Causes and Effects of Online Video Game Playing Am PDF

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Causes and Effects of Online Komunitas: International Journal of

Indonesian Society and Culture
9(2) (2017): 191-202

Video Game Playing among DOI:10.15294/komunitas.v9i2.9565

© 2017 Semarang State University, Indonesia
p-ISSN 2086 - 5465 | e-ISSN 2460-7320

Junior-Senior High School

Students in Malang East Java

I Dewa Putu Eskasasnanda1

Social Studies Department, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia

Received: July 2016; Accepted: August 2016; Published: September 2017

Science and technology development causes a lot of changes in any fields including the form of popular
games among the Junior and Senior High School students in Indonesia.  The traditional games that are
famous formerly have been replaced by the modern games like online video game. This article discusses
the cause and effect of the online video game playing on the Junior and Senior High Schools students in
Malang. This study reveal that students play video games online due to peers pressure; and online video
games are liked because they are considered more modern, practical, realistic and varied. Initially, students
play online video games to relieve the fatigue due to studying at school, but subsequently, they are becoming
addicted, and reach a condition that they find it difficult to stop playing games. This condition will directly
affect their achievement in school.

online video games; cause; effect

INTRODUCTION imitate mother cleaning the house, she also

learns the role of becoming a housewife.  Boy
Playing is very important especially for who roams in the river looking for fish, he
young people because it can prepare their actually also learn to recognize beneficial or
future.  According to the Anthropological harmful flora and fauna in the nature.  Play-
study done by Gosso, play is way for human ing game in a group also make children awa-
to learn their world and culture. Through re about their physical strenghth, capability,
playing, children do not learn only futu- superiority, seniority, cooperation benefit,
re adult skill but also gender identification leadership skills and sympathy-empathy.
courage, trust among friend and cooperati- Playing game also important in
on (Gosso 2005). Groos and Piaget say that children physical fitness and creativi-
humans use play to prepare their adult life ty. Traditional game that based on physical
(Groos 1908; Piaget & Inhelder 1969). Hall activity is important to develop children
also say that play is used by humans to iden-
tify their world. Through play human inte- Corresponding author
racts with their physical and social world Perumahan Joyogrand Blok LL-8 Merjosari Lowok-
waru Kota Malang, Indonesia
to establish their mentality (Hall 1916). For Email
example, when girls playing with a broom to
Komunitas: International Journal of Indonesian Society and Culture 9 (2) (2017): 191-202 192

muscle. Since traditional games usually uti- images on a video display or television sc-
lizing handmade equipment, it can develop reen”. Online video games are popular among
children brain creativity. A wooden stick students and they are used them as a means
used to play hit the ball, banana stems and for them to be accepted by their peers. Peer
tires made into swimming buoys are some pressures according to Erikson have great
example of children’s creativity. impact on the life of an adolescence. Erik-
Online video games are now popular son said that in adolescence phase, person is
among children especially to junior-senior required to seek self-identity and indepen-
high school students in many town in Indo- dence (Erikson 1968). When they try to get
nesia.  In Malang East Java, in the afternoon, free from all adult influence and protection,
after students getting back from school, they become closer and more dependent on
up to late night a lot of junior-senior high peer acceptance. Peer acceptance brings out
school students playing online video games pressure that in turn can make the adole-
in internet cafes (warnet). On Sundays or ot- cences vulnerable to youth behavioral prob-
her holidays, internet cafes are also usually lems (Allen et al. 2006; Van Rooij et al. 2011;
full of students who play online video game Porter et al. 2010).
and this situation sometime makes adult Another reason that makes onli-
customers difficult to rent a computer. The ne video games becoming popular among
popularity of online video games makes students is because these games are sophi-
students prefer to spend their time playing castedly designed to amaze and evoke the
online video game than doing outdoor ac- players’ curiousity. To amaze the players, vi-
tivities. This makes city parks and football deo games usually presents attractive game
fields becoming quite, vacant and deserted. plays, realistic images and sounds. Virtual
Closely related with this phenome- worlds in video games are created by inspi-
non, a study on the cause and effect of onli- ration of real life location. This is inten-
ne video game consumption among student ded to provide sensation as if the player is
is urgent to carry out . This is due to the an- visiting a real site location so they are not
xiety of many parties concerning the online easy to get bored and the games also make
video games impacts in decreasing student players becoming familiar and easy to me-
creativities, fitness and other forms of social morize the location.
skilsl. In online video games, all equipments, Bogost and Poremba also find that
rules and playforms are created by their cre- many video games are also popular because
ators. This make students feels don not need their storyline are based on actual events or
to be creative in playing the games. Online movie storylines. Some games even exploit
video games also cause their players was- documentary styles to add the authenticity. 
ting or using up a lot of their time sitting in “The Matrix” movie, allied forces landing
front of the computer screens. This acitivity in Normady, and the assassination of John
could in turn make students loosing their Frank Kenedy (JFK) are used by video game
physical fitness and social skill because they creators to make the player enable to imagi-
will never notice their physical and social ne becoming the main character of the film
surroundings. The condition will eventually or feel that they have a central role in an im-
bring various fatal effects for their physical portant world event. Movie storylines and
and mental developments (Van Rooij et al. real events are also proposed to familiarize
2011; Mehroof & Griffiths 2010; Przybylski et players with the goal of the mission (Bogost
al. 2010). & Poremba 2008).
On his the study about racing video
games, Berger says that the actual based
ONLINE VIDEO GAME race track is getting more fans than imagi-
Video game according to Bogdanowicz et nary one. Even, imaginary race track are de-
als. (2010) , is defined as “ an electronic or sign to create fair race and spectacular, ac-
computerized game played by manipulating tually authentic based race track gives more
193 I Dewa Putu Eskasasnanda, Cause and Effect of Online Video Game Playing among Junior-Senior...

fun for the players. Berger said that this is ce of virtual equipment so high that players
due to the sensation of be a real race driver will be motivated to play more or exchange
and win the world championship.  Playing their real life money into virtual coin to buy
in the imaginary track in contrast, makes equipment. Cain also states that the deci-
the players get bored and leave the game im- sion of the players to buy coins is not solely
mediately because the players felt it useless inteded for facilitating the game. They do
(Berger 2008).      not hesitate to buy expensive virtual equip-
Video games are also enjoyed becau- ment because they can sell it back to other
se it is designed to entertain and amuse the players (Cain 2008).
players. Creators make video game storyli- Transaction of virtual equipment in
ne simple and easy to understand. This will online game create a chance for making mo-
make the players not easy to get frustated. ney in online game. Through this, it is not
Players use video games to get fun and and surprising that many players are willing to
escaping them from life pressures, As such, spend a lot of time to look for money. Stu-
they will leave the game if they find it too dents are even willing to be absent in class
complicated. or eventually drop out from school because
To maintain the reasonability of vi- they prefer playing online games. Coin and
deo game playing, creator also must balance virtual transactions in online video game
the challenges in the game. The game must make students think that it is better to play
not too hard or too easy to win. Players do game and get coins that can be sold rather
not like easy game because they feel useless than study in school but never making any
to play. However, if the game is too hard, money (Olson 2010; Kowert & Oldmeadow
player will get frustrated and they will lea- 2013)we must understand what motivates
ve the game. There are also some Strategies children to play electronic games and what
used to maintain players’ enthusiasm. One needs the games meet. Drawing on a sur-
of which is by giving game assistance. Assis- vey of 1,254 middle school children, focus
tance such as coin bonus or prize to buy new groups with boys and their parents, and fin-
weapons or vehicles is used by the creator dings from other quantitative and qualitati-
to help player completing the game missi- ve research, the author describes a variety of
on when they encounter difficulties. To keep motivations for video game play (including
the video game looks real, any assistance games with violent content.
in game must be built in disguised so the It is not only visualization, game play
players are unaware of it. By this sterategy, or economic system that makes online ga-
Klimnt et als. (2008) said completing one mes interesting.  Marshall says online vi-
mission in video games can make someone deo games also enable players to play with
feel worth and proud. so they feel reaso- virtual bodies (character) that commonly
nable to continue playing the game. referred to “avatars” . In the online video
For most students, another pulling game, players are free to choose an ava-
factor of online video games is the economic tar depending on taste and experience they
system that operates in it. Cain shows that want to get, and image they want to show
many players are interested to play online vi- (Marshall 2008). In online video game an
deo games because of the economic system overweight, short, and black player can
being operated. In online video games there choose a tall, white and athletic avatar. Men
is a virtual currency circulation that is cal- players also possible to choose a women
led “coin”. Coin is a reward for players when avatar, depending on experience he wants
they are able completing a mission. On line to get during the game. Avatars in video
video games coins can be accumulated to games online provide the opportunity for
buy virtual equipment to help finishing the players to get ideal things that can not be
game (Cain 2008). Although every missions obtained in the real world.
gives coin bonus, the reward is usually too Stone says that online video games
small. Game creators always make the pri- make players eliminate their physical identi-
Komunitas: International Journal of Indonesian Society and Culture 9 (2) (2017): 191-202 194

ty (Stone 1991). In the game, players become player can experience. If avatar die, players
a new individual with new behavior. Stone can turn it back to life unconditionally to
and Turkle calls this phenomenon multiple continue playing. off course this experience
selves (Turkle 2011; Stone 1991). A person’s will become a danger if it is applied in real
identity in the real world is formed by his or life (Herbst 2008).
her interaction with other people and ma- One kind of video game that can
terial objects they consume, but in virtual bring a seious dangerous for students is vi-
world, the identity is highly fluid, allowing olence games. In violence games such as war
player to rewrite their identity beyond tra- games, players are required to kill all ene-
ditional boundaries. With avatar, a man can mies. Death, explosions, screams and gun
be a woman’s, a poor can wear expensive shoot constantly and repetedly happen. War
clothes and a pacifist can kill other because games are more bloody and sadistic than any
of the video game mission (King et al. 2011; kind of action film.  In war game, players
Gentile 2011; Hellman et al. 2012). do not have time to think. He must kill all
enemy without thinking of grief. There are
The Effect of Online Video Games no smell of blood, smoke and gun powder.
Kücklich says that there are two kinds of There are no time of silence to think about
video game in the world. The first is “casu- the tragedy of the murders. In war game,
al game” or video game that is only played players are built like a machines, and res-
for killing time and the second is “serious ponding quickly all the action of the game.
game”, a video game which makes players War game is designed not to create a feeling
always curious and force to spend a lot of of love, compassion or sentimental feelling
time to play it (Kücklich 2005).  From these in the players.
two types, the “serious games” is conside- Klimnt et al. (2008) said that violen-
red more dangerous, because it can make ce game are enjoyable especially for human
players become a slave of the game which male because the culture is idealized hyper-
is commonly called “playbour”. In a line masculine gender ideal. Violence is percei-
with Kuklich, Hjorth uses term of “hardco- ved as manly. Hyper-male ideology believes
re game” to refer to the serious game. This in socioevolutionary theory says that only
game is called “hardcore” for its potential the strong will survive. Destruction on vir-
to make players spending a lot of time and tual world can be beneficial if it is used pro-
energy to finish the game (Hjorth 2011).       perly like a channel to safely release anger
  In online video games, people play and aggression. There will be no one har-
in virtual world using avatar (virtual body). med because blood, fire and debris in onli-
Even though the virtual world are a fun but ne video games are only pixelwork, and all
all human beings must always go back to experiences are simulated and virtual. The
the real world. No matter how great a player negative thing will occur if a player apply vi-
might play in the virtual world, his physical olent experience in virtual world to the rea-
body will feel hungry, thirsty and fatigue. lity. In this case Klimnt suggests that heavy
So, he should always come back to real life users of violent video games should posses
to get a meal, drink and maintain his physi- a higher cognitive ‘preparedness’ for over ri-
cal fitness. ding moral concerns as well as for avoiding
Human behaviors are shaped by their violent behaviours in real life.
experience. The danger of online video ga- The other positive side of online video
mes will appears if the experience gained game is proposed by Dyson. In busy life of
in virtual world affects the real life. Herbs urban communities, people are isolated
says that many experiences gained during from each other. On line video games pro-
online video playing can not be applied for vide space for children to interact with ot-
real life. For example, death in real life is a hers. In dense urban population that prone
final event of a person. Contrary, in video to criminality, playing online video games
games there are no limit how many death indoor at home or internet cafe is relati-
195 I Dewa Putu Eskasasnanda, Cause and Effect of Online Video Game Playing among Junior-Senior...

vely safer than letting them playing out-

side. Indoor playing will protect children I tried to play games because my friends
from the danger of traffic, sun heat, and air asked me to try it. In school more and
pollution. Children are also protected from more of my friends played online games
criminality, kidnappings, harassment and and these made me becoming more inter-
ested. There were a lot of my friends play-
bullying by older children who are bigger
ing online video games so it became more
and stronger than them (Dyson 2008). This excitings and I wanted to try it  (interview
research aims at finding the causes and ef- with Nr, 1 Malang Senior High School July
fects of online video games carried out by 16, 2013)
junior-senior high students in Malang city,
East java province. I started playing online game at the 5 th
Online video games are favored by va- grade elementary, this because I follo-
rious groups ranging from todler, students in wed my cousin. My cousin introduced
elementary school up to university students me to online video games because his pa-
and adults. This research will study junior rent operated internet café in his house. I
played online games starting from there,
and senior high school students because the
and continued until now  (interview with
majority of video game players online is a ju-
Ad, 1 Malang Junior High School, July 18,
nior-senior high school students. According 2013 )   
to Nicolson and Ayers (2004) junior-senior
high school period is the age of adolescen- Beside the influence of the peer, there
ce or transition between children into adult. are students who inform that the become
This phase begins around the age of 10-13 interested to play online video games be-
years and ends at age of 18-22 years. At this cause often watch online video games com-
phase a person experiences biological, so- mercial banner displayed in front of inter-
cial, emotional and cognitive development. net cafe. His motivation to try online video
If the adolescence phase is not addressed games increased when internet cafés also
satisfactorily, it can lead to behavioral prob- offered one hour free trial play.
lems in the future. 
This research is conducted in Malang I knew PB (point blank) online games
City, East Java Province. Interviews are done when I was in six grade elementary. It
using Junior and senior high school student started when I was passing through the
as informants. The Informants are selected internet cafe near my house, I saw com-
through a purposive and snowball sampling. mercial banners which offered one hour
Senior-Junior high schools at Malang are free trial to play online game.  I asked to
the internet caffe operator then he I gave
selected based on criteria of public-private
one hour free trial. I continued to play up
and favorite and non favorite school. Based
till now because it is enjoyable (interview
on this criteria, Malang 1 junior and Malang with Af, 16 Malang Junior High School,
1 Senior high school are choosen to repre- July 17, 2013)
sent favorite public school. Meanwhile, Ma-
lang 10 junior and Malang 16 senior high Peer pressures have a big deal of cause
represent non-favourite school and Mu- for student trying online video games. Two
hammadiyah 1 junior and Brawijaya Smart students said that there were sense of infe-
School (BSS)’s senior high is representatives riority if they did not know how to play on-
of private schools.  line video games. Students would be consi-
dered outdated and coward if they resisted
Motivation the challenge of friends to play online video
Based on interviews to eight junior-senior games.
high school students, it gains that students
know online video games from their peers, I play online video games in order not
such as school friends, brothers or cousins to be ridiculed by my friends. For examp-
whose parents have a internet cafe business. le when my friend challenged me to play
Komunitas: International Journal of Indonesian Society and Culture 9 (2) (2017): 191-202 196

online video game, I must accept it. other- I think if we play modern games we would
wise my friend would considerd me co- become modern because we can interact
ward. (interview with Ik, 16 Malang Junior with people all over the world not only with
High School, July 15, 2013) the local (interview with Qa, 1 Muhamma-
diyah junior High School, July 17, 2013)
I played online video game because friend
encouraged me. They considered me back- The fun of online video game is its possi-
ward if did not know about the game. At bility to interact with better friend. I can
first I felt clumsy because I never played make contact with the rich and wealthy
the game. I did not have any computer people from all over the places not only
in my house.  Now I couldn adapt and with poor and backward village people in
became one of the best player among my my neighbourhood (interview with Af, 16
friend (interview with Au, 1 Malang Junior Malang Junior High School, July 17, 2013) 
High School, July 19, 2013)
Another reason that makes online vi-
When student went to internet café, deo games interesting is because of the sco-
they got amazed by realistic image and re that can be collected by any players. In
sound displayed by online video games. Stu- traditional games, there are no score to ob-
dent said that he got interested when they tain. As such, student cannot claim who the
saw the excitement of many people playing best player is. In online video games, score
online video games in internet café. can colected as indicator of the player’s skill. 
Online game playing was interesting and The nice feature of online game is the rank
exciting. When I was at the first time see system. If we play the game seriously and
people play it, I was interested and want to win frequently, we will improve our score
try because it looks exciting. up until now and ranks. By this rank we can claim who
I still play it  ( interview with Ad, 1 Malang
the best player is in the game. In traditio-
Junior High School July 18, 2013 )
nal game no ranking system is used becau-
se itis just for fun (interview with Fd, 16
Malang Junior High School, July 15, 2013 ) 
Passions on Online Video Games
Acording to student oppinion, online video In online video games, young players
game is exciting because it is always upda- are possible to beat the older ones. In this
ted and has more variations than the tradi-
case students say that they feel proud and
tional game they used to play.. Traditional
motivated when can beat older player. Bea-
games is considered monotonous because
ting older players such as college student is
they do not undergo many innovations.  
very pleasant. This is impossible to achieve
in traditional games that is only relied on
I think the good thing of online video
games is that it is always being updated physical strength.
every month or might be every day. Ac-
cordingly, we never get bored. Contrary, I think, the exciting moment of online
playing traditional games is boring becau- video game is when we can beat the older
se it s monotonous and no innovation in it players. I onced beating a college student
(interview with Fa, 10 Malang Senior High and it feels terrific and fascinating. This
School, July 18, 2013) experience enhanced my motivation to
play (Ikhwata, 16 Malang Junior High
Online video games are also conside- School, July 15, 2013.
red modern for student because these ga-
Beating older people in online video games
mes allow them interacting with a broader
issuch an enjoyble experience because we
range of people, not only with school peers
can ridicule and embarrasse them. It is
and neighbours but also people outside the joyful to see them angry (interview with
town or even the country. Qa, 1 Muhammadiyah junior High School,
July 17, 2013)
197 I Dewa Putu Eskasasnanda, Cause and Effect of Online Video Game Playing among Junior-Senior...

Students also like video games becau- If I compare it to the traditional game, I
se of its practicality. It is not difficult to find think traditional game is more exciting.
partner to play online video games because I become more proud when winning the
there is always someone playing in the inter- game because I got it through a great ef-
fort. Unfortunately it is getting more and
net. This is unlike traditional games in that
more hard now to play traditional game
student must gather a lot of friends to play because nobody plays it anymore (inter-
with. view with Fu, Brawijaya Smart School,
I play online video games when I feel bored June 20, 2013)
at home. I have internet connection and
computer set at home so I just connect it Actually I like and enjoy playing hide and
to internet and play online games. In tra- seek and football with my friend but now
ditional games it is not that simple. I must it is not easy to do it. Everyone now prefer
go outside and asking friends door to door playing online video games in internet café
to play. I think it’s wasting time. In online that make me also play online video ga-
games I dont need to ask friends to play, mes  (interview with Au, 1 Malang Junior
I just join people playing in the internet High School, July 19, 2013) 
( interview with Ad, 1 Malang Junior High
School, Juli 18, 2013 )     
Positive and Negative Effects
By gathering student oppinion, it is disco-
The other advantage of online game is its
possibiility to play from home. This is very vered that the positive side is that it can be
practical because we don not have to to used as media for brain refresher. Student
come out. My parent would also be very often feels frustated and exhausted because
angry if I play outside too long. To avoid of school activitie and homework. This con-
this, it is better to play at home than I get dition make them need online video game
caught for wandering arround  ( interview to get entertainment.
with Ri, 1 Malang Senior High School, July
16, 2013 )  I play online game because I feel exhausted
from school activities and homeworks.
Online video games are not exhaus- (interview with Ik, 16 Malang Junior High,
ting like traditional games which require July 15, 2013  ) 
player running, jumping or yelling. In onli-
ne video games player only sit on a chair or Ussualy I play online game when I gets
home. School sometimes makes me feel ti-
sofa in a room or internet café.
red and exhausted so I play online game for
refesher (interview with Ad, 1 Malang Ju-
The good side of online video games is that
nior High School, July 18, 2013 )
this game is not draining my stamina, if
I play traditional game, I would get swe-
The negative impact of the online
at because of jumping and running  (in-
terview with Ik, 16 Malang Junior High video game happens when students play it
School, July 15, 2013) too much. Online video game are designed
to chalenge and entertain player by realistic
I like online video games beside it brings image and sound. This often makes student
fun and exciting, it is also neat because I addicted and difficult to stop play it.
play it in air conditioned room on internet
café. (interview with Fa, Brawijaya Smart The bad side of online game is its effect
School, June 20, 2013) that sometimes make me difficult to stop
playing. Actually my body has already felt
When online video games becoming tired and I want to take a break, but I can-
more and more popular, it becomes very not do so.  The game always makes me feel
difficult to find students who are still play- in the middle of something and I cannot
ing traditional games. This condition make stop.  (interview with Ri, 1 Malang Senior
High School, 16 July 2013 )  
students ought to play online video games
to get friend.
Komunitas: International Journal of Indonesian Society and Culture 9 (2) (2017): 191-202 198

Too much playing online game also length of play. Because of online video ga-
can make students having hallucinations. mes, I often get home too late and tired.
One student admitted that he sometimes So I cannot do my homework. ( interview
he got comment from parents bacause of with Ik, July 19, 2013)
daydreaming while moving fingers like hol-
Playing online video game often make me
ding mouse and keyboard.  Because of onli-
feel tired and lack of sleep. This condition
ne video games, he also sometime gets ha- make me sleepy in school. (interview with
lucination like seeing creatures that actually Qa, 1 Muhammadiyah junior High School,
does not exist.    July 17, 2013)
Because addicted to  the game, my parent As results, two students experience
said that I was weird. When my parents decline on school academic performan-
seized my laptop to prevent me from play ce. Before playing online video games they
online video games, they ever saw me hal-
are top ten in the class but after playing on-
lucinate with hands move like holding a
mouse and keyboard. Because of online vi- line video games they often get the lowest
deo game sometimes I also got hallucina- rank.
tions. It looks like I saw something flying
but actualy nothing happen. (interview Online video game make my academic
with Na, 1 Malang Senior High School July achivement dropped. In elementary school
16, 2013)   I often got the top three but now I never
got it. Eventhough I still in the top ten of
I try to reduce hours for playing games the class. (interview with Qa, 1 Muham-
because it sometimes make me difficult madiyah Junior High School, July 17, 2013)
to concentate and give me hallucination.(
interview with Ik, 16 Malang Junior High My marks before playing online games are
School, July 15, 2013)   excellent. Often I got one hundred and in
the top ten of the class. After playing on-
Too much playing online video game line game, my school marks went down.
make students’ physically exhausted. They Now my rank is 30 out of 40 students. (in-
experience dizzy and back pain because too terview with Na, 1 Malang Senior High
School, July 16, 2013)    
much sitting and watching computer sc-
To overcome the negative effects of
online video games, some parents forced his
Negative side of online game is its impact
of making my body feel tired. After playing children to join extra tutorial lessons outsi-
games I often experience sore eyes, dizzy de the school. The purpose is to improve stu-
and back pain because sitting too much dent school academic performance. From
(interview with Af, 16 Malang Junior High student opinion this strategy is not effecti-
School, July 17, 2013) ve. Students inform that the more they got
extra lesson, the more frustated they felt
The bad side of online game is make my and the stronger their need to play online
body feel tired. Playing online video game video games for getting fun. 
ussually get my hand feel numb. ( in-
terview with Au, 1 Malang Junior High
When my school performance was decli-
School, July 19, 2013). 
ning, my parents prohibited me to play
online video games. They always inspects
When student physical body are tired me in participating private tutoring. The
because of playing online video games, they result I thought was not effective because
afterwards experience difficulty to study in I can only improve marks on certain sub-
school or to do homework. jects. ( interview with Au, 1 Malang Junior
High School, July 19, 2013)
Yes I think the negative side of online game
sometimes make me difficult to control the Online video games made my parents
199 I Dewa Putu Eskasasnanda, Cause and Effect of Online Video Game Playing among Junior-Senior...

turned mad. Because my marks were decli- done a criminal action, I stole money from
ning they confescated my PC and prohibit my mother purse but I only did it once. Ac-
me go to the internet cafe. At home I was tually I did not get caught but finally I con-
always ordered to study. I felt bored so I fessed to my parent. My parent got mad
kept on playing online video games. Now I but then they forgave me. This incident
plays it in Internet cafes that are far away happened when I was in the second year of
from school and house. This to make me junior high school. At that time I stole five
difficult to get caught  (interview with Na, hundred thousand rupiahs, but only once,
1 Malang Senior High School, July 16, 2013) I did not repeat it since then.  (interview
with Na, 1 Malang Senior High School,
Even though students are already awa- July 16, 2013) 
re of online video games negative impact, t
cannot stop playing online video games ea- Yes I agree if online games can encoura-
ge crime. My self ever steal one hundred
sily. Two students said that although online
thoulsand rupiah from my mother. When
video game often made them tired and lack I get caught, I feel fear because then my
of money they were unable to stop because father bluff will reported it to the police. I
it is the only means for getting fun and free am afraid that police wil jail me. After that
from boredom. incident I learned my lesson, I never steal
again eventhough I still play online game
Actually I aware that eye games are bad. up to now (interview with Fa, 16 Malang
It is bad for my body, eyes, and mind but I Junior High School, July 15, 2013)
cannot stop it easily because it is the only
thing I know to get fun and rid of my bo- Regreting of online video game play-
redom (interview with Ri, 1 Malang Senior ing only comes after students finish playing
High School, July 16, 2013)     it. Student admitted that they realized of
spending a great deal of money and savings
Yes I conscious that play online game is after they finished playing game.  They felt
wasting money but what else can I do.
very regretful because the money actually
I still need games to release my bore-
can be used to buy food or other valuable
dom. (interview with Au, 1 Malang Junior
High School, July 19, 2013) necessities. 

One student said that he cannot lea- Actually I felt regretful for my money expe-
ne to play online video game. For example
ve online video game because he has alrea-
with fifty thousand rupiah, actually I can
dy played it for long, and woukd feel regret buy food such as meatbals or buy somet-
if he must leave the point and achievement hing useful. If I play online game I only
that he have been painstakingly collected. got dizzy and back pain. Even so, it is so
difficult to abandon this game” (interview
Honestly now I still playing online game with Qa, 1 Muhammadiyah junior High
now because I already play it. I have a lot School, July 17, 2013) 
of point and in the middle of high level so I
feel regret if must stopp it.  (interview with When play online game I sometimes feel
Ad, 1 Malang Junior High School, July 18, a sense of regret. The main reason is the
2013 ) loss of money for nothing . (interview with
Ad, 1 Malang Junior High School, July 18,
Because the strong need of playing 2013 )   
online video games, two students admit
that they ever stole money from their pa-
rents. They forced to steal money because
of the curiousity they get from online video This research reveals that the main factor
games.  underlies online video games played among
junior-senior high school students is peer
Because of online video game, I have ever pressure. Students know and then are inter-
Komunitas: International Journal of Indonesian Society and Culture 9 (2) (2017): 191-202 200

ested to play online video games because of online video games are intentionally desig-
peers. Students who does not know about ned to make players curious and addicted
online video games  will be difficult to get (Klimmt et al. 2008; Berger 2008; Bogost &
friends. They will be regarded as outdated Poremba 2008; Dyson 2008; Griffiths 2010;
and outmoded.  They Student will also be Van Rooij et al. 2011).
considered coward if they do not respond to According to Schaef there are two
the challenge of friend to play online video forms of addiction in the world, the first
game. Peer pressure urges students creating one is substance addiction or manipulati-
account and then learn to play online video on of pleasure through the use of products,
games. substances   or certain materials which are
After getting used of online video ga- inserted in the body (eg, narcotics, ciga-
mes, students tend to abandon traditional rettes, fast food), the second, is process of
game. The reasons underlie these pheno- addiction or addiction to mood altering be-
mona are: 1) On line video game is practical. havior (Schaef 1988). Excessive online video
It can be played from home and internet ca- game can be categorized as process addic-
fes. In internet games, there must be other tion because it make person becoming de-
people who are ready to play with, so they pendent on it. They wanted to play online
do not need to gather friends. 2) On line games repeatedly beyond the actual needs
video game is not draining stamina because in order to eliminate anxiety (Brewer & Po-
it can be played without running, screaming tenza 2008).
and yelling. 2). online video game is exciting When students experienced online vi-
because it has realistic image and sound. deo games addiction they experienced reg-
3) On line video game has various type and ret. they felt  regretful for wasting a lot of
not monotonous because it is always evol- money to play online video games, not to buy
ved and 4) online video game considered food or other important necessities. Online
modern and enable person interact ing with video game addiction also pushes some stu-
people all over the world via chatting. dents do petty crime such as stealing money
Through this research also, it is also from parents.
obtained information that the students Even though student know
enjoy online video games because it allows the negative effects of online video ga-
them beating older players. Beating older mes they can not easily stop their hob-
players is very important for students.  Or- by. Besides the charm of online video games,
pen and King explain that feedback or re- student admits that online video games is
cognition from someone who are conside- the only intertainment media around and
red more experienced or superior is very also a tool to find friend to play with. Nowa-
rewarding because it can improve person days traditional games are rarely played by
confidence (Orpen & King 1989). children, it is getting harder to find a friend
Students play online video games to to play out door games.   
overcome boredom because of school acti- This research also found that the more
vities and homework. In this phase online students exhausted from study, the grea-
video game have positive side. Online video ter desire to play online video games. Ac-
games become negative when students play codringly, parent intervention forcing stu-
it excessively then make them ran out energy dents  to join private tutoring is not effective.
and time to study and to do homework. The This only will make student lying their pa-
result is the decline of student school aca- rents and playing video games online behind
demic performance. their back. Fatigue to study experienced by
The reason why students play online students (student burnout) according to
video games excessively is because they car- Maroco and Campos is not only caused by
ried away with the form, audio and visuali- physical exhaustion and psychological for
zation in online video games. This findings learning activities but also due to doubt or
strenghtened many expert studies that cynicism towards the benefits of learning in
201 I Dewa Putu Eskasasnanda, Cause and Effect of Online Video Game Playing among Junior-Senior...

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