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Republic of the Philippines


Montevista Campus
S.Y. 2018-2019
Fourth Quarter
Lesson Plan
Science 3 and 4

I. Objectives: At the end of 60 minutes discussion, The learners should be able to;

A.identify the three basic types of clouds;

B.appreciate the three basic types of clouds through to rea life situation;and
C.create a model of the three basic types of clouds.


Topic: The three basic types of Clouds

Reference: Science ( Teacher's Guide) pg. 148-152,M. Ceilia Ed D. (2006))
Materials: Picture of clouds, chart and cartolina, bond paper,markee and crayons.

Code: SCILC 3 -12a-4; 2.18

Learning Competency: Identify and appreciate the three basic types of clouds based
real life situation.

A. Preliminary Activities
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking of Attendance
 Reminders
 Drill

B. Lesson Proper
a. Activity "Fix Me"

 Each of class will divide into three groups

 The teacher will show a cut out picture of clouds
 The grade 3 class will be given a cut out picture of clouds
 The grade 4 class will be given also a cut out picturebut gave atleast 10 characteristic of
the three clouds.
 Ask the student to arrange the cut out picture to form the puzzle abd gave the
characteristic of three basic type of clouds
 The two class will post their work on the board.

b. Analysis

The teacher will ask to grade 3 in the following question.

 What have you observed in our activity?
 How many types of clouds have in our activity?
 What do you think our lesson for toda?
The teacher will ask to grade 4 in the following question
 What have you observed in our activity
 What are the characteristic of the three clouds in our activity?
 What do you think ou lesson for toda?

c. Abstraction " knowing Me"

 The teacher will discuss and post a pictureof the three basic types of clouds
( Cumulus,Stratus and Cirus )
 Cummulus clouds are white and puffy like the head of culliflower or a cotton ball.
These clouds normally indicate great sunny weather.
 Stratus clouds are white grey color and completely
cover the sky. Most of the time they block out the sun.
 Cirrus clouds are thin wispy and translucent. These clouds are usually white and
predect fine weather.
 The teacher will tell a story entitled " Ana and the clouds"
 Each day there have a certain clouds
 Let the learners define the clouds during story telling
The grade 4 class divide into three groups...
 Each group will be gavin a defferent scenario from the three types of clouds.
 Each group select a actor and actrees to play the scenario in front of the class.
 The other groups defined what clouds in the scenario from the group presentor.

d. Application: "Make Me"

 The grade 3 class will group into three
 The group will make a couds using cotton
 The teacher qill assign the group
 The group 1 is the Cirrus clouds, group 2 is the Stratus clouds and the group 3 is the
cummulus clouds.
 Each group will be gaven a materials glue, cotton and bond paper
 The group will post their work on the board
 The grade 4 class divide into three groups
 Each groups Draw a basic types of clouds and indicate qhat wheather belong
 Who group will finish first will be the first presentor.

IV. EVALUATION: Directio in one whoe sheet of paper write your observation of clouds base on
your experiences, yesterday and today gave atleast five observations
Yesterday Clouds Today's Clouds
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.

Grade 4

Write an essay base on your experiences to the three basic types of clouds atleast 2

V. Assignment
Direction: Cut the picture from different types of clouds and then paste it into
illustration board.

Grade 4
Make a poem from the three Basic types of clouds

Prepared by:
Nico B. Egay Checked by:
Joel E. Felicilda Ed D.
College Dean

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