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The dedication of a child to the Lord is an important statement by the parents and the church

family. It says that this child belongs to God and that the parents are covenanting before God to
raise their children to know, love, and serve the Lord Jesus Christ. Likewise, during a child
dedication service, the body of Christ promises to come alongside the child to help them
believe and follow the Lord. Salvation, however, is only through personal faith in Jesus Christ.
The dedication is simply an act of faith on behalf of the parents and faith community. Thus,
dedicating your child to God does not guarantee them a place in heaven.

Here's a list of possible answers and reasons why (since there isn't any
reliable source of information) Filipinos make the 7th birthday important to
celebrate, much like the first, the 18th (debut for girls to womanhood) and
21st (for boys to manhood):

1. Seven is a lucky number as in Lucky 7? So the Chinese celebrate the 8th


2. Seven years is the time when a baby is "no longer a baby" and passes to
boyhood/girlhood? Same way a girl becomes a woman on her 18th
birthday and a boy becomes a man on his 21st birthday

3. Seven years of age is a milestone when we enter the elementary grades.

But with K+12, there's the mandatory kindergarten so this should be
lowered to 6? :P

4. It's a tradition even during the Spanish times though there's no

authoritative source for this one when the tradition started and where it

5. It's based on the Bible; the biblical tradition that the number seven
signifies completeness or perfection. You know there were seven days of
creation (Genesis), the seven cattle in the dreams of the Pharaoh, the
seven branches of the menorah (the lamp stand inside the tabernacle), the
seven plaids of Samson's locks, seven devils of Mary Magdalene, seven
deadly sins, the Pentecost as seven times seven days after Passover, even
the seventy elders of Israel, Israelites exile for 70 years in Babylon, and
the seventy times seven you need to forgive people who trespassed
against you.

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