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Compare companies size, strategies, recent perfomance


AMAZON 888 Billion $ Artifial intelligence
APPLE 875 Billion $ Differentintion, devices
GOOGLE 741 Billion $

FACEBOOK 495 Billion $

Define the market arenas where they compete.

AMAZON: ecommerce retail producst, amazon web services (cloud), amazon prime streaming, electronic
devices( kindle, echo alexa. Whole food markets)

APPLE: devices ( iphone ipads ) , cloud


FACEBOK : Advertising

Which is better positioned in these arenas? Why?

Retailing market : Amazon , fb, AMAZON

Digital media and search: google and facebook

Devices : apple , google, amazon

Smart home: Google Nest, Amazon echo (Alexa) , Apple homepod . AMAZON

Any new entrants? They buy any entrant,

How do you envision they will perform over time?

Facebook is completely dependent on a single website business which is the network of billions of
people. They are completely dependent on personal data of individuals and the only revenue source is
Advertisement. Nowadays It’s very hard for businesses to bring traffic from facebook due to a massive
change in their algorithm which is making advertisement expensive and less organic.

Facebook is a large technology company which only focuses on Social Network. It only relies on limited
products (Facebook, Messenger, Instagram). However, during recent years, Facebook's products are
receiving more and more criticism, as it did many wrong things such like sharing users’ information to
third parties and governments. Frankly, Facebook's web design is not only ugly but unpractical as well
(compare to Twitter's design).

It is reported that more and more individuals, especially young people, permanently deleted their
Facebook accounts and switched to Twitter. Facebook's users will dwindle in next decade,it may take a
long time until Facebook vanish, though.Also, Twitter may replace Facebook in the future.

APPLE: Apple's main revenue relies on selling iPhone,iPad and Mac. Although it succeeds during recent
years, its products have many flaws, indeed. For instance, iPhone is so expensive that few individuals can
afford. iPhone is regarded as a symbol of high social status rather than a useful phone. Also, Apple
company becomes lazier and lazier. It doesn't offer more innovative designs,novel ideas and diversity.
People begin losing interests in Apple products. Many individuals find Android phone more preferable
due to the diversity of Android Market.

If Apple doesn't recognize its mistakes or put them right,it may have the similar future as Nokia.

AMAZON: GROWING, This is because of shear diversity in its product portfolio

and number of companies it currently holds.

Apple as a mobile deivce maker


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