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Republic of the Philippines

Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
(A Technical – Vocational School)
Lapuz, Norala, South Cotabato

Mr. Rengie M. Ladua

Name:_______________________________ Grade and section:_________________ Score:___________

Direction: Each item has a four choices. Select your answer and write only the letter of your choice on
your answer sheet. (1pt. each)
1. Is a Cambodian musical ensemble or orchestra that usually accompanies for ceremonial music of
the royal courts temples.
a. Kongvong b. Samphor c. Pinpeat d. Chhing
2. Is a five equidistant tone in octove scale of Indonesian music.
a. Peloq b. Slendro c.Gerong d. Pasindhin
3. How Southeast Asian musical instrumens are classified according to __________?
a. Idiophone b. hornbostel – Sachs c. Monotone d. chordophone
4. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
a. Tsuzumi b. odaiko c. duple d. compound
5. It strengthens the importance of musical instrument in Pakistan.
a. Qawwali b. Ghazal c. Punjabi d. Pasyon
6. It refers to the music from South India?
a. Carnatic b. Hindustani c. Ghazal d. Ghan
7. Is a combination of acting, dancing, and music which includes the manisfestation of form , color, and sound.
a. Kabuki b. wayang kulit c. kendang d. Dalang
8. Is a puppeteer and narrator of Wayang kulit?
a. Dalang b. Kendang c.Gerong d. Slendro
9. The following instrument are in Penpeat orchestra EXCEPT.
a. Oneat b. chhing c. konvong d. ghan
10. Which of the following statement does NOT describe the used of Balinese Gamelan
a. use for sacre music b. sudden change of tempo
c. used for court music d. sounds are very bright and brilliant
11. Which of the following is one China’s most popular instrument?
a. haegum b. erhu c. koto d. shamisen
12. Country known for making printed table cloths, curtains, bed spreads, and shawls
a. Uzbekistan b. Kazakhstan c. Tajikistan d. Pakistan
13. Country in Central Asia known for utensils making, musical, instrument, furniture, and jewelry.
a. Uzbekistan b. Kazakhstan c. Tajikistan d. Pakistan
14. Traditional Chinese dance usually seen during the Chinese New Year Celebration, this dance is based on the
mythical creature believed by the Chinese people.
a. Dragon dance b. lion dance c. snake dance d. bali dance
15. The Dragon dance team_______ the movement of the river spirit in a flow, rise and fall manner.
Pantomime b. tableau c. mimics d. sings
16. Which statement is commonly applied in Gamelan orchestra when it is being played?
a. it consists of 7 to 10 instrument b. used to accompany dances, songs, and wayang kulit
c. performed by singing in groups d. this form of martial arts
17. How Chinese music described?
a. it is gentle and lyrical c. It is slow tempo and is very peaceful
c. It is meditative and highly ritualize d. It is slow and melancholy
18. How Korean music applied?
a. giving it a very peaceful and pensive character c. usually solo rather than choral
b. based on the interval of human breathing d. classified according to hornbostel – Sachs
19. Why kabuki theater relevant to the social, cultural, and spiritual background of Japan.
a. It mirror taste and ideals of different social classes
b. It shows cruelty
c. It’s become the past time of Japanese people
c. It creates social interaction
20. Any musical instrument that produces sound by causing body to air to vibrate.
a. Chordophone b. Idiophone c. Membranophone d. Aerophone
21. The language of the Vedas.
a. Vedic Sanskrit b. Tintalc c. Hassidic d. Guttual
22. The quality of or color of tone of an instrument or voice?
a. timbre b. tempo c. texture d. meter
23. Which of the following statements about changgo is correct?
a. it is single headed drum whose tone is altered by squeezing b. it is a Japanese drum that has
become the central instrument of percussion ensemble
c. it is large hanging barrel drum
d. it is an hour glass –shape double –headed drum made from animal skin

24. How does Arirang song is being classified?

a. welcome song b. love song c. song for spring d. parting song
25. Korean mask color black, red, and white indicates__________?
a. the character was born of an adulterous mother
b. bright and vibrant colors that help establish the age and race of the figure
c. symbolizes the idea that the wearer has two fathers
d. all of the above
26. Is a substance mixed with paint to soften the gold so it adheres more smoothly?
a. Angkor b. Alto c. Canting d. Dye
27. Is the art of beautiful handwriting?
a. Calligraphy b. yang c. yin d. tal
28. The best known and most popular style of Japanese art.
a. Guan Ju b. Ukiyo –e c. Lian po d. Cao Cao
29 . Is the combination of music, vocal, mime, dance, and acrobats?
a. Saron b. Suling c. Peking opera d. Suluk
30. which of the following traditional theater art is performed in a stylized manner which combine acting and
a. Kabuki b. Peking opera c. Wayang Kulit d. Gamelan
31. Which of the following string instrument has a four string with 30 frets and a pear- shaped body?
a. Yueqin b. pipa c. Erhu d. Yunluo
32. Which Korean music category is traditionally associated with the lower class?
a. Tang – ak b. chong –ak c. sog –ak d. a -ak
33. Which of the following type of Batik is done by welding together strips of metal to form a metal blocked?
a. Blocked printed b. Hand painted c. free form design d. geometric design
34. Batik can be done in different way EXCEPT.
a. Hand drawn b. using metal blocks c. Screen painting d. Canting
35. Is an interpretation of the actor’s own role through medium of the facial feature?
a. Kabuki make up b. Kumadori c. origami d. Ukiyo – e
36. Which of the following is NOT belong to the group for the painting subject of China?
a. Flowers and birds b. human figures c. scene of everyday life d.landscaping
37. Which among the painting in architecture most Mungols contributed in Indian culture?
a. Mararashtra b. Taj Mahal c. Monhejo Daro d. Kot Diji
38. It is a large elaboratelyembroidered wall hanging made in Kyrgystan and Kazakhstan
a. ketene b. frescoes c. shirdaks d. tush kyiz
39. which of the following female role in P eking opera refers to a young female warrior?
a. Wudan b. Daomadan c. Dan d. Laodan
40. These are the props always seen on stage in Peking Opera.
a. bed and pillow b. chairs and tables c. drum and cymbals d. woodblocks and stick
41. Thai people produced silkworms, what animal they raise to produce this silk?
a. Caterpillar b. Cow c. Goat d. worm
42. Why landscaping is the highest form of Chinese painting?
a. has always great stress on understanding the pattern of nature and living
b. has always admired by the people by its colored
c. has understanding between nature and human
d. represents both a portrayal of nature itself and a codified illustration of the human view.
43. An Images created by removing part of the rock surface by incising, picking, and carving.
a. Petroglyphs b. Hieroglyphs c. Calligraphy d. Ochre
44. Traditional Chinese dance usually seen during the Chinese New Year Celebration, this dance is based on the
mythical creature believed by the Chinese people.
a. Dragon dance b. Lion dance c. Snake dance d. Bali dance
45. When performing Peking Opera what skills the performers utilized?
a. song, speech, dancing- acting, and combat
b. song, dancing, playing instrument and debating
c. song, combat, and painting
d. song, dancing, acting, and martial arts.

46. Is defined as a condition in which an individual has enough energy to avoid fatigue.
a. Fitness b. agility c. strength d. power
47. He invented Basketball game.
a.James Naismith b. Alexander Cartwrigth c. James Neon d. James Alexander
48. Is the basic skills that the basketball player should possess because in this sports speed and define the
a. Rebounding b. passing c. running d. shooting
49. Which of the following scrabble tiles has a value of five points?
a.D b. X c. K d. A
50. What is the color of the cells on the scrabble tiles has a value of five points?
a. Light blue b. dark red c. dark blue d. orange
51. Which of the following dance is a traditional “fingernail “ dance of the Tausug people of Sulu?
a. Pangalay b. Sakuting c. Sau- ku –Sau d. Binislakan
52. Which of the following dance of the ethnic people living in the western side of the Cordillera.
a. Pangalay b. Sakuting c. Sau- ku –Sau d. Binislakan
53. The cool down after exercise is important because it:
a. improves oxygen intake c. speed the removal of lactic acid
b. regulates breathing d. decrease adrenaline
54.Why might strength be an important health related component to help young person lead a healthy
a. to give a good body image
b. to be able to life and carry objects safely
c. to be able to protect yourself from physical peak
d. to improve endurance
55. A shot in which player has been fouled shots from behind the free throw line.
a. tip – in b. free throw c. hook shot d. two- handed chest pass
56. A shot in which a basket is attempted from under the net.
a.Tip- in b. free throw c. lay -up d. jump shot
57. Which scrabble term is used when a player stops an opponent from making a potentially large score?
a. bluffing b. blocking c. challenge d. dumping
58. When a player is able to place all seven tiles from the tile rack on the board, the player receives____ bunos
a. 50 points b. block c. call challenge d. call pass
59. which of the following statement is NOT the characteristics of Philippine folk dances.
a. most of the dancers begin and end with “saludo” c. It performs in action in life of folk
b.In general , dancers stand apart d. all of the above
60. The following dance steps are used in Pangalay dance steps EXCEPT one.
a. Contra – ganza b. Mazurka c. Mincing steps d. Retoda
61. The ratio of body fat to lean body mass.
a. Body composition b. Fitness c. Force d. Wellness
62. Health related component focus on factors that promote optimum health and prevent the onset of disease
and problems associated with an activity. The following are health related fitness EXCEPT.
a. Body composition b. Flexibility c. Speed d. Strength
63. Rex creates a high volume of shot on offense after the game. He is known as ______ in their tem?
a. libero b. Shooting guard c. blocker d. point guard
64. Being_______ in a team he is the fastest player.
a. blocker b. point guard c. shooting guard d. rebounder

65. You can improve playing Chess by______________.

a. playing a lot of chess game
b. reading chess book
c. hiring a coach
d. doing online training
66. What does castling mean in the game Chess?
a. once in every game, the king has the option to moving two steps. It performed in combination with
either rook.
b. Sequence of moves typically involving a sacrifice to gain an advance
c. The Queen has the option of moving two steps
d. The Knight has an option to jump three steps

67. This steps is executed with one foot leading and may be done in any direction slide step.
a. kuradang step b. slide step c. hop step d. gallop step
68. Dance steps are combination of what?
a. complex step b. complex literature c. complex dance literature d. complex dance term
69. Which of the following methods of exercise would be best to improve your coordination?
a. dance exercise b. long distance running c. weight training d. sit –up
70. Running skills is very important and need to master in baseball game , it allows player to__________.
a. advance safely from one base to another.
b. it allows the team to prevent their opponent from touching bases
c. it used to strike the pitched
d. it to transferring weight to the left foot and release the ball
71. Which of the following games is NOT a indoor Recreational activities?
a. Domino b. Chess c. Table tennis d. Scrabble
72. “Heel place ,close steps” is a step pattern of what dance steps
a. heel place, close b. Slide step c. Totillier stepd. waltz turn
73. the following is a flexibility exercise?
a. Bicycle exercise b. Cardio work out c. Gluteus stretch d. Pilates
74. In scrabble, what possible tile can be used any as desired letter.
a. D tile b. A tile c. S tile d. blank tile
75 . An opponent calls for______ when he think a play is not acceptable.
a. challenge b. pass c. block d. winner
76. What possible situation when a rack that uses more than one of a given letter?
a. dumping b. blocking c. duplication d. bluffing
77. Running allows you to advance safely from one base to another , which effective running skilss involve a
change in position and directionin fastest way.
a. speed running b. agility running c. running d. strength running


78. What term defines a man or woman based on biological characteristics?

a. Sex B. gender c. sexuality c. andrology
79. What term defines a social concept on how men and women should think , feel and act.
a. Sex b. gender c. sexuality d. andrology
80. It is a reproductive process where the female gamate and male gamate unite t o form a new single cell.
a. Fertilization b. ovulation c. implantation d. gestation
81. t is where the fertilized eggs develop into a baby.
a. ovaries b. fallopian c. uterus d. stomach
82. These are the tiny microorganism that many of the most common diseases.
a. bacteria b. pathogens c. virus d. parasite
83. what term defines the condition when a person needs more alcohol to feel its original effects.
a. tolerance b. dependence c. hang over d. alcoholism
84. Which characterized a good decision?
a. Easy to make
b. Makes your friends happy
c. One that your teacher told you to make
d. Made after a thoughtful consideration of consequences
85. It is a phase of pregnancy that starts from 13 to 27.
a. first trimester b. second trimester c. third trimester d. second and third trimester
86. The stage the pregnancy that last from weeks to birth.
a. first trimester b. second trimester c. third trimester d. second and third trimester
87. Helmint are pathogens referred as___________.
a. Bacteria b. parasites c. viruses d. fungus
88. Drugs which open doors to non- users to try and experiment on more dangerous drugs are called_____.
a. Depressant drug b. gateway drugs c. narcotics drugs d. stimulant drugs
89.The following are health risk of smoking EXCEPT.
a. Birth Miscarriage b. Cancer c. Healthier body d. Heart attack
90. Why is it important to understand human sexuality?
a. we will all be mature adults
b. we have similar sexuality issues
c. there is specific age for developing one’s personality
d. it will help us to build a better relationship with ourselves and others.
91. Which of the following does NOT characterized Good character.
a. God- fearing
b. responsible and honest
c. endures till death
d. hardworking and industrious
92. Genavel attracted to Ariel and she feels intense emotion to him, but her feeling with Ariel does not long
last, and she realized the her feeling was_______?
a. Empathy b. Sympathy c. Infatuation d. Engagement
93. If a boy caught in the act of selling a cigarettes ,who is below 18 years old, which republic act in the
Philippines prohibits to him to sell?
a. R. A 4670 b. R.A 8749 c. R.A 9211 d. R.A 9710
94.When you make decision which character good decision would considered?
a. easy to make c. makes your friend happy
b. one that your teacher told to make d. made after a thoughtful consideration of
95. Which of the following illustrates gender?
a. Miguel loves to cook c. Hazel has a positive body image
b. Marco does not cry in public d. Ahmed is attracted to Felicity
96. Prevention of helminth disease requires_______.
a. eating good food b. maintaining cleanliness c. taking medicines d. all of the above
97.The additive component in cigarette and tobacco product is _______.
a. nicotine b. Smoke c. tobacco d. Tar
98. Sexuality toward others describe the following statement EXCEPT.
a. How you see other self
b. How you think of others
c.How you think your self
d.How you feel about others
99.Which do you think is the family structure of extended families?
a. includes members such as parents, grandparents, and cousin
b. includes one or more children who were born into other families
c. includes the combination of two families, like single parent marriage
d. includes one parent and at least one child
100. Lactating mother’s should eat the following foods
a. big serving of cereals
b. green leafy and yellow vegetables
c. big serving of red meat
d. processed foods
Republic of the Philippines
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
(A Technical – Vocational School)
Lapuz, Norala, South Cotabato

Mr. Rengie M. Ladua

Name:_______________________________ Grade and section:_________________ Score:___________

Direction: Each item has a four choices. Select your answer and write only the letter of your choice on
your answer sheet.(1pt. each)
1. The period when the Christian church highly influenced culture and political affairs in Europe was the:
a. Mediaeval Period b. Renaissance period c. Baroque period. d. Romantic period
2. There are Five Main Section of the Mass. Which of the following is the only section of mass with Greek text?
a. Concerto Grosso b. Fugue c. Oratorio d. Neumes
3. Refers to the extended musical setting of the sacred music.
a. Fugue b. Chorale c. Oratorio d. concerto
4. A musical work with different movements for an instrumental soloist and orchestra.
a. Symphony b. sonata c. concerto d. oratorio
5. The term for a serious opera
a. Opera b. opera buffa c. opera seria d.fugue
6. It is called “the Age of Reason”
a. Medieaval b. Classical c. Renaissance d. Romantic
7. The term for Italian Opera
a. Opera b.opera buffa c. opera seria d. fugue
8. In what language the Neumatic was written?
a. Greek b. Latin c. Spanish d. English
9. Which of the is NOT a characteristics of Gregorian chants?
a. Monophonic b. free meter polyphonic d. modal
10. It repeats the themes as they emerged in the opening exposition.
a. exposition b. development c. recapitulation d. sonata
11. The most important form that was developed during the Classical Era and usually the form of the first
movement of a sonata or symphony.
a. minuet b. sonata allegro c. rondo d. symphony
12. Which of the following is NOT a type of a Program music?
a. song cycle b. symphonic poem c. concert overture d. incidental music
13. Frediric Chopin wrote of his music for the following instrument.
a. violin b. flute c. piano d. orchestra
14. Which of the following is NOT a female voice.
a. Soprano b. coloratura c. Baritone d. contralto
15. Which of the following are NOT composers from the Romantic period?
a. Liszt b. JS Bach c. Schumann d. Vivalde
16.Which of the following was known for his virtuosic piano playing?
a. Rossini b. Liszt c. Beethoven d. Schubert
17. Which of the following is included in the very early development of a system of notation in the medieval
a. Staff b. Rest c. Nuemes d. octave
18. Which of these is NOT a characteristics of the Romantic period.
a. a freedom in writing and desingning an intense personal expression
b. has a rich variety of piece types
c. has a shape and unity of the theme
d. the texture are more expressive
19. A very important musical part of every middle – class home during Romantic period was the_______.
a. violin b. flute c. piano d. resident composer and performer
20. The general texture of classical music
a. monophonic b. homophonic c. heterophonic d. polyphonic
21. Name of composer who bridged the Classical Period to the Romantic Period.
a. Bach b. Bruckner c. Berlioz d. Beethoven
22. What were the main traits of the Romantic Era?
a. emotion b. expressionism c. humour d. nationalism
23. A through – composed vocal music composition written and expressed in a poetic text.
a. troubadour music b. mass c. madrigal d. Gloria
24. A vocal music in a form of sacred composition that sets texts of the Eucharistic liturgy.
a. troubadour music b. mass c. madrigal d. Gloria
25. Which of these main section of mass is NOT included to the group?
a.Kyrie b. Madrigal c. Gloria d. Credo

26. A paint consist of pigment with beeswax and fixed with heat after its application.
a. encaustic b. mosaic c. pigment d. fresco
27. A technique of painting on a wall using a moist plaster surface with colors ground up in water.
a. encaustic b. mosaic c. pigment d. fresco

28. A design or decoration made up of small pieces of colored glass, stone.

a. encaustic b. mosaic c. pigment d. fresco
29. A substance used in coloring.
a. encaustic b. mosaic c. pigment d. fresco
30.A design of building were based on Andea Palladio’s style of villa construction.
a. Palladian b. temple c. classical block d. menhir
31. Is a design featuring rectangular or square plan, with flat roof and exterior.
a. Palladian b. temple c. classical block d. menhir
32. Is a kind of drama dealt with tragic events and have unhappy ending.
a. comedy b. satyr c. tragedy d. theater
33. A drama contains comic elements to lighten the overall mood or a serious play with happy ending.
a. comedy b. satyr c. tragedy d. theater
34. A painted or sculpted representation of the Virgin Mary mourning over the body Christ.
a. Prefiguration b.Loculi c. Cloister d. Pieta
35. What is an icon of Byzantine art?
a. the floor plan of Byzantine church
b. something symbolic
c. a small panel with a religious painting
d. a style of Byzantine mosaic
36. What was an aspect of the enlightenment that specifically influenced French art?
a. a focus on portraiture c. a focus on peasant life as moral and pure
b. a focus on the frivolous lives of a wealthy d. a focus on new technologies and scientific truths
37. Which of the is an example of Baroque sculpture?
a. David b. The door to the Baptistery c. Apollo and Daphne d. Love and friendship
38. Romanticism was an art movement that emphasized a revolution.
a. social order and religion c. excess and eccentric redundancy
b. ideal matters and promotion d. inner feelings and ordinary events
39. Romantic artists were fascinates by:
a. eternal values and heroes c. social classes and ideal images
b. passion and inner struggle d. urban themes and patriotic themes
40. Which of the following is NOT a theme for Roman theater play.
a. chariots races b. gladiators c. public execution festival
41. Which among the following statements best describe for Renaissance theater.
a. focused on
classical Greek and Roman arts and culture b. focused on the appreciation of the exotic and primitive
c. competition of chariots, gladiators and public execution
d. used fantastic mythical or nature focused images
42. Which of the following was NOT a major influence on early medieval art?
a. Christianity b. Ancient Greece c. the classic world of Rome d. the Pagan north
43. What is the main difference between woodcut and engraving?
a. woodcut prints a design in relief, engraving prints a design that is carved into the surface
b. one is a form of printing, other is a form of sculpture
c. woodcuts use acid to create the design, while engraving use blocks of wood
d. woodcut was used in the 16th century, engraving was not
44. how did the Greeks create realistic life sized statues?
a. with mathematical ratio to determine ideal proportion of the human body
b. by relying heavily on actual people models and create lots of portraits
c. luck
d. they did not , the Greek mostly created abstract statues
45. A Filipino play write known as the “ the Father of Zarzuela”
a. Severino Reyes b. Ricardo Abad c. Salvador Bernal d.Francisco Balagtas


46.What system in sports is used to maintain order and fairness in implementing rules?
a. sports officiating b. sports Psychology c. Sports science d. Sports youth
47. In games which require the officials to run continuesly, what fitness component should the officials posses.
a. balance b. endurance c. power d. strength
48. Which of the the following is a term used to refer to dances primarily intended to get to know each other
people in a certain formal or non – formal occasion?

a. Ballroom dances b. dancesports c. festival dances d. social dances

49. What is the general term referring to the Dos and DON’Ts in social dancing?

a. Behavior b. character c. dance demeanor d. dance etiquette

50. . Social dances are of two classifications namely, Latin American and Modern Standard Dances, which of the
following is an example of Modern Standard Dances?
a. Cha-cha-cha b. jive c. rumba d. tango
51. . Which of the following is a cultural dance performed to the strong beat of percussion instrument by a
community of people sharing the same culture usually done in honor of patron Saint or in thanksgiving.
a. Cultural dances b. festival dance c. folk dance d. social dance
52. What physical component is needed for a badminton player to quickly return the shuttle.
a. agility b. endurance c. speed d. strength
53. Navigating an unfamiliar place requires a skills in.
a. camping b. hiking c. mountaineering d. orienteering
54. Officiating has a high physical demand , especially in sports like basketball, soccer and combative sports .
what should the refereed do prior of doing his officiating task.
a. warm up b. dynamic stretching c. static stretching d. instant proceed with officiating
55. For sports officials to have lean muscles, what type of foods should they eat?

a. carbohydrates b. fats c. iron d. protein

56. Which of the following is the appropriate for males in Modern Standard dances?

a. Black/ white shirt c. black/ white sweat shirt

b. Black/ white long sleeves d. coat and tie

57. How do social dances contribute to ones fitness and well- being?
a. they help make one physically engaged and active preventing life style
b. they cure lifestyle diseases
c. the help prevents sedentary lifestyle – related disease
d. they develop one’s talent in dancing
58.If an individual could hardly catch his breath off while performing festival dances, what is the intensity of
this activity.
a. heavy b. light c. moderate d. moderately light
59. The following EXCEPT ONE may result from having a sedentary lifestyle.
a. lung cancer b. over weight and obesity c. coronary heart diseases d. diabetes
60. Why footwork important in playing badminton?
a. it brings you to the action c. it makes the game exciting
b. it helps burn fats easily d. it helps in the speed of movement
61. What is the most fundamental skills needed in orienteering?
a. setting the map b. running at a speed c. locating the points d. communicating with groupmates
62.What is the BEST value that sports official must posses
a. fairness b. punctuality c. unjust d. all of the above
63. Aside from improper eating habits what habit also causes diabetes?
a. genetics b. jogging c. environment d. sedentary lifestyle
64. Which of the following best describe social dances.
a. social dances are for pairs only dances are dances improve social skills and fitness
b. social dances can be completed d. social dances are dances that entertain people in
attendance to a social function
65. Which of the, aside from fitness, can developed if one engages in social dancing activities?
a. respect b. sense of community c. courtesy d. all of them
66.How festival dancing contribute to one’s fitness and well –being ?
a. it reduce the risk of cardio –respiratory diseases
b. it facilitates teamwork and sense of community
c. it maximize our use of energy and enhances cardiorespiratory health
d. it is a good form of exercise
67. Each festival is uniquely different with the other festivals. What do you call the gathering and battle of all
festivals within the country?
a. Aliwan fiesta b. dinagyang festival c. festival of all festival d. mother of all festival
68. Which of the following is a manifestation of the “Leave No Trace” policy in camping?
a. pick up flowers n going home c. feed animals you encounter
b. bring non- biodegradable equipment d. bring home with you all your waste materials
69.When less calories are consumed and more calories are expended, a student will have
a. weight loss b. weight gain c. sustain weight d. live healthy
70. Hydration is important in officiating especially in running continuously for long minutes. Sports officials do
not have if he/she continues to smoke and eat without cholesterol- rich foods?
a. energy drinks b. soft drink c. water d. juice
71. “May I have this dance? 'this line implies….

a. A boy who treats a girl with respect even in dancing

b. A boy forcing a girl to dance
c. A boy no one to dance with pleading
d. A boy who wishes to dance without somebody
72. In social dancing, a boy leads while a girl follows. What values can be developed in such training?
a. leadership b. obedience c. respect d. all of them
73. Mr. Gonzales found out that most of his students are overweight and close to being obese. What can do to
help them?
a. organizes a fitness program 3x a week
b. consults a nutritionist for the proper food intake
c. makes them active in the class every meeting
d. encourages them to have a healthy lifestyle change
74. In what way will our knowledge and skills in Sports officiating skills help our community?
a. save money during sports competition
b. train youth in sports related activities like as athlete and sports official
c. reduce the case of delinquent youth in the communities
d. all of the above
75.” It takes two to tango” What does this quote mean?
a. A tango requires two individual to dance
b. one cannot exist without the other
c. it takes two to make any endeavor work
d. there should be always be two individual dancing the Tango.
76. what is the total energy requirement(TER) of a student with a weigth of 50kg. performing a moderate
festival dancing activity?
a. 1000 cal b. 1500 cal c. 2000 cal d. 2500 cal
77. Energy intake and energy expenditure means
a. energy intake b. energy balance c. energy expenditure d. energy consumption
78.Which of the following environmental problem cause Climate Change?
a. oil spill b. deforestation c. pollution d. flashflood
79. Which of the following problems is leading cause of environmental destruction?
a. soil erosion b. oil spill c. illegal mining d. deforestation
80. What do you call the immediate care given to an injured person before the arrival of a physician.
a. first aide b. intensive care c. chest compression d. cardiopulmonary resuscitation
81. what sterile cloth is used to cover a wound?
a. bandage b. cold compress c. dressing d. hot compress
82.What is used to stop bleeding and provide support for mobilization of a fracture.
a. bandage b. cold compress c. dressing d. hot compress
83. What form of violence is used for political goals which include putting the public or a great number of
people in fear?
a. terrorism b. bullying c. kidnapping d. suicide
84. Which best describe the benefits of a healthy environment?
a. Less disease, less health care cost
b. Active community involvement
c. More budget for health problem, increase supply of medicines
d. More community projects for community development.
85. Which does not describe a healthy community?
a. A clean and safe environment
b. An environmental that meets everyone’s basic needs
c. An environment that promotes social harmony and actively involves everyone.
d. An environment that is fully aware of its daily opportunities.
86.Which is an objective of first aide?
a. to prolong life c. to bridge the gap bet. The victim and physician
b. to intensify suffering d. to end the services of a physician
87. When a first aider does NOT alarm a victim, what characteristics does she/he show?
a. gentleness b. being observant c. resourceful d. tactful
88. Which is risk factor for suicide attempt?
a. good problem – solving skills
b. history of trauma and abuse
c. strong connection to family and community
d. effective clinical care for mental , physical and substance use disorder
89. Which is not intentional injuries?
a. vehicular accidents b. fraternity hazing c. suicide attempts d. suicide bombing
90.Why do we need to ensure community health in planning for community development?
a. to attain luxury life
b. to keep the safety of the community
c. to live in a clean , safe, and comfortable home
d. to maintain an enjoyable lifestyle
91. Which of the following is the short term effects of stimulant drugs?
a. increase heart rate and pulse rate
b. Drowsiness
c. low blood pressure
d. agitation and aggressive behaviours
92. Which is NOT verbal abuse?
a. words that are manipulative and controlling
b. words that can cause a gradual diminishing of self –confidence
c. words that are used to explain to a child his/her mistakes
d. words that are hurtful and usually attack the nature and abilities of the person
93. You ate being bullied in school. What is the best thing to do.?
a. reports him/ her to the school Principal
b. gets even with him /her to the School authorities
c. confronts the bully and tell him/her that you don’t like s/he is doing
d. does not do anything. She /he eventually stop when s/he find someone else to bully.
94. Which best describes the benefits of a healthy environment?
a. less disease, less health care lost
b. active community involvement
c. more budget for health problems, increased supply of medicines
d. more community projects for community development
95. Which of the following statement is NOT myths and misconception about drug abuse.
a. drug of abuse improve memory
b. drugs of abuse make person bold and brave
c. drug of abuse heat up the body
d. drug of abuse damage your brain
96.Why do some victim of sexual abuse remain quiet and don’t report the incident?
a. the victim might know that help is available or s/ he not know to talk to.
b. the victim might be told what is happening is normal and doesn’t realize that is a form of abuse
c. the victim might be afraid of will happen to him/her if s/ he tell someone, especially if the abuser has
threatened him/her
d. all of the above
97. You noticed that you are always being followed by someone whom you don’t know. what will you do?
a. nothing, S/ he is just a harmless admirer
b. run away and hide from the person who is always following you.
c. tell your parents or other authorities that you can trust about your stalker
98. What environmental problem reduces the ability of soil to store water and support plant growth.
a. soil erosion b. oil spill c. illegal mining d. deforestation
99. Which is Not included in the group?
a. gateway drugs b. shabu c. caffine d. cocaine
100. Which is NOT self inflected?
a. Suicide b. Parasuicide d. Assult d. a and b

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