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Accenture Technical Questions(19/07/19) For 3 years Experience Selenium with Java

Do you use Thread.sleep() frequently? If Yes explain its limitations? If No reasons

for not using it?
What is the difference between findelement() and findelements()?
Difference b/w implicitly Wait and Explicit wait.
What is the difference between data-driven and Keyword driven framework and hybrid
Describe your framework.
How to prepare Customized or Create html Report using TestNG in the hybrid
What is a fluent wait
What are different wait mechanisms that can be used in scripting?
@before class @ before method which will execute first in TestNG and Why
Source: telegram group

Accenture Selenium interview questions � April 2018

Thanks to Saritha, for sharing the latest interview questions with us. Guys its a
sincere request to all, kindly share the latest interview questions with us. So, we
can build a better community for all testers.

Read Also: What is Abstraction in Java?

1st Round on Selenium

What is Java?
How much you rate your self in Selenium and Java?
OOPs concepts
Access Modifiers explanation
Interface new feature
Questions on Collections, have you used in your project?
Difference between HashMap and HashTable
How do you handle multiple windows?
How do you handle frames, if you are on a base page, you have Frame A, Frame B and
these are siblings, how do you switch to Frame A first and next how do you switch
to Frame B from Frame A
How to switch to the base frame after switching to multiple frames
Question on Agile methodology, how do you manage automation for agile
TestNG Questions like groups, priority, data provider
How to run the same scripts for different tests like smoke, regression
If you have 3 classes, ClassA uses 5 web elements, ClassB uses 10 web elements,
Class C uses 15 Web elements, all the classes have common elements, how will you
manage ur code [Have to use inheritance concept, parent class should have all the
web elements, child classes should inherit parent and can use whatever the class
Question on the framework, what are the components you are using
How will you write code to use excel sheets
Check Also: Manual Testing Questions
Accenture Selenium Interview Questions For Freshers
Explain JAVA
Write a simple program to print ur name with commands to compile and run the
What is the meaning of p.s.v.m(String args)
Explain exception handling
How will you come out of try{} block
What is the use of finally{} block
How will you come out of finally{} block
Difference between Hashtable and hashmap n their uses
Can value be key-value in a hashtable
Explain polymorphism
Explain method overloading and method overriding
Explain inheritance
What are the constructors
Types of access specifiers and their scope
What is monkey testing? Who performs it?
Given a login page with username n password text fields with cancel and login
buttons. Give test scenarios
Difference between the test plan and test lab
What is API Testing
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Accenture Selenium Interview Questions
Can you brief about yourself?
What is the difference between hashmap and hashtable?
Difference between StringBuffer and string classes.
What is testing
What are different types of testing
What are the types of testing you know apart from functional and performance
What is security testing
Where would you see yourself in the next 2 years
What is compatibility testing?
What is code coverage
Why are you looking for the change?
What are your achievements in your project?
What are the challenges you had in your project?
How would rate yourself in java out of 5?
What is a garbage collector in java
How do you achieve multiple inheritances in java?
What is the difference between an interface and an abstract class?
Write a program to find the prime number
Some questions of reasoning, probability.
How do you update your knowledge?
What is stlcCan you tell me the output of each component in STLC?
Can you tell me the output of each component in STLC?
Have you done anything innovative in the past 3 years for which you felt very
What tools you use in QA automation.
What is selenium?
Explain about your selenium framework.
What is the repository you have used for objects in a framework?
Can you write a sample webdriver script for login functionality of Gmail?
What are the different annotations in TestNG?
What is the use of @BeforeTest annotation?
How do you access the methods in TestNG class file along with parameters?
I have a package which has 10 class files, I would like to run first 6 class files
in parallel and rest 4 in sequential how to do you that.
Write the structure of TestNG xml file for the above scenario with parallel value
as �tests� and �classes�
How do you do parameterization in testNG
How is the data provider different from passing parameters from testng xml file.
How do you handle dependency tests cases in testNG?
Write the code for the following:
a)Check if the given string is a palindrome or not.
b) Check if the given integer is a palindrome or not.
c) Write a sample code for hashmap and hashtable
d) write a sample code for threads
Given an array int a[] = int a{1,2,2,3,4,4,5,5,6,7}
a)Find the duplicates in the above array and store into a separate array
b)Find the nonduplicates and store in another array.
Accenture Selenium Interview Questions � 4 to 8 Years Experience
1st round test

All BB selenium, testng maven related questions.

2nd round- telephonic interview in their office

Tell me about urself? What Ur project is all about

Abstract class
Can we achieve multiple inheritances in java
Final and finally keyword difference
Collection hierarchy
What is the difference between set and list
ArrayList and how it works
How u will switch to different Windows
Maven and its lifecycle phases.
Why maven preferred on others.
What plugins u used in maven
Pom.xml file and Trang.xml files difference
Nosuchelementexception and Element Not found exception what is the difference
between that
Cucumber � how much u know about it.
Who is writing feature files in your project and who should write it by ur
Can we have multiple catches after the single try
Where you used the collection in your framework.
How to iterate ArrayList
What is hashmap and how it works
Which framework you are using and in which layer u worked
Which version control tool your using
How you are merging Ur code to git
What all commands you used it git
Write an excel sheet code
If excel sheet is having one column as run and value for different test cases is Y
or N then how u will make sure only Y value test cases will run
How to set priority for any test
How to enable or disable the test
How to use different testng annotations
How Ur framework has been built.
If u wanted to run only some specific tests then how u will make sure that
2nd round

Test with 2 different scenarios that u need to automate

Accenture Selenium Telephonic Round Interview Questions for 3+ Years Exp
Tell me about yourself?
Explain Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC)?
Why we go for automation testing?
What is regression testing?
What is XPath?
Explain exception handling?
Difference between absolute XPath and relative XPath?
Explain your current project?
Tell me the steps to automate the Gmail login page?
What is selenium IDE?
What are the disadvantages of Selenium IDE?
Why selenium web driver is more popular?
How many waits commands in selenium web driver?
What is an alert command in Selenium IDE?
The difference between Assert and verify?
How to check whether the web element present on UI?
How to get the text from a web page?
What are IsEnable and IsSelected in selenium web driver?
How to work with drop-down in selenium web driver?
What are the features in selenium IDE?
Tell me about your roles and responsibility?
How many locators are available in selenium web driver?
Which locator is good to find the element?
How many ways we can launch the web page in selenium web driver?
I want to put a verification point in selenium Ide, Is it the possible time of
recording or manually?
Which domain you are working?
What is selenium�s tool suite
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Accenture Selenium technical round interview
Tell me something about yourself?
Explain your framework?
What is XPath?
How to write XPath?
How many XPath functions?
What is the use of Following-Sibling?
How to go back from child to parent object?
What is TestNG?
Tell me annotations present in TestNG?
Can we write more than on @Test annotation in TestNG if yes why?
Tell me about the Scrum methodology?
The difference between backlog and frontlog?
What is the use of Build.xml?
How can we modify Build.xml and where we have to save this?
How to see the result in TestNG?
What is the difference between Implicit wait and Explicit wait?
What is the latest version of selenium webdriver jar file?
How to work with Intenet Explorer in selenium webdriver?
Why browser driver is not needed in Mozilla Firefox.
Accenture Selenium Technical Interview Questions
What is the framework used in your project?
Explain the data-driven and Hybrid framework?
What is TestNG?
What is the difference between TestNG and JUnit?
What is ANT?
What are the important elements of ANT?
what is clean in ANT?
What is Robotium?
What is selenese?
What is fitneese?
What is meant by Continuous Integration?
what is web services? Can we test Webservices using selenium? What is a different
kind of WebWebservices?
and REST?
explain STLC?
What are the Settings needed to run ANT from the command prompt?
What is the use of AutoIT?
What is the difference between Delete and Drop?
Explain how to handle Child browser pop up?
Explain the different type of wait in Selenium?
what is shell scripting? what are the basic commands used?
What is Regression Testing?
Explain How do you find the total number of objects present on a web page?
Explain the different kinds of locators in selenium?
How do u convert Javascript in Selenium IDE to Java in Webdriver?
What are the commands ANT uses in the build?XML file?
Explain How do you handle a mobile Testing using Selenium Webdriver?
What are the tools used for Mobile browsers?
What are the different Support classes available in Selenium to test Android and
iPhone mobiles?
Can we use cucumber and fitneese? Explain
What is JDBC?
Explain the difference between Rowset and Resultset?
Explain the driver used for JDBC connection in your project with connection
Accenture Selenium (Pune) Telephonic Round Interview Questions
How can you Selenium IDE?
Difference Between Selenium RC & WebDriver?
About different locator and how you are using in your script?
How to write XPath for some scenarios?
Write a code for login page?
What is Jenkins & Have you implemented in your project?
Different topics and uses of TestNG?
How you are handling pop up�s?
How you are handling Drop down list?
How you are performing on a context menu

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