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CIV 1023



Dr. Steve Carter, Ph.D.

CIV 1023

PROFESSOR: Dr. Steve Carter

OFFICE: McBrien 209-D
OFFICE HOURS: 10:00-11:00 MWF (Office Hours in Sturgis Hall); 2:00-3:00 MWF; 8:00-9:00 TR;
2:00-2:30 TR—Or by Appointment
PHONE: 870-230-5543
E-MAIL: (Do not use text language when you e-mail me.)


COURSE OBJECTIVE: Historian Penelope J. Corfield, professor emeritus, University of

London noted: “[U]nderstanding the linkages between past and present is absolutely basic for
a good understanding of the condition of being human. That, in a nutshell, is why History
matters. It is not just ‘useful’, it is essential.”i By this Dr. Corfield means that the study of
History is intrinsically connected to our comprehension and appreciation of humanity and who
we are. We are the product of those who have gone before us and a study of the past
illuminates who we are now and informs us as to our common future.

This is the second of the two-part survey of World Civilization. (The first part is NOT a pre-
requisite for the course.) The course will provide students with an understanding of the history
and development of world civilizations from 1660 to the Present. This course will evaluate the
evolution of society by looking at social, political, religious, and intellectual aspects of the
countries, cultures, and peoples under consideration and placing these items in their historical

History is not the memorization of dates. In this course, students will explore human
development and culture. Students will be exposed to historical data and learn how to interpret
that data. Students will be involved in doing History.

Students should:ii
 Gain an appreciation for past and contemporary cultures and their contributions to the
modern world.
 Better understand connections/relationships between various world societies and peoples.
 Learn to think critically.
 Communicate effectively.
 Participate in society as a concerned, intelligent citizen.

Departmental Goals:
Students will:
 Learn to read and use texts and other written materials. This skill is useful in any career
field and/or other scholarly endeavor.
 Learn how to critically analyze Historical literature and what others have written and
also develop their skills in critical thinking and constructing arguments.
 Develop a working knowledge of world civilizations and history from the 1600s to the


FORMAT: Class time will be used primarily for lectures, multi-media presentation and student
discussion. Pertinent questions are always welcome.

ATTENDANCE AND PARTICIPATION: Students are expected and should plan on being in
class (on time) for each lecture. This is important not only for the interaction with the class and
the professor as well as quizzes, but information covered in class that is not covered in the book
might show up on exams. Students are expected to attend lectures, do assigned readings,
complete assignments on time, and participate in class discussions. Experience indicates that
students who regularly attend and participate in class generally do better in the course.

The instructor covers considerable amounts of information during the class period. Students
need to be actively engaged in note taking. Simply copying the bullet points from the
PowerPoint will not suffice. Students will also need to read and study assigned chapters from
their textbook. Students are not allowed to use cell phones for

 TEXT: Albert Craig, William Graham, Donald Kagan, Steven
Ozment, Frank Turner. The Heritage of World Civilizations. vol. II.
Brief 5th Edition. Prentice Hall, 2012.
 Selected Primary Documents
 There will also be optional supplemental readings posted on my
web-site that will help you.



COURSE! I don't give grades, I just assign them.

There is 600 points possible in this course. (400 pts. Examinations; 150 pts. Quizzes and
Assignments; 50 pts. Map Examination).

Students are responsible for making sure all graded work is completed and turned in on time.
No work of any kind will be accepted after 3:00 the Friday prior to finals week (1 May 2020).

REMEMBER: Those who fail to learn the lessons of History are bound to repeat the course.

A = 90-100%; B = 80-89.99%; C = 70-79.99%; D = 60-69.99%; F = below 60%

EXAMS: There will be three 100-point midterm examinations during the course of the semester
as well as a final at the assigned time during final week. The final is NOT comprehensive and
will be weighted the same as the midterms. There will be an exam about once a month. Each
exam will cover approximately three chapters from
the text. Before each exam, students should have
read (and reviewed) those chapters and lecture notes
covered up to the exam date. In addition, I post an
examination review. Students will provide their
own scantron form before each examination.
Scantrons can be purchased in the bookstore.

MAKE-UP/RETAKE: All examinations will count toward your grade! I will not drop any.
However, I have tentatively scheduled during class time Friday, 24 April 2020 as a Make-
up/Retake day. If you have missed a mid-term exam during the semester or if you want to re-
take a mid-term exam and try to get a better grade you will be allowed to at this time only. You
MUST notify me of your intentions to make-up or retake an examination at least one week prior
to that date. I will make NO exceptions. This is not applicable to the map exam or quizzes.
NOTE: This is the only time there you can take the Re-Take/Make-Ups. Rescheduling will
NOT be allowed for any reason! Use this opportunity wisely.

ASSIGNMENT AND QUIZZES: Students will be given 150 points worth of outside
assignments and quizzes. Periodically, I will post assignments on my web-site. Assignments
may be turned in late for partial credit. No late assignment will be accepted after 3:00 pm,
Friday, 24 April 2020. Pop quizzes will be given randomly during the course. Students who
miss a quiz may make up the points by doing an alternative assignment given by the instructor.
The alternative assignment must be completed and turned in within two class periods after the
quiz is given. NOTE: It is the student’s responsibility to contact the instructor when he/she
has missed class to inquire about any quizzes which might have been

MAP EXAMINATION: Students will be given a map examination on

29 January 2020. Students will need to be able to identify primary
locations—countries, cities, and bodies of water—in Europe/Middle
East. 50 points possible. If you miss the map exam you have until the
next class period to make this up. You cannot make-up or retake the map exam on the
scheduled exam make-up/retake day.

EXTRA CREDIT: I will give you a chance to earn extra credit by doing outside projects.
However, you can only earn up to 25 points extra credit. You need to contact me concerning
possible projects for extra credit as all Extra Credit is subject to my approval. The last day to

notify me concerning Extra Credit will be 17 April 2020. All extra credit projects will need to be
turned in no later than 24 April 2020. I will NOT accept any after that date! If you are caught
plagiarizing/cheating on your projects, you will forfeit ALL Extra Credit points you have
earned for the course!


ALL WORK ASSOCIATED WITH THIS COURSE. Academic dishonesty, including cheating on
exams, plagiarism, or having others complete assignments, will absolutely not be tolerated.
For a violation of codes of academic honesty, a student may receive a “0” on the assignment,
may receive an “F” for the course, or may be referred to the Office of Judicial Affairs for
University disciplinary action. In any of the above cases, the student will be reported to Dean of
Ellis College and a note will be made on the student’s record. For information on what may
constitute academic dishonesty, refer to the student handbook.


are college students and are expected to act as such in class. Be on time for
class. Do not talk or carry on conversations during lectures. Do not bring
headphones, iPods/MP3 players, cell phones, etc. into class. Texting is not
allowed. The use of cell phones in class for any reason is strictly
prohibited. The use of cell phones may result in the removal of the
student from class. Please be courteous to others in the class as they have
the right to a conducive learning environment.

Cell Phone Policy: The use of cell phones for any reason is strictly prohibited. Students will
turn off their phones and put them away PRIOR to the beginning of class. A student with a cell
phone out in class will be reminded once to put the phone away. After that, the student may be
asked to leave the classroom. Students will not use their phones for notetaking.


DISABILITY SERVICES: It is the policy and practice of Henderson State University to create
inclusive learning environments. Any student eligible for and needing academic adjustments
or accommodations based on the impact of a documented disability (e.g.: sensory, learning,
psychological, medical, mobility) should notify either the Disability Resource Center (Foster
Hall first floor, 870-230-5475) or me (in private) so that we can meet any disability-related
academic needs you may have. For more information, visit the DRC website at

NOTE: The instructor reserves the right to amend or alter this course syllabus if the academic
schedule changes due to unforeseen circumstances. In such cases the instructor will notify the
students of the alterations and also post the information on the course website.

13 January 2020: First day of the Course
29 January 2020: Map Examination
23-27 March 2020: Spring Break (no classes)
24 April 2020: Exam Make-up/Retake day
Last day to turn in Extra Credit project
Last day to turn in late assignments for partial credit
30 April-1 May 2020 Restricted Days
4-7 May 2020 Finals

Henderson State University, “The School with a Heart,” offers quality undergraduate and
graduate education to a diverse student body. As Arkansas’ public liberal arts university, we
empower each student to excel in a complex and changing world.

i From:
iiThese objectives align this course to the broader goals of Henderson State University’s liberal arts program: In the
liberal arts core, students are to learn analytical and critical thinking skills as well as how to write and communicate;
at HSU generally it is anticipated that students will learn how to participate as a concerned, intelligent citizen, and to
appreciate complexity and diversity.

In compliance with the University’s Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) and Liberal Arts Core (LAC) students who
successfully complete the requirements of this course will:

The University – Level Student Learning Outcomes and Goals. SLO

1. Complexity and Diversity: Student will appreciate the complexity and diversity of world cultures.
2. Technology: Student will understand appropriate uses of technology.
3. Maturation: Student will mature intellectually, emotionally and physically
4. Contribution: Student will participate as a concerned, intelligent citizen
5. Communicate: Students will speak and write effectively.
6. Logic and Critical Thinking Skills: Students will think logically and critically.
7. Physical Universe: Student will understand the physical universe.

Student Learning Goals LAC Liberal Arts/General Education Student Learning Outcomes and Goals:
1. Analytical and Critical Skills: Students will develop their analytical and critical skills.
2. Oral and Written Communication Skills: Students will strengthen their quantitative reasoning skills.

Social Sciences Dept. Student Learning Outcomes and Goals:

1. Students will understand the nature of historical thinking: Students will demonstrate knowledge of
different aspects of History as a discipline.
2. Writing and Transmission of History: Students will demonstrate effective research skills in the field of


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