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Pimsleur German I - Exercises Lesson 3

1. Are you American (female)?

Lesson 1
2. Is she American?
1. I don’t understand English.
3. Are they American?
2. She understands German.
4. please
3. We understand a little German.
5. She isn’t German.
4. Are you American? (female)
6. He isn’t American.
5. Yes, I am American.
7. I am Brazilian and you?
6. Excuse me, are you German? (male)
8. She isn’t American.
7. the English
9. I’m not German but I understand a little German.
8. She is American.
10. No, not very well.
9. He is German.
11. I don’t understand German very well.
10. We understand Portuguese.
12. I only understand English.
11. Are you American? ( informal)
12. Is she German?
Lesson 4
1. How are you?
Lesson 2
2. I’m fine and you?
1. Hello.
3. Not very well.
2. How are you?
4. Are you German (male)?
3. I’m fine, thanks.
5. Do you understand English?
4. Very well, thanks.
6. No, I don’t understand English?
5. Good bye.
7. You don’t understand English?
6. I don’t understand.
8. No, I speak English.
7. I am Brazilian.
9. Where is Goethe street?
8. She is Brazilian.
10. Where is Opera square?
9. They are Brazilian.
11. The Opera square is here.
10. They understand Portuguese.
12. Goethe street is over there.
Lesson 5 11. Where would you like to eat?

1. I understand English. 12. At your place.

2. Goethe street is not here. 13. At Opera square.

3. I know. 14. Would you like to eat something at my place?

4. I don’t know. 15. Yes, gladly.

5. Do you know it?

6. I would like. Lesson 7
7. Would you like to eat something? 1. Would you like to eat here?
8. Yes, I would like to eat something. 2. No, not here.
9. I’d like milk. 3. Where would you like to eat?
10. Where would you like to eat? 4. In the restaurant.
11. You would like to eat something. 5. What would you like to eat?
12. I would like to drink something. 6. I would like to drink wine in the restaurant.
13. But not me. 7. I would like to drink beer.
8. In the restaurant to the lion.

Lesson 6 9. Where is the restaurant to the lion?

1. Would you like to drink something? 10. In Goethe street, not at Opera square.

2. Yes, I would like to drink something.

3. Where would you like to eat? Lesson 8
4. At my place. 1. Would you like to eat now?
5. At your place. 2. Where would you like to eat?
6. I would like to eat too. 3. When would you like to drink something?
7. When would you like to eat? 4. The beer is good.
8. Now. 5. Would you like beer or wine?
9. Would you like to eat now? 6. Two beers, please.
10. No, not now, later. 7. I would like not beer.
8. I would like to buy something. Lesson 10
9. What would you like to do? 1. What would you like to do?
10. What would you like to buy? 2. I would like to buy something.
11. With whom? 3. I would like nothing to drink.
12. With you. 4. At what time?
13. With me? 5. What time is it?
14. I would like to buy something now. 6. It’s nine o’clock.
15. I would like to eat with you too. 7. I would like to eat something much later.
8. I’m going to eat now.
Lesson 9 9. Are you going to eat now?
1. Excuse me. 10. I’m going to eat at five o’clock.
2. Tell me. 11. Are you going to eat at six o’clock?
3. I wouldn’t like to eat anything now.
4. I would like to buy wine with you. Lesson 11
5. With whom? 1. I’m going to drink wine at nine o’clock.
6. But I would like to drink something with you. 2. Certainly not now.
7. At what time? 3. Listen and repeat.
8. At one o’clock. 4. Well, then at seven o’clock.
9. Is that all right? 5. I would like to eat with you tonight.
10. Yes, that’s all right, but I would like to eat something at your place. 6. I’m going to eat with you tonight.
11. Tell me, where is the hotel to the bear? 7. Is that all right?
12. Over there, in the Goethe street. 8. I’m going to eat with you tomorrow evening.
13. No, thank you. 9. Would you like to eat with me today?
14. Yes, thank you. 10. Not this evening, tomorrow.
15. Certainly not. 11. Until tomorrow.
12. What? (repeat)
Lesson 12 Lesson 14
1. Until tomorrow at six o’clock. 1. I don’t have any dollars.
2. What time is it now? 2. You are not an American.
3. I would like to eat too. 3. Yes, I am an American.
4. How much do I owe you? 4. I have a couple of euros.
5. One Euro. 5. I have a couple of dollars, but no euros.
6. Do I owe you twelve euros? 6. Give me a couple of euros.
7. No, eleven euros. 7. I have many euros.
8. You owe me thirteen euros. 8. How many euros do you have?
9. I owe you fourteen euros. 9. I have no wine.
10. I have some beer.
Lesson 13 11. I still have some beer.
1. I don’t understand you. 12. Would you like to drink something too?
2. I’m listening well. 13. I would still like to buy some wine.
3. Good bye (on the telephone).
4. How many euros do you have? Lesson 15
5. I have fifteen euros. 1. Where are you going? (less abrupt)
6. Do you have sixteen dollars? 2. Well then give me a beer.
7. No, I have fourteen dollars. 3. I also have a couple of euros.
8. You don’t have fifteen dollars? 4. Here are fifteen euros.
9. No, I don’t have fifteen dollars. 5. That is fourteen.
10. Here are ten dollars. 6. How much do I owe you?
11. You speak with the saleswoman. 7. Not much.
12. How much is that in dollars? 8. The beer is for you.
9. For me?
10. How much is a beer?
11. A beer costs one euro. 7. That’s very expensive.
12. Give me three euros. 8. That’s not very expensive.
13. I can’t. 9. Do you understand English?
14. Can you give me three euros? 10. You understand very well.
15. You don’t have any wine? 11. You speak very fast.
16. Yes, I still have some wine. 12. No, I don’t speak very fast.
13. You speak very fast when you speak English.

Lesson 16 14. I understand you when you speak English.

1. Here it is. 15. I would like German beer.

2. What is that?
3. I don’t know. Lesson 18
4. I have no euros. 1. Do you have enough euros?
5. I can give you dollars. 2. That’s too much.
6. That’s a lot of money. 3. It’s more expensive here.
7. That’s too much money. 4. Speak faster.
8. How much money do you have? 5. My husband speaks fast.
9. I have thirty dollars. 6. My wife is over there.
10. That’s enough. 7. My wife would like to drink something.
8. I would like to drink tee too.

Lesson 17 9. My wife can drink water.

1. thirty nine 10. Your husband is here.

2. Do you still have some money? 11. Where is my wife?

3. I can still give you some money. 12. Who is over there?

4. Do you still have a couple of euros for me? 13. What would you wife like to do?

5. I have forty one euros. 14. I’m eating with my husband.

6. You owe me thirty one euros. 15. I’m eating with my husband this evening
16. I’m drinking a tea.
Lesson 19 9. We have two girls.

1. I’m giving you fifty three euros. 10. The boy is already big.

2. Where is your wife? 11. Is the girl already big? Yes, she is already big.

3. My wife? I don’t know. 12. They are here in Germany.

4. She is over there. 13. The boys are already very big.

5. Is he over there? 14. You are American, right?

6. He would like to drink tea.

7. Come in. Lesson 21
8. Pleased to meet you. (1 word = pleasant) 1. We have a boy.
9. Where do you live? 2. We can wait.
10. In the Beethoven street. 3. Can you wait?
11. Do you live here? 4. We would like a lot of children.
12. I live here with my wife. 5. We have a son and a daughter.
13. My husband and I would like to drink tea. 6. The children are in America.
14. We’d like a mineral water. 7. Where are they? They are here in Germany.
15. We can drink something now. 8. Our son is here.
9. Our daughter is also here.

Lesson 20 10. Is your son still little? No, he is already big.

1. I have no tea. 11. Is your daughter also here?

2. Where is your husband? 12. Our little daughter is here.

3. I don’t know where he is. 13. Our son is still little.

4. Is your husband also in the restaurant? 14. He is really little.

5. Where is he? (less abrupt) 15. Where is the bathroom?

6. How many kids do you have? We have three kids. 16. Where are the big kids?

7. We have two boys and one daughter.

8. We would like a boy.
Lesson 22 6. You need ten liters of gas.

1. He is a very big boy. 7. Wait a moment.

2. How many children do you have? We have three children. 8. Where are you going? I’m going to Berlin tomorrow.

3. Ask me. 9. It’s far to Berlin.

4. Are they already big? Yes, they are already big. 10. Is Berlin really far? Wait, I don’t know.

5. Is that your son? 11. Which road goes to Berlin? Berlin, that’s far.

6. That is a big family. 12. How many kilometers? Seventy five.

7. Do you have a car? Yes, I have a big car. 13. Straight ahead.

8. I have a big car and a big family. 14. How many liters of gas do you need? Not too much.

9. Is your family here in Germany? 15. Give me thirty liters.

10. We have a German car. 16. Enough for seventy five kilometers? Yes, if the car is small.

11. Is it big or small? It’s not very big and it’s not really little.
12. My car is big enough for our family. Lesson 24
13. Do you speak German? Not really well. 1. I’m going to Berlin with my family.
14. I have a small car, but it’s big enough for our family. 2. With my wife and my children.
15. We need gas. 3. Is gas expensive in Germany? Yes, gas is expensive in Germany.
16. We need twenty liters of gas. 4. How much is it a liter? Two euros a liter.
17. That’s a lot of gas, right? 5. Are you going with me?
18. There are many cars in America. 6. With you? It’s too far for me.
7. Go straight ahead.

Lesson 23 8. Take the road to Berlin.

1. In the car. 9. Drive to the right.

2. In the restaurant. 10. Don’t drive straight ahead.

3. Our family is not very big. 11. The correct road goes to the right.

4. You have a very big car. 12. Which is the correct road?

5. Do you still have gas? Yes, but not enough. 13. The correct road goes to the left.
14. Drive to the right and then straight ahead.
15. Sie sprechen zu schnell für mich. = You speak too fast for me. 2. I would like to buy something, and that’s not possible.
16. I’m repeating for you. 3. Why not? Because the stores are closed.
17. Drive farther. 4. It’s late, but they are open.
18. How far is it to Berlin? 5. You can buy something tomorrow.
19. Is it really farther? 6. Don’t take your car.
20. I don’t have a big car, but I’m going to Berlin. 7. Take a taxi.
8. No, I’m taking my car.

Lesson 25 9. Because, I’m driving to Munich.

1. Can I buy something in Berlin? No, not today. 10. Who is in Munich? I’m visiting some friends.

2. Why not? Because the stores are closed. 11. I have some friends there, and I would like to work.

3. Are the stores closed? No, they are open. 12. Would you like to work there? Yes, only a little.

4. The stores are open now, right? 13. I’m staying in Munich for two days.

5. Because it is late. 14. How many days are you staying there? A few days, perhaps three days.

6. What would you like to buy? I don’t know. 15. I think so. I don’t think so.

7. Would you like to eat something later at the restaurant To the lion? 16. Are you going to visit him? I believe I’m going to visit him.

8. Because they are open tonight. 17. I need a little money because I’m going to Salzburg.

9. You still have money, don’t you?

10. Do you have money? Yes, I have eighty euros. Lesson 27
11. I would like to buy something for my children. 1. Are you going to work this evening? I don’t think so.
12. My children would like a German car, but that is very expensive. 2. What are you going to do there? I’m going to visit them there.
13. But that is very expensive. 3. I’m going to visit my friend. I’m going to visit them.
14. Buy a big car. 4. How much do I owe you? You owe me ninety one euros.
15. That costs only twenty euros. 5. Here is a hundred euros.
6. One hundred and twenty six.

Lesson 26 7. Why? Because you owe me nothing.

1. Are you ok? Yes, I’m fine. 8. I don’t have anything.

9. I would like to go away tomorrow.
10. Me too. 1. We’ve been here for three days.
11. We are going together. 2. We’re going to stay a couple of weeks.
12. I would like to go away with you. 3. We’ve been here for a week.
13. That’s not possible. 4. We’ve been here since yesterday.
14. You can go away if you would like. 5. Since when have you been here? For a week.
15. Are you alone? No, I’m here with my husband. 6. I bought something yesterday.
16. Why are you driving alone? We can go away together. 7. What did you buy yesterday? I bought something to drink.
8. I bought something for you.

Lesson 28 9. I have bought a book.

1. I need ninety euros. 10. Did you already eat something? I ate something yesterday.

2. Can you give me ninety euros? No, that’s not possible. 11. You ate something yesterday and you can eat something today too.

3. Where would you like to go? I don’t know, perhaps to Vienna. 12. I bought something to drink.

4. And you? Would you like to go away too? I don’t think so. 13. What did you buy? I bought wine.

5. What does that mean? 14. Do you like wine? Yes, I like wine.

6. What does the word Shade mean? 15. Not bad.

7. That’s a German word.

8. Is that a German word? Yes, I think so. Lesson 30
9. We have been here a couple of days. 1. What does this word mean?
10. How long have you been here? For a couple of days. 2. How does one say this word in German?
11. How long are you still staying here? 3. We’re going to stay (still) a couple of days.
12. I don’t have much time. 4. I like it in Germany. (please)
13. Since when have you been here? We have been here for three days. 5. Do you like (it in) Germany? I like it a lot.
14. I don’t know what the word Schade means. 6. What did you buy? I don’t need anything.
15. We would like to stay in Germany, but we don’t have enough time. 7. I bought something to drink.
8. We spoke German yesterday.

Lesson 29 9. With whom? With you.

10. When did you arrive in Frankfurt? We arrived yesterday.
11. I arrived with my family.
12. We arrived together.
13. At what time? We arrived at five o’clock.
14. I arrived yesterday at four o’clock.
15. When did you go to Bonn?
16. We went to Bonn this morning.
17. We visited friends.

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