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Week 1: 28 October – 4 November

 Do-it-yourself science & Bayesian reasoning

 Biochemistry 101
 Optimizing macros: protein intake
Week 2: 4 – 11 November
 Optimizing macros: carbohydrate & fiber intake
 Carbohydrate tolerance: customizing the diet to the individual
Week 3: 11 – 18 November
 Optimizing macros: fat intake
 Ketogenic dieting: a complete overview
Week 4: 18 – 25 November
 Human metabolism
o What is energy? Thermodyamics and energy balance
o Determinants of energy expenditure, refeeds, set-point theory, metabolic
damage, adaptive thermogenesis, reverse dieting and the yo-yo effect
Week 5: 25 November – 2 December
 Optimizing caloric intake: cutting, bulking and body recomposition
o Cut or bulk?
 Tracking progress
o Weight vs. body composition
o How to measure body fat percentage
o How to track your macros
Week 6: 2 – 9 December
 Nutrient timing I
o Intermittent fasting & alternate day fasting
o Meal frequency
o Circadian rhythm effects
Week 7: 9 – 16 December
 Nutrient timing II
o Fasted training
o Workout nutrition and the anabolic window
Weeks 8-9: 16 – 30 December
 Nutrition case studies and Q&As (reduced study load for the holiday period)
Week 10: 1 – 6 January
 Understanding how muscle grows
o Neural and morphological adaptations to strength training
o Mechanisms of muscle growth
o Strength vs. size
o Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy
 Cardio for fat loss
Week 11: 6 – 13 January
 Optimal training program design: volume, frequency and intensity
Week 12: 13 – 20 January
 Interindividual variability: why there’s no one-size-fits-all program
o Autoregulation & muscle-specific hypertrophy
o DNA testing
o Work capacity
o Gender specific programming: including contraception, pregnancy, the menstrual
cycle and other female specific topics
o Age specific programming: the elderly and youth
Week 13: 20 – 27 January
 The fitness lifestyle
o Circadian rhythm control
o Optimizing sleep quality
o Stress management
Week 14: 27 January – 3 February
 Optimizing your exercise selection
o Accommodating resistance: biomechanics, bands and chains
o Exercise selection reference list
o Counting volume: how much does a certain exercise stimulate a certain muscle?
o Training in a home gym
Week 15: 3 – 10 February
 Repetition tempo
 Exercise technique
o Internal vs. external cueing
o The mind-muscle connection
Week 16: 10 – 17 February
 Rest intervals
o Active recovery
 Optimizing your exercise ordering
o Circuit training, (antagonistic) supersets and paired sets
Week 17: 17 – 24 February
 Advanced training techniques for muscle hypertrophy
o Training to failure, forced reps and drop sets
o RPEs and autoregulation
o Reverse pyramiding, cluster sets and myo-reps
o Weighted stretching
o Eccentric emphasized training/eccentric overloading
o Post-activation potentiation
o KAATSU/blood flow restriction training
Week 18: 24 February – 3 March
 Periodization and progression
o Cybernetic/autoregulatory, undulating and linear periodization
o Benchmarking and autoregulation
o What is fatigue?
o Overtraining, overreaching and deloading
o Autoregulatory Volume Training and Reactive Deloading
Week 19: 3 – 10 March
 Training program case studies and Q&A
Week 20: 10 – 17 March
 Injury management and flexibility training
o Injury diagnosis, treatment and active recovery
o Pain science
o Ice vs. heat, NSAIDs and RICE
o Rehabilitative equipment: braces, sleeves, tape, etc.
o Stretching
o Foam rolling and massage
o Chiropractic
o Warming up and cooling down
o Common injuries of each body part
Week 21: 17 – 24 March
 Client compliance and program adherence: the psychology of how to stick to your diet
and exercise program
o Psychological effects of nutrition
o Goal setting
o Client empowerment
o Cheat meals
o Food cravings
o Assessing client adherence and motivation
Week 22: 24 – 31 March
 Ad libitum dieting: how to lose fat and gain muscle without tracking your macros
o Hunger management
Week 23: 31 March – 7 April
 Training gear
o Weightlifting belts
o Footwear: what to wear in the gym
o Knee wraps
o Lifting straps
Week 24: 7 – 14 April
 Health science and food choices
o What makes a diet healthy?
o Effects of food processing
o Organic food
o Cholesterol
o Saturated fat
o Low calorie sweeteners, sugar and dietary fiber
o Food choices for health and anabolism
 Meat, fish and poultry
 Dairy and eggs
 Grains, wheat and gluten
 Soy
 Fruit and vegetables
Week 25: 14 – 21 April
 Supplements: a complete guide
 Beyond macros: micronutrition
o How to fill in your micros
o Micronutrients in detail: which
 An objective look at anabolic androgenic steroids: costs and benefits
o Understanding hormones
Week 26: 21 – 28 April
 Contest prep and peak week protocols: how to perfect your physique for a contest or
o Carbloading
o Sodium and electrolyte manipulation
o Diuretics and water cutting
o ‘Shitloading’

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