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Theme: Resurrection

Devotion: Luke 24:5-7

Title: The Resurrection of Jesus Christ

Good morning to every one of you, before we begin, let us first have a word of prayer…
We have already started on our topic for this month, which is all about resurrection, and
last week, we have heard an important message about the truth and proofs about the
resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. We see how the bible speaks of this truth, and how
the word of God itself refutes the objections of the people in their unbelief. The resurrection of
Jesus Christ is very important to our faith, and is essential to salvation, the gospel, and the
whole of Christianity. It is what completes the story of the gospel of Christ. It started with the
incarnation of Jesus, continues on to His ministry, His suffering and death, and ultimately
finishes with His resurrection. Many people believe that Jesus Christ lived on this earth. Many
people also believe that He died on the cross. But not many accept the fact that death was not
the finish line. 3 days after He was buried He rose again, and we proclaim, and we sing: Jesus is
alive! Our Lord and savior died, yes, but He did not stay dead. He rose from the dead, now in his
exalted place at the right hand of God, who is continually interceding for all believers. We must
not miss out on the truth of The Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Exegetical Idea: One of the most important topics in the gospel other than the incarnation and
death of Jesus Christ is none other than His resurrection. With it, the gospel of salvation is
complete in its scope and power. Without it, we are doomed and to be pitied. The resurrection
is the essence of the life of the Christian right now, and also his hope in the future.

Proposition: Brothers and sisters in the Lord, let me propose to you, that our faith and belief in
God hinges on the fact that Jesus Christ was resurrected, and is in fact, alive. The resurrection
completes the whole story of the gospel, and tells us of the hope that we have in Jesus Christ.

Interrogative: What is the importance of the resurrection of Jesus Christ?

As we have heard last week, we worship a living God, evidenced by the empty tomb and the
appearances to many people. What then is the importance of the resurrection of Jesus?

I. The resurrection tells of a living savior – Luke24:5-7

Luke24:5-7 these women who were expecting to visit the body of Jesus Christ
received firsthand the news of a lifetime: Jesus Christ has been raised, and is alive.
Because Jesus Christ was raised…

A. It proves Jesus Christ was the Messiah – Acts13:33-35;Acts2:22-24,36

The messiah was the long awaited savior that the Jews were all anticipating. God
had already revealed in His word what the Messiah would do and endure, but the Jews
had other things in their mind. The sad part is that even though the Messiah had already
come, the Jews rejected Him, and were ultimately the ones who put Him to death on
the cross. But even then, all of this was part of God’s ultimate plan for salvation. no
amount of work or trouble could ever thwart God’s plan and purpose. Jesus Christ was
the promised savior, He was the anointed one, and it is only through Him that people
might be saved. Everything that Jesus experienced was already known in the purpose
and plan of God. He would experience rejection, suffering, and death. But He would also
be raised from the dead. Acts2:22-24, 36 Not only that, scriptures themselves attest to
the fact that the messiah would be die, but also be raised from the dead. Acts.13:33-35

B. It proves Jesus Christ was the Son of God – Rom.1:4;Jn.1:1,14;

Rom.1:4TLAB Not only does it confirm Jesus as savior, it also proves that Jesus is
the Son of God. He is fully man, yes, but not just like any other man, but God who has
become flesh. The resurrection confirms this very important claim, that many other
people sought to disprove, that He is the Son of God. Which in its very meaning, means
that Jesus Christ was God Himself. Jn.1:1,14 It is then ironic that the Jewish religious
leaders used this claim as the very means to put Him to death, calling Him a blasphemer,
but in reality was the very truth of the person of Jesus Christ. Jn.1:10-11 the
resurrection tells of the exalted nature of Jesus Christ. He was no mere man, not just a
mere teacher or even a great prophet or charismatic leader. While all of these things are
true, and could be attested to, the most important thing about the person of Jesus
Christ is that He was truly the son of God. Only God has power over life and death, and
Jesus overcame his death on the cross. Heb.1:3

C. It proves our faith is meaningful – 1Cor.15:12-22

Not only is does this prove the important teachings and claims of Jesus Christ
about Himself, but also confirms our own faith and belief in God. Paul argues this
appropriately in 1Cor.15:12-22 even though we will always hear of and study and
proclaim the death of Christ on the cross of Calvary, remember always that the gospel
does not end there. It has its completion with the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is the
proof that we hold on to that as He lived, we will also live again. While there was death
in our ancestor Adam, we will also have life through Jesus Christ, because He himself
was raised. If Christ was not raised, we have no forgiveness of sins, no redemption, no
justification, no new life, and no eternal life. There would be no point to Christianity and
being a Christian if Jesus Christ remained dead. We would all be doomed for eternity,
living in futility and most pitiful of all creatures. Why would we put our hope of life in a
dead man? But God is not dead. He is alive, and is moving in our lives until even today.

The resurrection reminds us all that our faith is on a living God, the messiah, our God
who lived among us. It shows that our faith is not wasted nor is it worthless, because Jesus rose
from the dead, and through the act of resurrection we know that all of His promises He will

II. The resurrection displays the power of God

The resurrection of Jesus Christ also displays His power:

A. The power over death – Rom.6:9-10; 2Tim.1:8-10;

First and foremost, the resurrection of Jesus shows His power over death. One of
the taboo topics most people want to avoid talking about. But even if we do not talk
about it, we know its inevitability. Some have called it the great equalizer: because no
matter who you are, what your status is, your education, finances, or achievements,
every one of us will one day die. Most people aspire to die of old age, some, aspire to
die quietly in their sleep, others, to die as painlessly as possible. People have tried their
best to prolong life, but eventually death will come for us all. People are afraid to die,
for a long list of different reasons. It is one of the things that we cannot control directly
in our life. People are powerless when death comes at their door. But with God, it is
different. Even death, the most feared thing in all of humanity, was made into nothing in
the raising up of Jesus Christ. Rom.6:9-10 Christs’ power over death points to the fact of
the immensity of His power over all things. Not even death could defeat Jesus. And it is
because of this fact that we know that for those who are in Christ, death is to be feared
no longer. 2Tim.1:8-10

B. The power over sin – 1Cor.15:54-57; Heb.7:23-24,26-28

It also shows us the power of God and His victory over sin. While death might be
easily understood by all people, most people do not know of the cause for this death.
The bible makes it known to us clearly: it is sin that leads all men to death. And not just
a physical death, but a spiritual death, forever separated from God, forever suffering in
punishment. But with the death and resurrection of Jesus, death is made nothing, and
the sin that is in us and all of its penalties are abolished. 1Cor.15:54-57 in the old
covenant, animal sacrifices were continually made just to keep up with the sins of the
people. These sacrifices though could never fully pay off their sins. At best, it could only
cover them up for a while. But in the new covenant of Jesus Christ, sin was not just
covered, but finally forgiven. Not with the life of an animal, but with the life of Jesus
Himself. Jesus died once and for all, and yet He also lived again, a testament of the
greatness of His sacrifice compared to the old covenant. He is both the priest and the
sacrifice, forevermore. Heb.7:23-28 more than that, we are not only freed from the
penalty of sin, but also its power over us, which is something the animal sacrifices could
never do. In Christ, we can now live free from the power of sin, as we are no longer
enslaved to it. Rom.8:2

C. The power over Satan – 1Jn.3:8;Col.2:15; Heb2:14

Moreover, the resurrection of Jesus shows His power over the adversary, Satan.
To understand this more clearly, let us look back to what Satan wants and what his
purposes are. At the onset of heaven, Lucifer rebelled against God. He wished to be
equal or even higher than God, and since then, God has cast him from heaven. Since
then, He was called Satan, for he is the adversary. Always rebelling against God and His
purpose. He deceived and tempted in the Garden of Eden, and was working throughout
history to thwart the plans of God. He opposes God every step of the way. Working
against the servants of God, through opposition and deception.(Samson, Saul, David,
Solomon) 1Jn.3:8 With the coming of Jesus, he still tried his best. Through King Herod he
tried to kill the infant Jesus, but failed. In the wilderness, he tried to tempt Jesus, but
also failed. He wished to see the downfall of Jesus, and the downfall of humanity. He
thought he won when Jesus finally died. But he didn’t know that through the death of
Jesus, and His resurrection, all of his plans and purposes would finally come to an end.
Col.2:15 with Jesus Christ, Satan was made powerless over those who would believe in
Christ. Before we were playthings of the devil, but now, the devil has no hold any longer
over us, because of Jesus.Heb.2:14

D. The power in changed lives – Acts4:13; Acts9:20-22;Rom.6:4-6

We know of the shortcoming of the disciples. We remember how they scattered
when Jesus was captured by the soldiers, how Peter, the de-facto leader of the disciples
even denied Him, not once but three times in the same night. In fact, when Jesus rose
from the dead He even found them back at their old jobs. But after the Resurrection,
after Jesus had revealed himself to them, they were forever changed. They did not
become perfect or sinless, but they showed the power of God in their lives as they
transformed from meek, cowardly followers to courageous Disciples of Christ. Evident in
their life and their preaching. The cause of this was the truth of the resurrection of
Christ, which changed their lives forever. Simple fishermen were now preaching even to
the Jewish leaders. Acts4:13 How else would we explain the Apostle Paul, who was an
avid opponent of Christianity and Jesus, killing Christians indiscriminately left and right,
would suddenly turn His back on his life as a Pharisee, and preach the gospel of Jesus?
Acts9:20-22 these followers of Christ held nothing back, and was afraid of nothing, even
unto the point of death and martyrdom. Not only them but also to us today. The living
testimonies of people in here today speaks of the magnitude of God’s power in the
changed lives of people: people who believe in Him. Rom.6:4-6

Jesus Christ in His resurrection shows us His victory over all of these things. And we who
are in Christ will also experience the same victory over these things. The Christian therefore is
not powerless. He has a living God who had already conquered all these things. In Him, we are
more than conquerors.

III. The resurrection guarantees our hope

Lastly, the truth of the resurrection of Jesus gives us Christians various guarantees:
A. It assures us of redemption – Rom.8:33-34; Rom.4:22-25
Because Jesus is raised, we are assured of our lives in His kingdom. The promise
of God through Jesus Christ is for us all. The fact that Jesus Christ was resurrected tells
us that God was pleased in the sacrifice of His son, and that His sacrifice for all was
acceptable in His sight. Jesus paid for our sins, and God fully accepted this payment on
our behalf. Rom.8:33-34 we are promised justification: that God no longer looks at us as
guilty sinners, but instead sees the blood of Jesus Christ covering us. Jesus justified us
through His death and resurrection, so that we might be able to stand and enter into
the presence of God. resurrection proves that we are now justified in God’s eyes.

B. It assures us of our own resurrection – 1Thess.4:16-17; 2Cor.4:14

Because Jesus was raised, it tells us the truth that all who are in Jesus Christ will
also be raised from the dead. Christ conquered death, and so will all who believe in Him.
2Cor.4:14 it removes the fear of death from the Christian for what is left to fear if God
has already assured Him of life even if he dies? This is the comfort that we have in
Christ, though we die, though we are still uncertain of the time, place, and manner of
our death, we however are very certain of what will happen after that. Death is the end
of life, of purpose, of dreams, and of hope for many people. Many people try to avoid
death as much as possible. But for the Christian, death is just the beginning of
something even better than the life we have now. Even if we die, we have hope, and
only Christians can greet their death with peace in their hearts. 1Thess.4:13-14 so we
can say with Paul: Phil.1:21

C. It assures us of our inheritance – 1Jn.5:11-12; 1Pet.1:3-5

Lastly, the resurrection points to the truth of the Christian’s inheritance. The
bible makes it clear what we will inherit from God: none other than eternal life in
heaven. 1Pet.1:3-5 Some might ask, what is the difference of being resurrected and
being given eternal life in heaven? Aren’t they the same? While it could be answered
yes, generally speaking, I think we can more appreciate the scope of the salvation of
God in our lives if we see and realize that God will not just raise us again to
imperfection, but He will raise us, and also take us into the perfect place which is with
God in heaven. God will not raise us up just to go back to our old lives on this decaying
world. When Jesus was resurrected, He had a glorified body, which ultimately ascended
into heaven, and that act in itself is a promise to all believers that they would receive
the same. Even though we suffer now, just as Christ has suffered, as the disciples have
suffered, it is momentary and fleeting. It cannot overcome the promise of God in Christ
Jesus, the glory that is beyond all comparison. 2Cor.4:17 Like the song always reminds
us: when the day comes, our home is heaven.

The resurrection of Jesus Christ brings assurance to all of us, because He was raised, we
too will share in all of His blessings. But again, one important part of this is that this is for those
who believe in Jesus Christ alone. Rom.10:9

For my conclusion, old timers and newcomers alike, there is great importance in the
resurrection of Jesus Christ. What it means to Christianity, what it means to our lives now, and
what it means in our hope of the future. Christianity was made possible because of Jesus
Christs’ resurrection, and it continues to our time today for the same reason. Believers should
never lose sight of the importance of the resurrection: do our lives testify that we worship the
risen Lord and savior? Do we experience the peace and joy and hope of living our lives as
submissive disciples of Christ? I hope that we all do. Let us then take hold of this truth and cling
to it tightly! The world continues to bombard us with various teachings and philosophies that
ultimately reveals themselves to be empty. But to those who have heard the word of God, we
already know the truth, and the promises tied to it. Jesus has risen and He is alive! He is
victorious in all things, and those who believe in Him would be victorious as well. To God be the

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