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---Energy Saving: critical thinking, challenge,

-C: I needed to test a new feature in order to save energy of the BTS. I choose a cluster to activate the
feature and monitor its performance. The problem was that the counters were not good enough to
measure the energy saving of the feature.

-A: I had to study in depth the functioning of the GSM technology and the feature to try to figure out
how to measure the saving. I had an idea on how to measure it and I discussed with other members of
the team if my assumptions were correct or if they had other better ideas.

-R: With the new method I could test the feature and make sure that everything was working correctly,
and I could estimate the average energy saving of the feature.

-E: Because we were able to measure the energy saving, my determine to deploy the feature in all the
network and it saved around 8% of the energy in the GSM technology.

---Deleting counters: mistake, learning

-C: I needed to test another feature, and after reading the documentation, I needed to activate a new
set of counters from the NetAct platform.

-A: I did it, but mistakenly a deleted another set of counters that was active and was needed for
measuring other aspects of the network. When other colleagued

-R: As soon as I know about the deleted counters, I step in and apologize for my mistake and I contacted
the area that realized of the missing counters (monitoring) and committed to fix the error.

-E: although my mistake, I tightened relations with other areas, and increased my supervisor trust for
admitting my error so promptly. And I learnt to be more careful and double check more.

----Handled Pressure:

-C: last year I had to go to Rio Tinto to finalise the drive test and the last details of one of the pLTE
networks. We were 3 people and I was a team leader in that opportunity. It was my first experience as
team leader here, we had a very tight schedule, and we had some new tasks required that were
presented on site that put me under pressure.
-A: When we go to site to the mine, the contractors schedule have to adapt to the mine schedule. I had
to coordinate very carefully with my colleagues and the areas of the mine to optimize the time and
respecting all the safety rules.

-R: As a result, we managed to finish the work in time. I learnt to work under pressure and improved my
leadership skills


-C: I had to test the configuration for carrier aggregation in our lab, and I had two eNB to configure. I
read the documentation and configured the equipment, but at the beginning the aggregation was not
successful and then I didn’t achieve the throughputs that I was expecting.

-A: I read the documentation more carefully trying to understand all the parameters that need to be
configured, I changed many options trying to fin the mistake, and finally I looked for other options like
comparing the configurations of both eNB to make sure that all the parameters that were different were
the ones I wanted them different. Finally, I got the parameter that was wrong and got the config right.
Then I wasn’t getting the required throughput and I checked the other parts of the setting and consulted
with other colleagues if there were any limitation in the ports of the other parts of the core. There was a
limitation in the router ports, so I changed the ports of the router to fibre and I got the expected

-R: I was the first one in configuring and trying the feature, so I got the compliment of my supervisor and
I was able to document and learn hoy to configure it for future deployments of the company.


-C: During the refarming project, I was in charge of the frequency planning of many areas, and in many
opportunities I had to decide which one to do first. I established with my the other areas involved the
criteria for selecting the order in which we were going to deliver the plans.

-A: I was in charge of assisting to the regional meetings to understand the infrastructure status of the
networks, and I got in touch with the regional areas to know the state of progress of the infrastructure,
so we could agree on which task was preferent. If both the tasks were priority and I could foresee that It
was a workload too big for me, I delegated some areas to some less busy colleagues. At the time, I was
acting team leader, so I had more responsibilities than some of them.

-R: My team could always deliver the plans on time, and because of my effort, I got two promotions
during the project.

About myself:
I’m a telecommunications engineer, that studied electronics, a related field, but originally, I didn’t know
I wanted to do telecoms. During my studies I got to know more about the subject, and when I graduated
I wanted to work in a telco company. I started doing other kind of job, always applying to telcos, and I
landed the job in a carrier as a JR engineer, that gave me the opportunity to grow immensely.


-It is hard to me to express my opinion in a big meeting, usually I dont speak unless someone talk
directly to me. Sometimes I dont have much to say, but in some cases, I do, but I dont mention it. What
I'm doing is to talk about the issues that we'll be discussed in the meeting in advance with a colleague or
my supervisor, so it is easier for me to raise the issue in the meeting. Example, I was in Peru, and we had
a tight schedule for finishing the job, and I wanted to know how would we handle the situation if we
didnt finish on time, to be prepared.


cultural questions;

-typical day/work week look like in the position.

-acommplish in the firsts 90 days

-key to suceed in the position

-challenges forseen

-best part of working in the company ??

-based on our conversation, is it anything that is giving you a hesitancy about hiring me? / for
considering me

Tell me about yourself:

-telecom engineer

-with experience in australia and overseas


why want to work here

-connect with other posts

-research of the company


Reasons to change

-more oportunities, hard to grow,

Proud of (contributions):

proud of me taking the chance of living and working in another country, working within a different cultre
and wanting to expand my skills looking for another job in a bigger company with new challenges. Proud
of my courage.

How you deal with pressure:

Dream Job:


Range between 70-85k?


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