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INTERNATIONAL GLOBAL NETWORK MUNI —— Your MUN Starter Pack CHAPTER 1 Discovering United Nations and Model United Nations A. United Nations Lbares Nations is an international diplomatic and \\ political organization that is obliged to maintain world peace and stability. The UN strives to preserve friendly Vy relationship between its members, create a solution for global issues, empower human rights, and unify its —/ YY members. It is headquartered in New York and currently SO> LP has 193 member states. It was founded back in 1945 after 97 SS the League of Nations could not find its ways to prevent the horrendous World War Il. 1. Organizational Structures of United Nations A. PRINCIPLE STRUCTURES The United Nations is constructed by six prominent instruments: the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship Council, the International Court of Justice, and the Secretariat. Chapter 1 Discovering United Nations and Model United Nations = GENERAL ASSEMBLY The General Assembly is the only structure of the United Nations that represents all members. Its fundamental responsibilities involve discussing global issues and suggesting propositions even though it is not given the authority to administer its resolutions or to enforce state action. Moreover, the General Assembly is obliged to select new members, including members of the Economic and Social Council, the non-permanent members of the Security Council, and members of the Trusteeship Council. The General Assembly is also expected to supervise the activities of the UN instruments, and take part in the selection of judges to the International Court of Justice and the secretary general. ™ SECURITY COUNCIL The Security Council is responsible for maintaining international peace and security. Initially, the council consisted of 11 members but then the regulation was modified, thus, it now has fifteen members—5 permanent and 10 non-permanent members. The non-permanent members are selected to achieve equitable regional representation, five members coming from Africa or Asia, one from eastern Europe, two from Latin America, and two from western Europe or other areas. Five of the 10 non-permanent members are elected each year by the General Assembly for two-year terms, and five retire each year. The presidency is held by each member in a rotation for a period of one month. = ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL The Economic and Social Council orchestrates the activities related to economic, social, humanitarian, and cultural aspects. ECOSOC is expected to provide suggestions on international action on economic and social issues, encourage universal respect for human. rights, and attempt to build global cooperation on health, education, and cultural matters. ECOSOC administer research, devise resolutions, recommendations as well as conventions for consideration by the General Assembly, and harmonize the activities of diverse UN programs and specialized agencies. = TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL The Trusteeship Council was formed to super- vise the government of trust territories and to lead them to self-government or independence. This council was founded on the premise that colonial territories in countries conquered during the war should not be acquired by or adjoined into the victorious nations, but instead should be managed by a trusted country under international supervision until the countries have determined their future status. m INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE The International Court of Justice, also known as the World Court, is the essential judicial instrument of the United Nations. Any decisions made by the court are binding and its jurisdiction includes all cases which the parties refer to it and all matters specially provided for in the Charter of the United Nations or in treaties and conventions in force, The General Assembly or the Security Council may request the International Court of Justice to give an advisory opinion on any legal question. Other organs ‘of the United Nations and specialized agencies, which Discovering United Nations and Model United Nations may at any time be so authorized by the General Assembly, may also request advisory opinions of the Court on legal questions arising within the scope of their activities. (United Nations Charter, 1945:18). The Secretariat _ should compose a Secretary-General and the staff in a way that the Organization may require. The Secretary-General is the _ principal administrative officer of the United Nations. Secretary-General is elected for a five-year renewable term by a two-thirds vote and appointed by the General Assembly along with the recommendation from the Security Council. United Nations also comprises of subsidiary instruments that are established by the General Assembly and autonomous specialized agencies. These instruments report to the General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council, Several instruments receive funds directly from the United Nations, while several others are supported financially by the voluntary contributions of governments or private citizens The specialized agencies, including the International Labor Organization (ILO), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAQ), United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), World Health Organization (WHO), report annually to ECOSOC and often, cooperate with each other or other United Nations instruments. The specialized agencies are autonomous as long as they are able to manage their own budgets and establish their ‘own board of directors. The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) are the two most powerful and independent specialized agencies. Moe United Nations is a simulation of a United Nations Conference attended by students, referred to as Delegates, who are assigned a country to represent in one of the United Nations’ numerous committees with pre-set topics to debate. They research the background of their country, their country's position on the topic at hand, and prepare notes on possible solutions to the problems faced. Students then convene at Model UN conferences, which range in size from 100 to 5,000 delegates, to debate their assigned topics with students representing the other UN member states. Much like the real UN, the goal isto, identify solutions, by negotiation and consensus, ‘on which many countries can agree on. Chapter 1 Discovering United Nations and Model United Nations Aims of MUN Conference The aim of MUN differs from conference to conference, but generally, it is to educate participants about the workings of an international organization such as the UN, to enhance a participants negotiating and oratory skills and to broaden the participants view and knowledge of the world. MUN has wider educational objectives to be achieved by the participants: a. Raising the goals of humanity, b. Increasing awareness of others, c. The acquisition of knowledge, d. The development of practical language skills Before you start researching, reading and preparing youneed todois understand how MUN works. Each delegate represents a country in a UN committee to discuss an important global issue. Information about the said issue is provided by the conference ina Study Guide. * Debate your ideas and practical solutions together with the other delegates in the committee. Combine your ideas with others in a document called a Draft resolution. Multiple drafts can be created by different groupings (blocks) of countries. Vote on the Draft resolution in the committee. A resolution needs a majority to be passed, Learn the Basics About Your Country Before you read the Study Guide / Background Guide the conference provides, it's best to learn a bit about the country you vill be representing to get over any natural biases you might have, Try to keep an open your mind towards the country you will be representing. Chapter 2 What is Model United Nations? ee et eet ect eee een ee at ene ts [eee Se eee re th party isin power. Pe Cae a ee et ee ees Eres Doing thisresearch ill help you comeup with valuable ideas when ete etic! = Read the Study Guide The Study Guide (sometimes referred to as a Background Guide or Issue Summary) is where you will get the basic important information about the topic your MUN committee will be discussing. When you finish reading the guide you should have a basic understanding of the topic and what you are expected to debate. (if your guide sucks, check out our guide on what to do with your MUN study guide sucks). The Study Guide should give you: © General background about the topic © Currentissues relating to the topic @ Relevant numbers and data in good guides atleast) © Information about your UN committee © Block positions {notin every guide) © Guiding questions (not in every auide) @ Further reading (not in every guide) Study Guides are also important because they help you understand where the chairs want the debate to go. Now that you understand the topic you will be discussing, it's time to fill in the blanks about your country. * Learn About your Committee This should be covered in your Study Guide, Ifitwasnit, now isthe time to learn about your committee. A quick glance at the Wikipedia page should give you context. You want to get a bas Objectives ofthe committee Current committee activities Past actions of the committee Knowing your MUN committee mandate will help you understand ‘what your committee can do and what it cannot. This will be helpful when the time comes to write practical ideas. * Research your Countries Position To understand your countries position, you will need to look at the news to get an idea of what policies your country would implement. For example, if you are representing Syria, you may what to look into things like. Did Syria ever send aid workers: to natural disasters? Does Syria contribute to global anti-virusefforts? The answers to those questions will help you know where your country stands, even if there is nothing directly written about your countries connection to the topic you will be discussing. The reason you should search like this is due to the fact you will not always find exactly what you're looking for when you Google your country + topic. = Write Your Opening Speech Your first speech should give a general impression of your countries view of the topic and ideas to solve the problems your committee is discussing. In your speech should include facts and practical policies to solve the problem. Your solution should be in line with your countries interests. * Learn the Rules of Procedure For your first MUN it is important you have a general Understanding of the Rules of Procedure (ROP). The ROP'sare best learned through practice. However, while you donot need tomaster the ROP, it's good te have the basic knowledge of the flow of delegate and how to pass amaotion, When it comes to flow the flow of a MUN simulation, here is what you need to know. Chapter 2 What is Model United Nations? Modes of a MUN Debate Simplified = General Speaker's List - Default speech platform. Anyone can talk about anything and can yield time. The Opening Speech or General Speaker List typically lasts about 1 minute or 1 ‘minute and 30 seconds and isthe first speech you give to the committee. The chair will open the floor for countries who wish to be added in General Speaker List to deliver their Opening Speech. Itis the best opportunity for youto explain your country policy and the key sub-issues you would Iike the committee to focus on, Opening Speeches are the main way for countries to determine who they want towork with, soit'simportant to prepare a speech that conveys this. There are many tips and strategies on how to deliver an Opening Speech, but use your Position Paper as a guide when you are starting out. The most important action is to just be brave and make your first speech. "= Moderated Caucus - Faster discussion on a subtopic voted to be discussed by a majority of the committee, ‘Compared to the strict parliamentary order of formal debate, caucus may appear tobe disorganized and hectic. If it proves impossible to conduct productive caucuses, consider asking the Moderator to give you some help. One successful format for 2 ‘moderated caucus divides the delegates pro and con on a particular issue and then alternates delegates from both groups, according to each one minute to speak Such moderated caucuses combine the best elements of formal debate ‘and caucus, providing the order of formal debate with the spontaneous flow of ideas associated with a caucus = Unmoderated Caucus - Lobbying time. Everyone gets out of their seats and speaks: fone on one /ina group. Resolutions are written during ths time as well, Everyone gets out of their seats and speaks one on one / in a group. Resolutions are written during this time as well. A type of caucus in which delegates leave their seats to mingle and speak freely, enabling the free sharing of ideas to an extent not possible in a moderated caucus. An Unmoderated caucus is frequently used to sort countries into blocs and to write working papers and draft resolutions. This time may be also used to free the room. What is Model United Nations? In the case of procedural votes, all Member States and Observers must vote yes or no; abstentions are not allowed. On substantive matters (resolutions, presidential statements and press statements [Security Council only], amendments, and the second vote on divisions of the question), Member States (but not Observers) who are present may vote yes, no, or abstain. To be considered present, a delegate must be in attendance and designated on the roll call sheet as either “present” or “present and voting.’ In this case, the status of “present and voting” indicates that a Member State intends to vote yes or no on all substantive matters, forfeiting the right to abstain. For the purpose of setting majority thresholds or tabulating vote results, the phrases “members present and voting” or "those present and voting” should be understood to mean all attendees casting an affirmative or negative vote. Abstentions do not count in favor of or against a motion, nor do they affect the majority threshold required for passage. Thus, a resolution which requires a simple majority will pass with a vote of 11 in favor, 10 opposed, and 173 abstentions. Likewise, in consensus bodies, abstentions do not affect the passage of the final document. abstain). Roll call votes typically take quite along time, particularly in large committees Placard and roll call are the two permissible types of voting. All procedural votes must be taken by placard, with the exception of Adjournment of Debate, which requires a roll call vote. The Dais will count placards of Member States when they vote on particular issues and announce the result of the vote. A roll call vote may only occur on substantive votes, and only if a Member State requests a roll call vote (with the exception of Adjournment of Debate, for which the roll call vote is automatic). It is the right of any Member State to request aroll call vote, and there is no vote on the motion as the motion is automatically honored. The Chair reads the roll and each Member State casts its vote aloud when called upon; the Member States may pass once, but then must vote yes or no. when called again (they may not ae What can be proposed during Moderated Caucus Point of Personal Privilege - Used when a delegate Is unable to participate in committee business. Point of Order -Used toestabish order ita delegates) are deemed tobe out of order Point of Parliamentary Inquiry-In order when te floors open; used for questions about points of parliamentary procecure Motion for Right of Reply ~ Used to recognize the slandering of one delegate towards another: granted only at the chai's specific dscretion Motion to Adjourn Debate - In order only if the chair deems ittobe appropriate (50% 1) Motion to suspend debate Used to suspend debate until the next meeting in order only if the chair deems it to be appropriate. (50%+ 1). Motion to caucus ~ Needs to specify the length and a reason for, deemed appropriate bythe chai. (50%+ 2) Motion for moderated caucus - Needs to specify length and reason for deemed appropriate by the chair. (50% 1) Motion to close debate - Ending debate on 2 topic or resolution (2/5 majority: 2 speakers against) A. Points and Motions: Order of Precedence Motion to postpone debate - Postponing debate ona top lor resolution. (2/3 majority: 1 speaker fr. 1 against ‘Motion to divide the question - Used wien itis necessary to vote on certain parts of our solution separately: 2 three-tiered vote: 1) on individual mations to vide. 2) on the indusion of amendments, 3) and on the ‘inal resolution 50% 1:2 speakersfor,2 against) Motion to reorder agenda - Used to reorder the toples being diecutsed or the order for which resolutions are to be voted upon (50% +4; 1=peaker 1 against) ‘Mation for a rall call vote - In order only on pracedus matters. (50%+ 1) Motion to question competence - Used only if the competence of » committze is in question pertaining to {opie (50% 1) speaker fo, 1 against) “Motion to submit an amendment toa resolution, “Motion to submit a resolution Motion of resumption of debate - Resumes debate on a previeusly postponed resolution or topic. (50% + 1 1 Speaker for, 1 against) Motion for reconsideration Made only bya delegate voted with the majority (2/3 majority; 2 speakers against) at Tips on making Study Guide : *for Board of Dais @ Summary of the topic in general 1-2 paragraph (you can put quotes from famous leader or prominent peoplein the world regarding the topics). History of the council or committee: mandate or mission. Y Introduction to the deeper understanding of the issue or topic. Consist of: Status quo, past resolution/action, linkage, data, data, data, 4 Collaboration party: other un agency, government, organizations, grassroot organization (if any) 4 QARMAS (at least 4) make a debatable question & makes delegates think about the solution. Documents in Model United Nations (MUN) To make a good Position Paper here are the things that you have to take notes on to: How Your Country Sees the Topic Being Discussed To answer the question “how to start a Position Paper, keep in mind that you are not only sharing your position, but also introducing the reader to see the topic being discussed from your eyes To establish your position, start with a brief history of the situation / problem the committee will be discussing (How you see the situation / your position on the topic). Define what you see as the challenge to the global community (or at least what some of them face). Keep in mind that your goal is to meet this challenge by the end of the paper. Frame the issue to be discussed as something that does not only pertain to your country but, ideally, also the other countries you would want to support your policy. It helps to keep in mind that you will not get support for your clauses, or pass a resolution, alone. It is only if other countries see the topic the same way you do, that they will want to join you to implement your solution. Your Country’s Relation To The Topic A presentation of the policies your country has used to deal with the topic in the past. You should also describe the successes or failures of those policies (Your country’s previous relation to the topic and the precedents it set). In the cases where your country has a strong link to the topic, the examples in the 2nd paragraph should be about your country's connection to the specific topic. If your country has no direct relation, see if similar countries to yours, or countries with similar positions, have a relation to the topic. You can also conduct research to find out if your country has a relation to a similar topic, from where you can draw inspiration and a direction to justify your policies. (More on this in our article about ‘How to effectively represent your country’) The second paragraph is your place to introduce yourself in relation to the topic and committee. Documents in Model United Nations (MUN) What You Want to Pass in a Resolution Give an outline of possible / likely solutions that your country proposes and would advocate to see implemented during the Model UN simulation. Do this within the limits of what your particular committee can do (What you would want to pass a resolution about). If you want to do additional actions beyond the mandate of your committee, you can outsource them to other committees. If this is an integral part of your strategy they should also go here. In the third paragraph, you can either commit to one strong Call to Action, a few different policies or two extreme red lines, which you say you intend to work between. Remember, while you do not need to fully commit yourself to what you write in your Position Papers, it is important that you show the margins within which you will be operating at the conference. Doing this shows there is thought behind your actions and gives you more credit with the chairs for diplomatic progress. It is thus strongly advisable that you not write something that you will directly contradict through your actions in committee sessions. ) Extra Supporting Material Sometimes, a Position Paper will need a 4th paragraph of extra supporting material covering additional angles that don't fit into the main three. This can be a case study, some topic-specific information about your (or another) country. It can be hard data needed to support paragraph 2 or justify paragraph 3; this 4th paragraph still comes before the final section where you describe your desired policies. The key is that the 4th paragraph needs to display a clear contribution to the Position Paper, show clear thinking and, in the end, be supporting of the Call to Action / policy that is being advocated for. Collectively, all of the sections of the Position Paper should show how the delegates unique, country specific research and analysis furthers the understanding of what was originally read in the committee study guide. Chapter 4 Documents in Model United Nations (MUN) Example of position paper: Country > Myanmar Committee: United Nations of Environment Programme Topic: Combat Global Warming by Investing in and Using Sustainable Energy; Global Endeavour to Fight against Desertification Desertification was defined at Rio Summit in 1992 as land degradation in arid, semi-arid, and dry sub-humid areas resulting from various factors including climatic variations and human activities. It takes place in the area which is called drylands. This land is already degraded in the first place, and transform into desert-like condition, Needless to say, deforestation and land degradation is the first step of desertification, Desertification often goes hand in hand with global ‘warming. As the global temperature is worsening, number of desertification is rising up. Both of them also have a heavy impact on socioeconomic, especially to the developing country that rely ‘on agriculture sector as oue if its economies pillar. According to the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (2005), poptilations in drylands live under the worst economic conditions. This happen because desertification converts productive fertile lands into unproductive ones. AS the country that is still largely dependent on agriculture sectorand severely affected, Myanmar recognizes this alarming situation by forming Dry Zone Greening Department (DZGD) with one of its main objectives is to prevent and combat desertification. One of the ‘major reasons behind desertification in Myanmar and also other agriculture countries is unplanned land use practice such as shifting cultivation(Taungya) system, which has beenimplemented for decades across the country. This system contributes to land degradation by decreasing topsoil fertility in the process. Regarding this, Myanmar has developed Multi-sectoral Programme of Highlands Reclamation that encourages the upkeep of traditional land use system, customary rights, and cultural values.We also believe that climate change can be eradicated by developing the sustainable energy because it produces far less carbon footprints rather than fossil-fuel resource! Therefore, thousands of off-gtid projectshave been rolled out across country’, Moreover, most all projects are either government-fimded or donor-backed because off-grid is remain not fully affordable to the mural population especially farmer. Myanmar Eco Solutions reacts to this by operating a revolving fund between farmers and company who hold the project. Besides solar system, DZGD has taken the tole on promoting the utilization ofwoodfuel substitutes such as biomass energyin turn of heavy demand on woodfuelis ableto destruct water catchment area and threat development of potential hydropower resources in ‘Myanmar, The fact that there have been several programs to combat global warming and desertification, itis still important to enrich the plans. Therefore, Myanmar would like to propose the following recommendations: "tor fewsutch coms parted ereusble-eerey fs = hp then an com sttairblebsies/2016 0H sear hep-myarm-ring elec oa9¢ 2030, Chapter 4 Documents in Model United Nations (MUN) 1 UNEP should cooperate with NGOby being the spearhead to promote national and international laws and its transparency that regulate environment and raisingpublic awareness of sustainable energy use to the corporation parties and eivil societies UNEP should encourage the developed countries who are also play as industrial country to reduce their CO2 emission with clean technology investment and UNEP should exceeding the target for developing country who will be provided assistance by the councilto implement initiatives to improve energy efficiency, invest in renewables energy, and help to cope with the disastrous impact of climate change. 3. UNEP should urge member states to (1) recognize the important of sustainable energy to be a tool to combat desertification and reduce the impact of climate change by raisingthe trend of renewable energy investment especially for stakeholders in developing countryby implement revolving find between parties to replenish the high cost of the project and (2) have a clear boundary between government and stakeholders on sharing of management responsibility. The aforementioned recommendation is followed by Myanmar’s belief that all nations have to go haud in hand to combat global warming and desertification by developing sustainable energy to reduce the heavy impact of critical environments issue. Each of us has to take the roll to participate and prompt the suitable solution to protect our environment which all countries may prosper Chapter 4 Documents in Model United Nations (MUN) g Paper Bold or highlight important words and sentences In the lobby rush of unmoderated caucuses many delegates won't have the time to read the entire working paper. As you and your block will often find yourselves repeating the same pitch to different delegates. It is very helpful to be able to point to key words and sentences and help them stand out. Use maps and graphs ‘As a working paper is not a formal document, feel free to use a map when explain troop movement or where you would set up a medical camp. When explaining your idea to other delegate you would need to load a map on your computer or smartphone anyway, so better to have the map or chart ready to make you idea clear and ready to understand. Use Equations Example: More food aid + Training of teenagers to cook = less idle hands in refugee camps Sometimes writing out the variables / stakeholders in an equation like the one above can be more clear than an entire paragraph. Use an equation to establish your main idea in way that shows clear cause and effect. Even when you have clauses written later on in the process you can keep your equation on the top of the draft. With the draft in hand you can tell others that they are welcome to read further but your main idea is here in the math on the top of the page. Copy chunks of raw data ‘Sometimes your operative clauses will need specific names and data. While the specific clause may use some of the data, when speaking to potential signatories showing the whole picture may turn out better. For yourself you can highlight the main points but also show supporting data which will help you persuade but isn’t relevant enough to reach the final operative clause. Mix Preambulatory and Operative One of the requirements of good chairs is that all operative clauses are justified by preambulatory clauses which elaborate on the problem that the operative clauses are solving. Sometimes, when writing operative clauses on our own we forget the preambule we were going to match with them. When explaining working papers to other delegates writing the clause in a ‘problem - solution’ manner might be very helpful to get your idea across. Don’t write too much Some resolution writers feel clauses need to be very long and cumbersome or they should not be submitted. On the other hand, early stage working papers are there to transfer ideas. Writing one line per idea to be developed later can help you lobby with 5 people in the time it would take to develop a clause and the subsequent sub clauses. Follow the KISS rule (Keep It Short and Simple), especially when it's an early stage working paper: Chapter 4 Documents in Model United Nations (MUN) Use headlines Every few clauses use a headline so the reader will understand what issue the clauses are dealing with. Using headlines like “Regulations Pertaining to Peacekeeping Forces", “United Nations-Facilitated Disarmament Oversight and Initiatives” and “Humanitarian Assistance and Funding Initiatives” will make the resolution a much easier and clearer read. Have a cheat sheet Especially useful in larger room, if the resolution is being modified by writers lobbyists can use a cheat sheet one pager with bullet points of the main ideas. The headlines from tip 7 could be Useful for this. Using a cheat sheet to keep up the ideas will let you do what you were doing, anyway in a more clear manner. Give options where you can Working papers are about persuasion and negotiation. Naturally, some policies will not be set in stone. If you find ideas that can be solved in multiple similar ways, write both options and have it open for discussion. Example: - Education and knowledge about pregnancy and basic knowledge for mothers and expectant, mothers. ~ Strengthen by Law and Policy in every countries Asking opinions can get other delegates to feel more invested. On the other hand, if many delegates feel strongly about both you may have an issue. Request Comments Many working papers are written in google docs. Another way to get maximal input quickly is to give instructions to other delegates to leave comments. You can do this with instructions in the document, sharing with the"Can view’ option or even yelling across the room. You will find that some positive suggestions, and the openness to do so, could not only bring you new allies but also new ideas. Request Comments These 10 tips above will not only make your working paper clearer but are also faster to write. It is true that the same principles behind a United Nations resolution often exist for working papers as well. These principles are also helpful when giving speeches and in general when learning to think MUN. At the same time, working papers are not draft resolutions and there is no law requiring you to make them perfectly formatted or legally sound, especially so early in the process. In fact, the opposite often occurs where the rush to format results in you scrolling through a working paper to find clause 15, which no one will read and you need to spend extra time understanding what you are reading before you read it. Using even some of these tips will make your working paper more easy to understand and will help your allies get signatories or defend it against the opposition. The key is to keep in mind that a draft resolution needs to have a majority to pass and getting that majority starts when they understand the ideas you will show them in a clear working paper. Chapter 4 Documents in Model United Nations (MUN) solution A resolution is a document that contains all the issues that the committee wants to solve and the proposed solutions to that issue. Technically, the resolution should be called a draft resolution before it is voted upon and then called a resolution after it is successfully passed during voting bloc. Specifically, resolutions are usually written during un-moderated caucus (sometimes called informal caucus) where delegates are free to roam around the committee to collaborate on ideas with each other All the speeches, debate, negotiation, and teamwork is supposed to lead up to a resolution which contains all the proposed solutions to the issue. The resolutions that the majority of the committee agrees upon will be passed during voting bloc and the sponsors will be informally commended for building consensus on good ideas. There are three main parts to a draft resolution: the heading, the preamble, and the operative clauses. 1.Heading The heading contains four pieces of information: the committee name, the sponsors, the signatories, and the topic. The committee name and topic should be self-explanatory. The sponsors are the authors of the resolution. The signatories are other delegates in the committee who do not necessarily agree with the resolution but would like to see it debated. Most conferences require a minimum number or percentage of sponsors and signatories (or a combination of both) before a resolution can be presented, this encourages consensus: building. You will also notice some numbering this is usually provided by the committee chair and is just a way to number the different resolutions, usually by the order they are received or approved so that delegates can easily differentiate or reference them. 2. Preambulatory Clauses The pre-ambulatory clauses state all the issues that the committee wants to resolve on this issue. It may state reasons why the committee is working on this issue and highlight previous international actions on the issue. Pre-ambulatory clauses can include: 1. Past UN resolutions, treaties, or conventions related to the topic. 2. Past regional, non-governmental, or national efforts in resolving this topic. 3. References to the UN Charter or other international frameworks and laws. 4, Statements made by the Secretary-General or a relevant UN body or agency. 5. General background info formation or facts about the topic, its significance, and its impact. It's very simple to write a pre-ambulatory clause. First, take a statement that you want to write about (perhaps an issue you want to solve or a specific fact from one of the five bullet points above). You then take that statement, combine it with an underlined pre-ambulatory phrase, and end it with a comma Chapter 4 Documents in Model United Nations (MUN) 3. Operative Clauses Operative clauses contain all the solutions that the sponsor(s) of the resolutions proposed. These clauses set out actual solutions and initiatives for the committee to undertake. They implement new policies or make a statement. It is important that each clause should aim to solve a specific aspect of the issue, and not be too broad. To that effect, operative clauses can be broken down into smaller sub-clauses. It's very simple to write an operative clause. First, take a solution that you want to include in the draft resolution. You then take that, solution, combine it with an underlined operative phrase, and end it with a semicolon (the last, operative clause ends with a period). Operative clauses are also numbered. This differentiates them from pre-ambulatory clauses, helps show logical progression in the resolution, and makes the operative clauses easy to refer to in speeches and comments. 4. The Layout (Address the appropriate committee or General Assembly) (State the question or topic) (List of co-sponsors) (List of co-submitters) Pre-ambulatory Clauses: Separate pre-ambulatory clauses with ‘commas. Use the verbs provided to begin each pre-ambulatory clause. The pre-ambulatory clauses define the present situation and the UN's or the submitter's position on the issue. (These do ‘not need to be very long) Operative Clause: Separate operative clauses with semicolons. Use the verbs provided to begin each operative clause. Operative clauses are the policy portion of the resolution, they describe the plan of action, the proposed solution. Each clause should not bea collection of unrelated statements on a broad topic but should deal with one aspect of the problem. Reference: ‘Adams, K. R. 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