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Practice Exam

10000 SERIES
Question 1
Four-year-old presents with an upper arm abscess in which an incision and drainage
technique was performed. Pus was expressed and dry gauze dressing was applied. The
procedure should be coded as:
A. 10060
B. 10061
C. 23930
D. 10180

Question 2
Mohs surgery will be performed on a 56-year-old that has basal cell carcinoma on the
neck. The gross tumor was completely excised. Tissue was divided into two tissue blocks
which were mapped and color coded at their margins; frozen sectioning was performed. A
full thickness graft was used to harvest skin from the patient’s left axillae for an area of 5
sq cm. The appropriate CPT® codes are:
A. 26115, 15260
B. 11600, 15240
C. 17311, 15240
D. 17313, 15260

Question 3
A 32-year-old male presents to the physician’s office for a follow up debridement of a
dragging injury that occurred when he fell from his horse. Both palms were effected. The
injury occurred a week ago. Today, the right palm had minimal dead skin removed to the
epidermis. The left palm had removal of dead tissue to the subcutaneous. Topical
ointment and a gauze dressing were placed over the surgical sites. The procedure(s)
should be coded as:
A. 11042, 11040-59
B. 97602
C. 16020-50
D. 11043, 11042-59

Question 4
An 11-year-old female presents to the doctor’s office with two dark lesions on her back
and a removal of a skin tag. Two of lesions on her right upper back were punch biopsied.
The skin tag on her back was removed by electrocauterization. The procedures should be
coded as:
A. 11100, 11200-59, 11201
B. 11100, 11101, 11200-59
C. 11056, 11200-59
D. 11100 x 2, 11200-59
Question 5
A 37-year-old gentleman has an open tibia-fibula fracture with extensive tissue loss. A
left gracilis muscle free flap reconstruction to the left lower extremity with end-to-end
anastomosis to the anterior tibial artery and vena comitantes was performed. The CPT®
code to report the flap procedure is:
A. 15756
B. 15842
C. 15758
D. 15738

Question 6
A 35-year-old female is coming in the office today to have two procedures performed on
her right foot. First a keratin corn callus was excised from the right fifth digit. A soft
tissue mass on the planter right hallux interphalangeal joint was previously biopsied on
the last visit and came back benign. An elliptical incision was made and a 2 cm excision
from the subcutaneous tissue level was performed. The procedures should be coded as:
A. 11422-T5, 11056-T9
B. 11402-T5, 11056-T9
C. 11422-T5, 11055-T9
D. 11622-T5, 11055-T9

Question 7
A 10-year-old girl comes into the ER after falling onto a glass table with multiple
lacerations. There is 3 cm laceration on the left lateral brow that was sutured with 3-0
Vicryl for the deep layer followed by 4-0 Prolene for the skin. The second laceration was
a 3 cm laceration on her neck that was sutured using 5-0 Prolene for the skin. The last
laceration was a 4 cm laceration on her arm that was sutured using 5-0 Prolene for the
skin. No glass or debris was found in the wounds. The CPT® codes for these procedures
A. 13132, 12002-51
B. 12013, 12002-51
C. 12052, 12002-51
D. 12032, 12042-51, 12013-51

Question 8
An 82-year-old female currently has basal cell carcinoma on her anterior left shoulder.
The physician excised the lesion with an excised diameter of 5 cm and hemostasis was
achieved using the Bovie cautery. Then a 10 cm rhomboid flap was made and was rotated
into the defect and donor site. The CPT® code(s) for this procedure is:
A. 14020, 11606-51
B. 14020
C. 14021, 11606-51
D. 14021
Question 9
A 37-year-old has been diagnosed with cancer in the left breast and is having a
lumpectomy performed. The breast tumor is in a lateral position, so the surgeon goes
through a previous incision all the way into the axilla and a full dissection of the axillary
lymph nodes is performed. An injection for sentinel node localization was also
performed. The CPT® codes for these procedures are:
A. 19302, 38525-51, 38792-51
B. 19302, 38792-51
C. 19305, 38792-51
D. 19301, 38525-51, 38792-51

Question 10
A 3-year-old pulls a pot of hot water off the stove and it splashes him on his face and
arms. When examined, the infant has first degree burns on his lower face and second
degree burns on both arms. The physician treats the burn on the face, approximately 3%
of the total area, with Silvadene dressing. For the second degree burns, both arms have no
infection and the blisters are intact. The burn is cleansed and Silvadene dressing is
applied. The procedures and diagnoses should be coded as:
A. 16025, 16020-51, 943.20, 941.10, E924.2
B. 16030, 16020-51, 942.23, 941.17, E924.0
C. 16025, 16000-51, 943.24, 941.14, E924.2
D. 16030, 16000-51, 943.20, 941.10, E924.0

Question 11
A patient has a 4.3 cm x 2 cm lesion on the left thigh that was excised. Due to the size
and location of the lesion, the decision was made to harvest a full thickness skin graft
from his left lower leg. An excision of 5 cm x 5 cm full thickness graft was obtained and
grafted onto the defect and sewn. The pathology finding confirmed that the lesion was
basal cell carcinoma. The CPT® code(s) to report is (are):
A. 14021
B. 11406, 15100-51
C. 11606, 15220-51, 15221
D. 11606, 15150-51
Question 12
A patient is coming into the office for a mass located right above her buttocks close to the
tailbone. After an examination the provider determines the mass is a pilonidal cyst. A 1.5
cm incision is made over the fullest portion of the mass. Five mL of yellow pus was
drained and a swab was sent for Gram stain and culture. The wound was packed and
dressed with dry sterile dressing. The CPT® code for this procedure is:
A. 11770
B. 10081
C. 10061
D. 10080
Question 13
A 32-year-old female is having an excision of a mass in her left breast. The physician
makes a curved incision along the inferior and medial aspect of the left areola. A breast
nodule, which measured approximately 1 cm in diameter, was identified. It appeared to
be benign. It was firm, gray, and discrete. It was completely excised. There was no gross
evidence of malignancy. The bleeding was controlled with electrocautery. The skin edges
were approximated with a continuous subcuticular 4-0 Vicryl suture. Indermil tissue
adhesive was applied to the skin as well as a dry gauze dressing. The correct CPT® code
and diagnosis are:
A. 19120, 611.72
B. 19125, 174.9
C. 19301, 611.72
D. 19370, 217

Question 14
A 10-year-old who fell off her bike sustained a 7 cm laceration to her brow and an 8.5 cm
laceration to her upper arm. Her parents requested the suturing to be done by a plastic
surgeon. The left arm was irrigated and devitalized skin was sharply debrided. The
subcutaneous fat, which had been avulsed, was sharply debrided, as well. Fascial defects
in the arm were reapproximated with 2-0 Vicryl sutures. A large good flap was tacked
down with Vicryl sutures. A large portion of this wound was unable to be covered. A wet-
to-dry dressing was then placed over the wound and wrapped. The facial laceration was
then closed in multiple layers with 5-0 PDS and 5-0 fast-absorbing gut suture. The
eyebrow was reapproximated. The wound was closed in layers to achieve a good
reapproximation. The CPT® codes for this service are:
A. 12053, 12034-51
B. 12014, 12004-51
C. 13132, 13121-51, 13122
D. 13121, 12053-51, 13122

Question 15
The patient is coming in for removal of fatty tissue of the posterior iliac crest, abdomen,
and the medial lateral thighs. Suction-assisted lipectomy was then undertaken in the left
posterior iliac crest area and this was continued on the right and then the lateral
trochanteric and posterior aspect of the medial thighs. The medial thighs were suctioned
followed by the abdomen. The total amount infused was 2300 cc and the total amount
removed was 2400 cc. The incisions were closed and a compression garment was applied.
The CPT® codes for this procedure are:
A. 15830, 15832-59
B. 15877, 15879-59
C. 15830, 15839-59, 15847
D. 15877, 15878-59
Question 16
The patient is coming in to have multiple skin lesions biopsied. The patient's skin lesions
include two left lateral arm lesions, two left preauricular lesions, a right lateral arm
lesion, and a left alar lesion. Biopsies were taken of each site. The CPT® code for this
procedure is:
A. 11100, 11101 x 5
B. 11100, 11100-59 x 5
C. 24065, 24065-59 x 5
D. 11400, 11400-59 x 5

Question 17
An 85-year-old gentleman had a large squamous cell carcinoma of the left upper lip that
involved the nostril floor of the medial portion of the columella and the left nasal base. A
month ago he underwent wide excision with reconstruction using a large superiorly based
nasal labial cheek flap. He is here for a second stage, a division and inset of his cheek
flap to left upper lip and nose. The pathology report showed the margins were clear
though relatively close. The bridge of tissue between the base of the flap and the upper lip
was incised. The base of the flap was excised and all the redundant tissue sharpen the
edges and inset the base of the flap back into the cheek with interrupted 4-0 Monocryl
and running 6-0 plain catgut. Similarly, I debulked the most lateral portion of the flap and
the lateral portion of the defect was recreated and then inset the flap with interrupted 4-0
Monocryl running 6-0 plain catgut. The CPT® code for this procedure is:
A. 15630
B. 15630-58
C. 15758
D. 15758-58

Question 18
A physician performed intradermal injections of an insoluble opaque pigment to resolve
the discoloration experienced by a 23-year-old patient who nearly two years ago suffered
a burn to the left side of his face, neck, and left shoulder that occurred at a work site.
Seventy-five sq cm were injected during the extensive treatment. The correct CPT®
code(s) for this procedure is (are):
A. 11920, 11921 x 3
B. 11921 x 4
C. 11921, 11922 x 3
D. 11922 x 3
Question 19
An 11-year-old female slammed the van door on her left fourth and fifth finger. Her
mother brought her to the physician’s office where the physician drained the blood from
under the fingernail of her fourth finger. Her fifth finger had a laceration to the nail bed.
The physician removed the damaged nail and sutured the nail bed. The correct CPT®
codes for the procedures are:
A. 11760-F4, 11740-F3
B. 11762-F9, 11730-F8
C. 11750, 11740-59
D. 11760, 11730-F9, 11760-F3

Question 20
A patient who suffered severe burns to her abdomen during an apartment fire, developed
a thick, constrictive layer of eschar while recovering in the burn unit of the hospital. The
physician evaluated the thick, coagulated crust covering the burned area and performed
five incisions to prevent edema and possible ischemia. The CPT® procedure codes are:
A. 16030, 16035
B. 16035, 16036 x 4
C. 16035, 16036
D. 16030

Question 1
Four-year-old presents with an upper arm abscess in which an incision and drainage technique
was performed. Pus was expressed and dry gauze dressing was applied. The procedure should
be coded as:

A. 10060

B. 10061

C. 23930

D. 10180

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Question 2
Mohs surgery will be performed on a 56-year-old that has basal cell carcinoma on the neck. The
gross tumor was completely excised. Tissue was divided into two tissue blocks which were
mapped and color coded at their margins; frozen sectioning was performed. A full thickness graft
was used to harvest skin from the patient’s left axillae for an area of 5 sq cm. The appropriate
CPT® codes are:

A. 26115, 15260

B. 11600, 15240

C. 17311, 15240

D. 17313, 15260

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Question 3
A 32-year-old male presents to the physician’s office for a follow up debridement of a dragging
injury that occurred when he fell from his horse. Both palms were effected. The injury occurred a
week ago. Today, the right palm had minimal dead skin removed to the epidermis. The left palm
had removal of dead tissue to the subcutaneous. Topical ointment and a gauze dressing were
placed over the surgical sites. The procedure(s) should be coded as:

A. 11042, 11040-59

B. 97602

C. 16020-50

D. 11043, 11042-59

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Question 4
An 11-year-old female presents to the doctor’s office with two dark lesions on her back and a
removal of a skin tag. Two of lesions on her right upper back were punch biopsied. The skin tag
on her back was removed by electrocauterization. The procedures should be coded as:

A. 11100, 11200-59, 11201

B. 11100, 11101, 11200-59

C. 11056, 11200-59

D. 11100 x 2, 11200-59

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Question 5
A 37-year-old gentleman has an open tibia-fibula fracture with extensive tissue loss. A left gracilis
muscle free flap reconstruction to the left lower extremity with end-to-end anastomosis to the
anterior tibial artery and vena comitantes was performed. The CPT® code to report the flap
procedure is:

A. 15756

B. 15842

C. 15758

D. 15738

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Question 6
A 35-year-old female is coming in the office today to have two procedures performed on her right
foot. First a keratin corn callus was excised from the right fifth digit. A soft tissue mass on the
planter right hallux interphalangeal joint was previously biopsied on the last visit and came back
benign. An elliptical incision was made and a 2 cm excision from the subcutaneous tissue level
was performed. The procedures should be coded as:

A. 11422-T5, 11056-T9

B. 11402-T5, 11056-T9

C. 11422-T5, 11055-T9

D. 11622-T5, 11055-T9

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Question 7
A 10-year-old girl comes into the ER after falling onto a glass table with multiple lacerations.
There is 3 cm laceration on the left lateral brow that was sutured with 3-0 Vicryl for the deep layer
followed by 4-0 Prolene for the skin. The second laceration was a 3 cm laceration on her neck
that was sutured using 5-0 Prolene for the skin. The last laceration was a 4 cm laceration on her
arm that was sutured using 5-0 Prolene for the skin. No glass or debris was found in the wounds.
The CPT® codes for these procedures are:

A. 13132, 12002-51

B. 12013, 12002-51

C. 12052, 12002-51

D. 12032, 12042-51, 12013-51

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Question 8
An 82-year-old female currently has basal cell carcinoma on her anterior left shoulder. The
physician excised the lesion with an excised diameter of 5 cm and hemostasis was achieved
using the Bovie cautery. Then a 10 cm rhomboid flap was made and was rotated into the defect
and donor site. The CPT® code(s) for this procedure is:

A. 14020, 11606-51

B. 14020

C. 14021, 11606-51

D. 14021

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Question 9
A 37-year-old has been diagnosed with cancer in the left breast and is having a lumpectomy
performed. The breast tumor is in a lateral position, so the surgeon goes through a previous
incision all the way into the axilla and a full dissection of the axillary lymph nodes is performed. An
injection for sentinel node localization was also performed. The CPT® codes for these
procedures are:

A. 19302, 38525-51, 38792-51

B. 19302, 38792-51

C. 19305, 38792-51

D. 19301, 38525-51, 38792-51

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Question 10
A 3-year-old pulls a pot of hot water off the stove and it splashes him on his face and arms. When
examined, the infant has first degree burns on his lower face and second degree burns on both
arms. The physician treats the burn on the face, approximately 3% of the total area, with
Silvadene dressing. For the second degree burns, both arms have no infection and the blisters
are intact. The burn is cleansed and Silvadene dressing is applied. The procedures and
diagnoses should be coded as:

A. 16025, 16020-51, 943.20, 941.10, E924.2

B. 16030, 16020-51, 942.23, 941.17, E924.0

C. 16025, 16000-51, 943.24, 941.14, E924.2

D. 16030, 16000-51, 943.20, 941.10, E924.0

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Question 11
A patient has a 4.3 cm x 2 cm lesion on the left thigh that was excised. Due to the size and
location of the lesion, the decision was made to harvest a full thickness skin graft from his left
lower leg. An excision of 5 cm x 5 cm full thickness graft was obtained and grafted onto the defect
and sewn. The pathology finding confirmed that the lesion was basal cell carcinoma. The CPT®
code(s) to report is (are):

A. 14021

B. 11406, 15100-51

C. 11606, 15220-51, 15221

D. 11606, 15150-51

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Question 12
A patient is coming into the office for a mass located right above her buttocks close to the
tailbone. After an examination the provider determines the mass is a pilonidal cyst. A 1.5 cm
incision is made over the fullest portion of the mass. Five mL of yellow pus was drained and a
swab was sent for Gram stain and culture. The wound was packed and dressed with dry sterile
dressing. The CPT® code for this procedure is:

A. 11770

B. 10081

C. 10061

D. 10080

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Question 13
A 32-year-old female is having an excision of a mass in her left breast. The physician makes a
curved incision along the inferior and medial aspect of the left areola. A breast nodule, which
measured approximately 1 cm in diameter, was identified. It appeared to be benign. It was firm,
gray, and discrete. It was completely excised. There was no gross evidence of malignancy. The
bleeding was controlled with electrocautery. The skin edges were approximated with a continuous
subcuticular 4-0 Vicryl suture. Indermil tissue adhesive was applied to the skin as well as a dry
gauze dressing. The correct CPT® code and diagnosis are:

A. 19120, 611.72

B. 19125, 174.9

C. 19301, 611.72

D. 19370, 217

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Question 14
A 10-year-old who fell off her bike sustained a 7 cm laceration to her brow and an 8.5 cm
laceration to her upper arm. Her parents requested the suturing to be done by a plastic surgeon.
The left arm was irrigated and devitalized skin was sharply debrided. The subcutaneous fat,
which had been avulsed, was sharply debrided, as well. Fascial defects in the arm were
reapproximated with 2-0 Vicryl sutures. A large good flap was tacked down with Vicryl sutures. A
large portion of this wound was unable to be covered. A wet-to-dry dressing was then placed over
the wound and wrapped. The facial laceration was then closed in multiple layers with 5-0 PDS
and 5-0 fast-absorbing gut suture. The eyebrow was reapproximated. The wound was closed in
layers to achieve a good reapproximation. The CPT® codes for this service are:

A. 12053, 12034-51

B. 12014, 12004-51

C. 13132, 13121-51, 13122

D. 13121, 12053-51, 13122

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Question 15
The patient is coming in for removal of fatty tissue of the posterior iliac crest, abdomen, and the
medial lateral thighs. Suction-assisted lipectomy was then undertaken in the left posterior iliac
crest area and this was continued on the right and then the lateral trochanteric and posterior
aspect of the medial thighs. The medial thighs were suctioned followed by the abdomen. The total
amount infused was 2300 cc and the total amount removed was 2400 cc. The incisions were
closed and a compression garment was applied. The CPT® codes for this procedure are:

A. 15830, 15832-59

B. 15877, 15879-59

C. 15830, 15839-59, 15847

D. 15877, 15878-59

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Question 16
The patient is coming in to have multiple skin lesions biopsied. The patient's skin lesions include
two left lateral arm lesions, two left preauricular lesions, a right lateral arm lesion, and a left alar
lesion. Biopsies were taken of each site. The CPT® code for this procedure is:

A. 11100, 11101 x 5

B. 11100, 11100-59 x 5

C. 24065, 24065-59 x 5

D. 11400, 11400-59 x 5

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Question 17
An 85-year-old gentleman had a large squamous cell carcinoma of the left upper lip that involved
the nostril floor of the medial portion of the columella and the left nasal base. A month ago he
underwent wide excision with reconstruction using a large superiorly based nasal labial cheek
flap. He is here for a second stage, a division and inset of his cheek flap to left upper lip and
nose. The pathology report showed the margins were clear though relatively close. The bridge of
tissue between the base of the flap and the upper lip was incised. The base of the flap was
excised and all the redundant tissue sharpen the edges and inset the base of the flap back into
the cheek with interrupted 4-0 Monocryl and running 6-0 plain catgut. Similarly, I debulked the
most lateral portion of the flap and the lateral portion of the defect was recreated and then inset
the flap with interrupted 4-0 Monocryl running 6-0 plain catgut. The CPT® code for this procedure

A. 15630

B. 15630-58

C. 15758

D. 15758-58

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Question 18
A physician performed intradermal injections of an insoluble opaque pigment to resolve the
discoloration experienced by a 23-year-old patient who nearly two years ago suffered a burn to
the left side of his face, neck, and left shoulder that occurred at a work site. Seventy-five sq cm
were injected during the extensive treatment. The correct CPT® code(s) for this procedure is

A. 11920, 11921 x 3

B. 11921 x 4

C. 11921, 11922 x 3

D. 11922 x 3

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Question 19
An 11-year-old female slammed the van door on her left fourth and fifth finger. Her mother
brought her to the physician’s office where the physician drained the blood from under the
fingernail of her fourth finger. Her fifth finger had a laceration to the nail bed. The physician
removed the damaged nail and sutured the nail bed. The correct CPT® codes for the procedures

A. 11760-F4, 11740-F3

B. 11762-F9, 11730-F8

C. 11750, 11740-59

D. 11760, 11730-F9, 11760-F3

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Question 20
A patient who suffered severe burns to her abdomen during an apartment fire, developed a thick,
constrictive layer of eschar while recovering in the burn unit of the hospital. The physician
evaluated the thick, coagulated crust covering the burned area and performed five incisions to
prevent edema and possible ischemia. The CPT® procedure codes are:

A. 16030, 16035

B. 16035, 16036 x 4

C. 16035, 16036

D. 16030

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