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Tantric Brute Grimoire


A personal exploration Of Sexmagick and Voudon

By Angela Edwards


This a personal artist/practitioner’s interpretation of voudon from the viewpoint of the human condition
and psychosexual mind. It is not therefore a strict blueprint for these historically rooted living traditions,
nor is it meant to be followed as a magical order. Although I do practice in day to day rituals using
traditional Haitian voudon and South American Quimbanda,my solid devotional practice being centred
around Pomba Gira Rainha and Pomba Gira Dama da Noite, this piece of work is focused on the
individual’s creative experiences. I have tried to keep the characteristics of lwa and offerings as close as
possible to Haitian voudon tradition. This is a postmodernist take of a Westerner living in the twenty first
century on these religious practices, therefore should be seen as separate from formal voudon spiritual
initiation, and not as disrespectful to these rooted traditions or religions.
Note On Associations :The following associations of the lwa are not all being condoned or are practised
by the writer in her life , Bestiality [abuse of animals sexual or physical],necrophilia,cannibalism ,
murder , incest,paedophilia[abuse of children sexually or physical], unconsensual cutting , genki porn ,
rape , branding inflicted upon another not used in a transgressive consenting adult environment etc. The
writer would also like to clarify that she is not responsible for any use of illegal drugs or condoning use
of substances such as crack , heroin. Or condoning practice or invocation to the lwa using these
substances or self destructive addiction .Also she does not condone self harm and all rituals regarding
cutting should be done in a sane mind.But although any of these things are far from right in our civilised
humanistic mind.The writer did feel that as lwas represent all aspects of our shadow selfs darkest
conscious being ,it would be wrong to not include these associations. She also felt that as lwas are once
human beings , that these things would exist in them as they do in humanity also.

Copyright : Text Angela Edwards 2011

Copyright : Images Angela Edwards 2012
None of the book is to be reprinted or used without the author/copyrighters prior consent .

Table of Contents

Section 1

Chapter 1 : The introduction to the qilphothic landscape As a Entry To sexual Transgression

Foreword :A magical grammar of the psychopathology stirred by the night and magic .

Nicholaj De Mattos Frisvold Pages 7-8

An Introduction Essay

Angela Edwards Pages 9-13

The tree of Death in its Qliphoth landscape as a reflection of the human condition Pages 26-28

Section 2

Tantric Brute Grimoire the Book

The Start Invocation to The qilphoths entry

Page 25
Chapter 1

Invocations Kether - Damballah invocation Pages 28-29

Damballah Properties Page 30

Chapter 2

Chokmah - Baron Samedi Invocation Page 33

Baron Samedi properties Page 35

Chapter 3

Binah - Maman Brigitte invocation Pages 38-39

Maman Brigitte Properties Page 41

Chapter 4

Chesed - Marinette Of The Dry Bones invocation Pages 44-45

Marinette Properties
Page 47
Chapter 5

Geburah - Baron Kriminel invocation

Page 50
Baron kriminel Properties Page 52

Chapter 6

Tiphareth - The Marassas invocation

Pages 55-56
Marassas properties

Chapter 7

Netzach - Erzulie Danto invocation Pages 61-62

Erzulie Danto Properties Page 64

Chapter 8

Hod - Baron Limbi invocation Pages 68-69

Baron Limbi Properties Page 71

Chapter 9

Yesod - Kalfou invocation Page 74

Kalfou Properties Page 76

Chapter 10

Malkuth - Baka invocation Pages 79-80

Baka Properties Page 82

Chapter 11

Daath - Nibo invocation Pages 85-86

Nibo Properties Page 88

Chapter 12

Black is the Sun :In My Eulogy To The Void Of Transformation Alone.

An invocation of the mother void Pages 92-93

The End A Prologue Page 94

Section 3

The conclusion

Essay Title :
The fundamentals of Utilising the Qliphoth to perfect being of becoming in nothingness /
everything in the path transfixed of the void .

Angela Edwards Pages 94-101

A magical grammar of the psychopathology stirred by the night
and magic.
A Foreword By Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold

Angela Edwards’s art is disturbing in its brutal and direct exposition of the human condition. She
gives you the most honest and raw speculum of sex, flesh, ink and darkness so you can mirror
your own honesty. It is annoying, it is real - and it is brutal. This brutality is splashing over the
canvas in intoxication and exaltation as it takes on a life of glory in its grim strokes- depraved,
direct and deadly honest it calls the attention to you and ask you; who the fuck you are. Edwards
is transgression, because she went to hell and then she came back to the world of the living with
the courage and honesty of giving us her soul. She will challenge you both as a woman and by her
honesty. Many will shout depraved! Many will shout blasphemer! Many will not see this tour de
force of naked demonstration of truth being won by the hands of blasphemy, sex, brutality and
honesty to honest for most of us. Edwards’s art is transgression; she takes your idols and your
loved ones, the meaning of life you smear upon the ecstasy of sex and sheds its skin - just to show
you the marrow of existence. The desiring and sexual soul within all you love and keep sacred.
Tantric Brute Grimoire is an artistic transgression - but it is also a provocation, because ruthless
honesty does tend to provoke. This work is as she herself says: "a mirror of the fragility of human
existence" - in this we find the brutality and softness of the human condition. Her brutality lies in
her honesty and her softness in the soul wrecking honesty of exposing this work. Her grimoire is a
psychosexual map of the modern female mage. Her route to revealing this her grammar of the
soul is to present a series of rites and spirit maps drawn from the darkest sexual dungeons of the
soul. In full dregs she throws her soul in your face to serve as a blueprint of the brutality of life -
that grim teacher who by negation leads you to completeness. Art expresses the soul and for
Edwards art must be "shameless, unflinching and truthful" hence dissecting - or rather revealing -
the soul in a shameless exposition of truth. This is what Tantric Brute Grimoire is doing.
Another provocative element in this grimoire is how she equally shamelessly lays claim to Les Lwa
and can easily be taken as an corruptor of Vodoun, but this is not so. For Edwards the gathering of
hot Lwa she has worked with has been as a part of an internal mago-artistic work. She has simply
responded to the mirror of her soul in the name of art and magic, because the artist and the
magician are both walkers between worlds. This makes this work not a transmission from the
peristyle of Vodoun, but from the peristyle of the soul of the artist. In this work we find a selection
of dangerous and hot Lwa loosely applied to the adverse side of the Tree of Life used as a mirror of
the artists’ psyche, it is here she finds the references of her revelation and liberation. Edwards say
much of her life and soul in revealing the nature of the Lwa that she has used as mirror for her
map of Life. In this we find yet another level, an exposition and revelation of the human condition
in the reflection of spiritual potencies of a hot nature. Few of us dare walk there unless we are called
and even then there is resistance. In this celebration of death, sexual brutality and heresy she invites
you to Inferno and Purgatory - just to let you lose in your own depraved wilderness in order to find
your own Paradiso. She has given you the compass that is a qliphotic culmination - because in the
triumph of the averse and lifeless - new life can be found.
The sexual soul provokes by itself - and even more so when the one who reveals it is a woman. Any
woman will feel ease by this -any man slightly tormented. In this way Edward’s by being who she is
and present her soul, brute and truthful in this way, will challenge the world. In doing this she has
also accomplished her artistic creed - to make you aware of the guides in life we often reject in
taking on the negative and depraved as guides for truth and self acceptance. There is a glory in
resorting to the negative and lifeless in order to affirm your life and purpose - this is the darkest of
daggers, the most gloomy of the roads of ecstasy.
Tantric Brute Grimoire is an important document as it exposes flagrantly and with secure colours
the condition of a western mage that explores the sexual soul in the name of ascent. In doing this,
Edwards gives a voice to the world of female mysteries few dare to venture within.
Tantric Brute Grimoire is a gift of the magical artist to the world - a map of her own redemption by
resorting to the powers we suppress as guides to bring us to an awakening to truth. This is a post
modern grimoire -and as such it is a work that takes the pulse of time - and as such it takes a stab at
our sense of decency and shame, our taxonomies and certainties in quite revolting and proper ways.
It is a magical grammar of the psychopathology stirred by the night and magic - it is a unique
modern magical document infused by the blood of Teresa of Avila, Felicien Rops, Francis Bacon,
Lucian Freud and Annie Sprinkle in the spirit of liberation and transgression. In an unflinching and
shameless revelation of truth.
Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold


"Take me like a ragged naked hobo to the crossroads, crawling, hands scuffed, knees
bleeding, therefore being, humbly, all aspects of human imperfection. Take me
under the stars, darkness illuminated by the brightest light of knowing and feeling
universally everything, transgressed through imperfection to perfect divinity, so that
in all the fragility of the human condition lays, in ugliness, the most radiant beauty.
Take me to the crossroads, sweat and blood, legs spread in animalistic lust, orgasm,
creation conjoined with annihilation, destruction to death, heaven riding hell. Let
me know a full life like the most intimate lover. In the lwa's passage be the journey
to the birth of my fearless true universal full soul."

In the path of the Qliphoth nightside tree of life we find an in-depth mirror of the fragility of
human existence, and the brutality as well as softness of the human condition. In these terms this
map can be compared to the all TRUE ART, encompassing to set out all aspects of our base
instincts and universal living.
Although the Tree is metaphysical in its approach, unlike intuitive art it is based upon cerebral
academia, that the principles and philosophical end results are fundamentally linked. Throughout
history, philosophical-religious thought has been married with the same ideologies, and obsessive
questioning of human existence as art, whilst searching for a man or woman's passage to his or
her full divine enlightenment of martyred ego, transgressed higher self, the soul.

In art we find spirituality, expression of our Soul, in that all true Art is shameless, unflinching and
truthful. To my mind no religions in purist spiritualist approaches fit such explorations of life and
death. The fragility of the primordial state of being is reflected and imperfect, as that of Afro-
derived traditions such as voudon, Ifa, Palo and Quimbanda /Kuimbanda. All rely on direct purist
spiritualist contact and the interaction with lower spiritual energies (or once human spirits) that
mirror the full beauty and ugliness of all of the universe in its full real limitless glory. So as in art,
we find even the ugliest creations are also similar, in the way that emotively they are always
linked to true beauty. In this way also do the spirits of voudon, the lwa.

Though, if placing upon the back of the Tree of Life (the Qliphoth Tree of Death), or the front of
the Tree of Life, most lwa, that are always accessed through mediumistic communication would be
placed on the connections rather than the sephiroths, as they are in spiritualist context literal
gateways to mediumistic contact with the dead.
The spirits of voudon, the lwa, do in the exploration of the darker aspects of the soul self, and fit
perfectly in reflecting a true uncompromising map of humanity. This the pioneer Michael
Bertiaux was fully aware of as a artist and practitioner in VGW, as well as Kenneth Grant in the
Nightside of Eden. In these dimensions, they are the most unflinching honest interpretation of
human existence and the Tree of Life.
They are also, in these aspects, a true linked force to the primordial self, expressed by all true
artists. Especially in the families of voudon spirits of the Gede and Petro, we find the links between
sex, sexuality, creation and destruction, annihilations of the self in all forms of death through
practical action and exploration of the darker aspects, of the often denied self, the hidden soul.
The lwa work within the laws of combined alchemy, red creation, sexuality, black destruction and
death encompass universal alchemical fusion in their magickal practice. Like the twins of Ifa
conjoined in marriage, these are twinned polar attributes of the same thing. It also serves as
positive and negative combined, male and female combined in intercourse, to form the creation of
the enlightened, fully transgendered, transgressed self. All things in life cross over to form one.
Life and death are one of the same in that one cannot exist without another. They are the
entwined reflection of the universal existence of spirits and ourselves .

Here the ideas of combining the Qliphoth Tree of Death in Cabala and lwa spirits with paintings
of invocations made perfect sense, because for an artist and practitioner all things are a reflection
of pure true divinity of humanity and the universe fully embraced. So in the husk shells of the
Qliphoth we find spiritual rebirth also.

Traditionally the Qliphoth is represented by twelve legions of goetic daemons of higher derived
spirit origin, i.e. fallen angels: Thaumiel, Ghagiel, Sacariel, Ga'ag Sheblah, Golachad, Thagirion,
A'Arabzaraq, Samael, Gamaliel and Lilith. Lilith is the cast out wife of Adam, the father of
humanities. She is the original mother of humanity before Eve who resides at the base of
Qliphoth's roots, upon Malkuth Earth. The archetype of Lilith also focuses on sexual vampirism,
another type of utilisation of absorption of energy practiced in any form of sexual spiritual
invocations or sexual magical traditions, linking the ideology of utilising lwa upon the Qliphoth
from a sexual magical practitioners perspective. In Lilith we discover a complex and accurate
reflection of the mother of humanity, portraying through her attributes of being humanities'
darker self, the reflection of our own denied soul, making her the closest spirit connected to lwa
consciousness in this attribute. For in the darker aspects of the spiritualist lwa, we also find the
daemonic human consciousness of humanity represented in the form of the shadow reflection of
ourselves, which connects both things.
If we are to work with Voudon as a form of tantra, in the Egyptian origins of tantra (as a Northern
African culture) in the use of the symbol of the Ankh in relation to energy points. We find a strong
link to the African magickal practise. Historically I see it as a practice of African and not Asian
heritage. Most sex-magickal practices have been originally developed in Africa. Therefore I
connect these ritualistic practices to Voudon and Afro-derived traditions also.
The traditions of transgressive extremes through the art of body modification, which is another
huge aspect of left-hand path, the modern sex-magickal practises have also historically first
evolved from tribes such as Sara-Kaba in the African Congo through wooden mouth plates,
genital piercing, fire rituals, etc. This shows that in some ways the often seen as primitive primal
world of ancient African cultural traditions has been also a pioneer in these aspects. Only recently
did a more developed form in the postmodernist sex-magickal Western world became popular. So
these ancient African traditions have contributed vastly to a huge influence on S&M culture as we
know it in modernist society today. We can also connect such rooted living African traditions in
their essence to philosophical pioneers like De Sade ,and Bataille. African culture has had a great
impact upon sophisticated Western philosophical thought and culture. Through these tribes
ancient traditions in Africa, we trace the true origins of S&M rituals such as flesh hooks, cutting,
play piercing, breaking the flesh, and other uses of ritualistic forms of transgression.

So such things are the same in their elemental place of the transgressed universal self, and a true
exploration of lwa spirit maps. In voudon it is known naturally that such qliphoth psychosexual
images ,worlds, are transmitted to the vessel through direct spiritualist possession .Through
dreams or during the entranced action of the transgressive possession of the following sexual rites
or other intense invocation rituals . Such things allow a type of zombified submission, an out of
body astral communication of the elemental spirit worlds to the lwa initiate. That form visual
maps then projected into art of the hidden elemental nightside spirit world reflected from the
spirit vessels subconscious into direct visual manifestation.
So the Qliphoth sets out a blueprint combined with art, it is a map of our perfect, imperfect, all
embracing, knowing, awakened souls.

So, lwa, ride me like a horse in savage violation of knowing, and "take me like a ragged naked
hobo to the crossroads, crawling, scuffed hands, bleeding knees, therefore being, humbly, all
aspects of human imperfection. Take me under the stars, darkness illuminated by the brightest
light of knowing and feeling universally everything, transgressed through imperfection to perfect
divinity, so that in all the fragility of the human condition lays, in ugliness, the most radiant
So, "take me like a ragged naked hobo to the crossroads, crawling, hands scuffed, knees bleeding,
therefore being, humbly, all aspects of human imperfection. Take me under the stars, darkness
illuminated by the brightest light of knowing and feeling universally everything, transgressed
through imperfection to perfect divinity, “so that in all the fragility of the human condition lays, in
ugliness, the most radiant beauty. Take me to the crossroads, sweat and blood, legs spread in
animalistic lust, orgasm, creation conjoined with annihilation, destruction to death, heaven riding
hell. Let me know a full life like the most intimate lover. In the lwa's passage be the journey to the
birth of my fearless true universal full soul."
A.Edwards August 2011


There has long been a natural historical link to Arabic and Northern African traditions such as
Babylonian, Assyrian and Congo African: Quimbanda, Ifa and Voudon. The Congo-derived
Quimbanda utilises the lunar cycle, the use of herbs in a magical ritual and the abstract form of
astrology with roots in Babylonian astrological practice
(1). The Babylonians first invented astrological practice, as astrology is of Northern African
(2). This explains this form of astrology as a prominent root to all Quimbanda and Ifa Afro-
derived practices, unlike Grecian astrological tradition whose closest counterpart is to a more
formulated Western astrological tradition practiced today. It is also known that the legions of
Pomba Gira and Exu hold the closest similarity in relation to Arabic Jin spirits. Both traditions and
all Afro-derived rituals also utilise ancestor worship as a main focus of practice. (3) Northern
African Arabic tradition is linked in cuneiform.
(4) Veves and pontos are both used for invocation of spirits in their magical ritual tradition. All
are utilised as an artistic form of magickal sigils. This was later developed by artists and
practitioners like A O Spare (5) and Andrew Chumbley (6) throughout their magical practices.
The artist's exploration of sexuality and death is prominent throughout art history, reflecting the
Gede and Petro lwa associations with sex creation and death destruction as Voudon spiritualist
traditions cross over into fine Art. This is especially prominent in the works of voudon initiate and
fine artist Maya Deren (7). The Qliphoth is also linked in Northern African tradition to voudon
and all Afro-derived heritage (8).
Quimbanda is rooted in the Brasilian street spirits of Pomba Gira and Exu (9), although as a
spiritualist tradition and not a sex-magickal practice. We find that in some Pomade Gira's roots as
a prostitute or focused on being a woman of the night ,examples Pomba Gira Rainha, Pomba Gira
Dama da Noite ,Pomba Gira Maria Navalha { Pomba Gira Of The Razor who shares not similarity
as a whore but in her razor attribute with petro lwa Erzulie Danto with ever present dagger )and
Pomba Gira Sete Encruzilhada i.e. a sexually empowered woman, are the basis to all sex-magickal
practice. Sex-magickal practice like prostitution is not based upon profane relationships,
attractions, or our own sexual preferences. Sex magic is the ability to utilise the experience of all
energies and sexual positions separately in communication with the lwa spirits regardless of any
personal ideologies, preferences towards our own sexuality, or sex through invocation. For sex-
magickal practices are not based upon human love but on the interaction with spirits using others
bodies as spirit vessels only. Although Hindu Tantra is spiritual love, so loving relationships like in
sufism can be practiced, it is not a necessity to sexual magical practices regarding spirit
invocation. All that is a necessity, it is not a desire of love for another human being, but a desire of
love for the invoked spirit, as in voudon serves to sexually feed the lwa.
So Pomba Gira's essence is therefore Afro-derived, and the Northern African aspect of her is found
in Ishtar/Inanna.
The postmodernist western invocation of this deity found through the autosexual writings of
Anais Nin , Katherine Millet,Juila Kristeva and Pauline Reage . We find the roots of the basic
principles regarding tantra and sex magick in these attributes. In ancient Egypt, an original
system using sexual energy points that is closely related to kundulini has been historically
validated, in knowing that tantra came from Northern African traditions and the fundamental
aspects of sexuality associated with the lwa. In Hindu tantric left hand path practice we link it as
dominated by the female current in the divine female deamonic Kali's embodiment . A afro
representation is found of her in the lwa of creation, lesbianism , female psychosexuality , sacred
creative sexuality, beauty radiated by the planet venus of Erzulie Danto , who utilises raw sensual
female tantric brutality fully .
(10) So therefore we could also argue and debate that, just as Tantra originates from Egypt, it is
possible with such strong links between Arabic and Afro magical traditions that tantra did not just
manifest in energy points but also in a more brute elemental developed from forms of African
tribe body modification, and that S&M did originate in the practices of Yoruba and voudon also.
1. Kuimbanda The Art Of Exu by Nicholaj De Mattos, Frisvold, 2006
2. Babylonian Starlore, an illustrated guide to the Starlore and ancient constellations of ancient
Babylonia by Gavin White, 20073. Devils and Evil Spirits Of Babylonia by R.Campbell Thompson,
4. Babylonian Magic And Sorcery The Prayer of the Lifted Hand by Leonard. W. King, 1895
. The Book Of Pleasure by A. O. Spare, 1913
6. Qutub (A Sufi Tantric Grimoire) by Andrew Chumbley, 1995
7. The Divine Horseman by Maya Deren, 1953
8. The Qliphoth is linked to voodoo afro derived tradition in these books:
& Secrets of voodoo 1969 V-eve 1974 by Milo Rigaud,
& VGW by Micheal Bertiaux Revised, 1988, page 636 - map of the Qliphoth using Gede Lwa
& Cults Of The Shadow, 1975, The Nightside Of Eden, 1977, Against The Light, 2007, all by
Kenneth Grant
& (placing lwa on the frontside of the tree of life) Vodou Visions :A Encouner With Divine Mystery
by Sallie Ann Glassman 2000
9. Pomba Gira And The Quimbanda Of Mbumba by Nicholaj De Mattos, Frisvold, 2011
10. Ecstasy Through Tantra by Dr John Mumford, 1988
& The Ancient Secret Of The Flower Of Life Vol 1 & 2 by Drunvalo Melchizedek, 1999-2000
& Hecate's Fountain by Kenneth Grant 1992

The tree of Death in its Qliphoth landscape as a reflection of the
human condition

1.Kether Pluto = Damballah (Petro aspect)

Kether surrounds the sun, it goes beyond the sun in that Damballah is the magick of the universal
eternal light, absolute being. In Damballah we see the total enlightenment with the divine through
sexuality, creation, ophidian intercourse with the universe. He is also considered more female in
nature or transsexual, or of neither gender, to fulfil our divine all.

2.Chokmah Neptune = Baron Samedi

The male aspect of sexuality and death that could be derived as the same spirit as Maman Brigitte,
his wife, in that he is the masculine version of the human aspect of sexual force, and she is the
female aspect of sexuality. In this way I feel that together they could both represent one individual
who is fully aware and utilises the male and female self combined, like the Marassas Twins. Baron
Samedi represents forceful heterosexuality, the need to ride the horse and procreate through
death of orgasm. He is death and also, in forceful sexual elements, creation. From a philosophical
standpoint the creation through penetration is anointment of all aspects of our selfs, our fears.
Transgressing fear of death in exploration of sexuality could, combined with Brigitte as all united
aspects of the individual, lead to death of our old preconceptions, to creation of a human being

3.Binah Saturn = Maman Brigitte

The face of female psychosexuality, death, empowerment and crossing over the spiritualist realms.
On side with the death and creation of the female transgendered, violently sexual self. The first
woman who dies in the graveyard, the first woman who, enlightened through death of ego,
realises her full potential. As mistress of the graveyard, of the spirits and dead souls, she is also the
ruler of the human soul. Saturn is of female creation also. .

4.Chesed Jupiter = Marinette Of The Dry Bones

Dark goddess of space, the witch of the forests and of female psychotic violence unrepressed. She
frees people from bondage of their own enslaved ideas and opens us up to a full existence without
fear. She is known for her dark female self, primordial, violent, without care for human emotions
or constraints, which in its annihilation as in Baron Kriminel allows the practitioner to live
beyond the universe without morals to transgress to a full life. She is, in many ways, the female
counterpart aspect of Baron Kriminel, focusing on violence, violation, cruelty, power through
direct force from a female angle. Her turn-ons are inflicting violence upon others, their screams
of pain, her control, domination and power. She is also reached by burning, scolding of the
human flesh, the scent as it melts, as an offering to her, and helps aid in magical rites involving
black magic, or herbal rites used to inflict death upon others.

5.Geburah Mars = Baron Kriminel

Gede of annihilation of the profane ego and destruction through all transgressive violent
extremes. He is also the other face of Death with Nibo, though he is the one who inflicts violence
upon others; he attacks and enforces. Nibo is the submissive S&M partner, while Kriminel is the
top enforcer. Baron Kriminel also deals only with the masculine psychotic element, not sexuality,
only creation in terms of savage violent annihilation of our old soul so that we can be reborn
again. Baron Kriminel is often said to be the spirit of human gangsters. In this way he works on a
level of being a killing machine with no human profane emotions, attachments or morals. He
smashes up societal conformities as the true left hand path initiate. He is a protector to the faithful
and law of destiny, in that he will grant wishes in exchange for a blood pact or a debt. He can also
be contacted in masochistic sexual rituals of cutting play, piercing, gagging or rape. In this way he
relies on being an lwa of honour, truth and trust, but savage in that any unpaid debts will be fully
collected in death.

6.Tiphareth the Sun = the Marrassas Twins of Ifa

The twins are always at the centre of the universe, placed in the middle. They represent all aspects of
sexuality and violence combined, the bisexual element of united all, and the full soul transgressed
through extremes to darkness and light united.

7.Netzach Venus = Erzulie Danto

Erzulie Danto is the nightside aspect of Erzulie Freda, she reflects female sexuality, violence,
creation and lesbianism. As the patron of female homosexuality, she is the female aspect of Baron
Limbi, the wresting archetype of male-on-male sexual congress. She works rooted towards the
earth of the Qliphoth tree as she represents the elemental aspects of the primordial female self.
She can be reached by female-on-female oral sex as worship especially on time of a woman’s
cycle period, and fed by menstrual blood also

8.Hod Mercury = Baron Limbi

Masculine struggle, the archetype of male homosexuality, anal sex acts and violation through
bestial sexual force. Turns on are homosexual male sex rape force. He can be invoked in
homosexual cottages and takes his image in rough trade Soho rentboys that reflect a brutalised
imperfect lived-in beauty. He is also used in healing rites and is a glutton in his continual need to
fed upon male flesh or gorge himself upon all sodomised aspects of the self.

9.Yesod Moon = Kalfou

The lwa of nightside magick, Kalfou allows us to embrace the darkest elements of our fears in
order to smash up, rip apart at the crossroads our own profane ego; destiny through Chaos. He is
the nightside Petro Legba and Exu that hold the keys to the gateway to the universe through
communication with uncontrollable malevolent spirits to deeper uncompromising understanding
of ourselves. Legba in any forms is entry to all spiritually, the journey of our soul

10.Malkuth Earth = Baka

Baka is the main protagonist in all initiations into the darker essences of the human soul,
transgression through extremes, and therefore is at the roots of the Qliphoth map. He is
humankind at its most perverse ugliness, he is the most extreme aspect of the primal elemental
self. His offerings are acts of the most extreme animalistic base nature of humankind. The darkest
De Sade-ian aspects of sexually, perverse violence; the voudon temple is the body, the earth is the
temple of initiation. In soil exists the elemental transgressive form of initiation that is spirit lwa to
man/woman, elemental initiation. The raw primitive elemental self is the soul’s connection to the

II Uranus Daath=Nibo
Lwa of self mutilation, transgression through ritualistic sexual extremes. He represents the
submissive, the inflicted upon, the victim not enforcer. Also transgressive states through rape or
sexual abuse, used as a way of absorbing violent energies or experiencing everything, can be
associated with the lwa and his psychological mindset. Nibo, like Rosa Caveira Exu and Rosa
Caveira Pomba Gira, represent those who have died young in the street due to violent existences,
or children born to a life of violence and poverty. Nibo is also the transgendered aspect of men in
that he concentrates on the male’s need to also encompass male as well as female qualities. He is
male and female in his bisexual attributes. He is, through his sexuality and infliction of self
mutilation, as well a murder victim, hence the bridge between creation and life which lies in sex,
and the main gateway into the Qliphoth tree to daath, death also.

Tantric Brute Grimoire

The Book

"For all lovers past ,present , whose scent , skin , touch , has been my prayer their bodies the
temple of flesh and blood worship in the exploration of my true nature pilgrimage to the soul.
This grimoire is dedicated to all of you ".

The Start
The Start

"Who shall pass with keys of flesh and blood?

Where is he/she slain upon the crossroads of destruction,frustration?

Who shall penetrate the great mysteries of flesh , bone , blood, to the living soul.

Shadow warriors of the fragility impurity of humanity were in lays purity of the self.

Who shall consecrate their potions ,spells, grimoires

in the shadows of life’s explorations masters magick lays in the material world .
Who shall pass with keys of flesh and blood?
Who shall triumph in the prayers of sex , violence , brutality to divinities daemonic rebirth
Oh sisters and brothers who should penetrate
the great mysteries of flesh blood , bone to the living soul.
Who shall pass with keys of flesh and blood?
To the bliss of our death infused erotic climatic ruins urn
In the religions of the poor are the roots were real riches are laid upon.
.The mysteries that transcend , transfix the whole human race through humble disposition ,into
universal masters of transformation in the world .
In the light of the black sun that in passions undenied
encircles the elemental earthly shamanic disposition.
Were I lay to the left side, there resides souls aristocracy to our equality with the GODS
For who is the black witch who finds absorption redemption in the shadows of thyself
Its full embodiment, the street , his/her world in all consuming spirit to man/woman invocation .
Who shall pass with keys of flesh and blood?
Whose blood shall with the flesh seep into the cunning craft of the untamed NOW!
Who shall reappraise with their actions not empty words the full extended cultus Sabbatical ?
Who shall pass with keys of flesh and blood?
Where slain upon the crossroads of destruction rebirth through death is found
Oh who shall pass with keys of flesh and blood?
Who shall penetrate the great mysteries of flesh, bone, blood to the living soul .
Whose blood shall with flesh seep into the cunning craft of the untamed NOW!"

Kether – Damballah

Chapter 1

Kether - Damballah invocation

Oh neverending white light that surrounds my full brutalised self.

White rays hit, penetrate, burn my eyes. I am blinded by all true vision, reality,
a gift of the vision of everything.
Knowledge is the serpent entwined in ecstatic eroticism around my body, my neck.
You strangle me so that I can feel life, enlightened SUFFOCATION.
Pull nylon tight around my face impression set in your image
loss of breath invoked,in my mouth suckling ,
tongues lapping ,to lap, lick , flick my tongue, upon milky thirst.
Inducing hunger forever craving to lap upon the tip of your long prick
to be sustained in inches feeding upon whole invoked.
Opal white reflective hissed sensualism,
I ask my lover to pull the rope tighter around my neck at the point of orgasm !
So I can feel you around me, tight, pressed up against my flesh, Genki procreation.
In electric , streaming ressurrection to ray striked infused ,
prophetic serpentine Abraxas inserted bliss.
So I can be close to You, so I can feel close to life and death,
your beautiful uncompromised universal understanding of my existence;
I receive you in total wet lust.
Damballah, the light rays of the sun, the gateway to the body
which upon my human adventures and learnings is the temple.
I satisfy myself forcefully body solarist pleasure not denied ,
hanging sublime affixation suspended neck silk cream ribbons tied tight
Damballah, my ideals, my dreams, my fears,
freedom in knowing the light of unidealised human existence.
Mount the snake , mount the snake ,mount the beginning
,mount the end ,mount youth , mount age
mount the snake entranced by shamanic visions ,
Past his tail , future his head ,in pearly white "come"enter me.
In the start of Edens garden to be at one with sensualistic warm purity slithering upwards on
thighs ,on skin ,merged inside ,within
Beyond gender you are, every beautiful transsexualism aspect of the self.
Male and female combined to the perfection of being, the father of human existence
Damballah, enter every weeping soaking wet orifice,

you come inside of me to lay in nature in you .
Intercourse with the universe, in you I know
the beginning and the end snaking up of ALL in our universe, all aspects of CREATION.
Damballah, your light is a never-ending, white rays beyond the sun of knowing,
of feeling everything, and in your light I find in your love, the magic of my absolute full being.



Note: an offering of an egg placed on an animal bone and covered in corn syrup, left at midnight
in the church yard on the new moon.

Sexual associations: Any penetration and ejaculation into vaginal, anal, mouth opening, man to
woman, man to man, suffocation at point of orgasm ,blowjobs ,affixation with ropes induced by
yourself or a lover at point of orgasm , Japanese Genki (eel porn ), bestiality for a woman with

Human excretion offerings: sperm.

Colours: Silver, white, pale yellow.

Materials: Animal bone, egg, corn syrup, flour, sugar,ropes , cream ribbons , white linen.

Body points : Head , mouth ,neck, phallus

Element : water

Erotic mental element : Sensualism


Tarot Card Associations:The World ,The Magician , the Sun

Lwa Family :Petro

Chokmah - Baron Samedi

Chapter 2
Chokmah - Baron Samedi Invocation

Hazed, your weight crushing on top of me, my ego smashed to smithereens.

Heavy breathing under you, subservient to hunger, lust,
crushed; to be taken without planned will.
Tied up ropes ravaging rough between my thighs burn,
bounded up without movement, I am his pet; desirable powerlessness.
Masculine eroticism on top pushed through me; hunger, lust,
SURRENDER, empowered by the role of totally giving myself over.
Harshly you pull my hair - pleasurable discomfort,
yanked legs spread, fastly pumped, dominated long strokes,
missionary position over me, possession whole, no control.
Feeling straggled between lust and death, orgasmic annihilated procreation.
Feeling the force of sexual rape, absorbing all maculated aspects of sexual force.
Raped of my innocence our start ,when violated ,
to have nothing from me taken ,no teared regrets !
In this experience , only a gift ,given of empowerment ,
resolved in this abyss of aeonic energy alone .
I transgress through these experiences, and feel from you coming through
a closer connection to the predatory male side of myself,
absorption of your spiritual energy, closer to being WHOLE.
To becoming now, in his interactions the instigator ,
to find fed my victory through knowing within myself
the unsuppressed utilisation of force.
You take many human lovers, leaving every woman soiled,
wanting more, head crushed against the dirt, the floor.
Myself in possession, dragged under, blacked out,
enveloped wholly at point of climax, in sexuality and death
I feel myself going under you.
The danger scares me, but it is in this animalistic force
that I am reminded that I am ALIVE.
I masturbate, fingers on throbbing wet clit, you are everlasting lust never-ending.
Filthy, real, free, in your face there is no shame in quenching
all subservient aspects of being taken fully in passion.
You are desire on fire, eternal sensual wanting, in sexuality, death,
I feel the force of masculine taking, and you are the beautiful ETERNAL LUST.
Baron Samedi.
Ritual note: offering - a cigar left at gravestone on Saturday night, upon altar - a handful of
graveyard dirt from the first man who died at the local cemetery.

Sexual associations: missionary, man on top from behind dominating on top of a woman, male
instigated rape of a woman, heterosexuality, male masturbation,use of silicon mould vaginas , sex
dolls for penetration by man, use of hot peppers on genitals, any necrophiliac practices, man on
dead woman, tying up with ropes, bondage, the male on woman rapist .

Human excretion offerings: Sperm or female sexual discharge, human bones or corpses.

Colours : Black, purple, Scarlet red.

Materials : purple velvet, casket pins, graveyard dirt, cigar, rum, the coffin,shades , human

Body points :Phallus , hands, thighs

Element : Earth

Erotic mental element : male psychopathology ,heterosexuality, death

Stone:Amethyst(spirituality), Diamond (sexual fertility),Jet (death the stone of mourning)

Tarot Card Associations: Death, Judgement ,The World, King Of Pentacles, Justice

Lwa Family : Gede

Binah - Maman Brigitte

Chapter 3
Binah - Maman Brigitte invocation

I dream of a boned dildo upon the temple, inserted; visions of life, sex and death entwined.
Hard Savage, rough brutalised piercing desire on fire, passion transfixed by pain.
Sexuality, death burning with desire in every aspect of the temple of the body;
elemental, eroticised, sensual, all fulfilling BEAUTY.
In battery operated,electrical harsh rapid pumping ,fucking machines ,
rhythum raw stinging vaginal entrails ,rubbed up .
Shoved up ,squatting on top of a crystallised purple amethyst
glistening phallus, striking semi precious hardness pushed inside .
To in you find a need in myself invoked for sterile man-made, rapid procreation , undenied .
I reach out, outstretched arms, a cross to be creation and death, destruction combined.
I want to be the psychotic female, sexual aggressor, to bring on death through life.
You feel in my possession the forever hungry wetness between my thighs;
through death of orgasm to the womb of creation.
Savage, brutal, wise, you are no stranger to taking life as well as being all GIVING.
Your radiating beauty of being, the transgressed death to the full FEMALE self,
is the altar on which the empowered female force can transform.
Mother of the universe, of the female shadow self, keeper of the graveyard.
Goddess of life and death, goddess of the full beauty of the raw,
unashamed, brutalised, REAL human soul.
Goddess of all aspects of the fragility of humanity, of ALL in life, ACCEPTANCE.
Death is always with me, life is always with me,
cruelty and nurture double faceted combined.
walking conjoined in marital union, in wisdom, running through my veins,
purple scarlet blood, running through her, Brigitte, mother nature.
under the weeping willow shivering encrusted
leaves flick beckoning to where mourners clutch
pure white lilies to invoke purist nothingness the state beyond existence
The streets with there seductions entice calling my soul in their promise
of a way of life streamed through depths of sexuality death ,
they are the playground to the graveyard .
Loss is gain, peaceful energy transfixed to the angelic void ,
as in oded your blue flaccid lips locked to mine ,
our last farewell straggled death enveloped my full cosmos.
Cold bloodied marriage, necrophiliac corpse fucking entered,
make love to within, without sweet unknown dead oblivion,
absorbed like breath into myself,
your gift awareness of death, the extended self ,
corpses lay inside the living womb FERTILITY
knowledge that the underground of the catacombs of hell is also the heaven, CREATION.
Your honesty of knowing all this, of living in radiating raw untainted TRUTH.
You are fire and I burn in knowing you fully in all life,
like a candle illuminated by the brightest warmth,
glowing in your knowledge of EVERYTHING.

Maman Brigitte

Ritual Note: An offering of rum infused with peppers, wrapped in purple cloth at the cemetery on
gravestone of the first woman who died.

Sexual associations: Sexual position - woman on top of the man, vaginal masturbation, use of
vibrators ,masturbation with stone amethyst dildos, fucking machine by a woman.use of hot
peppers on genitals and any practices involving woman on dead man necrophilia.

Human excretion offerings: Menstrual Blood/female sexual discharge, human bones or corpses.

Colours: Purple, scarlet red, black.

Materials: antique, wedding, funeral lace,the willow tree ,willow tree twigs , casket pins,
graveyard dirt, coffin, human bones, dead human foetus, rum infused with peppers, chilli,
cigarettes; purple, scarlet velvet.

Body points :womb , nipples , breasts , stomach ,clit, hands,fingers .

Element : Water {womb},Earth

Erotic Mental Element: Female psycho sexuality ,heterosexuality, death , rebirth

Stone:Amethyst(spirituality),Diamond (fertility),Jet (death the stone of mourning),Jacinth(astral


Tarot Card Association: Death,Judgement ,Strength, The World, The Empress ,Queen Of Pentacles,

Lwa Family:Gede

Chesed - Marinette Of The Dry Bones

Chapter 4
Chesed - Marinette Of The Dry Bones invocation

Screeching through the blackness, the wild thing on the rampage,

my primitive chthonic force impact of the female self.
Shocked by cool metal hooks inserted wholly into flesh,
ritual rip, suspended, loose, fledged off the bone,
beige skin excruciating blurred divine, angelically induced pass out!
You are full-blown female viciousness, vindictive,
spiked boots on back heeled control,
the sound of painful death reaches your climax.
I burn my lover’s flesh, the smell a turn-on, smouldering against the blackness,
hot wax, hot water on skin, dissolving, I invoke you.
Heated blades inserted into the raw meat,
screams of a transgressed climatic zombification,
crossing submission over, indebted pleasure, pain, I invoke you.
My lover a wrapped up man victim ,crushed in masking tape tight ,
in his feeble powerlessness I find a erotic infused turned on submission,
In archetypal Babalonian acts of war ,wearing black cobweb fishnet stockings lacy suspenders,
rouge upon mouth grimacing ,to bite my lip in sensualistic crave
lowering my pussy upon his hollowed lips to suck me off
,attributed in ,crippled uncurled full desire on fire, disabled hunched over .
Pressed down hard his tongue inserted wriggling
orgasmic disposition in self satisfaction I find freedom
in my fulfilment of all solo selfish fetishistic fantasies invoked.
In quivering , contracting, excruciating breathless climax ,
jolting my swift foot against his flesh .
A flicked patent shiny leather whip on my lovers skin,
burgundy rippled upon cream, I invoke you !
In interactions of cold hard cash , Strength resolved
my emotional cut off ,the state within dominated paid for actions ,
no outward fragility I find you are also invoked !
Hand held electro probe frizzled force, pressed hard
against swollen, blue ,inflamed, raw ,stripped ,genitals .
Inflamed candlelight ,I want to see you bleed, weep for me,
peeled skins I want to possess all of you.
As the flesh ravaged melts away, and all that will be left is now the sacred bones.
In control, your contorted breathlessness that empowers in my hands,
life with death, quaking, exploding female, violent violation
without boundaries, smashed, invoked.
I invoke my victim, without control, empowered bitterness in my throat, I invoke you.
Hot for the burning sensual toasty smell of flesh,
feeding upon the hot ambers of female aggression, unsuppressed eroticised violence.
Though in your antics of violation lays the power
to find freedom from bondage, freedom
to be empowered over our destiny with directed burning inflamed chaos.
My beautiful powerful witch in worship, taker of life,
giver of smouldering flesh, twisted screams of desire,
I invoke you, beautiful savageness,



Ritual note: An offering of burning the flesh with black wax at midnight, with candles (black) and
dried black roses left on the altar.

Sexual associations: instigated by a woman, dom; burning, scolding of flesh with water, wax,
tearing the skin with flesh hooks,use of electro shock probe vibrators on another’s nipples genitals
suspension, hot blades inserted into skin of another.

Human excretion offerings: Blood , hair and Skin.

Colours: Red, Black, Grey.

Materials: herbal mojo bags to aid health or death, fire, whips, canes, animal or human bones,
animal/human skin parchment, black raven feathers, jet stone, black/red dried roses, the cauldron,
metal hooks, thigh length high heeled black or red leather/rubber boots, tree bark from the forest,
pine cones, paper adverts in phone booths or magazines for professional dominatrix s.

Body points : Back , legs, thighs .

Element : Fire

Erotic mental element: Domination , force ,female psychopathology

Stone : Jet ( death morning stone , Garnet (passion stone , sexual energy),Malachite (creativity ,
change),Moonstone(astral projection )

Tarot Card Associations:The Magician , The Empress ,The Hang man , The Wheel Of Fortune ,
Strength , Judgement ,Justice, The Star.

Lwa Family :Petro

Geburah - Baron Kriminel

Chapter 6
Geburah - Baron Kriminel invocation

Killer annihilation of self brought forth, dominance,

the warlike aggressive impact of control.
Knifes slash so easily, the excitement of slashing somebody else’s flesh.
Roleplaying - bound against the bed, strap-on, raping a man, I invoke you.
Kicking him until he bleeds on his knees, cutting deep,
dominant power over another, I invoke you, impact aroused!!
You are in your dark harsh emotionless inhumane unconstrained assassination
the current of the Luciferian black sun, black pitted chaos, tinged nothingness.
Sharp teeth bite the flesh, feed; submitting sharp incisors broken through to consume.
I invoke you to feel sexualised, cannibalistic, insatiable hunger.
Vampiric scars upon their bodies ensued in amouristic vindictiveness under my spell,
power bend, as soft palpable flesh weeps wet, bitter, wholly into me.
My lovers tears salty, bitter, divinity tasted,
swelled up like blood at the back of my throat, choked.
My cruelty nourished to fertility within these actions, upon them I find you invoked.
Moments of being filled up, taken into myself,
extended into my being, consummation as one.
My contorted distorted control, full soul to partake in the flesh,
gag on skin, I partake in the flesh hunger sustained within, I invoke you.
Violence is but lust with the same ecstatic orgasmic conclusion and satisfaction.
Shaded pimp seductive ,gold tooth capped bleak power my first love !
at the end of a gun ,to in cracked out !
Strung diluted pupils possession , on a mission s
annihilations ,no restraints of the conscious self ,
I am made in you minus of the fragility traits of humanistic empathy .
violence is a turn on, like death, a Russian roulette on the edge .
The power of knowing life is something in my hands,
the power, the strength, savage cruelty; that I can, like nature, give or take life.
Reflection of the male psychotic violent shadow, self empowerment.
The harshness of violation, of violent extremes,
of knowing the full switched-on brutal human viciousness.
Knowing you is an indebted contract of protection,
in knowing you I see the reflection without moralistic ideologies of humankind’s violent self.
To not be denied, because even in ugly savageness lays beauty.
All the aspects of my shadow self, dark and light, reflect divinity in my violent being.
Baron Kriminel.

Ritual note: ritualistically consecrated knife, cut flesh, blood placed on crimson cloth, set alight
with fire at a gravestone.

Sexual associations: S&M dom rape, breaking of the flesh through biting, cutting of skin, nails
placed through flesh by yourself on another ,play piercing, flesh hooks, gagging, inflicted violence
upon another, murder , cannibalism,snuff porn, [certain Baron Kriminels not all can also be as
well as in rape associated with paedophilia or sexual abuse ,As his essence is a love for
annihilation of others as his victims .He is turned on by power, cruelty and just as live black
chickens are burnt in Haiti as a offering to appease him with their screams in death .As he loves
these act of cruelty ,he takes human victims in this way also, fitting such acts as paedophilia into
the essence of his conscious make up also ] also we find the archetype of harsh power in cruelty
and his need for another’s sexual slavery power domination in Baron Kriminel the ghetto pimp .
Human excretion offerings: Blood through cutting and syringes.

Colours: Purple, Blood red, Black.

Materials: Casket pins, knifes, razors, guns, human teeth, crack cocaine, crack pipes, rough
bourbon, speed, gags, restrainers,shades , bling , gold tooth caps , gold teeth or tooth caps set with
gemstones such as diamonds , powdered cocaine, human remains, flesh /bone, playing cards,
gambling chips, money bills.

Body points : Arms ,head, legs.

Element: Fire

Erotic mental element : Domination , control ,force , male psychopathology , death

Stone:Ruby(courage) ,Carnelian(protection), Hematite (protection),Malachite { change , force),Jet

(death the stone of mourning)

Tarot Card Associations:The Tower , Judgement , Strength , The King Of Swords ,The Devil ,
Death , The Wheel Of Fortune , Justice

Lwa Family : Gede

Tiphareth - The Marassas

Chapter 7
Tiphareth - The Marassas invocation

Darkness, light, my full reflection of my divine enlightened being.

You are knowledge, you are all aspects of the self.
You are bisexuality in knowing male and female lovers,
sensual greed gorged, threesomes in being at one, satisfied fully with all.
My tongue inside her pressed in deep, penetrated
dualist by him, my mouth upon his cock, her tongue upon my clit
in these climatic three way rituals I find you invoked.
You are male aggression, female softness, you are genderless,
you are the end, transgressed fully.
In butch dyke raunchiness taken with sudo acted out
masculine force ,in the drag king beautiful ‘boy girl’ fucked ,
surrendered ,dishevelled, I find you invoked
Within the face of a man ,the body of a woman ,
dazed gender slipping out hallucinogenic oblivion
under this intoxicating haze to a semi conscious dreamlike state.
In the enlightened glowing being of those who embrace
transcending gender societal stereotypes.
Wearing woman’s garb, clothes, make up smeared upon his face
, I ask him to TURN over, grabbing my hard extended man-made cock, crossed over.
NOW, honey I am your man, I am in this a empathic eroticised male being.
Placed into his mouth, placed deep inside, glorious rhythmically in sync submission.
Gagging, pushed force in/out, smeared enter HIM, to live beyond all inflicted boundaries.
A pilgrim on your passage of rites I kiss the feet ,in worship within my lover they are my idol , in a
icon of the she-male red hotness , cold blackness I find you invoked.
I caress her hardened nipples and flick my tongue
against swallow her hardened prick in her body
I find your church of sensual sacred erogenous envelopment
And I am made of neither, nothing, but encompass everything
all in your reflection without constrictions imposed, knowing.
A life with endless possibilities, reflected back into the self,
the radiating full truth, acceptance of myself reflected in all its dualist aspects of being.
Engaged, charged incestuous struggle, red and black,
destructive creative, erotic alchemy combined.
For there is no shame in incorporating all polarities, marriage into myself as one.
My full unbridled true image, constructed in the images of deities wisdom transformed.
In this knowledge enlightened understanding, fulfilled that you are my whole self.
You are the beautiful unashamed unflinching FULL life
In light glowing transgression attained,



Note:Red and Black candles melted to form one then lit on altar.

Sexual associations: Any bisexual act or sexual act incorporating crossing over of gender roles,
such as threesomes, female penetration of a man or woman with a dildo, male/ female
transvestitism, gender role-play, incest.
Human excretions offerings : Blood and sexual discharges.

Colours: red and black

Materials:red and black satin ropes plaited ,red and black candles , the strap on dildo,
transvestite/transgender porn,threesome porn,magazines dvds , hormone tablets,transexual
/transvestite whore phone booth call cards .

Body points : whole body , genitals , breasts

Element : Fire ,Earth

Erotic mental element : Bisexuality ,incest,transgender/transvestite mental state

Stone:Garnet (balancer of male and female energies ,for psychic sensitivity , sexual
energy ),Onyx(energy transformation),ruby (stimulator of sexuality),Garnet(to attract soul
mates),Malachite (creativity ,change)
Tarot Card Associations : Lovers ,The Sun , The moon , The world
Lwa Family : Gede and Petro

Netzach - Erzulie Danto

Chapter 8
Netzach - Erzulie Danto invocation

Walk upon the knife’s edge of the spider,

razors swish out of every fleshy orifice,
warrior-like impact knifed, this is but knowing you.
Scars from life upon the body, her mouth upon my body,
your kisses to be of the body and partake in the female flesh.
Sharp tantricised brute, savage sensual female lust
In its full imposing essence.pointed harsh needles knifes inserted broken into life ,
my labial flesh ripped fisted in commitment ,I invoke you
Knifes , needles pierced in vulva lipped lust
transformed through pain to within myself ,
in my lovers , in you find ,midnights whispers of blue navy sky
under darkness , my passage to the womb
I place my tongue in worship in my lover’s plumped up,
soaking, velveteen-fleshed, deep pink rippled walls.
Burned on uncontrolled groans of an out-of-body experience,
the hollowness within my lover, deep exploration with my tongue, I invoke you.
Her legs spread, my head forced between her thighs,
crouched on knees, her nails clawing my back, tearing the flesh
in unrestrained ecstasy, I invoke you.
Fingers penetrate, my mouth moves slowly
then more urgently upon her phallic, hard-boned,
erected clitoris, my tongue probing it hard, I invoke you.
My lover’s scent - musty, earthy, rich, intoxicating,
running down my throat, paradise,the taste of your world, I invoke you.
Frantically moulded into one in a sixty nine tongues and fingers
plummeting inside upon crushed blue red satin in my female lovers, I invoke you
Every action in satisfying a woman, sensualist purple flickered
flinching flame, is a superior mirror reflection of the self ultimate worship, I invoke you.
So penetrated tongue inside my lover, I am at one
with the universe, close to divinity, the start, the birth in a place of creation.
She Christ is the body she Christ, crucified upon a knife,
she Christ is the blood she Christ take upon yourself the body,
take deep within myself, to consume consummated with creation the blood.
So in the bloodied life’s cycle I lick within her metallic
saviours redemption, the taste in my mouth
in blood my tongue fitted into her womb I invoke her.
Savage, brutalised, sexualised, inflamed, I yearn for you,
to be in the presence of pure, tarnished, on my knees, saintly idolatry.
In the primitive smashing of all obstacles, in the sensual longing
to be inserted as one within her, I invoke you.
My body pins and needles tingle, in my mouth,
pressed upon her tongue rotating inside,
to find the ultimate female loveliness within without limits.
In Venus the goddess of love equally inside my lover’s flesh
flinching with desire in creation I find you, invoked,

Erzulie Danto.

Ritual note: An offering of a peacock feather soaked in Florida water, a red candle with blue silk
tied around it; rose petals left on altar; a blue cloth with menstrual blood.

Sexual associations: Cutting of the vaginal flesh, labial piercing, oral female on female sex, oral
female on female sex during the time of a woman’s menstrual cycle,fisting woman on woman ,
consummation of drinking of menstrual blood by a man or woman and any form of lesbianism.

Human excretion offerings: menstrual blood, blood from knife cuts, female sexual discharge.

Colours: Red, Blue and Green.

Materials: Red or blue or green velvet, peacock feathers, Florida water, blue jasmine, rum,dental
damns,Tampax ,towels panty liners soaked in menstrual blood, tobacco hand-rolled, red roses,

Body points :vaginal opening , vulva , womb ,fingers ,arms ,tongue

Element : Earth

Erotic mental element: lesbianism , female psychopathology , sensualist, rebirth

Stone: Diamond (fertility),Sapphire (love),Jade (wisdom),Garnet(passion),Ruby (stimulation of

sexuality),Lapis lazuli( in connection with the planet Venus ,love ),Emerald(love,fertility,healing)

Tarot Card Associations : The Lovers , Strength , Temperance , The Queen Of Swords ,The Queen
Of Cups , Queen Of Pentacles, The World , The Moon

Lwa family:Petro

Hod - Baron Limbi

Chapter 9
Hod - Baron Limbi invocation

Mounted, sodomized gluttony, feasted upon, pushed into, on top, from behind.
Your face is a Francis Bacon painting;
primal man-on-man desire on fire, Pasolini screens,
shudder, blur images embodied, oh archetype, Sebastian.
Oh serenade me with ,sweet green carnation gritted through clutched teeth
In your desirable sonnet , in prisons mapped out , meat rack lies prostates illicit divinity .
All is a danger; distorted, raw man-on-man erotic wrestling ,grappling ,trade action on trail.
Full-on divinity of masculine power, seductive hardness encapsulated,
I flinch, shudder, clit hard-on, twitching, wet, just thinking about you.
In public convinces in glory holed beauty ,urinal soaked squaller you reside .
To find you bent down full mouth , full hand , full anus
in the weapon of the exploding loaded hard-on you are invoked.
Fantasising, as a voyeur watching past lovers engaged in a man-on-man congress,
forced up on top, pumping hard, manly sweat
scent filling the air, masturbating fingers fastly penetrating
inside my ass, pussy to orgasm, watching, I have invoked you.
Roles reversed of straight manipulated sexist male fantasy in sharing two women in a bed ,
To be made in heterosexual mans image , I lustfully daydream
" total turn on"in sharing a bed with two men , and in this expression I find you invoked.
Private moments husked in a semi-conscious state,
fingers forcibly upon myself vibrator, violently violating my anus,
crouched on crawling on all fours, imagining you taking me,
forced through, self ravaged, in my mind
thinking of your seductive masculine bestiality, I invoke connection to you.
Transgressing to a masculinated male state,
pushing my lover’s head, stifled roughly, loss of breath,
into the pillow, strap-on inserted inside, conjoined in animalistic wild desire, I invoke you.
With my lover impaled in my ass salty stinging come inside,
your image revealed in a religious enlightened epiphany.
I have become closer to a intimate understanding of you,
in invoking all pure homoerotic masculated, impassioned hunger.
Screams of pain ejaculated, speared, all absorbing pleasure, and I am somewhere else, through

force pushed through to magic insatiability, fed magically,
where resides true iconic muscular male beauty.

Baron Limbi .


Ritual note:Blue candle inserted into anus until climax a sperm drenched black candle then lit as a
offering at altar.

Sexual associations : sodomy male on male, female on male with dildo, masturbation anally,
homosexuality and voyeurism for a woman watching male sodomy.

Human excretion offerings: sperm.

Colours: Blue , Red .

Materials: Blue silk, sweets, silicon dildos, condoms, medicinal herbs, grass or dirt from
Hampstead Heath or other homosexual cruising grounds, blue jasmine, green carnation(the
flower worn by Oscar Wilde as a victorian symbol of homosexuality}, sandalwood, musk,
cleansing herbs, sage, poppers, rent boy call cards.

Body points : Anus opening , phallus ,prostate gland , ass ,hands

Element : Earth

Erotic mental element : Homosexuality

Stone:Tourmaline (vitality , healing ),Turquoise (good luck ,protection)

Tarot Card Associations:The king of Wands,The Hieophant

Lwa Family: Gede

Yesod - Kalfou

Chapter 9
Yesod - Kalfou invocation

Devil’s claw onto a upside-down cross, body splinted through into two.
Two directs, enforced chaos at the unstraight dusty highways,
your path is roughness, inflicted, harsh; lessons of change.
Goetic daemonic gateway channelled arousal, hanged man
upon scarlet pillar, tied human bloodied, chaotic powerlessness.
You are the rouged imprinted keys to the gateway of the universe of nightside magic.
He tells me he knows all lwa, that he is the medium into the self,
to communication to all the lost dispossessed, rejected, darker spirits, consciousness.
Enveloping my image in gnostic blackout, tight blindfold,
pressed against tears, blanketed bleak depths unknown,
I am in all unknowing, self aware.
The moon image of the darker human aspirations fulfilled perversely, wholly in lessons.
Nail me in encrusted blackened scars blood trickling to the crossroads as your mistress ,
Within abominations fuelled to my accomplished sacred free falling will ,
There he greets arms forever open in bloodied red aristocracy .
In Saturnalia’s pacts to bloodied servitude fed leading to in ownership spirits equality .
In dreams of marriage ,consummated in his ruby union ,
I embody the devils true bride .
The secrets of desires rendezvous ,
ladies of the night under the purple pulped up fig tree silhouette
of the female sex ,inspired shadow desire ,
Noir is the night , coal tinged , pit black the serpents that recoil upon the retreat of his gateway ,
Sol Niger shadow magick illuminated inferno
residing in the true hell of humanity meets my paradise in HIM.
I invoke you to bravery, to not be scared, held back, to have no constraints.
Eyes closed, jump over the edge of the worlds, conventions, without fear.
Through direct action smashing of ego,
yours is a teaching of spiralling impact uncontrolled glowing enriched PURE FIRE .
Keeper to the keys of the soul of the humanity,
communication with all spirits, Petro Legba, father of the human
and spirits full universal consciousness .
I find your vision re-enforced in the hollowed silver
in the moon which reflects light within darkness.



Ritual note: An offering of rum and a cigar left by moonlight at the crossroads.

Sexual associations : Higher mental transgression through extremes dealing with the sexual
mental aspect of oneself.

Human excretion offering: The human skull and Blood.

Colours: Red and Gold.

Materials: The wand, the scrying bowl, crystal ball, tarot cards, runes, ifa shells, hoodoo bones,
rubies,the ouija board, pendulum, any divination tools, animal bones, human skull, dark rum,
cigars, chocolate, animal skin parchment, gold coins.

Body points : Head , arms , legs

Element: Fire

Erotic mental element : Mental sexual transgression

Stone :Flourite (psychic awareness),Jacinith(astral projection),Malachite(creativity

change),Moonstone(dreams),ruby(courage),tourmaline (psychic healing),Carnelian(protection
good luck),Bloodstone (mental stimulation),Beryl(scrying stone that aids psychic ability)
Tarot Card Associations:The Hanged Man , The Magician,The Hermit , The Moon , The Devil , The
King Of Wands

Lwa Family : Petro

Malkuth – Baka

Chapter 10
Malkuth - Baka invocation
Baka of all imposing elemental, scatological, raw divinity; tied, bent over.
The tongue inside, rimmed, excrement, your scent,
sweetness tasted on my tongue ethereal debasement.
I crouch down, golden piss trickling down my throat,
soiled in pure initiation of the roots of the universe,
my base instincts in fellowship and marriage with the earth.
Blood, excrement, piss, all filthiness, your divine sacred objects,
spiritual transgression to the higher earth-bound self.
Within the human race there is no sexual deprivation perversion unexplored ,
no radical blasphemous element ,in the sewer of darkness of our sexual ever longing souls .
Withstanding all limits , in that all is natural in being a product of human nature alone .
Reflected in the human institution ,our free instinct in these places,
in humanities atavistic chants descending from the guts you are invoked .
Bent over, cock in ass, cock in mouth,cock in cunt stabbed from all directions
,defaced humble knees against floor orgasmic guttural gorgeousness .
Your roots inserted within the body, brown tawny bark,
roughed tearing each tunnel of soft sweltering flesh drenched.
Urine splashed stench, dripped upon naked back,
I invoke you in all profane filthiness which is divine,
enlightened, close to my bestial animal self; I invoke you.
My lover’s cock embedded into the warm
living sacred tunnel of earthy divine shit I invoke you, visionary original SIN.
Naked quivering porcelain white pure FLESH
covered in my entrails of birth re emergence in urine, shit, soiled in your love I invoke you.
SIGHT myself awakened in full knowing of our full existence,
elementally in full acceptance of beauty in everything,
even the most disparaging sexual acts,
Enema flushed out dead matter polluted purity ,
in myself , my lovers I drink ,sprayed through hollow throat swallowed ,
consecrated in your , fount of holy water, I find you invoked.
My nose compressed hard against putrid intoxicating scent ,
in material moulded stifled ,to the soiled wetness
In my lovers stained ingrained white cotton panties
in warm , glowing , gold, gloriousness the impression
of your radiating image in this I find you invoked
I invoke you into me; dualism enlightened deprivation,
soul majesty resides in humble ruptured stained rags .
De Sadeian glorified elemental filth ,
fed upon ,to have only one lover , found in extended life ,
this is were in your stunning embodiment ,I wish to reside.
In the dead excrement waste,we are but living breathing corporsal decay ,
in this I find life’s sermon dwells transformed to everlasting BLISS .
And to know you is to know everything; every perverse,
unsettling, extreme human tendency; to know the whole universe alone.
In these acts I invoke you, human disgust, ugliness
transgressed to the most radiating beauty
of the true reflection of the untainted pure human self,
you are the roots to all divinity and beauty.
Heaven is found in violation , degradation in all worldly explorations
In the earth , blood , bones, flesh has become my chapel
of worship ,humanity the pulpit , Gran Bois .
My tarnished unflinching ever feeling, being soul,
impure, solicited, resurrection, enlightened Eucharistic feeding invoked.
I come to you naked as I came into and will leave this world ,
covered over, under earth within cathartic saviours submissions reign.
This is were our magic begins as it ends in being a child born in corrupted innocence and in you I
see reflection back to me the bravery of admittance ,
in the true image no pretence or lies beautifully exposed.
Baptised , without guilt ,radiating naked shamelessness ,
spirit ,soul in our physical form ,I have become Baka’s encapsulated hymn .
In your actions, my soul is saved through extreme partaking of EVERYTHING, dark leads to light.
That the individual finds in the ugliness fragility of the human condition,
the higher which is the lower self formed as one whole,


Ritual note: Brown candle was burnt and an excrement/urine soiled cloth, a hand full of dirt
collected from where a oak tree has grown, offered at altar .

Sexual associations: Scatplay, golden showers, rough group sex incorporating scatological
elements, rimming,any form of bestiality , enemas and oral consummation of urine or faeces.

Human excretion offerings: Faeces and urine

Colours: Black and Brown

Materials: Dirt, dark rum, rolled cigarettes, rubber bedsheets, mud, oak bark, twigs, urine , soiled
underwear ,animal or human excrement.

Body points : urethra ,anal opening , ass ,mouth, tongue

Element : Earth

Erotic mental element :Bestial psychopathology ,atavistic rebirth

Stone:onyx ( transformation),Flourite (increasing cosmic understanding),Hematite (courage)

Tarot Card Associations :The Hieorphant , The Hermit , The World

Lwa Family:Petro

Daath – Nibo

Chapter 11
Daath - Nibo invocation
Heal my scars and reconstruct me in the image of the Gods,
the image which radiates as the face, Nibo.
Imperfection close to perfect divinity; TURN ON; the point of a Knife.
Bloody crimson ripped flesh, self mutilation,
a reminder of my notwithstanding mortality, that the body
is just a shell that covers the eternal spirit.
Sliced scarlet split ,snuffed out "come" to divine numbness ,
he carries me , he absorbs my pain in his sweet bitter infused EMBRACE
In teenage sexual slavery , in the belief of a pimps fist , gun ,knife against my flesh to equal
worthiness of his love ,in this humble self aided victimisation I found you invoked .
To a state place discovered ,in being not constructed of the human body ,
virginal clarity reconstruction of the body tainted in him .
I kneel arms around back bamboo canes flinch
through flesh’s bloody rivers trickling ,dripping running,
broken through in ecstatic self flagellation,I invoke you.
So in you I am a reborn, child with no fear,
for fear chains up mankind, and only fearless do we fulfil our true potential.
Blessed be fearlessness in your prayers. I know no fear of death ,
in my reflective powder blue malleable tinged flesh,
despite insignificant human existence.
In you I crossover to the experience of infliction,
to where death in its violent beauty lies, and I know I need not fear it any more.
I play the victim in you, I surrender my flesh to my lover pierced broken,
powerless I am THEIRS in possessed pure selfless trust, love, I invoke you.
In docile opium induced submission ,the flesh rips,
the flesh disintegrates, the soul does not, full soul attained in death.
The spirit enters torn flesh, and there resides the beauty of you.
The mirror image of myself fascinated , transfixed needles
rippled through the skin , rusty nails broken through
,self sabotage transformation to become a living Nkisi I invoke you
Ritualistic spiritualist communication at the end of a knife,
penetrating, sharp. ENTER ME, slick silver blades under the skin.
Destruction of self ,my resolution ,in the crossing through death
I am blessed by your knowledge of rebirth, total soul.
You are the beginning and the end, sex and death united,
you are the gateway to my universal being, you are everything.
Full sacrifice without ego personified, rouged Stigmata,
knowledge that in the devil sin lays within every saint.
Fearless of death, father of a humanity
which dares to live beyond its own existence, in you
I find myself crossed over to the other side of martyred divinity,


Ritual note: offerings of sage, medicinal herbs wrapped in a claret cloth, cut with a razor my left
arm then left bloodied razor as a offering with a cigar and rum, at gravestone.

Sexual associations: S&M sub, cutting, branding, self-inflicted by yourself or another, , flagellation
with whips on self or by another rape, sexual abuse inflicted upon yourself by another[he is found
in the embodiment of sexual physically abused children , the young and powerless, this is one of
his archetypes ] use of electro probe vibrators on your own genitals or by another , use of syringe
for injecting heroin [ ritual numbness self sabotage and insertion breaking of the flesh] Nibo is
found also in the victim of the street whore who submits to sexual slavery in a kind of pact or
deluded form of love to the pimp
Human excretion offerings: Blood through cuttings, syringes etc.

Colours: purple, black, red.

Materials: knifes, razors, rope tied in hangman’s knot, heroin, syringes, herbal mojo bags,
shades ,medicinal herbs, honey-infused rum, weed skunk, morphine, Valium, purple, black or red
silk scrafs; purple, black or red silk/satin, slimline cigarettes, coins.

Body points :neck , chest , arms .

Element: Earth

Erotic mental element:Submission , sexual victimisation , death

Stone :Bloodstone (blood purifier healing),Ruby(courage)

,Carnelian(protection),lodetone(blocking),Jet (death the stone of mourning)

Tarot Card Associations :The Hanged Man , The page Of Swords ,Nine Of Swords ,The Hierophant,
Page Of Pentacles, Death

Lwa Family: Gede

Invocation Of The Gateway Into The Void

Black is the Sun :In My Eulogy To The Void Of Transformation Alone.
An invocation of the mother void

Black is the sun that illuminates the human void.

Black is the space that annihilates the ego syringed
Black is the sun that radiates enflames my human yearning
Black is the pact fed upon blinded in my devotion
Black is my life
Black is my perversion
Black is the flesh ,black red is my blood combined
Black is white salvation whose saviour is reached through mortal dark sin
Black is my violent , brutality, to embrace honesty.
Black is the sun of my full martyred tarnished self sacrificed sainthood
Black is the depths of the savage unbridled daemonic luciferian embodiment .
Black is the sun that illuminates the tunnels of my sensualist , violent, deprivation
Black rayed is the light that transforms man to divinity
Black is the sun that in its light I find myself crucified through pain to numbness , reborn
Black are the sparks that penetrate my eyes , blinded in light were I find my absolution
Black is death in its force to destroy and also create
Black is the sun radiating the envelops idealised human state
Black is the streaming force of life radiated in my dualism acknowledgement of everything.
Black is the sun that illuminates all true life
Black is the light energy streaming through my flesh ,bones , body in esoteric activated LIVING
Black is the sun that radiates in uncompromising TRUTH
Black is the humble magician whose only tools of consecration are their bodies ,their only altar is
Black is the sun that in its energy allows me to be all things embraced without human conscious
Black is the sun that inflames into to thyself empowers
Black is the light that clarifies to glow in all aspects of with FORCE my true nature
Black is total love
Black impassioned LUST
Black is the night
Black is the aeonic phrase of our now .
Black is the sun high in the eros erotically mystified embraced cosmos
Black is the blessed universal understanding of the modern age to be of full consciousness in our
breathing world
Black is the sun to hold no sexual preference ,to be aroused in explorations in every sphere
whole ,full by all
Black is the sun that infuses the mages of elemental street night side magick.
Black is the sun that illuminates the adepts wastes of destruction ,forced aggressively through to
my redemption , in light
Black is the conduction of satanic mass that leads to the risen gnostic Christ
Black is the sun which trails my left sided bramble spiked pathways
Black is the light that shines upon my pilgrimage.
Black is the light combined that when called upon allows mediumistic rebirth
Black is the soul shining that I impale upon all my acts , rituals surged with flesh , blood , bone ,of
a life without compromise.
Black is my extended full being.
Black is the sun which transforms ugliness to beauty
Black is the sun that hits the dead branches of the tree of death
,in my qliphothic transgressive ENTRY
Black is the sun that abolishes all morals , judgements ,
takes upon humble human fragility as its lover.
Black is the sun that I bask in , leading to my full enlightened SOUL .
Black is the sun by which this grimoire is awakened lit
Black is the image impressed found in the earth
Black is the end that is also the start
And finally in all these actions ,explorations ,I find that black is the Sun of the message in my
eulogy to the void of transformation alone


"To have only one lover - LIFE; to be free, in liberation that feeds me in my exploration, experience
of ALL, to sacrifice myself unto everything, without restraint, fully, with no fear of DEATH,
transgressed to my realised lived-in true soul."

This is my tantric grimoire recordings, the diary of rituals I conducted over a couple of years. In
every act of perverse sexuality and violent extremes of my true unashamed deviant human nature
the lwas are invoked. Each painted veve worked like the sigils of A. O. Spare to map out spiritual
communication in my magical experiments, painted maps, my book of pleasure of the lwa.
Whether called upon or not, they are incorporated in all aspects of my conscious/unconscious self.

In interacting in all these acts, offerings, practises, humans exhibit full imperfection of the brutal
self. They are with us always and brought to existence through these acts consummated. I feel
now envisioned with truth, transgressed through experiences, all aspects of the human self. I
awake in the darkness and all is now enveloped in earth-shattering light, shaking; I know I fear
not anything in my life anymore, with visionary essence looking at my true ugly beautiful
reflection in total acceptance. All life is experience in handing myself over to my full unidealised
nature rooted deep in the earth. I am awake through these rituals, in contact to lwa my journey
ended with divinity close to the image of the gods. My true magical heritage, my breathless
elemental being has been inflamed by lwa, through which "to have only one lover - LIFE; to be
free in liberation that feeds me in my exploration, experience of ALL, to sacrifice myself unto
everything, without restraint, fully, with no fear of DEATH, transgressed to my realised lived-in
true soul

“I seek out when you cannot contemplate either your body or heart without disgust. I encounter
everywhere a trivial incident, seemingly innocuous,which plunges me into the foulest horror ,as if
I were a corpse being pursued by the corpse I am .”
Jean Genet

The fundamentals of Utilising the Qliphoth to perfect being of becoming

in nothingness / everything in the path transfixed of the void .
Angela Edwards 2012

As a practitioner of the left hand path . I have always been fascinated by the role of psycho-sexual
transgression. Through extremes and the role of in these things sacred prostitution / female
psycho-sexuality. This type of work I have physically undertaken . It has been directly related the
ideology of through ritual. Using the tunnels and Sephiroths of the Qliphoth{tree of death} .
In these practices the left hand path is not evil as such . When relating to right hand path
ideology or philosophy . Both are neither good or bad in the profane misconception and both
work towards the same goal of being united with the spirits. Or to a higher universal
understanding . The lhp s only difference is to my mind that it involves full surrender in
embracing all shedding the skin , pushing ones own boundaries in the world. For it is the active
path of FIRE of full becoming also . In the actions of experiencing through choice , extreme
sexuality or violence in my rituals .
Sperm, female discharge and blood are all used to activate these radical uncompromising
highways . Using the left hand path rituals of abolishing all through sex creation and death blood
sacrificed wholly . That in the practitioners descent of full surrender of oneself to the depths .
Transform him /her to the practitioners full ascension of untainted divinity . To reach our fully
activated by the radiating black sun than empowers the abyss .Our luciferian full nature revealed
. The void of spirituality or consciousness .As I would see it the worlds computer to the root of
all .
The void is another aspect found in the daemon Choronzon a elemental explored in setian
philosophy .In the work of Thomas Karlsson ( Qalbalah, Qliphoth and Goetic magic} .Also
Choronzon can be linked directly to the void .As Choronzon is said to be a gateway to the
Qliphothic universe . That this deamon acts as a control panel of energy translating as the
void.The universal light that operates the Abyss .
This philosophy regarding these elements and aspects of Choronzons character . Are reliterated
in the typohdian grimoire The Nightside Of Eden By Kenneth Grant .Grant describes Choronzon
as the gateway to the Qliphoth. The governing energy that operates all transmissions and access
for the practitioner into the void ,Abyss and Qliphothic realms .

In these aspects Choronzon is characterless and more a reflection of our total darker
consciousness .He is also darker universal energy as found in the symbols of Chaos magick . The
cause of all transmission and effect .In Chaos magick the teachings are to invoke no Gods or
Spirits. Only universal energy alone to therefore become Choronzon .The ideology of the Chaos
magick system . Is the none worship of Gods or higher spirits . We find as practitioners a more
purist LHP approach .In placing no superiority on our devotional practice . In all spirits being the
voids energy or merged abyss in being nothingness .The Chaos magickal practitioner reaches
equality with in nothing being sacred to the GODS. .Reflecting the ideology of the Lhp adepts
philosophy to become merged equal nothingness annihilation of the materialistic world the void
alone. . Using symbolic transmissions that can be traced as the most purist devotional cult of
annihilation of human character/ ego in their pure power . In these aspects Chaos magick is the
mother cult of the void and the Abyss .Of supreme magical spiritual attainment of the
practitioner crossing over to the spiritual realms fully embraced . Therefore we could find in the
Qlilphoth being the dead shells of rebirth to a higher conscious .The Qliphoth is mainly attributed
to belonging to the Chaos magicians work . In magickal contemporary magickal practice today .
For the vat of energy the void can be compared to the black sun or sigil’s used in the work of the
Chaos magic of Peter Carrolls group the Illuminates Of Thanateros. Or the work of Chaos
magics grandfather Austin O Spare . Who uses his Neither Neither system to become all
incorporating divine full gender transcendence .
Therefore the womb of the universe that is the void can not be referred to as neither male or
female as at the start and at the end. It is to be to become all incorporated both. In the grimoire
Qutub Chumbley refers to this as the point used in these types of workings . As it being the
mother /father to us all of fully embraced transgendered nothingness which in turn is to become
our imperfect or perfect uncorrupted nature in the voids prayer invoked. When the practitioner
sheds the skin ,surrenders to the flesh , smashes all social conformity . Pushing the boundaries of
gender , sexuality or acceptability in sexual magical ritual they embrace the void also .
This is further explained in abolishment of gender roles within sex magickal practice .And in
Crowleys use of the XI degree as a superior form of sexual magick . In Bertaiuxs system he refers
to this type of sex magical ritual also . Through the red and black alchemical twins or marassas
united .In the philosophy of bisexuality /homosexuality being utilised in ritual as the ultimate
sexmagickal passage. To invocations to higher spiritual attainment .
As Crowley did believe it was only through homosexual passive and dominant anal sex superior
magickal powers could be attained . That as he incorporated both sexual roles of giver ,taker
with his lovers . In becoming male and female sexually united that he would invoke the void or
the Abyss .This is explored within his writings extensively including The book The vision and The
Voice. In Crowley’s philosophy is similar to the ideas found in Bertiaux s system. In the Voudon
Gnostic Workbook. . In VGW Bertiaux also references homosexual passivity merged with
homosexual active practices. As his main fundamental sexmagickal system .
That allows his entrance through the lwa Nibo to access the void .
Through the sephroith of Uranus which is Daath .This sexmagickal practice is by Bertiaux
referenced as a means of entering the meon that is the void also .We can also find anal sex or
homosexuality explored in similar context . In the work of Kenneth grant. Who refers to this
practice in the last of the trilogies ( the final attainment of full self through the void) as the
mauve zone .
While as a sex magickal practitioner myself I do not see a full relationship with just male
homosexual practices or anal sex in particular regarding Qliphoth work etc .Nor do I totally
equate these acts. In ritual as doorways in all aspects to the void or abyss transcendence . I have
come to the realisation that homosexual sexmagickal practice. Becomes in theory a example of
these practitioners workings to attain through bisexuality or becoming both roles in a sexact male
and female . The perfected none gendered aspect of the Qliphoths work. In leading to full
knowledge of the vision of the void that holds no specific gender .The sexual magickal
practitioner is none sexual in that all aspects of sexuality are explored . Regardless of personnel
sexual preference to access spirit invocation . In this aspect the prostitute is also none sexual as
his or her personnel sexual preferences become irrelevant as regards to their work. This is also a
trait found in the switch BDSM who accesses like in bisexuality all aspects of psycho sexuality
also .In this way all three access the void fully .
As a bisexual woman myself and practitioner. It has been through sexual acknowledgement of all
sides of gender male and female taken into myself. That I have been able to in all sexual magical
acts utilise the role of both . Therefore acknowledge myself as becoming all polarities in this
work . Which makes perfect sense when acknowledging that perfect nature attained through the
void .That holds no gender in its nothingness. Therefore the Qliphoth and void is to become
spiritually light activated all things . In this work then type of breakdown occurs of the
conditioned self . Where in ritual spiritual contact the practitioner reaches the final stage though
consciously embracing these all things to the evolvement of through smashing of ego.
To become transgressed to the void wholly .In reaching the void illuminated by the light of the
black sun . Our darker subconscious nature . We are able to reach in the Luciferian sense of the
word our equality with the spirits / GODS outside of humanities restraints . This end product is
the product of full universal gnosis .That is in essence the light bearer Lucifer. The one whom,
illuminates with shining black sun . In our chosen pathways the true LHP adepts practice . The
universes womb is the void of spirit materialisation .
In these practices of more extreme forms of gnosis and worship lay our true perfect nature. Our
nature as it was before and after , past and future so fully we become. In these types of practice I
have learned that most magic is useless. Without directed real life action and strong projected
intent . For if we are to find our true nature or become the final attainment of as man /woman
uniting with the void to higher consciousness. All work should be whether transgression or
otherwise. When used as our tools to exploring our true psycho sexual nature must be practised
with directed conscious intent .This is the key to all successful magic to practice it with projected
true intent . Another aspect of this practice from my own point of view is that the tunnels of the
Qliphoth whether utilised as tools in the ideologies of Grant , Bertiaux , and the Draconian
current of the Dragon Rouge.
Is that spiritual contact for myself is attained through real life action activation . Not just in
traditional ritual spirit invocation but in spiritual contact possession within our actions in our
material world. In this aspect the spiritual realm crosses over into our mortal realm , so therefore
like male /female , sex creation/death , darkness/ light all aspects become formed as one . On the
LHPs initiation through surrender sacrifice to all to higher spiritual all embraced attainment.The
Qliphoth is the shells of death the void though it is Hebrew the tree of knowledge also .
In this way it is the Abyss of nothingness ruled over by Babalon and all abominations broken also
to the divine void .Babalon like some Pomba Giras in the Brazilian religion Quimbanda
are.Identified as being the whore and the ultimate archetype example of the unholy and holy
female . The Qliphoth is activated by the black sun radiating light that the dark lightbearer also
that is Lucifer uniting Lucifer with Babalon in abyss union wholly . This is another aspect that fits
into the ideologies of Quimbanda as Pomba Gira is the wife of EXU (the Quimbanda lucifer
counterpart ). In these spirits we not only find examples of female sexuality ,or psycho-
sexuality (as in Lilith often referred as hells whore also) soiled imperfection equating perfection
but in the whore that is open to all without judgement. The sacramental spiritual healing
unconditional that is also dualistically invoked . The spirit of Lilith can also be linked to the
Quimbanda spirit of Pomba Gira Do Inferno queen of hell fire in Quimbanda .Whom with her
chalice (is also linked to the western icon of Babalon ) .As hells whore again like Lilith who
resides upon Malkuth. Minus Liliths colder vampiric manifestations . She is at the roots of the
religion of Quimbanda also . As the original female manifestation of Quimbanda governing all
her legions .In being the original imperfect mother of humanities darker aspects as is Lilith .
Lilith hellswhore resides at the base of Malkuth in the Qliphoths roots that translate as the earth ,
the holy /unholy filth of universal everything for holy holy is the WHORE .The whore that in
embraced nothingness ,nothing remains sacred and all remains sacred in filth .Sacred
prostitution is also another aspect of the void . Not only in that Babalon in thelema theory sits on
the otherside of the Abyss of the void .But in that when working with prostitution that is not
sacred in western societies philosophy . That when prostitution becomes used in sacred context
it transgresses like the void of nothing to all . Whereupon nothing and everything is sacred
wholly. The connection between the whore who in society is seen as the outcasted filth or in
sacred whoredom being consciously open to all heals the unwanted , unloved . Who in
desperation pay for her services to lay these burdens upon her .
The whore becomes the nursemaid to the unwanted masses healing with her filth medicines
purity . When I have been working as a prostitute either on the streets as heroin addicted teenager

then later today as a chosen profession to explore its sacred properties consciously as a sex worker
and BDSM switch / Sub as research towards my second Pomba Gira grimoire writings , film and
paintings . I have found the healing aspect to be true of these actions.In that these actions have
informed my magical work. My divine work with Liliths / Babalon and Pomba Giras currents. As
to becoming healing filth and my transgressive Qliphoth work. With Malkuths base actions
leading to a higher purist gnosis activated by the harsh dark light activated of the black sun .In
filth nothing becomes sacred . Therefore in this path everything within the void becomes sacred
In my second experiences of my chosen work of prostitution. Without profane things as
circumstance .This has allowed me to wholly give myself over to clients in love or a higher
detached understanding from myself sacrifice .In welcoming all human nature now matter how
imperfect as beautiful. This transgressed state of wholly accepting freedom of mind consciousness
is the full beauty in ritual translated as the LHP . In realife actions using sexuality and violence
.Examples using cutting of the skin in sigil worship , prostitution , submission all forms of our
psychosexual nature . We can in conscious rejection of mundane societies moralistic ideologies
surrender ourselves fully to the spirits to all .
To my mind it is not only important to use traditional invocations in spiritual work founded upon
classical ritual and our altars . It is of just as much if not more valid importance to transcend
traditional spiritual prayer into the living world through our own directed living actions .This
includes the practitioner not only in one ritual using cutting as a form of invocation , or anal sex
in one sex magical ritual then returning in they profane lives back to normality . Instead it means
full surrender to the merciless lhp fully in all areas of their lives day to day . Living in ritual all
transgression ritual practices like for example as found in the Aghori whom sacrifices all worldly
possessions to beg upon the street , homelessness or to sleep with corpses in graves out of choice.
a life affirmation extended full ritual .
That in these actions becomes their quest life of full sacrifice also. For most of the time such
approaches to magical work . In western society are more rare .In our culture for most
practitioners feel lighting a candle on a altar , reading books or doing a small ritual in a
graveyard. Will be enough to access full spirit contact or spiritual enlightenment . So while all
these things are valid in our practice . They are only valid to my mind to a extent . For we need to
surrender fully to the lhp path . Fully in the action of lifestyle . Living our practices and beliefs .
Through realife transgressive rituals or sacrifice ourselves living beyond social conformity. While
for some the word lifestyle is a profane terminology. As breaking taboos or transgressing can
never become habit or safe .That full transgression should be as in the void in its actions and
philosophy the universe limitless .Without man-made restrictions. It is only when fully
acknowledged in acceptance in carrying through our beliefs consistently in life. That fully can
we become .
As outcasts through intent . In our choice to reach full uncompromising luciferian
enlightenment.To in these acts that incorporate creation sex with death annihilation we can in
united alchemical practice reach our soul. Another aspect of the void or divine nothingness
reached through the Qliphoth tree of death knowledge that transgresses to spiritual rebirth. Is that
the void can through these rituals when finally rested in or attained translate as the true human
soul. The soul to my mind is perfection accomplished through spiritual nothingness , as the soul in
my mind human or spiritual transcends the mortal realm in its full ascension totally . In our
inferno path that leads to ascension through regression to the nothingness that is our full realised
primal nature in the void. The full human soul is reached through actions embracing all actions
exhibiting the darker sexual, violent aspects of ones nature . In that the soul acknowledges all as
worthy or sacred just as in the act of prostitution. It is open to all rejects nothing as spiritual
forms of knowledge or higher spiritual understanding universal enlightenment.
The evolvement of contemporary occultism evolving from more original shamanic forms has I
feel regressed upon its self again.For in the voids philosophy and practice as previously discussed
access to these Qliphothic universes. Can be only gained by stripping down to the practitioners
body as a vessel only .Therefore the lowest form of magical vision or practice becomes the
highest . The simplistic becomes the most complex . In that ceremonial magical practice or
traditional goetic rituals become worthless. In smashing of all to the divine full nature which lays
in the void of full transformation.So we find as practitioners the body that is the shell that covers
the soul is to become our only altar . The flesh and blood our tools consecrated in work. As
regards through ritual entering the qliphothic void. Of becoming activated universal nothingness
which is also ALL.
In the spells of the void all is celebrated . All is sacred in that all is of value to our path to the end
magical state which is the Qliphoth state fully activated by the radiating luciferian black sun in
the universe of the void . To reject all gods , take upon yourself no Gods and in this take equality of
all gods upon yourself . Annihilation of the black light s universal destruction .That is the void
invoked .There in the shadows remains light. In this path to perfect being of becoming in the path
of nothingness which is also everything the path transfixed of the void alone .

Footnotes :
1/ Thomas Karlsson ,Qabalah, Qliphoth and Goetic Magic reprint 2004
2/ Kenneth Grant, The nightside of Eden Skoob Books 1994
3/The Book Of Pleasure, Austin O Spare 1913
4/Qutub , Andrew Chumbley ,fulgur 1995
5/ Aliester Crowley, Visions and the voice 1912 & The book of law 1904
6/Micheal Bertiaux, The Voudon Gnostic Workbook reprint Red wheel/weiser 2007
7/ Kenneth Grant, Beyond The Mauve Zone Skoob Books 1990
8/Nicholaj De Mattos Frisvold , Pomba Gira and the Quimbanda Of mbumba Nzilia Scarlet
Imprint 2011
9/ Peter Grey ,The Red Godesse Scarlet Imprint 2007

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