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Governo do Estado do Ceará TD DE RECUPERAÇÃO

Fernando Cavalcante Mota
Professora Camila

Nome: ___________________________________________________________________ Nº _______

Série: 9º ano Turma: _____ Turno: ______ Data: ____/01/2019

1. Indique o Simple Future dos verbos a seguir.

a) work _________________________________ f) move _________________________________
b) play _________________________________ g) have _________________________________
c) run _________________________________ h) be _________________________________
d) study _________________________________ i) meet _________________________________
e) answer _______________________________ j) cry _________________________________

2. Complete as frases com os verbos entre parênteses no Simple Future.

a) It ______________________ tomorrow. (rain)
b) John ______________________ late. (be)
c) We ______________________ to watch the film without you. (start)
d) The bus ______________________ for us. (wait)
e) He ______________________ us. (believe)
f) My sister and I ______________________ our homework tonight. (do)
g) My neighbors ______________________ around the world next mouth. (travel)
h) Lucy ______________________ the dishes tomorrow. (wash)
i) Camila ______________________ you English. (teach)
j) It ______________________ 47 dollars to fix the car. (cost)

3. Passe as frases a seguir para as formas negativa e interrogativa do Simple Future.

a) He will love her forever.
b) Chess will make you lose weight.
c) We’ll travel to London by plane.
d) The rain will have stopped by March.
e) I will argue with Sally.
f) She will meet you at home.
g) They will play soccer tomorrow.
h) We will take the children to the park.
i) The bus will leave at 10 o’clock.
j) The girls will talk to you
4. Observe a charge a seguir, retirada do jornal The New Yorker.

A frase da charge “We will totally destroy North Korea!” encontra-se em qual tempo verbal?
a) Simple Present.
b) Simple Future.
c) Simple Past.
d) Present Constinuous.

5. Qual é a forma negativa da frase “Paul will paint the house”?

a) Paul not will paint the house.
b) Paul won’t paint the house.
c) Paul not will painted the house.
d) Paul paint won’t the house.

6. Observe as sentenças a seguir.

I. I will wait for you in front of the College. Qual dos itens está correto?
II. He won't go with us. a) Apenas I.
III. Caio used to play soccer. b) Apenas III.
IV. Will he travel abroad? c) Apenas I e III.
d) Apenas I, II e IV.

7. Complete as frases abaixo com os verbos no Simple Future e depois marque a alternativa com a
sequência correta dos verbos.
I. The baby ____________________ (CRY) when he misses his mother.
II. Alan ____________________ (NOT - SMOKE) his pipe in his room.
III. Tom and Ted ____________________ (LOOK) at the car in the garage.

a) will cry – will not smoke – will look

b) will crying – will not smoke – will looking
c) will cry – were not smoke – will looking
d) was crying – not smoke – will look

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