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Southern Philippines College

Julio Pacana St., Cagayan De Oro City

Test Questioner in Grade 8 English
SY 2019-2010
Name: _______________________ Date: ________________
Grade: _______________________ Teacher______________

Direction: Read each item carefully. Choose the best answer from the given choices.
Write the letter that corresponds to your answer on your answer sheet.

I. Grammar I Test

1. It will take all of your energy and will to be able to walk again.
a. Take b. your c. all d. Energy
2. Mary likes _____ grandmother. She often visits her.
a. Her b. his c. their d. he
3. I have been a fan of mystery stories since I was quite young.
a. Fan b. since c. quite d. young
4. Ryan is a tall player, ______ loves playing for her school.
a. he b. his c. her d. she
5. Joe, have you met your new boss?
a. Have b. your c. Met d. Boss
6. You should stop smoking because it is bad for you.
a. because b. for c. should d. stop
7. Non-smokers usually live _____ than smokers.
a. Long b. longest c. longer d. None of this
8. We know that we can count on James, Anne, and _______.
a. their b. his c. her d. him
9. The girl was happy.
a. Girl b. happy c. The d. was
10. He did not pass the course as _______ he thought he would.
a. Easy b. ease c. easily d. early
11. Sue’s parents tired living in the north, but they could not adapt to the cold.
a. North b. not c. But d. Adapt
12. Be sure that everyone brings ______ own book.
a. his/her b. them c. him/her d. they
13. I ought to tell the truth to the teacher.
a. tell b. truth c. teacher d. ought
14. Ma’am Padua instructs me about _____ plan for the camping.
a. he b. her c. his d. she
15. In many cases, I can scarcely prevent myself from peeking at the last chapter to
see ending.
a. From b. prevent c. scarcely d. many

II. GRAMMAR II - Grammar Awareness and Structure.

16. Aaron and Milan are friends and _______ of them go to the same school. They
are classmate too.
a. none b. both c. all d. neither
17. A: You____ wash those strawberries I’ve already washed them B: oh, good. Thank
a. Needn’t b. must c. couldn’t d. can
18. Rebecca is usually_______ Beatrice because she is _______ her. She loves
interacting with people.
a. The most friendly / the most extroverted
b. As friendly as / extroverted
c. More friendly than / more extroverted than
d. Friendly / as extroverted as
19. I ____ tell the time when I was 8 years old but now I can.
a. can b. couldn’t c. can’t d. could
20. If the lady had not stopped the boy, he ________________ into the van.
a. could have ran c. could have run
b. will have run d. would have run
21. A: There are four radios in the attic. B: yes, but ______ of them work. They are,
a. Neither/ none c. all/both
b. both/neither d. none/all
22. We can win the game. They can win the game too, because they are ______us.
a. Strong b. as strong as c. stronger d. the strong
23. Margaret ______ speak Italian and English, so she______ work with a translator
in this project.
a. Needn’t / mustn’t c. can / needn’t
b. Can’t / couldn’t d. must / mustn’t
24. Charisa ______ some bad news from Ted yesterday and _____ sad.
a. Is hearing / is becoming c. heard / became
b. Hears / becomes d. can hear become
25. Jaime has boiled water in the pot. He _______ some tea and probably he _____
all of it.
a. Is going to make / will drink
b. Is making / is going to drink
c. Will make / is drinking
d. Makes / isn’t going to drink
26. William _____ a lot about 19th century poets recently, and he _______ another
book about them a few hours ago.
a. Is ready / has bought c. has read / bought
b. Read / can buy d. had read / bought
27. Don’t come late home late, or I ______ you go out with your friends again.
a. Am not letting c. don’t let
b. am not going to let d. won’t let
28. They often ______ answer question in meetings. They just make presentations.
a. Didn’t / answer c. don’t / answer
b. aren’t / answering d. can answer
29. He _______ off for a tour in Europe two weeks ago and he ______ three countries
so far.
a. Set / visited c. sets / can visits
b. is setting / visits d. set / has visited
30. Jessica ______ her suitcases. She is waiting out for the taxi now. She ____ Tom.
a. Is going to pack / will leave c. Will pack / is going to leave
b. Is packing / leaves d. Has packed / is leaving

III. Vocabulary Test Development

Direction: Choose the answer or phrase that best answers the question.

31. Choose the appropriate collocation to complete the sentence. You must hand in
your essay on Friday. Can you ________________?
a. do the deadline c. keep the deadline
b. hold the deadline d. meet the deadline
32. The convicted criminal absconded prior to the sentencing phase of the trial.
Absconded means…
a. Touched the jury. c. Reported immediately.
a. Left after discussion. d. Departed secretly.
33. Jose Zavalla basketball team made a game plan at the drop of a hat.
a. badly b. earlier today c. for the win d. without hesitation
34. The extra dirt was a key buttress to the foundation. Buttress means…
a. Limiting factor. c. Support.
b. Overwhelming condition. d. Obstacle.
35. The doctor was known as a charlatan over the years of his practice. Charlatan
a. Quack. c. Knowledgeable physician.
b. Procedural physician. d. Medical examiner.
36. It takes two to tango to commit this suspicious crime.
a. actions need more than one person c. continuous actions
b. beautiful dance craze d. mysterious crime
37. The attorney accused the witness of defaming the defendant. Defaming means…
a. Killing b. Badgering c. Suffocating. d. Slandering.
38. Which of the following words will best complete the sentence, “If you decide to take
the train instead of the jeepney you’ll _______________ some time.”?
a. avoid b. keep c. save d. stop
39. The judge was fallible during deliberation. Fallible means…
a. Careful not to err c. Falsely accused.
b. Loyal to his supporters d. Capable of mistakes.
40. The chemist collected the germane data during the experiment. Germane
a. Relevant b. Obscure c. Limited d. Usual.
41. The policemen barked up the wrong tree in our village.
a. arrested the right person c. accusing the wrong person
b. accusing the right person d. arrested no one
42. The official exhibited a heedless attitude when dealing with the dignitaries.
Heedless means…
a. Thoughtless b. Pleasant c. Friendly d. Bitter.
43. What idiom will best complete the sentence, “If you have any trouble with your
homework, I’ll be glad to _______________.”?
a. get out of hand c. keep an eye on you
b. give you a hand d. wear your heart on your sleeve
44. The winning team of the World Series often has a jovial attitude. Jovial means…
a. Merry b. Sad c. Somber d. Laborious.
45. The plant entered the latent phase of development in the fall. Latent means…
a. First b. Growth c. Last d. Dormant.

Direction: Identify the element of a short story being cited out. Choose the best

46. In a plot of the story, the logical arrangement of events is presented .It has five
essential parts except,
a. denouement b. exposition c. atmosphere d. climax
47. Setting is one of the elements of a short story. It refers to the time and location in
which a story takes place. It may be the following except,
a. mood b. climax c. atmosphere d. social condition
48. Which of the following is considered one of the elements of a short story?
a. character b. denouement c. exposition d. climax
49. What element of the story shows the logical arrangement of events, with a
beginning, middle and end?
a. exposition b. character c. plot d. conflict
50. The author may reveal a character in several ways.
a. his/her physical appearance c. what he/she says, thinks and does
b. what he/she does or does not do d. his/her views and opinion
51. Terms that indicate opinions are called opinion signal words/expressions. The
examples of these are below except
a. It seems to me that… c. Personally I think …
b. My personal view is that… d. This proves that…
52. In the literature of Myanmar, prose works during the 15th to 19th century were few
and authors were monks, courtiers and poetesses. Which one is an example of
work under prose?
a. historical ballad c. panegyric ode
b. story in verse d. scripture or chronicle
53. Long before any written forms of literature, what was the principal form of literary
entertainment of the Koreans?
a. describing persons c. reciting poems
b. narrating history orally d. telling legends orally
54. After reading a Korean legend, you notice one striking similarity between Korean
and Filipino legends. What similarity is this?
a. Legends from both countries described the rich natural resources back then.
b. Legends from both countries narrated ethnic rituals practiced by the natives.
c. Legends from both countries were orally transmitted first before they were
d. Legends from both were written by ordinary people.
55. Read the excerpt below then answer this question; which of the following does
the excerpt imply about Africans?
a. They are careless. c. They are not afraid of animals.
c. They are caring people. d. They are wild people.

V. True-false:
Direction: Indicate whether the following statements are true or false by placing a
T or F in the space preceding the statement.
56. _____ “Cutting the edge” refers to a concluding gesture to indicate a
performance has finished.
57. _____ Picasso’s cubist period was influenced by West African art.
58. _____ Kum Ba Ding Da refers to a secret society in Kpelle culture.
59. _____ obscuring the facet is common in music performed for ritual occasions.
60. _____ The resonating chamber of the triangular frame-zither is a gourd resting
against the player’s chest.
61. _____ Liberia was a British colony until the mid-twentieth century.
62. _____ Bird calls are sometimes used to indicate rhythm patterns in Kpelle
Percussion performance.
63. _____ The use of the syllable “oo” in a high falsetto range may indicate the
arrival of a tutelary spirit in a performance.
64. _____ Apartheid was the political system dismantled in South Africa at the end
of the 20th century.
65. _____ According to Thomas Edison “Genius is 1% inspiration and 99%

VI. Simple Recall: Identification

Directions: Read each question carefully then choose an answer from the given.
Write it on the space provided.

Poem Narrative William Shakespeare Tone Beowulf

Lyric Dramatic Extended Metaphor Mood King Arthur
Literary kennings Punctuation Mark Informative Hyperbole
Device Text

66. __________It is an old English epic about a warrior who fought and defeated
a monster named Grendel.
67. __________He is a legendary British leader who has ruled Camelot and has
won the heart of Guinevere.
68. __________It is a meaningful musical expression of significant human
experiences where powerful words are used to signify the
beauty of life.
69. __________They combine two words to create an evocative and imaginative
alternative word.
70. __________The speaker’s attitude towards the subject can be gleamed from
the quality of the language the poet used.
71. __________It is a type of poetry that narrates events and tells stories.
72. __________It is used to create sense, clarity and stress in a sentence.
73. __________It is a feature of a lyric poem that presents comparison over
several lines throughout the poem.
74. __________It refers to the typical structure used by the writers in their works
to convey messages in a simple manner to the readers.
75. __________It serves to inform, provides or discloses information, instructive
or instructional.

VII. Matching Type

Directions: Match the literary device in Column A with an example in Column B.
Write the letter on the space provided.
Column A Column B
___76. Simile a. The bussing bee flew away.
___77. Onomatopoeia b. A big bully beats a baby boy.
___78. Consonance c. Raj rejects the tape deck and ejects
project file.
___79. Assonance d. Your love is like the sun that lights up my
whole world.
___80. Alliteration e. The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.

VIII. Fill the Blank

Direction: Complete this paragraph with the correct transition word to achieve
unity and coherence.

The Filipino family is unique __(81)_ It is quiet large. The Filipino family has
an extended Family __(82)_ those of other countries are nuclear. A typical Filipino
family includes not only the father, mother and children, but also the grandparents
and other relatives._(83)_,despite this, the family members live in harmony.
Everyone looks forward to the evening meal when everyone is at home __(84)__
it is the venue for an exchange of ideas._(85)_ , in these modern times, family unity
is on the wane.

IX. Essay: 3 points each questions

Direction: For each of the following questions, use least 1 quote from the story to
support your answer:

86. Why was Mathilde unhappy with her life at the opening of the story? Do you
think Mr. Loisel was more content with his life? Why or Why not?

87. Do you think M. Loisel enjoyed the ball? What evidence is there?

88. What efforts were made to find Mme Forestier’s necklace?

89. Describe in your own words how the Loisel’s life changed ater they had paid
for the new necklace. What effects does this have on Mathilde?

90. Discuss whether the Loisels’ chose the right course of action when they found
the necklace was missing? What other choices were open to them and why were
these not chosen?

1. D 46. C
2. A 47. B
3. C 48. A
4. A 49. C
5. D 50. C
6. C 51. D
7. C 52. D
8. B 53. D
9. A 54. C
10. B 55. B
11. A 56. T
12. A 57. T
13. D 58. F
14. B 59. T
15. C 60. T
16. B 61. F
17. A 62. T
18. C 63. T
19. B 64. T
20. C 65. F
21. D 66.
22. B 67.
23. C 68.
24. C 69.
25. A 70.
26. C 71.
27. D 72.
28. C 73.
29. D 74.
30. D 75
31. D 76
32. D 77.
33. D 78.
34. B 79.
35. A 80.
36. A 81. BECAUSE
37. D 82. WHILE
38. C 83. YET
39. D 84. FOR
40. A 85. HOWEVER
41. C 86-100 - essay
42. d
43. b
44. a
45. d

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