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Name = Mrigank Sinha

Section= J

Roll no. = 703


In the first decade of the twenty-first century, there is a striking optimism about the emerging
India. The country which only had a past is beginning to be seen as a country with a future.
The land of scarcities is being thought of as a land of opportunities. The land of snake charme
rs is now considered a land of fashion designers. The land of traditional crafts is increasingly
perceived as a land of information technology. The land of bullock-carts, or steam trains, is
beginning to be seen as a land of automobiles, or jet planes. This dramatic change of mood is
particularly discernible among the rich and the literati in India. There is a similar change in
thinking about India in the outside world, mostly among interested individuals or concerned

India 2020 will be bustling with energy, entrepreneurship and innovation. The country's 1.35
billion people will be better fed, dressed and housed, taller and healthier, more educated and
longer living than any generation in the country's long history. Illiteracy and all major
contagious diseases will have disappeared. School enrolment from age 6 to 14 will near 100
per cent and drop out rates will fall to less than one in twenty.

A second productivity revolution in Indian agriculture, coupled with diversification to

commercial crops, agri-business, processing industries, agro-exports and massive efforts
towards afforestation and wasteland development will generate abundant farm and non-farm
employment opportunities for the rural workforce. These in turn will stimulate demand for
consumer goods and services, giving a fillip to the urban economy and the informal sector as
well as rapid expansion of the services sector.India's claim to the title Silicon Valley of Asia
will be followed by the diversification from IT to biotechnology, medical sciences and other
emerging fields of technology, widening the field of India's international competitiveness and
generating a large number of employment opportunities for the educated youth.
India is the world’s largest, oldest continuous civilization. India never invaded any other
country in her last 10000 years of history. India is world’s largest democracy. India invented
the number system. 0 was invented by aryabhatta. World’s first university was established in
takshashila in 700 bc. More than 10500 students from all over the world studied more than 60
subjects. Sanskrit is the mother of all European languages. Sanskrit is the most suitable
language for computer software. A report in forbes magazine july 1987 ,” ayurved is the
oldest school of medicine known to human. Although modern images of India often show
poverty and lack of development, India was the richest country on earth until the time of
British invasion in early 17th century. The art of navigation was born in river sindhu 6000
years ago. The very word navigation is derived from the Sanskrit word navgatih. The value
of pie was first calculated by Budhayana and he explained the concept of what is known as
Pythagoras theorem. He discovered this in the 6th century long before European
mathematicians. India has the second largest pool of scientist and engineers in the world.
India is the largest English speaking nation in the world. India is the only country other than
US and japan to have built a supercomputer indigenously . The largest employer in the world
is the Indian railway system employing over a million people. The world sings our prays too.
Albert Einstein said we owe a lot to the Indians who taught us how to count without which no
worthwhile scientific achievements could be made.

India has made development in leaps and bounds in the past 60 years in fields like science ,
agriculture , education and is the rate of its progress is expected to rise exponentially in the
next 10 years to come. In India from farmers to big businessmen, everyone is making
tremendous progress in whatever they do. Companies from outside of India come to India for
recruiting talented young minds. India is respected all over the world. India is no longer a
land of snake charmers and the yogis. Over the years India has emerged as a country with a
variety of cultures, languages, beliefs and ideas. India is probably the only country to stand
integrated even after so many differences amongst each other. It’s the way we live together
that makes us strong and keeps us together. With all these qualities within us there is no
reason why we won’t be able to become a superpower by 2020.

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