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Domenica Alarcon
Yuliana Dier
Kevin Intriago



Topic sentencen: The importance of the health periodontal before starting a treatment.

Adequate control of the patient

1. Proper oral hygiene of the patient.

control is essential in the long-term success of periodontal treatment.
Without control, any treatment for very well that has been made will fail.

2. It prevents accumulation of plaque in the oral cavity.

A good preventive control more widely accepted are those that combine
measures of personal and professional oral hygiene, understanding that
the control of supragingival plaque belongs to the individual and the
removal of the subgingival plaque and the calculation is achieved through
periodic professional prophylaxis

3. Improve the self-esteem of the patient.

The treatment on your teeth is important for multiple reasons, a person

with white teeth, a pretty smile and a well-groomed mouth, has greater
self-confidence, generating an improvement in self-esteem, so that he
manages to smile with pride, generating a unique identity stamp
Keep an acceptable dentition to functional and esthetic level

1. Prevent tooth loss.

To avoid the loss of teeth we must take into account many factors that
 poor hygiene
 Regular visits to the dentist
 Proper nutrition
 Prevent blows
 bad habits

2. Stable clinical inclusion.

For all these reasons, in daily practice, we must be authentic actors of
health education with our patients. The protocols of clinical action must
be well regulated, since with this the organization is transmitted to the
patients and allows us a series of previously established objectives.

3. It preserves the alveolar bone.

It is very important to keep the alveolar bone safe, since it contains or
covers the sockets or alveoli, in which the roots of the teeth are kept.
You can have any type of fixed prosthesis.

1. Less chance of failure.

The prosthesis fixed clinically we think that they are the best option of
replacement of dental pieces. They can replace complete dentures, held
by implants and covering one or both arches. The advantages of a fixed
prosthesis are many and are also for life.

 t is cleaned like a natural denture.

 It is only removed in clinic, for maintenance, every 6 months.
 The gum does not shrink and the prosthesis does not get loose.

2. There is no swelling of the tissues.

If you follow the steps for the correct elaboration of the fixed prosthesis,
respecting the morphology of the teeth, making constant checks, this will
not cause any pathology in the oral cavity.

3. Adequate cleaning, so as not to keep the plaque accumulation.

The hygiene of the mouth and the prosthesis must be done immediately
after each meal and, above all, in depth before getting into bed. This will
prevent the accumulation of bacterial plaque
Remember that you should not only pay attention to the fixed prosthesis,
also to the rest of natural teeth. The mouth must be conceived as a set
that can be affected by any part and thus compromise the rest. If you
want to keep the prosthesis and a good smile all your life

It is important to encourage and strengthen behaviors so that the

population continuously carries out activities that allow to prevent
periodontal alterations, to take care of and maintain oral health. An
accurate diagnosis is essential for proper treatment, especially the early
stages of the disease

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