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Karuna | Symbols Zonar 2 Draw a Z, then draw the infinity symbol 3 times starting on the right. r/o Zonar is a good symbol to use at the beginning of a treatment as it prepares the client to receive deep healing. It also reduces or eliminates the pain associated with emotional healing by creating a kind of spiritual anesthetic effect. 4 HEALS ON CELLULAR LEVEL ‘Sometimes we have experiences that are so powerful and have lasted so long, that they actually become a part of our chemical makeup and are ingrained in our cells. Because of this, our cells can carry the memory of trauma, or even 3—____» negative feelings and ideas that we brought with us from other lives. Zonar works on these hidden issues that have become imbedded in the cells of our bodies and helps to heal them. Zonar can be combined with the Usui distant symbol to send powerful healing energy. HEALS PAST LIFE ISSUES Zonar helps heal issues we have brought into this life from past lives. It also works interdimensionally, with experiences we have had on other planets or in-between lives. To heal a past life issue, combine Zonar with the Usui distant symbol directing the energy to go into the past life and heal the cause. HEALS CHILD ABUSE Zonar works well to heal trauma resulting from child abuse and other issues that were so traumatic that the person has been unable to deal with them consciously and has buried, or stored the issues away from the conscious mind ~ often in the second chakra area. These are often things that are so overwhelming or unaccepted by our society that wwe are unable to talk with anyone about them. Zonar helps work on these deep issues, release and heal them. Sometimes they come to the conscious mind, and sometimes they are directly released without consciously knowing about them, HEALS KARMIC ISSUES Zonar can be invoked with the conscious intent to call upon Archangel Gabriel for assistance. This technique helps us with Karmic healing, and Archangel Gabriel can assist us in finding answers we need to help ourselves or others. To do this, think of the issue and connect with the energy and feelings around it. Then activate Zonar and send this energy up to Archangel Gabriel. Ask Gabriel to take the karma of the issue and heal it for you. Ask also that if there is a lesson or understanding that is necessary for you to have in order for the healing to take place that it be made known to you. Be open and willing to follow any guidance that comes to you. The healing may continue after you stop sending healing energy and ideas and memories may come welling up within your mind giving you the understanding you need. Zonar prepares the client to receive the deep healing available from Halu, Halu Halu works in many ways like Zonar, but on a much deeper and more powerful level. Halu does not replace Zonar but complements it, just as Reiki enhances all other healing modalities Zonar complements Halu. Draw a standard Zonar, then add the two lines into the center and complete the pyramid on top. HEALS UNCONSCIOUS PATTERNS Use Halu to break up negative patterns in the unconscious mind which we use to insulate ourselves from the truth. This helps to shatter delusion and denial, while helping heal the shadow self. Halu helps us work through denial and blame of others for situations in our lives. Halu helps us accept that imperfect part of ourself so we can bring it into our conscious mind, love it and heal it HEALS THE SHADOW SELF ‘The Shadow Self exists in the unconscious mind, It is composed of the parts, of ourselves that we believe are unacceptable and so we try to hide them (denial) by shoving them down into the unconscious mind. We will often see these unwanted parts in others (projection) and dislike them for it. (These unwanted parts often go into the second chakra.) See the section on "The ‘Shadow Self" on page 14. Halu can be directed to work on and heal the Shadow Self. This can be done by having the client focus on an unwanted experience or a behavior that has been difficult to heal. As they do this, ask them if any parts of their body feel tense or if there is an area within the body that they feel the ‘cause of this problem is located. Sometimes this is in the second chakra. Activate Halu and direct it into the area. HEALS SEXUAL AND PHYSICAL ABUSE ISSUES ‘Trauma such as physical and sexual abuse is very painful. It is not always necessary to relive these experiences and re-experience the trauma in order to heal. The compassionate action of Halu (when used with Zonar) helps us release the energy from the abuse or pain without needing to re-experience the trauma. These issues can often be processed by simply having an understanding of what took place, without a need to feel all the emotions and pain. However, since the higher power is guiding the healing process, it will decide if feeling the pain is necessary to complete the healing and allow this to happen when itis appropriate for the client. When this happens, it usually takes place with only a small part of the pain coming into consciousness - just enough for the person to understand the feelings that are being healed. DISPELS PSYCHIC AND PSYCHOLOGICAL ATTACK The only reason we are psychically attacked is because we are creating it. Halu can help us release the part of ourself that is creating the psychic attack, heal it and release it to the Higher Power. Often, as we come into our own power, we may not be confident because we have misused power in the past. This may cause us to be attacked by ourselves or by others who feel threatened by our increased power. Halu can be used to help us deal wisely and compassionately with our own power and to release any part of ourselves that attracts psychic attack. Remember, the best way to deal with psychic attack is to accept that we have created this experience for ourselves from within ourselves as a way to know ourselves more completely and to heal. Focus on what you or the client is doing to create/ attract the psychic attack and send Halu Reiki energy to it to heal/release it. Follow your inner guidance when doing this and allow yourself to learn as you heal. Halu will guide you to become a better healer. HALU IS A POWERFUL HEALING TOOL, Halu can activate a laser-like beam of healing light which can be focused on a less than light area and facilitate intense healing. It is helpful with physical healing of tumors and cysts and many other imbalances. When used with the aura clearing technique it takes on the energy of a spiritual surgery tool which has the ability to break through even the densest concentrations of less than light energies. Halu goes to an area that contains less than light energy and fills it with a very focused, concentrated beam of light which dissipates the denser energy. After you have used Zonar and Halu to prepare the person for healing and to do deep healing work, you will now be ready to fill the area with love by using Fiarth Harth Draw the cross with the first line going down. Then draw the left and right sides and then the circles Harth heals the heart and all issues relating to the heart, It can also be used to fill in a healed area with love where negative energy or blocks have been removed. HELPS HEAL RELATIONSHIPS Harth can be used to heal relationships of all kinds. When two people are involved ina relationship, there isa third entity that exists the relationship itself. IF there i difficulty in the relationship, orif you simply want to improve your relationship, use Harth along with the Usui distant symbol to send Harth 10 the relationship. This will create a loving and compassionate feeling between the two people so they will more easily solve any problems that may have come up and will enjoy each others company much more. Harth can improve a relationship that is already good! However, some relationships are co-dependent and not healthy for those involved so if this 7 is the case, and itis time for the relationship to end, then Hath will help it end ina healthy way. Because Reiki is guided by the Higher Power, you will not be able couse g SW arth (o get someone to enter into a romantic relationship with you against their will it cannot be used to control people, only to empower them to come from love and to make wise decisions for themselves. WwW DEVELOPS GOOD HABITS If you want to develop a good habit, the best way to do this is to allow yourself to love what you want to do. When you look at all the habits that are healthy for a person to have, you will always be able to find some group or someone who loves that activity. There are people who love to cook and eat healthy food, or who love to exercise, or who love to meditate, or who love their work, or who love a balanced life. Sometimes we have trauma around things that are healthy for us. Harth can help us heal the trauma so we develop a natural love of things that are healthy for us to do. If there is a habit you would like to create for yourself, write it on a piece of paper, put it between your hands and send Harth to it. Do this everyday, and also spend time doing the thing you want to develop a habit for. You will find it easier and easier to be involved with the new activity and soon you will love to do it. Try this, it works! HEALS ADDICTIONS ‘Tf a person is addicted to something, it usually means that they have a problem with their heart. A person will tum to drugs, alcohol, or destructive relationships and behaviors because there is something in their life that isn’t fulfilling the love that they need. Harth will restore the balance within their heart so that they love life. When a person loves. life itis very unlikely that they are going to become addicted to something that is harmful. If you love yourself, you will take good care of yourself. Use the Usui distant symbol to send Harth to the addiction. DEVELOPS COMPASSIONATE ACTION ‘Compassionate action is the most essential part of the spiritual life. It is the key to both personal happiness and planetary healing. Harth can help develop the motivation for compassionate action by healing the heart. The wisdom that comes from the heart becomes available to guide us in all our actions. Harth helps us heal within ourselves so we can openly love others unconditionally. A wonderful revelation that comes to all who practice compassionate action is that it is not a sacrifice to do so, but a joy and a blessing, CONTACT SPIRITUAL BEINGS arth can be used to receive blessings from spiritual beings such as Mother Mary, Kuan Yin, and Avalokiteshvara who are the embodiment of compassionate action. Use the Usui distant symbol and send Harth to these spiritual beings. Ask for their blessing so your heart will be healed and you will be better able to help others. You will discover that love is the greatest power. "The Original Reiki Ideals” state Reiki is "The secret art of inviting happiness" and Harth is a symbol that can do just that, Use Harth often to create love in your heart for yourself, others or for anything in life worth doing, having or being. ‘After you have used Zonar, Halu and Harth, and are ready to complete the session you can go on to Rama, Rama Rama is used for grounding. It is excellent to use at the end of a session, HEALS LOWER CHAKRAS : ‘The use of Rama opens and heals the lower chakras helping a person be more fully present, alert and focused. Often in healing work we encounter people who have a large portion of 2 their energy outside their bodies. By using Rama on the client's 1 feet, the feet chakras are opened and this will pull the person back into their body. This technique also pulls negative energy or blockages from anywhere in the persons energy system out the fect and can often release pain. It is great for grounding. CLEARS THE MIND If you or your client are feeling out of sorts, confused, dizzy, or feel your mind is congested, use Rama on yourself to clear your mind. One way is to imagine Rama on the soles of your feet. This will open the feet chakras, allowing soothing earth energy to flow into your system at the same time that all confusing energies that may have accumulated in your aura are channeled into the earth to be recycled. This is very refreshing and is great to use at the end of the work day or anytime you feel the need for a break! CLEARS A ROOM OF NEGATIVE ENERGIES ‘You can prepare/clear your healing space or any other room by imagining Rama in the center of the room, the four comers of the ceiling and floor. This will ground the room and allow any negative energies that may have accumulated to flow away at the same time positive energies from above fill the room. Another way you can do this is to draw Rama in the center of the room visualizing it filling the whole room. As you do this, focus your intent on clearing the space of any less than light energies, and replacing them with the purest spiritual love. This is great to do at meetings or discussion groups where ideas are being exchanged as it brings clarity and decisiveness. HARMONIZES UPPER CHAKRAS WITH LOWER CHAKRAS ‘As Rama clears the lower chakras, it allows the higher consciousness of the upper chakras to manifest in the physical world. Rama also helps us release fear of success and fear of failure. It empowers us to actualize our spiritual purpose here on Earth and to make use of Divine guidance in our everyday lives. CREATES DETERMINATION AND COMPLETION This characteristic of Rama is what helps us to move beyond simply feeling compassion for something or someone, to being able to take determined action on that compassion. Rama helps us take the first step toward our goal, and assists us in remaining focused throughout the entire process so we can complete the things we start. Yes! MANIFESTS MATERIAL GOALS The process of manifestation involves being able to connect with universal creative consciousness through our spiritual body, then understand it as thoughts in the mental body, become excited about it in our emotional bodies and take action on it ‘with our physical bodies. Harmony between the upper and lower chakras is important if we are to have a meaningfal effect ‘on the world. Rama acts like a healing magnet, harmonizing the upper with the lower chakras and pulling the creativity of higher consciousness through our whole system so that we can manifest it in our physical world. Archangel Michael's presence and that of other enlightened beings can often be felt when utilizing Rama to manifest goals that will help others. COMPLETING A SESSION During a healing session, a person often leaves their body so that the guides can work more easily on the energy system to facilitate healing. Also, while out of the body, a person often receives new insights and guidance about their situation, but this does not always come into consciousness. Rama can be used at the end of a session to bring the client back into their body, grounding them to the earth and allowing any insights received to come into consciousness so they can take action on them

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