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Q no.

1 You have four choices for each objective type question as a,b,c,d For the
choice which you think is correct :Fill the circle in front of that question
number.Use marker or pen to fill the circles.Cutting or filling two or more
circles will result in zero marks in that question.Attempt as many questions as
given in objective type question paper and leave others blank.
1.∫eᵅˣdx =
(a) eᵅˣ (b) eᵅˣ/a (c) eᵅˣ (d) a²
2.∫cos3x dx
(a) -sin3x/3+c (b) cos3x/3+c
(c ) sin3x/3+c (d) sin3x/3+c
(a)1/a tan⁻¹ x/a (b)tan⁻¹x
(c)1/a tan⁻¹x (d) tan⁻¹ x/a
(a) x⁸/7+c (b)x⁷/7+c
(c)x⁵/5+c (d) none
Q no.2 Answer any 4 of following questions 2×4=8
1. Divide 20 in to two parts so that there sum of there squares will
Be minimum
2. Find ∆y and dy for y=x²-1 x changes from 3 to 3.02
3. ∫(√(x)+1)²dx
4. ∫sin²x dx
5. ∫ 𝑑𝑥
𝑥 2 +4

Q no.3 Answer the following long questions 4×2=8

(a)show ∫√a²-x² dx = a²/2 sin⁻¹ x/a + x√a²-x²/2 + c
(b)use differentials to find value of (31)¹⁾⁵

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