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5 tips to burn belly fat

Belly fat can be problematic. It makes you unattractive and lazy. Though belly fat is not a problem by
itself, it can be harmful on combining with other problems like bad cholesterol to induce serious
complications. Belly fat can also lead to various kinds of health complications like obesity, high blood
pressure, difficulty in breathing indirectly. Genes can also play an important role in determining the
amount of belly fat present. Belly fat can be reduced by maintaining a healthy and stress less
lifestyle. Here are a few tips to burn belly fat.

Reduce fat consumption

Excess consumption of fat is the primary cause of abnormal accumulation of belly fat. Fats should be
avoided at any cost. In case your diet consists of a large amount of fat, you should immediately
consider changing your diet plan. But do not change your diet schedule in a single day. Reduce the
fat content in your diet gradually and replace it with something which is high in fiber. Potatoes and
bananas can act as replacements for fatty foods. Dinner should be light and low in fat. Milk should
be avoided unless it’s skimmed. Protein is very important in case you are serious about losing
weight. Protein filled food is known to reduce craving for fat or carb-based diets by a significant
percentage, thus reducing fat near your belly considerably. Sugars are known to harm the healthy
balance in your body by adding excess fat in your body. A single cool drink contains about 17
teaspoons full of sugar which exceeds the daily calorie intake of a fully-grown man. Sugars lead to
unnecessary accumulation of carbs and fats in the body which can’t be reverted to energize your
body. Avoiding sugars is crucial in order to reduce belly fat.

Stop smoking immediately

Various studies have stated that smoking is related to belly fat directly and indirectly. Smoking
causes blocking of arteries and reduces the production of glucagon which leads to heavy
accumulation of fat in various parts of the body. A major part of that fat accumulates in the belly
which leads to belly fat. Smoking also makes it difficult to burn fat because of the harmful chemicals
which get released in our circulatory system as a result of smoking. Belly fat which is caused due to
smoking is more harmful compared to normal belly fat. Smoking may also damage the functioning of
the pancreas which hampers the production of glucagon which leads to further accumulation of fat.
This exponential increase continues as long as the person smokes.

Reduce alcohol consumption

Alcohol is also one of the major factors in determining the amount of fat in the belly. On consuming
alcohol, liver identifies the alcohol which passes through the stomach as toxins. It automatically
reduces its functions drastically for some time and burns the calories provided by the drink
consumed. Food which is consumed during alcohol consumption is sidestepped and kept as a
backup. This food is primarily converted into fat during the process of converting it into a backup for
later use. Whenever you need to consume alcohol, it’s better not have any kind of food along with it.
But reducing alcohol consumption is the best possible method to approach this problem.

Start exercising immediately

Regular exercise helps a lot in reducing belly fat and increasing muscle percentage near abdomen.
Special exercises meant to reduce belly fat like crunches, planks etc need to be performed regularly
in order to reduce belly fat. Calories which are burnt while exercising are replaced by burning the fat
in your body. Sitting for long hours without exercise increases your chance of getting obese by 40%.
Obesity is directly linked to belly fat in several cases.
Examine your mental health
Stress can lead to hormonal disbalance which may lead unwanted accumulation of fat in your body.
Urban areas had a pique in the obese population from the beginning of industrialization. This is
because of the stressful and unhealthy lifestyle of the people living in urban areas. Stress can also
induce eating disorders and cravings food at odd timings. In order to satisfy these cravings, one may
prefer to consume sugary food or drinks which may lead to excessive calorie intake. Because of the
lack of time, exercise is being side-lined in daily timetable which is contributing to the increase in the
obese population in the world.

Let’s accept it. Belly fat surely makes one look undesirable and unattractive by several notches.
Regular exercise can keep it under control. Reducing belly fat increases your confidence which may
help you work wonders in your life. What are you waiting for? Start exercising now!

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