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Group 5:

Bustos, Jommelyn

Emralino, Yoshabel

Faurillo, Dan Louis

Houghton, Micah

Umali, Khael
Motion Information and Media

-A form of media that has the appearance of moving text and graphics on a display, its
purpose is to communicate information in multiple ways (Roblyer 2006).

-An integrated sight and sound kinetic media (Shelton,2014)

General Characteristics of Motion Media:

-It communicates message to large, heterogeneous, and anonymous audiences;

-It communicates the same message to mass audiences simultaneously, sometimes in

public, other times in private;

-It embodies messages that are usually impersonal and transitory;

-It is multi-sensory such that the audience’s sight and hearing are stimulated in concert.
-It is a formal, authoritative channel of communication.

-It is instrumental in behavior and attitude modification – that is, attitude formation,
change, conservation, and canalization (directing a performed attitude to a new

-It confers status upon issues, persons, organizations, or social movements.

Format and Types of Motion Information and Media

1. Film - also called a movie picture and is a series of still or moving images.
Animation-Images are made from scratch through a computer or by hand. Does
not necessarily have audio
2. Motion Picture in Television -television is a telecommunication medium for
transmitting and receiving moving images that can be monochrome (black and
white) or colored, with or without accompanying sounds.
Ex: Commercial advertisement on TV, Reality show, Talk show ,Television
news and etc..
3. Interactive Video -usually refers to a technique used to blend interaction and
linear film or video.
4. Others (i.e phone gaming, computer games, cinema)- live stream is a live
streaming video platform that allows users to view and broadcast video content
using a camera and computer through the internet. it offers a free ad-supported
service ad multi-tiered premium services.

Limitation of Motion Information and Media

1. Fixed Pace-cannot be interrupted still

2. Phenomena-Motion media is sometimes unsuitable to other topics such as
those involving a map, a wiring diagram, etc.
3. Misinterpretation-In documentaries and dramatizations especially, intended
messages are quite deep and complex because of the young viewers who lack
maturity tend to misinterpret the message.
4. Cost -Equipment and materials for motion media are expensive

Ex: DVD Player, TV…etc

Design Principles of Motion Information and Media

Some of the principles that may be used are:

1. Timing- It may determine the way the frames will need to be set up. It helps to
express the emotion.
2. Ease in/ Ease out- Works by adjusting frames in order to give the impression of
something moving slowly then rapidly.
3. Anticipation- Prepares the viewer for something to happen. This gives the scene
more energy as it begins to develop and move.
4. Staging- Is the process of arranging all elements in a scene so that the eye of the
viewer is directed towards the focal point.
5. Arcs- Can help make transition look smoother. In moving objects, arcs can make
motion more realistic.
6. Action and Reaction- This can be approached in a realistic or not.

Elements of Motion Information and Media

1. Speed- A fast movement gives vigor and vitality, intensifying emotions. A slow
movement connotes lethargy, solemnity or sadness.
2. Direction- Indicates a movement from one direction to another. It can also refer to
the growing or shrinking of an object.
3. Timing- Can be objective or subjective. Objective timing can be measured in
minutes, seconds, days, etc. Subjective timing is psychological or felt. Timing can
be used to clarify or intensify the message or the event. Using a pause can help
time the event.
4. Transition- Used to switch between scenes.
5. Sound and Color- Adds meaning to the motion.
6. Blurring- In animation, blurring can provide the illusion of fast movement. In
videos, It is often used to censor information for security or decency.

Advantages of Motion Information and Media

1. Motion-better mastery of procedures as opposed to stagnant images

2. Processes-operations where sequential movement is needed can be shown.
3. Safe Observation- observing phenomena that might be dangerous to view
4. Skill Learning-videos can be viewed over and over so repeated observation of
skills is possible.
5. Dramatization- recreations of history and personalities, observing and analyzing
human relations problem.
6. Affective Learning- Films for shaping personal and social attitudes;
documentaries and propaganda films to affect attitudes.
7. Problem Solving-Open ended dramatizations can leave viewers to solve
problems themselves.
8. Cultural Understanding- Appreciation for other cultures by seeing video depiction
of them.
9. Establishing Commonality-People with different backgrounds can discuss topics
after watching a video.

Disadvantages of Motion Information and Media

1. No student-teacher relationship (questions can’t be asked)

2. Expensive (supporting materials: projector, laptops, computers)

3. Unpredicted problems (audio and visual difficulties)

4. Not flexible: style (teaching style and strategies)

5. Time consuming (preparation of the video takes time: production material)

6. Not interactive (students may be left uninvolved in the course)


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