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Pre FoF F CHAKRA ACTIVATING ATTUNEMENT komyO Fine Renenber to Tnwhe Pa > qd) Do Reiki breathing. On the third breath, draw Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen down the spine slowly with energy focused on the index and middle fingers. Start Hon near the back of the neck and end with Nen near the sacrum or root chakra. While drawing the symbol keep the other hand on the shoulder. Then empower with Chokurei, and breathe out Chokurei down the spine while pressing the neck points with thumbs. Visualize energy flowing with your breath down the spine of the student and from your thumbs to the points and down the student's spine. Do Reiki breathing again; draw Chokurei over the crown and then breathe out Chokurei over the crown and through the palms of the student while pressing the palm points (this is the same as for the crown attunement in Reiki I and II). Seal as per instructions in Reiki I and II. (2) Do Reiki breathing. Draw Daikomyo down the spine and breathe out Chokurei down the spine pressing the neck points visualizing as described before. Do Reiki breathing again. On the third breath, while holding the breath, visualize Daikomyo and then a ray of light (like a lightning bolt or a ray of bright light) coming down from the Page 2 universe (or sky), entering your crown ) you may see a white light or feel heat on the crown at this moment). Then breathe out this ray of light visualizing it as a powerful lightning bolt or bright ray Aitting the throat chakra of the student and exploding into a brilliant ball of pure white light and energy flowing down the spine over the other chakras. Seal as with Reiki I and Reiki II. @) Do Reiki breathing. Draw Chokurei over the crown followed by Daikomyo, then breathe out Daikomyo over the crown while pressing crown points. ***+*Hold both palms over the crown or keep pressing the crown points. *#**Do Reiki breathing again. On the third breath, while holding the breath, visualize Daikomyo, and then a ray of light (like a lightning bolt) coming down from the universe, entering your crown (you may see a white light or feel heat on the crown). Then breathe out this ray of light again visualizing it as a powerful lightning bolt hitting the crown chakra of the student and exploding into a brilliant ball of pure white light. Visualize energy flowing to the crown and third eye and down the spine activating all chakras. Seal as with Reiki I and Reiki II. The Master's attunement activates all seven ch and fu, J ctivates er incre the se Page 3 EMPOWERMENT After the attunements, ask the student to focus attention on the areas of the body that you touch. Visualize Daikomyo and ask for the continuation of the empowerment that Dr. Usui received from the universe (think of spiritual beings and their pure consciousness and compassion (which is healing energy) ). You are receiving this same pure transmission that has been passed on from Dr. Usui to Mr. Hayashi, to Mrs. Takata, to Seiji Takamori, to me, and from me to you in an unbroken line. Let your body and mind become filled with this compassion and energy. Then place your hand right on the crown chakra of the student touching lightly. Keep the left hand at the back of the head (not touching). Hold for 2-3 minutes. Then place the left hand above the crown and the right hand over the third eye, hold for 2-3 minutes. Now touch the third eye with the index and middle fingers of your right hand while still holding the left hand at the back of the head (not touching). Repeat for throat, heart, and navel chakras. While doing this keep your left hand at the back of the neck, upper back, etc., do not touch. Keep exactly at positions opposite from those that the other hand (which is touching the chakras of the body). After the navel chakra, switch hands and place the left hand at the base of the spine touching for a few minutes. Keep your right hand over the groin area. Then as you move upwards along the spine to the positions opposite the sacral, navel, heart, throat, third eye and crown, bring your right hand to the opposite position in the front of the body. At the crown use both hands to touch the crown. This ends the complete Attunement and Empowerment.

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