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51 Lima

From approximately 6:37 am to approximately 11:39 am, EST, January 28, 1986 at
approximately 26.7 North Latitude, 80.8 West Longitude.

© 1986 - 1996

William A. Barnett-Lewis
2nd Law of Thermodynamics

Heat can not, of itself, pass

from a colder to a hotter body.
T- 5:00:00 Begin Countdown

Ghost dancing
Across the sea of Night
Far, far, away
Too far to touch our hearts
Welcome brave new world

Ball dances
Across the bumpered fields
T'ween pins & lights
To escape
Inescapable rites.
So maybe there's hope. Or maybe I'm going mad.
These are not easy things to be sure of, either way.

Hunter S. Thompson
T- 4:30:00 Begin filling LOX tank in external tank

These are days

On sun warmed rocks
Nymphs shed
Stretch their wings
And fly once again

Reflections in a
Silver Sphere
Bells chime and numbers flash
One now ends; I begin
I have no attitude without a cigarette.

Lou Reed
T- 2:50:00 Begin filling LH2 tank in external tank

Yet it's only our

Angels that can survive
Immortal, unlike us
God's claymore that
Cuts both ways

Before consecrated
Ground -
Made hallowed by
Simple survival
Busy old fool, unruly sun,
Why dost thou thus
Through windows and curtains call on us?

John Donne
T- 1:50:00 Enter Orbiter

Still the wild hunt

Takes to flight in
Their chittering
Erupting from beneath
Every 17th year

It stands
Across decades of
Beer and grime
Yet still the wheels turn
Bells & balls flash & ring
Donne ch'avete intello d'amore
I'vo' con voi de la mia donna dire
Non perch'io creda sua laude finire
Ma ragionar per infogar la mente.

T- 1:35:00 Unstow cue cards

Raven hair flashes

Eye's light up the dawn
Standing close
Hand over eyes to see
Daddy fly today

Glass of
Beer set off to
One side
Drop a quarter
To begin Eucharist
A woman kneels on deck
Staring at lapping waters. Wets her face.
Idly the Rach Binh Thuy slides by.
He aims. At her. Then drops his aim.

John Bolaban
T- 1:30:00 Communications check with launch control

Numbers tumble
Challenges come forth
In oracles
4, 7, 3, 5 : cosmic

Numbers roll
Zero, Zero, Zero,
Nothing else
Nothing special hidden
Just another beginning
And here we are as on a darkling plain
Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight
Where ignorant armies clash by night.

Matthew Arnold
T- 1:25:00 Communications check with mission control

Pythagorus leads
With endurance, firmness.
Calm, stable, bored?
Down below a silent
Volcano building below

The stout
Gains flavor as it
Slowly warms
While down the bar
The young ones play
By all star orchestra, they dine in space
in a long steel muscle so fast it floats,
in a light waltz they lie still as amber
Watching Earth stir in her sleep beneath them.

Diane Ackerman
T- 1:20:00 Abort advisory check

Magic flows
Next is psychic, introverted,
Inner reality?
Is this all it wants
Or something worse, instead?

Tapping buttons
Testing their response
Flapping merrily
Magically beyond touch
As the ball flies
Janie said when she was just 5 years old
'Ya know, there's nothing happening at all
Every time I turn on the radio
There's nothing going down at all'

Lou Reed
T- 1:10:00 Side hatch closure

Triangles tumble
Luck, 3x lucky, as well
Charming, gay?
Faulted as well, only
Living for approval

Flying now
Only via the laws of
Chance & change
While a cigarette smokes
Itself to an ash
The heavy is the root of the light
The still is the master of unrest

Tao Te Ching
T- 1:05:00 Cabin leak check begins

Ultimate number
Ultimate magic, pentacle
That holds the stars
loving adventure
Wine, women, & song

Faces dance
In the table's glass
Wordless worlds
Framed by flashing lights
Laughing & smiling silently
Like a rabid goat, this obsession
runs crazed
Until the desire itself
is broken and wasted
beneath the weight of it's hooves

Jim Carroll
T- 0:51:00 IMU preflight alignment

Nothing changes -
The lightning last night
Or the chill rain
Paradise freezes over
Bending passion before it

One with the

Machine a slap happy
Aztec heart of a ball
Still beating in my hand
Mingus One, Two, and Three
Which is the image you want the world to see?

Charles Mingus
T- 0:50:00 Water boiler preactivation

Stand ready
Waiting for the fireworks
Once again
A different game
Everytime, just begun

Stand alone
An army motto dimly
As I am; here, now,
One before the game.
Sometimes you're better off dead
With a gun in your hand
That's pointed at your head.

Pet Shop Boys

T- 0:32:00 Primary avionics software system/ backup flight system
transfer preparation

Unusual today
Yet they're unnoticed
Almost banal
Still the smiles and
Dreams come anyway

Wondering -
Staring down there
Bonus flashes
Cursing the distractions
Turn back to the dream
Only where love and need are one
And the work is play for mortal stakes
Is the deed ever really done
For Heaven and the Futures sake

Robert Frost
T- 0:30:00 Ground crew secures white room and retires to fall back

Launch complex 39B
True Names
That tell tonight
What was today

Within the
Night are too many
Broken lances, rusty armor,
Frame my play, this night.
Brothers, sisters, can't you see?
The future's owned by you and me.
There won't be fighting in the street.
They think they've got us beat,
But revenge is going to be so sweet.
We're making a move, we're making it now
We're coming out of the sidelines
Just put you're hands up - it's a raid, yeah.
We want your homes, we want your lives
We want the things you won't allow us
We won't use guns, we won't use bombs
We'll use the one thing we've got more of -
That's our minds.

T- 0:30:00 OMS pressurization. Cabin vent open.

Waking dreams
Submerged with in
To the tune of the
Stars & planets' dance

Yet night
In his black armor
Stands bejeweled-
Warrior sans irony
An american joke.
There ain't no body ever looked at me
Without looking right through me
There ain't nobody ever looked at me
Without looking right by me
And you can't go on when
The knife feels like justice.

Brian Seltzer
T- 0:25:00 Voice check

Focus in,
Sharpen everything
There she is
Dressed in black, brown,
And white formal wear

On the flipper's
The only way to honor
That stout alongside
If we say we have no sin, we are
deceiving ourselves and the
truth is not in us.

1 John 1:8
T- 0:21:00 Close vent valves

Watch the
Camera obscura now
Silver vents
Downward across the
Negative's blue sky

Do you
Understand those
Around you?
Is it sin or mearly
Crime driving them tonight?
Had we world enough and time
This coyness, lady, were no crime
We would sit down and think which way
To walk and pass our long love's day

Andrew Marvell
T- 0:20:00 Ten minute auto hold on the countdown; Load Flight
Plan OPS-1 into computer

Night and parallel day
Middle ground -
Like the stream waiting
To be reborn as steam

Do you
Watch them, then,
As they play -
Pouring wine for a
Picnic on the rocks?
Who's gonna come and
Turn the tide;
What's it gonna take
To keep the dream alive?

Simple Mind
T- 0:19:00 Load Flight Plan OPS - 1 into backup system

Once, the law

Was mason carved
10 times
Now cold equations
Say what may be

Naughty -
Not supposed to do
Almost spinning down
Like the story's end
A zygote is a gamete's way of producing more gametes.
This may be the purpose of the universe.

Robert A. Heinlein
T- 0:16:00 MPS helium pressurization

Or never shedding
Never to spread wings
Afraid underground
Unseen storms approach
With tomorrow's knowledge?

Between rubber walls
And lights
Who's really in charge here -
You? Me? Or someone else?
If I leave here tomorrow,
Would you still remember me?

Lynard Skynard
T- 0:15:00 Abort check

Like memories of
School days, hated days,
Still feared
By those who still live
There and only there

Yesterdays like TV
Roll together and are ignored
Like where the ball was.
Something warm and pleasant touched Luke's lips, alerting every nerve
in his body. He looked down in shock at the Princess, his mouth still
tingling from the kiss.
"Just for luck," she murmured with a slight, almost embarrassed,
smile as she put her arm around him. "We're going to need it."

George Lucas
T- 0:09:00 Auto 10 minute hold in countdown

Sometime seen
Collective face in mirror
Sorry somehow
Never to know a
Princess' kiss

Still reflected
TV to glass to eye
To the beat
The little ball thrashes
As unkissed as Kawliga
Living an experience, a particular fate,
is accepting it fully.

Albert Camus
T- 0:08:00 AC sensor switched to monitor

Other days
And another face
In the mirror
Hidden behind mirrorshades
Made of black ice.

TV monitors
In some way creates
Our live
When what we see
we then become
To honor the sacred is to make love possible.

T- 0:07:00 Crew access arm retracts

Till, finally,
It turns into 7
The hard way
And we all know what they scream
Over at Lloyd's casino

Still it goes
Back and forth between
These walls
A silver ball defines
All that is, now.
I have never seen anyone die for the ontological argument. Galileo, who held a scientific
truth of great importance, abjured it when it endangered his life. In a certain sense, he did

Albert Camus
T- 0:06:00 APU prestart

Spinning up
Then waiting, awaiting,
5 minutes are longer
Than an eon

While memory
Comes back swiftly
Haunting me
Framing a picture of
What we used to be
When a pickpocket meets a saint, all he sees are pockets.

Neem Karoli Baba

T- 0:05:00 APU startup

Waiting intensely
Can't make it longer
Video rolls
And stills freeze frames
As T-waiting remains

A pocketful of confidence
And hubris
As the certainty dies
With a furious shrill
The ruling ideas of each age have ever been the ideas of it's ruling class.

Karl Marx
T- 0:04:30 Orbiter switches to internal power

Dealing with all

The stories yet to be
Waiting for one
Future past to be
Before waiting eyes

Once more
Into the breach rides
The silver ball
As with Harry's game,
So too with this one.
In a year, how many days will you never think of again?

Samuel R. Delany
T- 0:03:45 Orbiter aerodynamic surfaces moved to condition the
hydraulic system

Trying to
Forget what's closing
In on us
That we are all
Terminal, in the end

Light, ball, and light
Counting coup
No reality hidden here
Only MTV mentality
Prisons are built with stones of law,
Brothels with bricks of religion.

William Blake
T- 0:03:00 SSME's gimbal to their launch positions

'Cause it's
A wonderful life here
Not mirrored.
Not late in the night;
Not waiting on the pain

The game has

Become life, lover, wife.
Junkies hype?
Adrenaline and Alcohol
Sweet and without pain
Do not think lightly of evil, saying "It will not come to me." Even a water pot is filled by
the falling of drops. Likewise the fool, gathering it drop by drop fills himself with evil.

Dhammapada #121
T- 0:02:55 External tank LOX vents close. LOX tank begins

Dawn's gift,
A lightening east sky
Blue and gray
Once again guard out
Future's outcome

Them watching me
And ignoring each other
Denial as strategy
Do not think lightly of good, saying "It will not come to me." Even a water pot is filled
by the falling of drops. Likewise the wise man, gathering it drop by drop fills himself
with good.

Dhammapada #122
T- 0:02:00 Launch vehicle configures for lift-off

Little moves
No creature or machine
Touch the cage
One small amulet in
Black box age

When everything
Becomes the game,
What remains?
As we change strategies
Drop by slow drop?
Our Father, which art in heaven,
Hallowed by thy name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy will be done in Earth, as it is in heaven.
Give this day our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil.
For thine is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory
Now and Forever,

The Lord's prayer

Matthew 6:9-13
King James Authorized Version
T- 0:01:57 External tank LH2 vents close. LH2 tank begins

Passion hides
Behind the professional
Bubbling up
Like overgrown roses
Back up against the wall

Yesterday or even
The only question is
What it is we leave
Oh Birther! Father-Mother of the Cosmos
Focus your light within us - make it useful.
Create your reign of unity now -
Your one desire then acts with ours,
As in all light, so in all forms.
Grant what we need each day in bread and insight.
Loose the cords of mistakes binding us
As we release the strands we hold of other's guilt.
Don't let surface things delude us,
But free us from what holds us back.
From you is born all ruling will,
The power and the life to do,
The song that beautifies all,
From age to age it renews.
Truly - power to these statements -
May they be the ground from which
All my actions grow,

The Lord's prayer

Prayers of the Cosmos
Neil Douglas-Klotz
T- 0:00:25 SRB APU's start. Management of countdown switches to
onboard computers.

Do they watch,
Still, on Olympus Mons,
Us here today?
Do they still love us?
Or is it something worse?

The game -
Certainly it remains
Divinely beloved
Though I curse and laugh
At that ball, for now
I am a little world made cunningly
Of elements and an Angelic sprite.

John Donne
T- 0:00:03.8 Computer commands SSME's to start

Or is it
A theology of dreams
That tells us
To trust Our Lady
Saint of Thieves?

Even here
Physics intrudes with
Rude reality
As it sits on an edge
With Schrodinger's cat
Hurry up please. It's Time.
Hurry up please. It's Time.
T.S. Eliot
T- 0:00:03.46 First SSME ignites

Ask and
You do receive;
If you dare.
Within electric words
Light begins to be

Success is
Measured by the measure
Of dreams
This fall is the right fall -
And, thus, the next is left?
I have not sold my soul to God.

Patti Smith
T- 0:00:03.34 Second SSME ignites

Almost creation, yet
Too beautiful
Everything is ready now
Ready to begin, again

Still hanging out
Hung up upon
Another minor detail
Beauty is truth, truth beauty.

T- 0:00:03.22 Third SSME ignites

Waiting ends
Hands covering ears
As thunder rolls
Across this clear sky
Over beach and sea

All these
Games continue on
Till bar time
Turn on into myself
And gently tap away
For a philosopher to say "The good and the beautiful are one" is infamy. If he goes on to
add "also the true" one ought to trash him. Truth is ugly.

We possess art lest we perish from the truth.

Friedrich Nietzsche
T- 0:00:00 Check SSME pressure and status. Start 2.64 second timer
for SRB ignition.

Everything green
Simple and true here
Thunder simple
Three blue diamonds
Shock open the sky

But not
Quite gentle
Down to the next
To the last hope
And I
Am the arrow,

The dew that flies

Suicidal, at one with the drive
Into the red

Eye, the cauldron of morning.

Sylvia Plath
T+ 0:00:02.64 SRB ignition

No exit
Future, past, present,
Nothing left
Only their songs
Only the possibilities.

Thinking of
Far too many things
Other games
The one I play here
Or the ones from before?
If I could change my mind,
What changes would it bring?
If I could change you,
It wouldn't change a thing.
Well, now you know
And now you shouldn't be afraid,
Well, no promise have I made.

Grant Hart
T+ 0:00:02.84 Puff of white smoke appears at joint near attach
point of right SRB

Is anything
Ever what it seems?
So we're told
Everything's hidden in
The beauty of life.

Change this game
Shots of hope
A quarter at a time
Hain't we got all the fools in town on our side? And hain't that a big enough majority in
any town?

Huckleberry Finn
Mark Twain
T+ 0:00:03 Lift off

Time changes
Blue sky, cotton clouds
Youthful entropy
Low chaos, high energy
Only pleasant expectations
Hope springs
With a different
A hint of age that
Twinges in my knee
You can blow out a candle
But you can't blow out a fire
Once the flame begins to catch
The wind will blow it higher.

Peter Gabriel
T+ 0:00:03.36 Black smoke appears near aft attach point and joint
on right SRB

Engines burning
To the commentators
Roaring blather
Hyblean TV foolishness
Unneeded by anyone

Still the
Numbers roll up
With or without me
With or without dreams
Knowledge is not enough. You must apply.

Bruce Lee
T+ 0:00:06.5 Launch tower cleared

A moment of
Dreams from childhood
Dreaming still
Dreams of blue diamonds
Climbing across the sky

These games
Only belong to me
My liturgy
All that is left in
The remains of the day.
Here is the test to find whether your mission on earth is finished:
If you're alive, it isn't.

Richard Bach
T+ 0:00:11 120 "Heads Down" roll initiated

On the way
Running down the way
Eyes ahead
Left alone to play
Reaching for their limits

Still the
Memories can not help
The dream is in the ball
The world in it's sphere
When a distinguished but elderly scientist states something is possible
he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible
he is very probably wrong.

Clarke's 1st Law

T+ 0:00:20 SRB's begin reducing thrust

Slow a bit
Glance left, right,
Back to speed
Scattering fall's leaves
Blowing across the street.

Analyzed as
Only a drunken night
Can be
Dancing along the edge
Between rule and dream
The only way to discover the limits of the possible
is to go beyond them into the impossible.

Clarke's 2nd Law

T+ 0:00:27 Roll maneuver completed

Face down
Looking to the world
Away from limits
Looking at our works
Mighty, without despair

The numbers turn into
Within the island of my
Inner eye, they morph
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

Clarke's 3rd Law

T+ 0:00:30 Attitude/direction indicator switched to give local
vertical and local horizontal

Saints & sinners

All watch blasé' miracles
In front of them
Sitting there at home
Watching safely there

In this
World, cliché's become as
The Angels still watch;
Do I struggle well?
Maybe a picture of someone
You were hoping I might be

Jackson Browne
T+ 0:00:35 SSME's throttle back to 94% thrust

Load & run now
Rule our world
A prayer of intercession
To the God of Logic

Then these
Metaphors turn again
God is as crazy as
We dare to dream
The universe is not only queerer than we imagine - it is queerer than we can imagine.

J. B. S. Haldane
T+ 0:00:40 Orbiter encounters wind shear. All engines gimbal to
maintain proper flight path.

Yet, is it
The answer that
We hoped for?
Understanding experience?
The only game in town?

And so
The game itself is
Body & blood
In the hands of an
Unconsecrated priest
Joys impregnate, Sorrows bring forth.

William Blake
T+ 0:00:44 SSME's throttled back to 65% of full thrust

Settle back
Slowing, getting ready,
For Max Q
The Guardians now wait
Only able to watch

Settled down
Into the longer pace
Living game
Consecrated by life
Not by anything else
If it were done when 'tis done,
then 'twere well it were done quickly.

William Shakespeare
T+ 0:00:45 SRB's reduced to planned 2.4 million pounds thrust

Far enough down

Ready to continue to
Inherit the wind
Unaware of the storm
Closing from behind

So much
Effort yields so
Little grace
Shake hands and head
As the bonus tallies
Thou hast seen nothing yet.

Miguel de Cervantes Saarvedra

T+ 0:00:50 SRB's begin building to a planned 2.7 million pounds
thrust level. Sensors indicate that the right SRB is not responding properly.

Cylinder spins,
Then closes with a
Dull snap
All that remains is
The game's final play

Last chance
Last time for yet
Another dance
Along with the jukebox
Screaming over there.
Wir immer streband sich bemücht;
Den Können wir erlösen.

T+ 0:00:52 SSME's back up to 104% thrust level

Stage set
Lines memorized
Rehearsal over
Fear & frustration sublimate
The final act begins

Of myself and
of others
Empty little scenes
Competitors without a prize.
She turns from that cold succor which attends
The unknown little from the unknowing great,
And points us to a better time than ours.

Matthew Arnold
T+ 0:00:59 Tracking photograph revels 4' x 8' bright plume at aft
attach point of right SRB

Have you seen?

Have you watched it
Before young eyes
Watching on the sands?

Working the
Table and the ball
Everything I haven't got
Giving hope to myself
25And one day an authority on the law stood up to put Jesus to the test. “Teacher,” he asked,
“what must I do to receive eternal life?”
26What is written in the Law?” Jesus replied. “How do you understand it?”

He answered, “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul. Love him

with all your strength and with all your mind.’And, ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ ”
28“You have answered correctly,” Jesus replied. “Do that, and you will live.”.

Luke 10:25-28
T+ 0:01:02 Max Q reached

Pressures balanced
Perfectly aligned, combined,
Climbing ahead
Across the morning sky
On a throne of flame

Alongside night
We play these games
Rock psalms
Caught between chords
Sacred noise anyway
Not every end is a goal. The goal of a melody is not it's end. But if a melody has not
reached it's end, it can not have met it's goal. A parable.

Friedrich Nietzsche
T+ 0:01:04 "Challenger, Houston. Go at throttle up."

Dreams -
It begins and ends in
As we sleep in Nod
Somewhere south of Eden

Paradise can
Be lost and found
In a night
In the right game
In the right song
Time present and time past
Are both perhaps present in time future
And the future contained in time past
If all time is eternally present
All time is unredeemable.

T.S. Eliot
T+ 0:01:05 Plume has grown to at least several feet wide and at least
40' long.

Hidden beneath the
Something is waiting
Hiding tonight's stars

As I sweat a
Near miss
It's all adrenaline,
Somehow, in the end
I call all day, my God, but you never answer;
All night long I call and cannot rest.

Psalm 22:02
T+ 0:01:09 "Roger. Go at throttle up."

Brilliant blues
Tinted by wine purple
At the edge
Angels 47's edge of night
And the edge of dawn

Love of
Every little moment
Every fury
Nothing else is -
Slap even harder
Now we are seeing a dim reflection in a mirror; but then we shall be seeing face to face.
The knowledge that I have now is imperfect, but then I shall know as fully as I am

In short, there are three things that last: faith, hope, and love; and the greatest of these is

1 Corinthians 13:12 - 13
T+ 0:01:10 Right SRB chamber pressure down by 4% due to
increasing leak.

Mercury falls
As the wind's circle
Grows tighter
Far beyond a horizon
A silent fury lingers

The pressure something
Else builds
No explanations
No, nor consolations
I see a lilly on thy brow
With anguish moist and fever dew;
And on thy cheeks a fading rose
Fast withereth too.

John Keats
T+ 0:01:11 Flight control system begins gimbaling engines to
compensate for the misplaced 100,000 pounds thrust from the right SRB

Cicada's pause
Song interrupted by
Rain drops
Do these little wings have
Enough specific impulse?

Steel ball becomes
Flesh and blood
Nothing else is left to
Give over to the game.
There is a season for everything,
A time for every purpose under heaven.

Ecclesiastes 3:01
T+ 0:01:12 Right SRB breaks free from aft attach point, hitting the
orbiter's right wing, severing the LOX feed line, and rupturing the external

Every night a single
Trumpet plays
Watch now, while
Dreams, finally, die.

Lights dance
As the bells roll
Almost thunder
Almost cannons from
A different war
If people bring so much courage to the world, the world has to bill them, to break them. The
world breaks everyone and afterwards many are strong at the broken places. But those that
will not break, it kills. It kills the very good and the very gentle and the very brave
impartially. If you are none of these, you can be sure it will kill you too, but there will be no
special hurry about it.

A Farewell to Arms
Ernest Hemmingway
T+ 0:01:13.175 Propellant vapor pours from the top of the tank
where it was ruptured. Pilot Smith, "Uh-oh"

Singing anyway
Poor exchange for a
Future past
Lost in the maelstrom
Lost in the maenad's song

Shake, slap
Twist and turn and
Say anything
Till the moment of
A knife edge comes
Too proud to die, broken and blind he died
The darkest way, and did not turn away
A cold kind man brave in his narrow pride.

Dylan Thomas
T+ 0:01:13.226 Fire erupts beneath the orbiter as the external tank
begins to explode.

Stars watch
A memory born that will
Outrun time
To be sung of later
Another dream, another time

No, not
Allowed; can not
go that way
Something savage vents
From behind the game
For a successful technology, reality must take precedence
over public relations, for nature cannot be fooled.

Appendix to the Rogers Report

Dr. R. P. Feynman
T+ 0:01:14 Explosion complete

Trails lead away

As arm and legs from body
A smoky crucifix?
A decade later
I still cry

Belief twists
The hands that slap
These sides
As if to say
"Is this all?"
These fragments I have shore against my ruins.
Why then Ile fit you. Hieronymo's mad againe.
Datta . Dayadhram. Damyata.

Shantih. Shantih. Shantih.

T. S. Eliot
T+ 0:01:44 SRB's destroyed by Range Safety Officer

Songs ended,
Cicadas fly away
Lost in the frost
Lost in the stars above that
Are their final reflections

Lights gone.
Only one remains
Lit now
To guide my steps
As I walk away
Mission 51 Lima ended

January 29, 1986 - May 28, 1986

February 09, 1996 - January 8, 1997

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