establish an immobile, two-dimensional field of
transparent force 10 feet by 10 feet (3 m by 3 m) for ten
Energy Cloak: Create an energy field that gives her +5 to Armor
against heat, cold, or magnetism (one at a time, chosen
when she uses the power) for ten minutes
Interaction: Doctor Dread is slightly mad, but that’s normally
disguised by her amazing brilliance. She is an egomaniac
but will negotiate in return for a promise of wealth or
biomedical lore she doesn’t already know.
Use: The PCs are called to handle a hostage situation at a party
in which many of the city’s wealthy elite are being held
captive by Doctor Dread. She promises to let them go once
sufficient wealth is paid into her offshore accounts.
Loot: Most of Doctor Dread’s considerable wealth is tied up in
online accounts, two or three secret fortresses, and cutting-
edge biological research equipment.

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MAGNETAR 8 (24) GM Intrusion: On a

failed Might defense roll,
all of the character’s
Not much is known about Magnetar other than its powerful ability to generate and control loose metallic items
(including weapons) are
magnetic fields. Various research groups theorize that Magnetar is an alien, a sentient and
stripped from him and
self-improving robot, or even some kind of manifestation of a fundamental force. Given become stuck to a nearby
Magnetar’s vaguely humanoid shape, a few people even suggest that the villain is actually a metallic buttress.
man with a mutant ability so powerful that it burned out all memories of his former self.
Assume that Magnetar
In truth, Magnetar is the animate, sentient, and self-regulating nucleus of a neutron has three power shifts
star that is able to rein in its immense electromagnetic signature. One of two such beings in its magnetic power
an advanced alien race created from a single magnetar (a type of neutron star with an and two in resilience;
extremely powerful magnetic field), Magnetar was sent on a mission of exploration. After see page 270. These
shifts are already figured
millennia, it crashed on Earth and was damaged. Having lost most of its memory data, into its modifications
Magnetar knows that something was taken from it (its twin), but it can’t remember what. It and other stats.
has decided to blame the humans.
Motive: Revenge; regain memory
Environment: Almost anywhere, searching for what it has lost
Health: 50
Damage Inflicted: 10 points
Armor: 8
Movement: Short; long when magnetically levitating
Modifications: Speed defense as level 5 due to mass;
tasks related to controlling and shaping metal
through electromagnetic manipulation as level 11.
Combat: Magnetar’s fist packs a wallop, since it can
selectively add mass to the punch. However, its
most potent ability is its level 11 control over all
metal within 300 feet (91 m), which it uses to
create anything it can imagine, including walls,
attacks, pincers, and more. Magnetar can lift
bridges, vehicles, and structures infused with
rebar that it can see within its area of influence.
When it throws such a large object as part of an
attack, the target and everything within short
range of the target takes 10 points of damage.
Magnetar’s only weakness is psychic attacks, which is fortunate
since reducing it to 0 health through an old-fashioned beating
could release an uncontrolled neutron star chunk on the Earth’s
Interaction: Morose and gruff, Magnetar generally would rather be
alone, but every so often, it goes on a rampage, hoping that a
display will draw out whoever or whatever made it the way it
is. Magnetar constantly feels the drag of emotional loss, but it
doesn’t know why (it doesn’t realize that the feeling comes from
the loss of its twin).
Use: Doctor Dread has put a bounty on Magnetar’s head because
she wants to study the advanced technology woven through its
body. The bounty amount is outrageous, but then again, so is

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Chapter 18


yphers are one-use abilities that GM can place them intentionally as well.
characters gain over the course They have cool powers that can heal, make
of play. In the majority of games, attacks, or produce effects such as nullifying
these come in the form of items, like gravity or turning something invisible.
magic potions or bits of alien technology. Cyphers are single-use items and are always
In others, they’re more esoteric, like consumed when used.
Cyphers don’t have inspirations or divine blessings. Cyphers Cyphers are found with such regularity that
to be used to make are designed for frequent discovery and the PCs can use them freely. There will always
room for new ones. It’s
perfectly acceptable use. PCs can have only a small number of be more, and they’ll have different benefits.
for the PCs to stash an cyphers at a given time, and since they’re This means that in gameplay, cyphers are less
extra cypher elsewhere always finding more, they’re encouraged to like gear or treasure and more like character
for later use. Of course,
use them at a steady pace. abilities that the players don’t choose. This
that doesn’t mean the
cypher will still be there In theory, the cyphers discovered by the leads to fun game moments where a player
when they return. PCs are determined randomly. However, the can say, “Well, I’ve got an X that might help

Cyphers are (not surprisingly, based on the name) found in dungeons) was really the only customization
the heart of the Cypher System. This is because of characters that existed. It means that the drive to
characters in this game have abilities that rarely or go out and have adventures is that you can discover
never change and can always be counted on—pretty cool new things that help you when you go on the
much like in all games—and they have abilities that next adventures. This is true in many RPGs, but in the
are ever-changing and inject a great deal of variability Cypher System, it’s built right into the game’s core.
in play. They are the major reason why no Cypher 2. Letting the GM have a hand in determining
System game session should ever be dull or feel just PC abilities makes the game move more smoothly.
like the last session. This week your character can Some GMs prefer to generate cyphers randomly, but
solve the problem by walking through walls, but last some do not. For example, giving the PCs a cypher
time it was because you could create an explosion that will allow them to teleport far away might be a
that would level a city block. secret adventure seed placed by a forward-thinking
The Cypher System, then, is a game where PC GM. Because the GM has an idea of where the story
abilities are fluid, with the GM and the players both is going, she can use cyphers to help guide the
having a role in their choice, their assignment, and path. Alternatively, if the GM is open to it, she can
their use. Although many things separate the game give out cyphers that enable the characters to take a
system from others, this aspect makes it unique, more proactive role (such as teleporting anywhere
because cyphers recognize the importance and value they want). Perhaps most important, she can do
of two things: these things without worrying about the long-term
1. “Treasure” as character abilities makes the game ramifications of the power. A device that lets you
fun and exciting. In the early days of roleplaying, in teleport multiple times might really mess up the
fact, treasure (usually in the form of magic items game over the long term. But once? That’s just fun.

Troy Stubblefield - - 149982

in this situation,” and X is always different. X Scavenging is not the only way to obtain
might be an explosive device, a short-range cyphers. They can also be given as gifts,
teleporter, or a force field. It might be a traded with merchants, or sometimes
powerful magnet or an injection that will cure purchased in a shop.
disease. It could be anything. Cyphers keep Once the PCs find a cypher, identifying
Cyphers are meant to
the game fresh and interesting. Over time, it is a separate task, based on Intellect and be used regularly and
characters can learn how to safely carry more modified by knowledge of the topic at hand. often. If PCs are hoarding
and more cyphers, so the devices really do In a fantasy setting, that knowledge would or saving their cyphers,
seem more like abilities and less like gear. probably be magic, but in a science fiction feel free to give them a
reason to pull the devices
setting, it might be technology. The GM sets
out and put them into
the difficulty of the task, but it is usually 1 play.
All characters have a maximum number of or 2. Thus, even the smallest amount of
cyphers they can have in their possession at knowledge means that cypher identification
any one time. If a character ever attempts to is automatic. The process takes one to
possess more, random cyphers disappear ten minutes. If the PCs can’t identify a
instantly until she has cyphers equal to
her maximum. These cyphers are not


Cyphers are often found in groups of one
to six (the GM can roll 1d6 to determine
the number), usually because the PCs are
looking for them. They might be among
the possessions of a fallen foe, hidden
in a secret room, or scattered amid the
wreckage of a crashed starship. The GM
can prepare a list ahead of time of what
successful searchers find. Sometimes this
list is random, and sometimes there is
some logic behind it. For example, the PCs
might find four different magic potions in
the same location in a warlock’s laboratory.
If the characters search for cyphers,
the GM sets the difficulty of the task. It
is usually 3 or 4, and scavenging can take
fifteen minutes to an hour.

Troy Stubblefield - - 149982

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