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Most of the time we only know cellular services that provide the internet connection, but apparently,
there exist a device in which provides you internet even before LTE was discovered, they are called
Broadband Internet Connections, and as follows are the 5 common types of these: DSL or Digital
Subscriber Line which pertains to the broadband connection in which was distributed by business
companies to clients wanting to have the service, Cable Broadband, A cable broadband can be obtained
from your link organization. Cable broadband uses the coaxial link lines previously introduced in many
organizations, Fiber Broadband, Fiber-optic link is comprised of straightforward glass filaments about
the width of a human hair. Transmitting information as light, fiber broadband offers extraordinary
accelerate to and surpassing 1 Gbps. Of all broadband web associations, fiber broadband is by a long
shot the quickest, Wireless Broadband, not WI-FI, wireless broadband internet connection utilizes a
radio connect to interface your PCs – by means of a recieving wire – to a specialist organization's office
and afterward to the web, for organizations in remote areas where line of webpage to a supplier's office
or tower is beyond the realm of imagination, at that point a satellite web association might be the
correct decision.

3. IP address, as the name suggest, is the address of the user connecting on the internet, it is assigned to
every device under the Internet Protocol. IP address serves as the locator and also the user’s ID in the
network interface. One thing to note however, even though it serves as the ID and locator of the user, IP
address appear only to be a series of numbers separated by dots, Domain name however, acts as the
alphanumerical version of it. Domain name is what identifies then the IP address in a way it is easier for
the users to recognize. In terms of their connection, it boils down to that IP address is the technical
name of a network, whereas Domain name simplifies it. It’s like IP address is the one classmate in school,
where the Domain name(s) is the nicknames we give to him/her to recognize him/her

4. As time proceeds to go on further, so to the technologies we have, and even Internet Browsers aren’t
exempted to that change. So far, more and more features are added to several browsers, such as AI
technology, voice recognition, and app compatibility. But most of it’s feature has also stood time such as
bookmarking, history checker, and some specific User Interface features which offers multitasking with
the use of multiple tab in one time, being also able to create a tab into a separate window in order to
place onscreen. Such an such are what most browsers are capable of using.

5. Most of the time we have only used search engines like Google in the way we only know, keyword
typing, on some cases however, sentence typing. With these we can already have ideas on how we
could maximize search time and give it more to finding the results, the key is finding the keyword that
sums up pretty much all of which you want to search. Because as much as search engines are concerned,
they are to give you all which is related to your search text, meaning having as many words in there
could potentially lead to you having lesser results especially if you have entered a specific combination
of words making a sentence. Though sometimes it might work for things like music, trying such in fields
with with engineering, medicine, and infamously, things relating to Computer Studies. Not all searches
benefit from largr number of search texts, they can even make it harder per se. But as far as
convenience and efficiency goes, there are more additional “command word” that could help in finding
what you want in a very specific manner. Below are the list of all the words you can add to your Google
Searches specifically in order to narrow down search results into the only needed information, such are:
1. Use an asterisk “*” to find words or phrases you can’t remember

2. Search within websites using “site:”

3. Find similar websites by searching “”

4. Search for exact phrases using quotations

5. Exclude certain keywords using “-“

6. Find links to certain websites with “”

7. Search for exact images

8. Use “or” when you can’t remember which topic you’re thinking of

9. Search within a time frame using “…”

10. Search for specific words in a title or URL using “intitle:” and “inurl:”

11. Use “Define:” to learn the meaning of slang words

12. Filter search results using Google’s “Search Tools”

6. Not online social networks work in the same way as one another, but one thing is for sure, there will
always be a good thing about them that helps us users better ourselves. Searches about these suggests
that social networks help the user, most of the time, update themselves on their surrounding
environment, more than how we do on news in TVs and radios. Some social networks can also be used
for business ventures or e-commerce, while some like LinkedIn are actually used to help us find a job.
This opens for more and more professionals to find a way to showcase their abilities to potential
consumers as being online can also be translated into being in front of the whole world. And speaking of
being “IN the world” what else could social networks do best than enabling online socialization. Social
Networks opens room for conversation, may it be simultaneous, one at a time, person from person,
group and many more kinds of versions, ranging from emails to chats, to chat rooms, to online
discussions, to specified online meeting platform, even conferences are being held sometimes online.
But the catch to all of that, Social Network is considerably unlimited to its use, and if one could use it for
good, it can also go for bad things. Most Social Networks that open conversation can sometimes, if not
very often, open arguments and bullying, shaming, and even calling out in the internet public. All being
limited most of the time to how the perpetrator feels. He/she can go to from bullying to death threats
in just mere seconds and be able to ruin the other user’s identity as social networks are also filled with
fake news and gullible users. Not all people like to confirm the news they see online. These are
reflections to how far we have gotten to improve our technologies but also a statement on what else we
could do to proceed more. There, I present the benefits and risks of the Social Networks available to us.

7. ------------------------------------------------------------
8. Most of the time, if not always, was there a grand design of how a website would look, it is so
important that it even had a profession about it, Web Design. Web Design pertains on how a website
would look like and how it would function looking like that, this signifies the use of many media in the
internet ranging from graphics, animations and such. These things we see are what to be called "User
Interface" which focuses on making the user comfortable and feel the information coherent to what is
necessary being told, with the aid of graphics, animation and VR/AR, user interfaces get to have wide
variations of features in their site which could help aesthetically and ecobomically as it can help with the
site traffic. These medias also help in ads, which again help the promotion of certain things and further
help the site owner in some cases. These medias also was used by the web to, not only recieve, but also
to showcase things to users, such as interactive sites, and websites containing news which needs to
include media. Not all the time we are in a stationary position of seeing things that require media, and
with that, the web uses it's ability to reach for places and hand it out to the mobile (as in the onr
meaning moving) consumers.

9. The things that we do in the internet, most of the time, require a server-client structure in order to
function well, even being able to connect to the internet requires you to connect to a server first right?
Given that, VoIP, FTP and other E-messaging services are under the structure of Server-Client to
function. To further explain this, imagine that you are in the past years, where mails are to be sent in
post offices and only them are able to handle the transfer of letters from you to your target. This is also
how VoIP and etc. works. We are to send information to the server through the internet, the server
would then attempt you to get through the other end. That is why sometimes when we have slow
internet we are to be greeted by "cannot connect to the server" this means that your message can't
pass through because you are suppose to connect first your message to the server for it to distribute the
message to its destination, but so happens that you couldn't.

10. By identification, Netiquette pertains to the user's proper and inherently acceptable way of
communicating online, making internet communication as cooperative as possible. And as much like our
standards in the real life communication system, netiquette also have its own set of rules to properly
exert it. With that, using a short keyword of "Netiquette Rules" here as follows are the list of
regulations concerning about the 'netiquette' of the internet user:

Rule 1: Remember the Human

Rule 2: Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life

Rule 3: Know where you are in cyberspace

Rule 4: Respect other people's time and bandwidth

Rule 5: Make yourself look good online

Rule 6: Share expert knowledge

Rule 7: Help keep flame wars under control

Rule 8: Respect other people's privacy

Rule 9: Don't abuse your power

Rule 10: Be forgiving of other people's mistakes

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