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Pass on the Salt Please!

My take on common table salt - aka - inorganic sodium chloride

Whether it is rock salt or sea salt – it’s a harmful substance which health-
conscious people should avoid as they would the plague. .
The human organism is not adapted to the consumption of inorganic materials.
According to the chemical definition:
ORGANIC means - that the substance contains carbon compounds.
INORGANIC means - that the substance does not contain compounds.
However, the original definitions, which are still adhered to in Natural Health
Literature are:
ORGANIC means:
- That the substance is derived from or belongs to the animal or vegetable
- It is living material which has been “organized” by passing through the
structure of a plant or animal.
- that the substance is not living
- and has not passed through a plant or animal and has no “organized”
physical structure.
Table salt is an inorganic compound which cannot be profitably utilized by the
human organism.
• Its physical structure is different from that of the salts found in fruits,
vegetables, cereals and nuts.
The main difference is in the size of the crystals.
• Under a microscope it will be noted that rock salt, as found in the earth
and the ocean, is a very large crystal.
• The salts found in fruits, vegetables, cereals and nuts are very much
These small crystals dissolve more readily and become part of the cellular
structures of human tissues.
The larger crystals cannot become an integral part of the cellular tissues,
• If forced to do so, the human tissues may accept and lay these
substances down externally in muscles and bony tissues.
• They never become integral, useful parts of the body structure.
Table salt infiltrates and hardens muscles, glands and arteries and forms
deposits or exostoses such as calculi, fibroids, or arthritic growths.
The salts found in fruits, vegetables, cereals and nuts have a very fine texture
which causes them to be freely transported anywhere in the body where they
become integral parts of the body structure.
• Small salts are easily digested, assimilated and excreted while large salts
are poorly digested, assimilated and excreted.
Empirical proof of these contentions is provided by the fibrocytis, arthritis, calculi
and growths seen in those who eat inorganic salt and the absence of these
symptoms in those who eat organic salts.
There are other differences between table salt and vegetable salt.
• In its natural state, in the earth or ocean, salt is a lifeless, immobile
• After it has passed through the organism of a mould, an earthworm, or a
plant, it is a living pulsating substance - It is organized.
Don’t rub salt into your wounds by putting this inorganic substance into your diet -
switch to a vegetable salt – or better still – clean up the palate and allow the
natural tastes of simple foods to stimulate your taste buds.
The human species has evolved over thousands and thousands of years –
during which time he/she has adapted to many different types of diets – some of
which we are not structurally fitted.
However, our organism has learned how to adapt itself in a measure to these
other foods.
This is not to say that this adaption is always in the best interests of the
development of the species.
The object of correct nutrition is to obtain the highest level of health – with the
resultant efficiency and well being of the individual.

Published and Edited by:

Kevin and Katy Hinton
Teaching the Science of Natural Living and Natural Healing

All Rights Reserved.

© Copyright, 2015


The opinions expressed in this article are based on the naturopathic philosophy of health
and do not coincide with currently accepted medical theories on health and healing. The
publisher does not claim that any advice given represents a "cure" for disease. If the
reader has any doubts regarding his or her health, it is the responsibility of that individual
to consult a competent health practitioner.

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