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Dog Food Chart (Source: Pedigree)

The average consumption of Dog food, calculated from the chart above:

Average Food % of population Average

Weight Consumption based corresponding consumption
(in Kg) on weight (in gms) to weight (in gms)
<5 150 0.25 37.5
5 to 10 200 0.4 80
10 to 25 400 0.2 80
25 to 50 550 0.1 55
50 to 70 950 0.05 47.5

Present Trends:
The possible number of Upper class & upper middle class families in India = 200 million

Assuming, 5% of the population has 1 pet each = 10 million

Thus, No. of Dogs = 8 million (55% pet population)

No. of Cats = 4.5 million (30% pet population)

{Data verified by Euromonitor International}

Avg. amount of dog food consumed per dog per day per meal (in Kg) = 0.3

Avg. amount of cat food consumed per cat per day per meal (in Kg) = 0.1

Average cost of a bag of dog food per kg = 150 (Many local & premium brands are available and the
market is huge, thus prices average out)

Average cost of a bag of cat food per kg = 200 (since Premium brands such as Whiskas are only available
as of now, else the substitute is home food)

Dog Food market (in Kg) = 8 million * 0.3 Kg per day per meal * 3 meals per day = 7.2 million Kg =
7,200,000 Kg = 7200 Tonnes

Cat Food Market (in Kg) = 4.5 million * 0.1 Kg per day per meal * 3 meals per day = 1.35 million Kg =
1,350,000 = 1350 tonnes

Dog Food market (in Rs) = 8 million * 0.3 Kg per day per meal * 3 meals per day * 150 Rs per Kg = 1080
million Rs. = 1080,000,000 = 108,00,00,000 = 108 crore Rs.

Cat Food Market (in Rs) = 4.5 million * 0.1 Kg per day per meal * 3 meals per day * 200 Rs per Kg = 270
million Rs. = 270,000,000 = 27,00,00,000 = 27 crore Rs.

Total Pet (Dog + Cat) Food Market = 135 crore Rs.

Due to the traditional beliefs & high costs of pet food, most of the households in India, use pet food for
one meal only.

So, then the figures would be, Total Pet (Dog + Cat) Food Market = 45 crore Rs. (Presently)

Future Prospects:

Considering the growth 10 years down the line, with nominal assumptions, based on animal welfare
society reports.
The possible number of Upper class & upper middle class families in India = 200 million

Assuming, 30% of the population has 1 pet each = 60 million

Thus, No. of Dogs = 33 million (55% pet population)

No. of Cats = 18 million (30% pet population)

{Data verified by Euromonitor International}

Avg. amount of dog food consumed per dog per day per meal (in Kg) = 0.3

Avg. amount of cat food consumed per cat per day per meal (in Kg) = 0.1

Average cost of a bag of dog food per kg = 250 (Assuming, Competition & Inflation, will balance prices at
nearly same level)

Average cost of a bag of cat food per kg = 250 (Assuming, Competition & Inflation, will balance prices at
nearly same level)

Dog Food market (in Kg) = 33 million * 0.3 Kg per day per meal * 3 meals per day = 29.7 million Kg =
29,700,000 Kg = 29,700 Ton

Cat Food Market (in Kg) = 18 million * 0.1 Kg per day per meal * 3 meals per day = 5.4 million Kg =
5,400,000 = 5,400 Ton

Dog Food market (in Rs) = 33 million * 0.3 Kg per day per meal * 3 meals per day * 250 Rs per Kg = 7425
million Rs. = 7,425,000,000 = 742,50,00,000 = 742.5 crore Rs.

Cat Food Market (in Rs) = 18 million * 0.1 Kg per day per meal * 3 meals per day * 250 Rs per Kg = 1350
million Rs. = 1,350,000,000 = 135,00,00,000 = 135 crores Rs.

Total Pet (Dog + Cat) Food Market = 877.5 crore Rs.

Assuming that if not 3 times, at least by now, 2 times the pet food would be used (especially due to the
convenience & lack of time available, adding to the influence of Vets)

So, then the figures would be, Total Pet (Dog + Cat) Food Market = 585 crore Rs. (Futuristic)

The above figures are based on viable futuristic projections. Fortunately, for the pet industry, these are
figures, only for Pet Foods; and the grooming industry is still open to innovation & growth.

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