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Theme: Hope

Devotion: 1 Pet.1:3-4

Title: The Hope of the Christian

Good morning to every one of you, before we begin, let us first have a word of prayer…
As we continue this onward, our topic centers around hope: a good thing to keep in
mind as we ready ourselves for another year full of a variety of things. We do not know what is
in store for us in the immediate future, and it is better for us to be spiritually prepared. I have
always been fond of the saying: “Hope for the best, but expect (palagay)the worst.” Its good
advice for everyday living, but “hoping for the best” (hangarin) while nice and optimistic, is very
different from the hope (pagasa) that is found in the word of God. The hope of God is more
than just positive thinking: it is an assurance that is grounded in the person and work of Jesus
Christ, having foundation in the gift of faith that has been given to each Christian. To have hope
is more than just expecting the good, it is the unwavering confidence we have in this life and in
the life to come. That is why our message for today is The Hope of the Christian.

Exegetical Idea: One of the key themes found in the bible is that of hope. Hope is always
connected to the person of God, for He is the one who gives steadfast hope for all who believe
in Him. The Christian should live according to the hope that has been set before him and given

Proposition: Brothers and sisters in the Lord, we must set our eyes on the firm hope that we
have in the Lord, and to live it out accordingly.

Interrogative: What does the bible say?

I. The recipients of hope

The first thing we have to make clear is who has received hope from God? The
recipients of hope described in the bible are those who have humbly accepted the generous
offer of salvation by God through His son Jesus Christ. Eph.2:17-19 those who have received the
good news of the gospel of Christ who were once far off are now saints; those who were aliens
and strangers are now citizens of the household of God. Those who received Christ are…

A. Delivered by grace – Titus 3:3-7; Rom.1:18;28-32; Rom.5:1-2

We have hope because we have been saved first and foremost. Titus3:3-7
Because of the love that God had for us, grace was given to all, although not all have
received. The blessing and hallmark of being delivered by grace is the born again
experience. To be changed drastically from being dead in the flesh to being alive in the
spirit is truly miraculous and only possible by the power of God. The contrast between
the two is truly stark in its difference. You will not confuse one for the other. In regard
to our old nature, the bible is very clear in our demise and desolation. Rom.1:18 The
eternal punishment are coupled with the very real physical consequences for all under
the wrath of God. Rom.1:28-32 contrasting all of these with what the grace of God has
done for us is nothing short of amazing. Rom.5:1 those who were worthless, now made
worthy. Hopeless before, now given hope unequaled.

B. Destined for glory – 2Cor.6:2; 1Cor.15:50-57; 1Cor.2:9-12

Salvation however is in the past: it has already happened. More accurately, it is
in the present: it is ongoing still. People still have the chance and opportunity to come to
God and receive salvation. This the bible has adequately proclaimed: “Now is the day of
salvation.” 2Cor.6:2 But we remember that hope has something to do with the future,
of things that have not yet come to pass. And our hope in God does not disappoint. Our
future hope is set in the heavens, and not just on earth. Sometimes we may come off as
pessimistic with regards to the present, but it is not something we can altogether avoid.
We cannot help but see the present reality as flawed and temporary. Something that
will never be truly perfect no matter how much time passes. Our physical life is short,
temporary, and filled with misery. God however promises glory that is to come.
1Cor.15:50-57 A glory that is unequalled even in our time today. Hope then is waiting
expectantly and confidently, sure without any doubt of the promise of God for us.

Application: 1Cor.2:9-12
Again the most important thing to keep in mind here is our inclusion. We do not have to
worry about the trustworthiness of God or His ability to carry out His promises, but what we
should do is to make sure that we have truly among those who have received His gift. Those
who do not have the Spirit of God in them will not understand nor receive the spiritual things
given by God. 1Cor.2:9-12

II. The outcome of hope – 1Cor.15:58

While we understand that hope is an outcome of faith in God, hope in itself also
manifests in our lives and gives way to other blessings from God. Paul gives His important
discussion on the resurrection of Jesus Christ which is central to our faith and our life in
1Cor.15, We see how the hope of the life comes from Jesus own resurrection, without which
everything would be meaningless and for naught. Without the resurrection, there can be no
salvation, no freedom, no justification, no regeneration, no forgiveness of sin, and no eternal
life. 1Cor.15:17-19 BUT because Christ HAS risen from the dead, we have been given such
things and so much more. Because of this hope, what we have is meaningful, and what we do is
with a purpose. What are some of the products of the hope of God in us? 1Cor.15:58

A. Hope causes us to be firm

Hope causes us to be steadfast and immovable. In what sense is this to be
understood? Since we have such a great hope to look forward to, we must not falter or
be shaken by anything that comes at us. We are to be spiritually grounded: We know
and understand what we believe and cannot be easily swayed by the deceptions of the
enemy or the temptations of the world. Every false teaching and heresy under the sun is
multiplying at an incredible rate. But we know whom we have believed, and we know
what He has promised for us. Being firm we avoid the path of Esau, who for a measly
bowl of stew sold his birthright and blessings. It is alarming to think of anyone who
would “give up” their eternal life for something that is of way less value. To help us be
firm, we need the word of God. 2Tim.2:15 More than just reading the bible, we must
allow the truths of God to change us; to be ingrained into our very minds and hearts
that it shapes our thinking and actions. If the word of truth is in us, how can one be led
astray? How can one be deceived? We are only vulnerable when we are not diligent in
this task.

B. Hope challenges us to be fruitful – 2Pet.1:10;

Hope challenges us to abound in the work of the Lord. Because we have this
hope in us, everything we do is centered on the one who gives us this hope, none other
than Jesus Christ. Talking to people who have already been saved, already received the
gifts of God, surely you can say that Christ has given to each of us exceedingly great
things. God has not just filled our cup, nor is our cup full. Actually, our cup is
overflowing. God has given so much more, more than we could ever imagine or even
ask for. By this we are motivated to also go “all out” for the Lord. Not that we could ever
repay Him for what He has done, but because of the fact that what else can we do? This
is the question that should drive us in our service for Him: “What can I do to please
Him?” We should not be choosy when wanting to serve God. If you are not sure what to
give, the safest answer will always be: Your all. We give God everything in our life, no
matter if it is big or small, because we have already been given something that could be
never taken away. Being fruitful also helps us know we are still on track. 2Pet.1:10

Being firm and being fruitful in our service to the Lord lets us know that we are in the
truth. Remember that these things are the products of hope in us. Those people who are not
firm in their faith and not fruitful in their work must first make their salvation sure. Mere
intellect isn’t enough, there needs to be a spiritual renewal and birth by the power of God.
While those who are firm and fruitful in their hope of the Lord must continue onward no matter
what comes our way, because we know that God is faithful to His word.

III. The promise of hope

Lastly, among everything else we have already heard, the hope we have in Jesus Christ is
a testament; a promise to all of God’s children.

A. Hope gives us confidence – Psa.33:18; Rev.22:12

We remain firm and we become fruitful because we know that everything we do
for the Lord will never be in vain. Time and time again we have experienced that feeling
of waste and disappointment. Something you have given your time, effort, finances, and
even life towards end up being good for nothing. With God we have an assurance that
whatever we do for Him will never be overlooked, and will never be wasted. Serving
God, giving to God, honoring God will never be in vain. It will never be useless, and it will
never be a waste of time. God sees and knows everything, Psa.33:18TAB but it is
incredible to think that God knows us intimately and personally, and sees everything we
do for His name. More than that, as if salvation and eternal life weren’t already more
than enough, Jesus Christ is coming soon, and on the day that He comes, all who have
been faithful to Him will receive their reward. Rev.22:12

B. Hope gives us comfort

More often than not, the journey of the Christian walk is hard. It is a real
challenge especially when things are going rough. Many of us can back up the claim that
the Christian life is not a walk in the park. There are struggles, there are hardships,
rebukes, corrections, and sometimes discipline. There are things that can exhaust you
both physically and spiritually as a Christian, no matter who you are, whether you are a
pastor or a member of a church ministry. Yes, it is no walk in the park, but it’s not
walking barefoot on glass either. It doesn’t get so hard to the point of breaking. Paul
perfectly tells us this in 2Cor.4:8-11 Paul states that life can throw (and has thrown) all
manners of things against him and his ministry, but there is something there that keeps
him going. The hope that God had given him pushes him forward, knowing that there is
something waiting for him at the end of the cold, dark tunnel. Let me ask you, can you
think of anything this world can throw at you that can make you lose your hope? I
believe the message speaks for itself. Not even death can make you lose that hope.
Sure, sometimes we get knocked down, but remember that we will never be knocked
out. Our hope rests in the God who has given all because of His love for us. Rom.8:35-37

Remember that the promise of hope is only found in none other but Jesus Christ. He is
the founder and perfecter of our faith. In Him and through Him hope will only be found.

For my conclusion, brothers and sisters in the Lord, are you lacking hope this New Year?
Maybe that’s because you are searching for it in the wrong places. Don’t look outward for this
hope, you will be disappointed. Don’t look inward for this hope, you will be discouraged.
Instead look Godward for this hope, and you will be comforted. For the long journey ahead in
the year 2018, let us make sure that we have the assurance of hope packed and ready for us in
all circumstances, no matter how bleak things might seem. Our God is the God of hope! And we
His children have this hope hidden in our hearts! To God be the glory.

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