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Animals Vs.

Humans Webquest
Talking Day Pre-Research

1. Using the links below, choose 3 stories of animals showing emotion or acting like
humans. ​Summarize each story, state how the animals’ actions/behavior are
similar to humans, and state your opinion - does this mean animals can
think and feel like humans can? ​Bullet points are ok!
Story 1: 7.Dasher, A Faithful Friend and Loyal Guardian
Dasher is a very loyal dog, when his owners 2 year old child walked out of the
house and into the woods, Dasher was the only one who noticed.Dasher ran
after him and once the child was in the middle of the forest and stopped.
Dasher protected the child through a terrible storm, which was 15 hours. This
shows that his actions are like a human because he made sure that the child
was safe and the child didn’t have a scratch on him. I believe this shows that
animals can think and feel like humans because Dasher thought about the
child’s safety and protected him. He thought only about the child and knew
what to do, this shows that animals have feelings too.

Story 2: 3.Geo, a truly heroic dog

Geo is a very heroic dog because while playing outside with his 10 year old
owner, Geo saw a truck coming straight at them. The little boy did not do so, he
kept playing. The truck was still coming at them very fast. Geo jumped at the
last second to push his owner out of the way. Instead of the boy getting hit,
Geo took the brunt of the hit and almost died because he also got run over.
The boy was saved because of the quick actions of Geo. This shows that Geo
has behavior similar to humans because he had an instinct to react when the
truck was coming fast right at them. I believe that this shows that animals can
think and feel like humans because Geo has a feeling to do something to
protect his owner. This shows Geo does in fact have feelings like humans do.

Story 3: 1. Romeo, the friendly wolf

Romeo was a black wolf that came across a photographer and his dog. The
dog and Romeo didn’t attack each other but played with each other. Romeo
from then on was a regular in going to see the dog. He then started to play with
the humans too and played fetch and went with the skiers and watched them.
Romeo became a very good companion for everyone. This shows that animals
do have feelings and emotions like humans because Romeo knew that he liked
those people and dog so, he knew he could go back everyday. If he didn’t have
feelings, he wouldn’t of known to do that. I believe that this does shows that
animals can have feelings because just like Romeo animals know who they like
and who they don’t like. Also, the animals can probably sense and talk to each
other in different ways because the two animals didn’t attack each other but,
played. This shows that animals do have feelings like humans.

2. Using the links below, your own knowledge and experiences, and additional
resources if needed, complete the chart to notate differences and similarities
between humans and animals.

Animals Both Humans

● Fly on their own ● Eat ● Drive

● Breath ● Sleep ● Work
Underwater ● Think ● Government
● ● Communicate ● Own buildings
● Solve Problems
● Mirror test
● Paint Pictures
● Feel emotions
● Speak
● Make Facial
● Movement
● Sleep Talk

3. An important discussion that has begun recently is whether or not animals

deserve the same rights as humans. Using the links, complete the T-chart with
notes on why animals should and should not have the same rights as humans.

Evidence that animals SHOULD Evidence that animals should NOT

have the same rights as humans. have the same rights as humans.

● Animals can think on their own ● They don’t have simple

and have simple knowledge understanding of things
● Causing pain is morally wrong ● They won’t be able to defend
so, humans shouldn’t be cruel themselves
to animals ● Humans know what is right and
● Animals can understand things what is wrong
just like humans, for example
they can take selfies just like us

4. Using the links, choose 2 of the articles and take notes on the concept of
instincts and Fight or Flight. Include as much relevant info as you can - at least 5
bullet points per article. SUMMARIZE - do not copy and paste.

Article 1: The fight or flight response: Our’s body response to stress

● Fight or flight is the bodies response to a danger or a threat
● The fight or flight response is also known as the acute stress response, which
is a reaction your body has when something is terrifying
● The response is to prepare the body to fight the object or to flee, this is like an
instinct that everybody has
● This can be triggered because of real or imaginary things
● A fight or flight response causes a few common signs like pale skin, sweating,
dry mouth, dilated pupils.
● The fight or flight response is a direct response of adrenaline being released
into the bloodstream

Article 2:Why It’s Human Nature to Ignore Our Instincts

● As human beings we chose to ignore our instincts most of the time, when
really our instincts are right
● Some people don’t follow their instincts because of what has happened in their
childhood, we go through a phase of self doubt and shame which causes this
● Fight or flight instinct, is when we access a situation and determine if we
should meet danger head on or make a heste for exit
● Good instincts is when we are self protective, such as feeling someone might
be a threat or meeting someone who is not trustworthy
● Bad instincts is when we urge to cause harm to others, usually out of hurt or
● People who grow up with self doubt, have a better chance of getting Ptsd if
faced with a fight or flight situation

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