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NOMBRE: _______________________________________________________________

MATRICULA: _____________________________________________________________

SEMESTRE: ______________________


Evaluación diagnóstica
1.- Completa las oraciones usando el futuro simple. (will)

1. Peter ________________ (travel) around the world.

2. I ________________ (be) at home all weekend.

3. The Smiths _________________ (buy) a new house.
4. I _______________ (see) you later.
5. Rose and Mark ________________ (play) with us.
6. My mother and I __________________ (solve) a puzzle.
7. Mary _________________ (call) you tomorrow.
8. I _________________ (love) you forever.
9. We _______________ (have) an exam.
10. It ______________ (rain) tonight.

2.- Completa las siguientes oraciones usando el futuro simple en su forma negativa. (will
not o won’t)

11. They (visit) _____________________ their parents in New York.

12. I (travel) _____________________ to Cancun next summer.

13. You ____________ (pass) the exam. You need to study.

14. Roger (buy) __________________ a new car.

15. We (watch) _________________ a horror movie tonight.

3.- Completa las oraciones usando futuro simple en su forma interrogativa.

16. _______________________ (she / do) her homework?

17. __________________________ (what / you / do) about it?

18. __________________________ (Paty / move) to Chihuahua next year?

19.___________________________ (what / you / do) this Friday evening?

20. ________________________ (we / go) shopping later?

Actividad 1. Cambia las siguientes oraciones a negativas.

Inglés V 2021 B
1.Computers will certainly be faster.

2.Online conferences will definitely be normal at work.


3. Current money will probably be changed for virtual money.


4. Everybody will possibly do home office by 2030.


5. Cars will definitely fly in the future.


Actividad 2. Escribe oraciones afirmativas en future simple (will).

Ejemplo: (Lisa/play/the sax/tomorrow) ___Lisa will play the sax tomorrow.
1. (I/do/this/later) ___________________________________________________

2. (we/go shopping) _________________________________________________

3. (the sun/shine) ___________________________________________________

4. (Peter/call/you) __________________________________________________

5. (They/be/there) ___________________________________________________

Actividad 3. Completa las oraciones negativas con futuro simple (will) y el verbo entre
1. It (not/rain) ____________________________ tomorrow.

2. I promise I (not/be) ____________________________ late.

3. We (not/start) ____________________________ the movie without you.

4. The bus (not/wait) ____________________________ for us.

5. He (not/believe) ____________________________ us.

Actividad 4. Formula oraciones interrogativas en future simple (will).

Ejemplo: (Lisa/play/the sax/tomorrow) ___Will Lisa play the sax tomorrow?

1. (what/learn/they) ________________________________________________

2. (it/snow) _______________________________________________________

3. (when/you/get/home) _____________________________________________

4. (she/forgive/me) ________________________________________________

5. (what/say/he) __________________________________________________


Actividad 5. Escribe las siguientes oraciones en su forma interrogativa.
1. I may sit with you.

2. We may come in.


3. I may follow you.

4. I may have this dance.

5. She may enter the competition.


6. You may ask the teacher.


7. It may be sunny tomorrow.


8. It may rain tonight.


Actividad 6. Cambia las oraciones a su forma negativa.

1. I may sit with you.


2. We may come in.


3. I may follow you.


4. I may have this dance.


5. She may enter the competition.


6. You may ask the teacher.


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7. It may be sunny tomorrow.

Actividad 7

Completa las siguientes oraciones usando el verbo modal might y el verbo entre

1. He ____________________ (go) with us to the movies next Sunday.

2. I’m tired today. I ____________________ (stay) at home and watch videos.

3. He speaks many languages, so he __________________ (get) the job.

4. My brother has been ill for a long time but he _______________ (recover) in time for
my birthday.

5. I __________________ (go) to the concert.

Actividad 8

Escribe las siguientes oraciones en forma negativa usando el modal might.

1. Sandra might pass the exam


2. There might be a game on Sunday


3. I might go to Argentina next summer


4. She might be home soon


5. My parents might buy me a cellphone for Christmas


Actividad 9

Encuentra las palabras en la siguiente sopa de letras. Las palabras pueden ir de
izquierda a derecha. De arriba hacia abajo, o diagonal de arriba hacia abajo.

Actividad 10. Completa las oraciones usando futuro continuo y el verbo entre paréntesis.

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1. At five o’clock tomorrow, we ______________________ (watch) TV.

2. In ten years computers _______________________ (work) by themselves.

3. In 3 years, charging devices ___________________ (not use) wires.

4. ______ students ___________ (attend) classes in 5 months?

5. Robots _______________________ (teach) classes in 10 years.

Instrucciones: Lee detenidamente cada pregunta y responde lo que se solicita.

1. ¿Cuál es la oración correcta?

a) They may have an exam next week.
b) They may having an exam next week.
c) They may to have an exam next week

2. ¿Cuál es la forma negativa correcta?

a) I might not have time to see Tim.
b) I don’t might have time to see Tim.
c) I might haven’t time to see Tim.

3. ¿Qué forma del verbo completa la oración?

Louis might ___________ at home next weekend.
a) to be
b) be
c) being

4. ¿Cuál es la oración incorrecta?

a) She may buy her boyfriend a present for his birthday.
b) Peter may watch that movie last week.
c) My sister might be in her bedroom tonight.

5. ¿Cuál es la pregunta correcta?

a) When might my grandmother get home?
b) When will my grandmother might get home?
c) When my grandmother might get home?

6. Completa la oración.
The teacher _________________ be late again.
A) won’t probable
B) probably may
C) will probably

7. Completa la oración.
We _________________ talk to her anymore because she is very rude.
A) will
B) won’t
C) might

8. ¿Cuál es la oración correcta?

A) I may be not be able to travel this weekend.
B) I might not be able to travel this weekend.
C) I may be won’t be able to travel this weekend.

9. ¿En cuál oración es más probable que ocurra el evento?

A) I may buy a very expensive computer on Christmas.
B) I'll definitely buy a very expensive computer on Christmas.
C) I might buy a very expensive computer on Christmas.

10. ¿Cuál oración tiene una idea similar a la oración modelo?

John may take the dogs out for a walk in the afternoon.
A) John possibly won’t take the dogs out for a walk in the afternoon.
B) John may not take the dogs out for a walk in the afternoon.
C) John might take the dogs out for a walk in the afternoon.

11.- Completa la oración.

Jenny _________________ a new mobile phone that follows voice commands.
A) will be using
B will using
C) will be use

12.- Completa la oración.

By the time you finish your career, ___________________ .
A) Technology will doing most of your research.
B) Technology will be do most of your research.
C) Technology will be doing most of your research.

13.- Completa la siguiente pregunta.

What time _________________ the files?
A) are you going to be downloading
B) are you going to downloading
C) you going to be downloading

14.- ¿Cuál es el significado de la siguiente oración?

When you finish your project, I will be watching a movie.
A) Estaré viendo una película cuando termines tu proyecto.
B) Empezaré a ver una película antes de que termines tu proyecto.
C) Terminaré de ver una película antes de que termines tu proyecto.

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15.- ¿Cuál oración es incorrecta?
A) In the year 3000, most people will living in cities.
B) In the year 3000, most people are going to be living in cities.
C) In the year 3000, most people will be living in cities.


Evaluación diagnóstica.

1. Ordena las letras para formar el adjetivo de manera correcta.

1. oth _________ 2. udlo __________ 3. scloe __________ 4. hint _________

5. noyis ________ 6. tquie __________ 7. afes ___________ 8. unnyf________
9. ewt _________10. hghi _________ 11. phapy _________ 12. osntgr ________

2. Elige de la caja el adjetivo correcto para cada oración. *más de una puede ser

polite hesitant lucky afraid rude

sorry disappointed proud happy surprised

13. She was happy / lucky/ surprised to survive the earthquake.

14. I was ________ to go to the movies with you.

15. It is _________ to interrupt people.

16. I am _________ to stay home alone.

17. Were you _________ to see your father on television?

18. Gary was _________ to hear the bad news.

19. I’m _________ to play as a goalkeeper in my football team.

20. Matthew is _________ to run in the marathon.

21. I was _________ to lose the contest.

22. It’s _________ to open the door for someone.

Actividad 1. Escribe el adverbio que corresponde a cada adjetivo, observa el ejemplo.

Adjective Adverb Adjective Adverb

1. angry angrily 10. happy

2. fast 11. slow

3. good 12. bad

4. sudden 13. nice

5. noisy 14. quiet

6. hard 15. soft

7. careful 16. careless

8. polite 17. rude

9. quick 18. loud

Actividad 2. Escribe el adverbio que completa cada oración.

Ejemplo: The children play so (happy) ___happily___ together.

1. The bullet train gets you to Seoul so (fast) _______________.

2. You have to pick up the snake (careful)_______________.

3. Act (polite) _______________ when you meet the Queen of England.

4. Stop talking so (noisy)_______________ in the library.

5. My father yells (angry) _______________when he is driving and gets upset.

6. Push the door ( hard) _______________ to open it because it is a heavy wood door.

7. If you do your homework (good) _______________ your score will be great.

8. He jumped up (sudden) _______________ because he was very excited.

9. Get dressed (quick) _______________ we are late for our flight!

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Actividad 3. Escribe el nombre correcto debajo de cada imagen.

laptop / Wi-Fi / computer / laptop / game / text message

email /mouse / cellphone / keyboard / website / screen

Actividad 4. Relaciona el vocabulario con la definición correcta y escribe

el número correspondiente en el paréntesis.
1. An electronic machine. You use it to search
things on the internet, storing information, and
playing games. ( ) a) laptop
2. An electronic letter. ( ) b) game
3. You can play this on the computer for fun. ( ) c) keyboard
4. You use this to write on a computer. It has
letters or characters on. ( )d) cellphone
5. A computer that you can travel with. ( ) e) email
6. Your personal telephone. ( ) f) screen
7. You use this to move around and click on a ( ) g) computer computer.
8. The part of your computer where you see the
pictures or words. ( ) h) websites
9. Google, YouTube and Wikipedia are types of ( ) i) WiFi
10. Internet connection without wires or cables. ( ) j) mouse

Actividad 5. ¿De qué manera realizas las siguientes actividades? Observa los
ejemplos, completa las oraciones en primera persona y usa un adverbio.
I Chat with my friends.
I chat with my friends daily.
I chat with my friends happily.

1. Search videos


2. Study for a test on my computer


3. Surf the internet


4. Move the mouse of my computer


5. Play video games


6. Send messages with my cellphone


7. Create a website


8. Post on Facebook


Actividad 6. Elige el intensificador correcto.

1. A: How was your exam? B: Not good. It was ___ difficult.
a. very b. absolutely

2. A: Are you hungry? B: Hungry? I'm ___ starving!

a. absolutely b. extremely

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3. A: So, did you enjoy the film? B: No, I thought it was ___ awful.
a. totally b. very

4. A: Did you have a good holiday? B: Yes, thanks, it was ___ fantastic.
Really b. very

5. A: I don't like politics. B: No? I find them ___ interesting.

a. absolutely b. very

6. A: My mother gave me this pie. B: It is _____ delicious.

a. at all b. completely

7. A: I finished this book; I highly recommend it B: Me ______.

A: too b: rather

1. Escribe la oración cambiándola por el adverbio opuesto, observa el ejemplo:
He always leaves so angrily. He always leaves so happily.
1. Please you shouldn’t eat so fast. _____________________________
2. You sing so badly. ______________________________
3. Don’t eat so nosily. ______________________________
4. Don’t hit that so hard. ______________________________
5. You drive so carefully. ______________________________
6. They finished so quickly. ______________________________
7. And they lived happily ever after. ______________________________
8. My brother dances so well. ______________________________

2. Elige el adjetivo o adverbio que debe ser usado en cada oración.

Ejemplo: The bed is very soft / softly so I can sleep very well.

9. He can play sports good / well because he is strong.

10. The homework was easy / easily and I finished it fast.
11. Please walk quiet / quietly because mom is sleeping.
12. My friends are angry / angrily that I didn't help them.
13. Danny looks happy / happily today.
14. You always speak so nice / nicely to everyone.

3. Del siguiente vocabulario escribe el que corresponde a cada imagen.
website / email / text message / touchscreen / game / cellphone / laptop / mouse / screen
/ keyboard / computer / Wi-Fi

15._________________ 16.__________________ 17. ________________

18.____________________ 19. _________________ 20. ________________

21. _________________ 22. __________________ 23. ________________

24. _________________ 25. _________________ 26. ________________

4.Completa la oración con el intensificador correspondiente.

27. The communication is ________ fast. really / completely

28. The internet is ___________slow, extremely / highly

29. The video was ________ wonderful. absolutely / at all

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30. Mac computers are _________ well known. very / absolutely

31. My new computer is ______ slow. too / enough

32. The message isn´t long ________. enough / too

33. The teacher is a _______ skilled computer technician. completely / highly

34. The British museum in London is ________ an interesting place. quite / rather

35. I’m ____ sorry I lost your laptop. so / rather

36. The class was _______ taught online. very / totally.


Evaluación diagnóstica
1. Escribe en los espacios la forma correcta del pasado del verbo que está entre

1. We (work) _____________________ in our garden all day yesterday.

2. I (listen) _____________________ to the news on the radio.

3.They (live) _____________________ in England for many years.

4. She (be) _____________________ worried about her exam last Friday morning.

5.The meeting (last) _____________________ for about two hours.

2. Lee las siguientes oraciones sobre lo que hizo Michelle el domingo por la noche.
Vuélvelas a escribir, pero con acciones que Diana No hizo.
Ejemplo: Michelle prepared her things for school on Sunday night.
Tú escribes. Diana didn’t prepare her things for school on Sunday night.

6. Michelle went to bed early


7. Michelle studied for her exams


8. Michelle had breakfast on Monday morning


9. Michelle passed her exams


10. Michelle got up early


3. Las siguientes oraciones son acciones que Michelle realizó.

Escribe las mismas oraciones haciendo preguntas sobre Diana.
Ejemplo: Michelle prepared her things for schools on Sunday night.
Tú escribes. Did Diana prepare her things on Sunday night?

11. Michelle went to bed early


12. Michelle studied for her exams


13. Michelle had breakfast on Monday morning


14. Michelle passed her exams


15. Michelle got up early


4. Escribe dentro del paréntesis la letra del inciso que complete el enunciado

16. ( ) If you ____ water and electricity, you ____ a shock

a) will mix / get b) mix / will get c) will mix / will get

17. ( ) If it ____ very cold, the river ____

a) is /will freeze b) was / will freez c) will be / freezes

18. ( ) If you ____ ice, it ____

a) will heat / melts b) heat / will melt c) heat / melts

19. ( ) If you ____ water it ____

a) boil /will evaporate b) will boil / evaporate c) will boil / won’t evaporate

20. ( ) If you ____ black and white, you ____ gray

a) will mix / will get b) mixes / will get c) mix / will get

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21. ( ) I ____ a new car if I ____ enough money
a) will buy / have b) buy / will have c) buys / have

22. ( ) If it ____ I ____ a taxi

a) rains / will take b) will rain / take c) will rain / will take

23. ( ) If I ____ go to bed early, I ____ be tired tomorrow

a) will / will b) don’t / will c) won’t / don’t

24. ( ) Susan ____ get a better job if she ____ pass the exam
a) won’t / doesn’t b) doesn’t / won’t c) will / doesn’t

25. ( ) We ____ play soccer tomorrow if it ____

a) will / won’t rain b) won’t / rains c) don’t / will rain

Actividad 1. De acuerdo con la explicación del segundo condicional, completa las oraciones con el
verbo entre paréntesis.

1. The boys would be better players if they (practice) _____________________ in teams

more often.
2. If I (be) _____________________ you, I wouldn’t spend all the money on one pair of

3. My bike would be a lot safer if I (buy) _____________________ a pair of new tires.

4. If Lisa got up earlier, she (get) _____________________ to school on time.

5. If I (have) _____________________ a car, for sure I would pick you up.

6. If she sold more of her products, she (earn) _____________________ more money.

7. If you phoned your mother now, she (not worry) _____________________ that much.

8. I would help you if you (ask) _____________________ for it.

9. If he (do) _____________________ all his work, I wouldn’t get upset.

10. If Paula (be) _____________________ faster, she would win the competition.

11. If my mother (be) _____________________ here, she would make dinner.

12. I (sing) _____________________ you a song if I had my guitar with me.

13. If the rain stopped, we (go) _____________________ outside to play.

14. If I (win) _____________________ the lottery, I would stop working.

15. If I (find) _____________________ a wallet with a lot of money, I would return it to its

Actividad 2. Escribe los siguientes conceptos debajo de la imagen que lo represente.

finish school - do exercise - have vacations - win the lottery - buy a house –

be in good shape - travel around the world - work hard - study hard

1. ______________ 2. _________________ 3. ________________

4. _______________ 5. ______________ 6. ________________

7. ______________ 8. ________________ 9. ________________

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Actividad 3.
Combina las imágenes para formar oraciones en segundo condicional con la forma
gramatical correcta. Entre paréntesis se encuentran los números de las imágenes que
debes utilizar para cada oración.

Número de imágenes Oración

5y6 If I won the lottery, I would go to the beach.

(5, 6) If I won the lottery, I would go to the beach.

Como puedes observar estamos usando la información de las imágenes 5 y 6 para formar
una oración en segundo condicional.

Número de imágenes Oración

1. 7y4
2. 5y2
3. 9y3
4. 1y8
5. 6y8
6. 3y1

Instrucciones: Lee detenidamente y responde lo que se solicita.

I. Completa las oraciones con el verbo entre paréntesis.

1. We (go) _______________ to the movies if we (have) __________________time.

2. He (call) ________________ her if he (have) _________________her phone number.

3. If they (decide) ___________to stay here, they (buy) _____________ a new apartment.

4. If I (move) ______________ to Mexico City, I (study) ________________in Bachilleres.

5. Paty (be) ______________ more confident if she (have) _____________ more friends.

6. If Luis (speak) __________ English, he (get) ____________________ a better job.

7. If I (be) ______________ taller, I (play) ______________ in the basketball team.

8. If she (have) ____________ a car, she (get) ___________________ to work on time.

9. You (lose) ______________weight if you (eat) ____________________ healthy food.

10. If I (be) ______________ you, I (attend) ____________________ all my classes.

11. If we (have) _________________ a boat, we (cross) __________________ the river.

12. If I (live) _____________ on an island, I (eat) ________________ coconuts everyday.

13. She (accept) ___________ my invitation if I (be) _______________ more handsome.

14. If my father (know) ______ I failed the exam, he (get) ______________really angry.

15. If he (have) _______free time, he (learn) ____________________ karate.

Contesta los siguientes reactivos que te permitirán conocer que tanto has aprendido
sobre los temas trabajados en esta guía.

I. Elige la opción que completa la frase de manera correcta

1. ¿Cuál oración es correcta?
a) She may having a party next weekend.
b) She may have a party next weekend.
c) She may to have a party next weekend.

2. ¿Cuál forma negativa es correcta?

a) That student might not own a computer to take her online class.
b) That student doesn’t might own a computer to take her online class.
c) That students might own not a computer to take her online class.

3. Elige la opción correcta para completar la oración.

My parents _____________________ be at home.
a) probably
b) probably will
c) will probably

4. Elige la opción correcta para completar la oración.

She _____________________ see him anymore because she will move to another country.
a) will
b) won’t
c) might

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5. Elige la opción correcta para completar la oración.
In 2050, cars __________________________________.
a) fly everywhere.
b) flying everywhere.
c) will be flying everywhere.

6. Elige la opción correcta para completar la oración.

When you turn on your computer, ____________________________________
a) the teacher is going to be explaining the topic.
b) the teacher is going to explaining the topic.
c) the teacher going to be explaining the topic.

II. Completa las siguientes oraciones con la opción correcta.

7. My internet is ______________slow. extremely / highly
8. Laptops are _____________ well known. very / absolutely
9. The way people communicate with smartphones is _____ fast. really / completely
10. That 3D movie was _______________________ wonderful. absolutely / at all

III. Completa las oraciones usando los verbos entre paréntesis (segundo condicional).

11. If I (have) _____________ a million dollars, I (buy) ___________________ a Ferrari.

12. If I (be) ______________________ you, I (stay) ______________________ at home.

13. My mother (get) ___________ really angry if she (realize) ______________________

you didn’t go to school today.

14. If you (eat) _______________ only vegetables, you (be) ________________ thinner.

15. If all the people (follow) ________________ the Health Department orders, the
pandemic (end) ______________________ more quickly


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