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People have different opinions as to whether or not some persons should receive very high incomes.

Although some companies can afford to pay high salaries to their workers, in my opinion , I believe
that employees should not be paid above a certain limit.

There are numerous reasons why I agree that everybody in a community should be valued
for their work by paying a reasonable amount of money .Firstly, equality is a fundamental pillar of a
developed nation ,therefore all individuals in a society should be treated equally .In fact, an
increased pay-gap can lead to a range of negative long-term consequences .Employees receiving
lesser incomes can have increased levels of stress and demotivation in the workplace .For instance,
medical consultants earn a huge amount of money compared to the junior members of the staff .As
a result, nurses and technicians may not have job satisfaction .Therefore, the onus is on the
government to encourage all workers by giving better wages.

However, despite all the arguments above, some people are highly talented and have
above-average intelligence .Their contributions can help people to live a better life .For instance,
scientists are working to find life-saving drugs for various life-threating illnesses such as cancer and
AIDS .Therefore, they should be rewarded by paying more money because they are serving
humanity .Similarly ,a few individuals are role-models for the younger generation .To illustrate,
footballers are an inspiration for teenagers because nations feel proud on them .They practise
throughout their life to become good performers .Hence, they should be paid more than the other

In conclusion, while a small proportion of people earn a huge amount of money, I

would argue that authorities should not pay beyond a fixed limit.

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