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Preliminary Program for 2015 TSensors Summits

The 2015 program will be split into the following segments:

Special Pre-Summit Sessions

Voice of the Industry: Emerging Needs for Ultrahigh Volume Sensors

• We hereby issue a call for short presentations by members of industry to provide their requirements for sensors,
thus providing development target accelerating Abundance. Sample requests already received include:
• Inflammation sensor
• Noninvasive continuous glucose sensor
• Vitamin, mineral and microelement deficiency sensor for humans
• Nitrogen sensor for agriculture
• Terrorists sensor
• The list will be continuously updated, representing development targets for development organizations with a
potential for strategic partnerships.

Sensor Based Use Cases for Internet of Things and Everything

• We hereby issue a call for short presentations by visionaries, to invent sensor based use cases for IoT and eHealth,
which could stimulate manufacturers and academia to earlier development start of sensors, thus accelerating
Abundance. Examples of such use cases include:
• 3D printed food quality and quantity sensors on each food package, communicating with refrigerator micro-servers
managing your food inventory, negotiating best prices, recommending healthy diets and scheduling food deliveries
by drones.
• Shoes with sensors monitoring your health given for free in exchange for a 2-year sensor data processing service
• Unobtrusive health monitoring through all things around us, such as clothing, chairs, tables, beds, cars, etc., enabling
24/7 monitoring and prediction of medical problems.
• As above, the collected list will be continuously updated, representing development targets for development
organizations with a potential for strategic partnerships.

TSensors Roadmap Working Groups Meeting

The TSensors Summit will be a two-day event. In addition to invited speakers, we hereby issue a call for presentations to
members of international academia, industry, Governments and investment community. Presentation should character-
ize the emerging ultrahigh volume sensor based applications and technologies likely to impact Abundance. We plan 36
“TED-style presentations: 18 minute presentation and 2 minute Q&A.

Each day we plan the Panel session with speakers at the end of the day, to answer additional questions.

If you are interested in presenting, please contact Bette Cooper, ideally in February, and
provide a short abstract with title and indication in which of the events you would propose to talk. We will likely respond
with recommended changes to better fit TSensors objective, and ask for longer Abstract, based on which we will make an
acceptance decision.

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