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The topic: Commented [AB1]: ‘a’ – you are speaking generally.

Today, the high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising
Commented [AB2]: ‘be prone to something’ – this
and not the real needs of the society in which they are sold.
phrase is used with negative ideas:
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
likely to suffer from an illness or show a particular negative
I've always been prone to headaches.
When buying products, the human being’s choice is more prone to be affected
He was prone to depression even as a teenager.
She's prone to exaggerate, that's for sure.
by the advertisement. In my opinion, the real needs should be considered as a

Commented [AB3]: This needs to be more general sounding
– at the moment it is sounds unnatural.

Commented [AB4]: This sounds like just one – you mean

It is true that the advertisement is playing an increasing role in people’s
Commented [AB5]: ‘humans can be affected by
shopping habits. Since we are surrounded by them, as which are often
Commented [AB6]: This is not clear in itself – you mean
that ‘the real needs of people should be considered’.
common to be seen on the internet, TV, newspapers and so on, it is not an Commented [AB7]: ‘advertising’

Commented [AB8]: These are not really connected -

easy thing to get rid of their influence. Secondly, the consumer know very little ‘Since we are surrounded by them, as which …..’ –
‘We are surrounded them and they are often…..’; ‘Since we are
about the products, then the advertisement can provide them with more Commented [AB9]: This sentence is too complex –
‘Since we are surrounded by them, as which are often and

information. Thirdly, we often decide to buy some certain brand of products just Commented [AB10]: ‘knows’ (the customer).

Commented [AB11]: These two sentences need to be

because the famous person we admire is their spokesman. Finally, the energy connected better to the topic sentence – ‘Advertising
Commented [AB12]: To connect this with the topic
sentence you could say –‘one final reason is
of the advertisement can be reflected in their cost. For example, an ...
Commented [AB13]: These two words have the same meaning
– use one.
advertisement in less than one minute can cost millions of dollars in “Super
Commented [AB14]: ‘a certain brand’; ‘certain
Commented [AB15]: ‘a’ – there are many. She is just

Commented [AB16]: Not sure what you mean here –

On the other hand, I do believe we should go shopping according to our
Commented [AB17]: ‘but can’
Commented [AB18]: ‘which are shown’
individual needs. The goods occurred in the advertisements do not always suit

everyone. Taking the PC and Mac computer for example, Mac is more suitable

for those who are engaged in designing or movie editing because of its

excellent display screen, while PC meets the engineers’ needs better as its

compatibility in some software. Apart from that, if we do not do enough

Commented [AB19]: Not sure what you mean here – ‘not

homework, buying goods following the advertisements is just a waste of do enough homework on the best product,…….’


In conclusion, before making a decision on buying goods, we should really put

Commented [AB20]: ‘ignore the influence/ power of

aside the interruption of advertisements; take the item in need. advertisements’


IELTS Marking Criteria My comments Band score

Task Fulfilment Addresses most parts of the

task although some parts may 6.0
be more fully covered than
others. The arguments you
make seem unclear at times.
You need to make one clear
point; support this point with
more information and give an
example and a concluding
sentence. There needs to be
clear first sentence in each
Cohesion and Coherence Uses a range of cohesive
devices appropriately. Good 6.0
cohesion in your essay but
some ideas are not always
clearly indicated for example
the use of linking words like
‘firstly; secondly; thirdly’ are
not enough if they do not seem
related to your topic sentence
(paragraph 2).
Lexical resource Uses a sufficient range of
vocabulary to allow some 6.0 +
flexibility and precision. Uses
less common lexical items with
some awareness of style and
collocation. Some very good
collocations like: ‘brand of
products;’ ‘surrounded by’; ‘get
rid of’ – but some words used
less appropriately – ‘prone to’;
‘advertisement’ and ‘occurred’.
Grammatical Range Uses a variety of complex
and accuracy structures. Makes some errors
in grammar and they tend to
occur mid-sentence in longer, 6.5
more complex sentences.
These can affect the meaning.

This is a 6.0. You use very good vocabulary and grammar but the topic sentences are
sometimes unclear and some of the vocabulary is not always relevant to the topic.

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