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Neurodevelopmental effects of prenatal vitamin D in humans: systematic

review and meta-analysis

Article  in  Molecular Psychiatry · January 2019

DOI: 10.1038/s41380-019-0357-9


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2 authors:

Azahara García Eva Morales

University of Murcia University of Murcia and Biomedical Research Institute of Murcia, Spain


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Molecular Psychiatry


Neurodevelopmental effects of prenatal vitamin D in humans:

systematic review and meta-analysis
Azahara M García-Serna1,2 Eva Morales1,2,3

Received: 25 October 2018 / Revised: 13 December 2018 / Accepted: 11 January 2019

© Springer Nature Limited 2019

Diverse studies have investigated the impact of prenatal exposure to vitamin D levels on brain development; however,
evidence in humans has never been systematically reviewed. This article summarized evidence of the association between
25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] levels in maternal blood in pregnancy or newborn blood at birth and neurodevelopmental
outcomes, including cognition, psychomotor performance, language development, behavioral difficulties, attention deficit
and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and autistic traits. PubMed, Web of Science and SCOPUS databases were
systematically searched for epidemiologic studies published through May 2018 using keywords. Random-effects meta-

analyses were conducted. Of 260 identified articles, 25 were included in the present review. Comparing the highest vs. the
lowest category of prenatal 25(OH)D levels, the pooled beta coefficients were 0.95 (95% CI −0.03, 1.93; p = 0.05) for
cognition, and 0.88 (95% CI −0.18, 1.93; p = 0.10) for psychomotor development. The pooled relative risk for ADHD was
0.72 (95% CI, 0.59, 0.89; p = 0.002), and the pooled odds ratio for autism-related traits was 0.42 (95% CI, 0.25, 0.71; p =
0.001). There was little evidence for protective effects of high prenatal 25(OH)D for language development and behavior
difficulties. This meta-analysis provides supporting evidence that increased prenatal exposure to 25(OH)D levels is
associated with improved cognitive development and reduced risk of ADHD and autism-related traits later in life.
Associations represent a potentially high public health burden given the current prevalence of vitamin D deficiency and
insufficiency among childbearing aging and pregnant women.

Introduction countries [1]. Developmental brain impairment is too often

untreatable and frequently permanent through adolescence to
Neurodevelopmental behavioral intellectual disorders (NBID) adulthood and might result in reduced intelligence, disruption
encompass neurological diseases or neurodevelopmental dis- in behavior, school failure, and loss of economic attainments
abilities, including mental retardation, cerebral palsy, autism, on societies [2]. NBIDs seem to be increasing in prevalence,
attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), dyslexia, and indicating to some extent a non-genetic origin; however, non-
more subtle cognitive and learning impairments, which genetic influences on these neurodevelopmental disorders are
together occur in one out of six children in the industrialized not well established yet.
During the last decade, there has been an increasing
focus on the impact of low vitamin D availability during
pregnancy on brain development and function. The dis-
Supplementary information The online version of this article (https:// contains supplementary covery of the vitamin D receptor in multiple brain regions
material, which is available to authorized users. of the neonatal and adult central nervous system of several
species including humans was crucial for this research
* Eva Morales
[3, 4]. Further research has evidenced the importance of
vitamin D for brain developmental mechanisms and func-
Biomedical Research Institute of Murcia (IMIB-Arrixaca), tioning, including neuronal differentiation, axonal con-
Murcia, Spain nectivity, dopamine ontogeny, immunological modulation,
University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain and gene transcription [5, 6].
CIBER Epidemiología y Salud Pública (CIBERESP), Literature on the potential impacts of prenatal vitamin D
Madrid, Spain status on brain development in the offspring has rapidly
A. M. García-Serna, E. Morales

increased in humans. However, to our knowledge, there has assessment included information on the offspring’s neurode-
never been a systematic review. Hence, we conducted a velopment evaluated by standardized test scores, including
systematic review, accompanied by meta-analyses where global IQ or general cognition, psychomotor performance,
possible, to summarize the existing evidence in humans on language development, behavior difficulties, ADHD, or
the relationship between prenatal vitamin D status—mea- autistic traits; and (e) available data on the relevant estimates
sured as circulating 25(OH)D levels in pregnancy or at birth of effect size including beta coefficient estimates, odds ratio
—and neurodevelopmental outcomes, including cognition, (OR), relative risk (RR), hazard ratio (HR), and the corre-
psychomotor performance, language development, beha- sponding 95% confidence intervals (CIs).
vior, ADHD, and autistic traits.
Data extraction and quality assessment

Materials and methods For each eligible article the following information was
extracted: the name of the first author, year of publication,
This meta-analysis has been registered in PROSPERO country and latitude where the study was conducted, time at
(Registration number: CRD42018108490) and was under- vitamin D exposure assessment, mean 25(OH)D con-
taken and reported according to PRISMA guidelines [7]. centration and category levels, age of the offspring at eva-
luation, number of the participants, tool and/or scale used
Search strategy for the offspring’s neurodevelopment assessment and
domains evaluated, variables adjusted for in the analysis, as
A literature search was conducted by two independent well as estimates for 25(OH)D levels with corresponding
reviewers (AMG-S and EM) in MEDLINE (via PubMed), 95% CI.
SCOPUS engine searches and Web of Science databases If some studies reported the results at different follow-up
through May 2018. The search strategy used the following time points, we chose the available data at the longest time
keywords: outcome (“cognition” OR “cognitive function” point in order to avoid overrepresentation bias. When sev-
OR “neurodevelopment” OR “intellectual” OR “intelli- eral estimates were reported within the same study, the most
gence” OR “academic” OR “ADHD” OR “autism spectrum adjusted model was used for the pooled analysis. Moreover,
disorder” OR “ASD” OR “behavioral problems” OR when in the same study, vitamin D levels were measured in
“emotional problems”) combined keywords for vitamin D both maternal and newborn blood, both estimates were
((“1 alpha, 25 dihydroxy 20 epi vitamin d” OR “1,25 included in the pooled analysis. Quality of cohort and case-
dihydroxy 20 epi vitamin d3” OR “vitamin d” OR “1,25 control studies was assessed by the two independent
dihydroxyvitamin d3” OR “d3,1,25 dihydroxyvitamin” OR reviewers using the criteria defined by the nine-star New-
“25 hydroxyvitamin d2” OR “25 hydroxyvitamin d3” OR castle-Ottawa Scale [8].
“25(OH)D”) AND (“pregnancy” OR “cord blood”)). Lim-
its: Human, English. We retrieved 114 studies in PubMed, Data synthesis and statistical analysis
123 in Web of Science and 170 in SCOPUS databases.
Identification and first screening of the articles were per- Four main meta-analyses were performed. We investigated
formed using the information available in the title and the the pooled association size between prenatal vitamin D
abstract. After that, both reviewers read through the articles levels and cognitive development outcome as the full-scale
to decide whether they were eligible or not. Doubts IQ of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC),
regarding the inclusion or exclusion of studies were the mental development index (MDI) of Bayleys, and the
resolved by discussion between the two independent general cognitive scale of McCarthy according to the design
researchers, and if no agreement was reached then a third of the study. For psychomotor outcomes, we included
researcher helped to decide. observational studies that used Bayleys and McCarthy
instruments. All these indices measure global cognitive and
Study eligibility criteria motor development and have a population mean of 100 and
a standard deviation of 15. To evaluate the association
The selection criteria were: (a) article written in English; (b) between prenatal vitamin D with ADHD and autistic traits,
original research article based on an epidemiologic study the RRs or the ORs and corresponding 95% CIs from
performed in human individuals (abstracts, case reports, individual studies were transformed to natural logarithms in
ecological studies, comments, and lab-based studies were order to normalize their distribution, stabilize variances, and
excluded); (c) available information on circulating con- facilitate calculation of standard errors. Weighted estimates
centration of 25(OH)D in maternal blood during pregnancy or and corresponding CIs for each outcome of interest were
in newborn blood at birth as exposure; (d) outcome meta-analyzed by using random-effects models.
Neurodevelopmental effects of prenatal vitamin D in humans: systematic review and meta-analysis

Fig. 1 Flow chart of study


For all the analyses the lowest category of 25(OH)D between 1959 and 2015 (Table 1). Four studies were from
concentration was defined as reference. Heterogeneity among the USA [16, 21, 25, 26]; three each from Australia [13, 14,
studies was evaluated by using the Cochran Q test (sig- 28], Sweden [18, 19, 24], and China [22, 23, 35]; two each
nificant level of 0.10) and quantified by using the I2 statistical from UK [11, 27], Spain [12, 20], Denmark [17, 30] and the
parameter. I2 values <25%, 25–50%, 50–75% and >75% Netherlands [32, 34]; and one each from Vietnam [15],
usually represents very low, low, moderate, or high hetero- Republic of Seychelles [29], India [31], and Greece [33].
geneity, respectively. Sensitivity analysis was conducted by Most studies measured total 25(OH)D circulating levels as a
removing individual studies to assess the robustness of the biomarker of prenatal vitamin D status, except for four
pooled estimates, and to detect whether any particular study studies that measured 25(OH)D3 levels [12, 19, 20, 25].
accounted for a large proportion of heterogeneity. When Sixteen studies assessed vitamin D status in maternal
possible, stratified analyses were conducted to assess mod- plasma or serum collected during pregnancy [11–15, 17, 20,
ification effects by selected factors, including time at expo- 21, 23–27, 31, 33] or at delivery [29]; six studies measured
sure assessment, offspring’s age at health endpoint, and vitamin D levels in cord blood [19, 22, 28, 30, 35] or
optimal 25(OH)D blood levels (30 and 20 ng/ml or greater) peripheral blood [18] of newborns; and three studies mea-
vs. all the rest. Publication bias was examined by using sured vitamin D both in mothers and newborns [16, 32, 34].
Funnel plot and Egger’s regression asymmetry test with a Offspring’s neurodevelopmental outcomes were assessed
significant level of 0.1 [9]. Statistical analyses were per- when they were aged between 6 months and 22 years. The
formed using the metafor package in R (version 3.1.2) [10]. study size varied between 20 and 509,639 participants.
Studies used different instruments and scales for assessing
neurodevelopmental related traits. Among observational
Results studies 15 were evaluated as moderate quality, and eight as
high quality (Supplementary Table S1).
The research retrieved a total of 408 articles (Fig. 1). After
removing 148 articles duplicated, 260 were screened based Cognitive development or global IQ
on the title and abstract. Finally, 25 articles met our inclu-
sion criteria [11–35], including nineteen cohort studies, four Nine studies [11, 12, 15, 16, 21, 22, 27, 28, 33] have
case-control studies, and two intervention studies conducted evaluated the influence of prenatal vitamin D status on the
Table 1 Characteristics of studies on prenatal vitamin D status and neurodevelopment
Author year [ref.] Country (city, latitude) Study design (years) Prenatal vitamin D Offspring’s age N Neurodevelopment assessment and Report
assessment: time & at assessment dimensions
levels (ng/mL)

Gale et al. UK (Southampton, Cohort (1991–1992) Mothers (32 weeks) 9 years 178 • Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Mother report
2008 [11] 50ºN) Median (IQR) 25 Intelligence (WASI): Global scale IQ
(OH)D: 25 (15-30.1) Verbal IQ • Strengths and Difficulties
Questionnaire (SDQ): Total difficulties
Hyperactivity Conduct problems
Emotional problems Peer problems
Morales et al. Spain (39-42ºN) Cohort (2003–2008) Mothers (13 weeks) 14 months 1820 • Bayley Scales of Infant Development Psychologist report
2012 [12] Median (IQR) 25 (BSID): Mental development index (MDI)
(OH)D3: 29.6 (21.8 Psychomotor development index (PDI)
Whitehouse et al. Australia (Perth, 31ºS) Cohort (1989–1991) Mothers (18 weeks) 2 years Range • Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test— Parental report
2012 [13] IQR 25(OH)D: 18.4- 5 years 412–652 Revised (PPVT-R): Language score •
28.8 8 years Child Behaviour Checklist (CBCL): Total
10 years behaviour Internalizing behaviour
14 years Externalizing behaviour
17 years
Whitehouse et al. Australia (Perth, 31ºS) Cohort (1989–1991) Mothers (18 weeks) From 5 to 17 406 • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Parental report
2013 [14] IQR 25(OH)D: 18.4- years diagnosis • Autism Spectrum Quotient
28.8 (AQ)
Hanieh et al. Vietnam (Ha Nam, Cohort (2010–2012) Mothers (32 weeks) 6 months 960 • Bayley Scales of Infant Development Psychologist report
2014 [15] 20ºN) 25(OH)D -- (BSID): Mental development index (MDI)
Psychomotor development index (PDI)
Language score Socio-emotional score
Keim et al. USA (--) Case-control (1959–1973) Mothers (≤26 weeks) 8 months 4 years Range • Bayley Scales of Infant Development Psychologist report
2014 [16] Median (IQR) 25 7 years 3146– (BSID): Mental development index (MDI)
(OH)D: 18 (13.6) 3587 Psychomotor development index (PDI) •
Newborns (cord Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale and the
blood) Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children
Median (IQR) 25 (WISC): Global IQ • Rating system
(OH)D: 12.8 (11.2) behaviour: Internalizing behaviours
Externalizing behaviours
Strøm et al. Denmark (Aarhus, Cohort (1988-1989) Mothers (>30 weeks) 22 years 850 • Prescription for medication or hospital Population-based registry
2014 [17] 56ºN) Median (P10-P90) admission for: ADHD
30.5 (13-54.4)
Fernell et al. Sweden (Gothenburg, Sibling-control study Newborns (peripheral 116 • Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) Clinical report
2015 [18] 57ºN; and Stockholm, (1990–2008) blood) diagnosis
59ºN) 25(OH)D:
Mean (SD) in cases:
A. M. García-Serna, E. Morales
Table 1 (continued)
Author year [ref.] Country (city, latitude) Study design (years) Prenatal vitamin D Offspring’s age N Neurodevelopment assessment and Report
assessment: time & at assessment dimensions
levels (ng/mL)

Mean (SD) in
Gustafsson et al. Sweden (Malmö, 55ºN) Case-control (1978–2000) Newborns (cord 5–17 years 404 • Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Clinical report
2015 [19] blood) Mental Disorders (DSM): ADHD
25(OH)D3 diagnosis
Median in cases: 13
Median in controls:
Morales et al. Spain (39-43ºN) Cohort (1997–2008) Mothers (13 weeks) 4.8 years 1650 • Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Psychologist report
2015 [20] Median (IQR) 25 Mental Disorders, fourth edition (ADHD-
(OH)D3: DSM-IV): Total ADHD-like symptoms
29.1 (21.7, 36.8) Inattention symptoms Hyperactivity-
impulsivity symptoms
Tylavsky et al. USA (Shelby County, Cohort (2006–2011) Mothers (2nd 2 years 1020 • Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler --
2015 [21] 35ºN) trimester) Development: Cognitive scale Receptive
Mean (range) 25 Language Scaled Score Expressive
(OH)D: Language Scaled Score
22.3 (5.9–68.4)
Zhu et al. China (Hefei, 31ºN) Cohort (2008) Newborns (cord 16–18 months 363 • Bayley Scales of Infant Development Certified examiners
2015 [22] blood) (BSID): Mental development index (MDI)
Mean 25(OH)D Psychomotor development index (PDI)
14.9 (2.2-44.4)
Chen et al. China (-) Case-control (2014–2015) Mothers (1st 3–7 years 136 • Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) DSM- Child psychiatrist/
2016 [23] trimester) V criteria diagnosis neuropediatrician and child
Neurodevelopmental effects of prenatal vitamin D in humans: systematic review and meta-analysis

25(OH)D psychologist
Magnusson et al. Sweden (Stockholm, Cohort (2001–2011) Mothers (--) 4–17 years 509,639 • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) National and regional
2016 [24] 59ºN) 25OHD clinical diagnosis registers
Stubbs et al. USA (-) Uncontrolled trial Intervention: 5000 IU 18 months 20 • The Modified Checklist for Autism in –
2016 [25] D3/day during 3 years Toddlers (MCHAT) and the Pervasive
pregnancy Developmental Disorder Behavior
Inventory (PDDBI): Autism spectrum
disorder (ASD)
Chawla et al. USA (Durham, 35ºN) Cohort (2009–2012) Mothers (1st–2nd 12–24 months 218 • Infant Toddler Social Emotional Maternal report
2017 [26] trimester) Assessment (ITSEA): Externalizing
Mean (SD) 25(OH) Internalizing Dysregulation Social-
D: emotional competence Autism Spectrum
16.6 (5.7)
Table 1 (continued)
Author year [ref.] Country (city, latitude) Study design (years) Prenatal vitamin D Offspring’s age N Neurodevelopment assessment and Report
assessment: time & at assessment dimensions
levels (ng/mL)

Disorder (ASD) symptoms (problem

behaviour and social competence)
Darling et al. UK (Avon, 51ºN) Cohort (1991–1992) Mothers (29 weeks) 6–42 months 7065 • The ALSPAC pre-school development Maternal report
2017 [27] Median (IQR) 25 7–9 years tests: Gross and fine motor skills •
(OH)D: Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire
24.5 (17.2–33.9) (SDQ): Hyperactivity Emotional Conduct
Peer problems Total behaviour • Wechsler
Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC):
Verbal IQ Performance IQ Global IQ •
Neale Analysis of Reading Ability:
Reading ability (accuracy, comprehension
and speed)
Gould et al. Australia (Adelaide RCT of DHA Newborns (cord 18 months Range • Bayley Scales of Infant Development Psychologist report
2017 [28] 34ºS; Melbourne 37ºS; supplementation in blood) 4 years 299–323 (BSID-III): Mental development index
Sydney 34ºS) pregnancy (2005–2008) Mean (SD) 25(OH) (MDI) Psychomotor development index
D: (PDI) Language development • The
22.4 (11.4) Differential Ability Scales Second Edition
(DAS II): Cognitive scale • The Clinical
Evaluation and Language Fundamentals
Preschool, Second edition (CELF-P2)
Laird et al. Republic of Seychelles Cohort (2001) Mothers (delivery) 5 years 189 • Preschool Language Scale-Revised --
2017 [29] (Mahé, 4.7ºS) Mean (SD) 25(OH) Edition: Total Language Score (PLS-TL) •
D: Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL): Total t
40.5 (10.9) score
Mossin et al. Denmark (Odese, 55ºN) Cohort (2010–2012) Newborns (cord 1.5–5 years 1233 • Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL): Parental report
2017 [30] blood) ADHD score
Median (IQR) 25
17.6 (12.2–23.7)
Veena et al. India (Mysore, 12ºN) Cohort (1997–1998) Mothers (30 wks.) 9–10 years 468 • Kaufman battery: Verbal fluency Psychologist report
2017 [31] Mean (IQR) 25(OH) 13–14 years 472
15.6 (9.4, 23.3)
Vinkhuyzen The Netherlands Cohort (2002–2006) Mothers (mid- 6 years 3895 • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Clinical records
et al. 2017 [32] (Rotterdam, 51ºN) gestation) 2870 diagnosis
Mean 25(OH)D:
Newborn (cord
Mean 25OHD:
A. M. García-Serna, E. Morales
Table 1 (continued)
Author year [ref.] Country (city, latitude) Study design (years) Prenatal vitamin D Offspring’s age N Neurodevelopment assessment and Report
assessment: time & at assessment dimensions
levels (ng/mL)

Daraki et al. Greece (Heraklion, Cohort (2006–2007) Mothers (13 weeks) 4 years 487 • McCarthy Scales of Children’s Abilities Maternal report
2018 [33] Creta 35ºN) Mean (SD) 25(OH) (MCSA): Verbal scale General cognitive
D: scale Motor scale • Strengths and
18.5 (6.2) Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ):
Emotional symptoms Conduct problems
Peer relationship problems Prosocial
behaviour Internalizing symptoms
Externalizing symptoms Total difficulties
score • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder (ADHD) test: Hyperactivity-
impulsivity Inattention Total ADHD
Vinkhuyzen The Netherlands Cohort (2002–2006) Mothers (mid- 6 years 2866 • Social Responsiveness Scale: Autism- Parental report
et al. 2018 [34] (Rotterdam, 51ºN) gestation) 1712 related traits
Newborn (cord
Wang et al. China (Shanghai, 31ºN) Cohort (2012–2013) Newborns (cord 2 years 552 • Ages and Stages Questionnaire: Gross Parental report
2018 [35] blood) and fine motor skills
Median (IQR):
22.4 (27.3-8.6)
IQR interquantile range, SD standard deviation
Neurodevelopmental effects of prenatal vitamin D in humans: systematic review and meta-analysis
A. M. García-Serna, E. Morales

Fig. 2 Forest plots for the

association comparing the
highest with the lowest levels of
prenatal 25(OH) D with
increased offspring’s cognitive
development or global IQ (a)
and psychomotor development
(b) scores. Black squares
indicate the coefficient in each
study, with square sizes
inversely proportional to the
standard error of the coefficient.
Horizontal lines represent 95%
CI. The summary estimates
(black diamond) were obtained
by using random-effects model.
(1) Indicates vitamin D
measured in maternal blood and
(2) vitamin D measured in

offspring’s global IQ or cognitive development (Supple- (95% CI −0.18, 1.93, p = 0.10), comparing the highest with
mentary Table S2). The pooled analysis of available data the lowest category of 25(OH)D levels (Fig. 2b). No evi-
revealed a borderline positive association between prenatal dence of significant heterogeneity (I2 = 52%, p = 0.10) and
25(OH)D levels and offspring’s cognitive development publication bias (p = 0.20) was found.
(Fig. 2a). Comparing the highest vs. the lowest category of
25(OH)D levels, the pooled beta coefficient was 0.95 (95% Language development
CI −0.03, 1.93, p = 0.05). Moderate heterogeneity was
detected across the included studies (I2 = 59%, p = 0.03), Nine studies [11, 13, 15, 21, 27–29, 31, 33] have examined
but no publication bias (p = 0.09). prenatal vitamin D in relation to language development (Sup-
plementary Table S4). Four studies have reported higher con-
Psychomotor development centrations of prenatal 25(OH)D to be associated with increased
language scores in preschool [15, 21, 28] and school children
Eight studies [12, 15, 16, 22, 27, 28, 33, 35] assessed off- [13]. Five studies did not find a relationship with verbal score or
spring’s psychomotor performance in relation to prenatal suboptimal language development [11, 27, 29, 31, 33].
vitamin D status (Supplementary Table S3). The pooled
analysis of available studies using the motor scale of the Behavioral difficulties
Bayley and the McCarthy instruments showed no associa-
tion between prenatal 25(OH)D levels and offspring’s Seven studies [11, 13, 16, 26, 27, 29, 33] examined the
motor development. The pooled beta coefficient was 0.88 relationship between prenatal vitamin D status and
Neurodevelopmental effects of prenatal vitamin D in humans: systematic review and meta-analysis

offspring’s behavioral problems (Supplementary Table S5). between 25(OH)D concentrations in early-mid pregnancy
Overall, five studies failed to find a relation between pre- and cognition (beta coefficient 1.18, 95% CI −0.16, 2.51, p
natal 25(OH)D levels and behavioral difficulties in off- = 0.08), psychomotor performance (beta coefficient 1.43,
spring [11, 13, 16, 27, 29]. Chawla et al. found lower 95% CI −0.65, 3.52, p = 0.18), and risk of autism-related
prenatal 25(OH)D to be associated with slightly higher traits (OR 0.28, 95% CI 0.19, 0.42, p < 0.01) (Table 2).
internalizing and dysregulation scores among White pre-
schoolers [26]. In addition, preschoolers of mothers in the
high 25(OH)D tertile (>20 ng/ml) in early pregnancy scored Discussion
lower in total behavioral difficulties and more specifically
externalizing symptoms [33]. Vitamin D has been shown to influence brain development
and function. To our knowledge, this is the first meta-
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) analysis of studies aimed to assess the association between
prenatal 25(OH)D concentration and offspring’s neurode-
Four cohort studies [17, 20, 30, 33] and one case-control velopmental outcomes in humans. We showed that higher
study [19] evaluated the impact of prenatal vitamin D on prenatal concentrations of 25(OH)D have a positive influ-
offspring’s ADHD risk (Supplementary Table S6). Two ence on the offspring’s cognitive development. Further-
studies reported no association between prenatal 25(OH)D more, in utero exposure to 25(OH)D was inversely
levels and risk of ADHD diagnosis defined as prescription associated with risk of offspring’s ADHD and autism-
of psychostimulant medication or physician report [17, 19]; related traits. There was a little evidence for protective
however, three additional studies showed higher levels of effects of high prenatal 25(OH)D levels for language
prenatal 25(OH)D concentrations related to reduced development and behavioral difficulties. Levels of 25(OH)
ADHD-like symptoms [20, 30, 33]. Meta-analysis revealed D in early-mid gestation might have stronger beneficial
an inverse association between prenatal 25(OH)D levels and effect on the offspring’s neurodevelopment than in late
risk of ADHD in offspring. The pooled RR was 0.72 (95% gestation.
CI, 0.59, 0.89, p = 0.002), comparing the highest with the The results of this meta-analysis are in line with previous
lowest category of 25(OH)D circulating levels (Fig. 3a). No reviews that have suggested a positive relationship between
heterogeneity (I2 = 0.0%, p = 0.54) and publication bias (p gestational vitamin D status and offspring’s neurocognitive
= 0.25) was detected. development. Although we found a mild influence of pre-
natal 25(OH) circulating concentrations on the offspring’s
Autism-related traits cognitive development, this finding should be cautiously
taken into consideration due to the magnitude of the high
Five cohort studies [14, 24, 26, 32, 34], two case-control prevalence of suboptimal levels of vitamin D worldwide
studies [18, 23] and one intervention study [25] evaluated among childbearing age and pregnant women [36, 37], and
the association of prenatal vitamin D status with autistic considering that in utero period is a critical period for
traits or ASD diagnosis (Supplementary Table S7). Higher human neurodevelopment. In addition, current findings
prenatal 25(OH)D concentrations were associated with support previous articles that have hypothesized a protective
lower risk of autism-related traits [14, 26, 34] and ASD role of prenatal 25(OH)D levels on the development of
diagnosis [18, 23, 24, 32]. Preliminary findings of an ADHD and autism-related traits [6, 38, 39].
intervention study prescribing vitamin D (5000 IU/day) Potential mechanisms of action of vitamin D for neuro-
during pregnancy to mothers of children with autism developmental protection have been proposed. Vitamin D
showed a reduction in the recurrence rate of autism in may have diverse anti-inflammatory effects on the brain,
newborn siblings compared to the reported recurrence rate including reducing harmful inflammatory cytokines and
in the literature [25]. Meta-analysis showed higher levels of neuro-inflammation caused by oxidants and toxins, enhan-
prenatal 25(OH)D to be associated with a lower risk of cing DNA repair mechanisms, anti-autoimmune effects,
autistic traits. Comparing the highest with the lowest cate- raises seizure threshold, T-regulatory cells increase, pro-
gory of 25(OH)D circulating levels the pooled OR was 0.42 tection of neural mitochondria, and glutathione up-
(95% CI 0.25, 0.71, p = 0.001) (Fig. 3b). A moderate het- regulation [40, 41]. Moreover, vitamin D regulates geneti-
erogeneity was detected across the included studies (I2 = cally serotonin’s rate limiting enzymes, a neurotransmitter
60%, p = 0.04), but no publication bias (p = 0.84). that shapes brain networks during development and plays
Sensitivity analyses suggested that the pooled estimates critical roles in brain functions [42]. Furthermore, vitamin D
or heterogeneity were not substantially modified by down-regulates peripheral tryptophan hydroxylase TPH1,
removing the included studies one by one (Supplementary while up-regulates central TPH2, resulting into increased
Table S8). Stratified analyses showed stronger associations peripheral serotonin and decreased central serotonin that
A. M. García-Serna, E. Morales

Fig. 3 Forest plots for the

association comparing the
highest with the lowest levels of
prenatal 25(OH) D with reduced
risk of attention deficit and
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
(a) and autism-related traits (b).
Black squares indicate the RR or
the OR in each study, with
square sizes inversely
proportional to the standard
error of the estimate. Horizontal
lines represent 95% CI. The
summary estimates (black
diamond) were obtained by
using random-effects model. (1)
Indicates vitamin D measured in
maternal blood and (2) vitamin
D measured in newborns

characterizes ASD [43, 44]. Vitamin D status might also Although based on a few number of studies, stronger
affect the expression of tyrosine hydroxylase, the rate- estimates were found when analyzing studies assessing
limiting enzyme for synthesis of dopamine [45]. The 25(OH)D circulating concentrations in early-mid gesta-
polymorphism in this enzyme’s gene has been associated tion (first and second trimester) compared to late gesta-
with ADHD in animal models [46]. In addition, neonatal tion or birth. These results suggest that protective effects
rats maternally deprived of vitamin D showed decreased of vitamin D may occur during prenatal early develop-
dopamine turnover [47]. ment when brain structures begin to form and are thus
Neurodevelopmental effects of prenatal vitamin D in humans: systematic review and meta-analysis

Table 2 Associations between prenatal 25(OH)D status and offspring’s neurodevelopmental outcomes stratified according to selected variables
Outcome Variable n Estimate (95% CI) Heterogeneity test

Beta (95% CI)

Global IQ or general cognition Overall 8 0.95 (−0.03, 1.93) I2 = 59%, P = 0.03
Time at exposure assessment
Early/mid-pregnancy 4 1.18 (−0.16, 2.51) I2 = 65%, P = 0.02
Late pregnancy or birth 4 0.70 (−0.99, 2.40) I2 = 44%, P = 0.17
Age at outcome assessment
≤24 months 4 0.92 (−0.57, 2.41) I2 = 56%, P = 0.07
>24 months 4 1.07 (−0.45, 2.59) I2 = 53%, P = 0.09
≥30 vs. <20 or <10 ng/ml 6 0.86 (−0.22, 1.95) I2 = 67%, P= 0.02
Psychomotor performance Overall 6 0.88 (−0.18, 1.93) I2 = 52%, P = 0.10
Time at exposure assessment
Early/mid-pregnancy 3 1.43 (−0.65, 3.52) I2 = 74%, P = 0.01
Late pregnancy or birth 3 0.72 (−0.23, 1.67) I2 = 0.0%, P = 0.92
Age at outcome assessment
≤12 months 3 0.26 (−0.52, 1.05) I2 = 30%, P = 0.37
>12 months 3 2.21 (0.63, 3.78) I2 = 0.0%, P = 0.46
≥30 vs. <20 or <10ng/ml 4 0.69 (−0.38, 1.76) I2 = 58%, P = 0.10
RR (95% CI)
ADHD Overall 5 0.72 (0.59, 0.89) I2 = 0.0%, P = 0.54
Time at exposure assessment
Early/mid-pregnancy 2 0.72 (0.56, 0.92) I2 = 0.0%, P = 0.38
Late pregnancy or birth 3 0.71 (0.47, 1.08) I2 = 23%, P = 0.31
Age at outcome assessment
Preschool age 2 0.69 (0.55, 0.87) I2 = 0.0%, P = 0.54
After preschool age 3 0.79 (0.44, 1.43) I2 = 19%, P = 0.27
>20 vs. <20 or <10 ng/ml 3 0.58 (0.41, 0.82) I2 = 0.0%, P = 0.87
OR (95% CI)
Autism-related traits Overall 5 0.42 (0.25, 0.71) I2 = 60%, P = 0.04
Time at exposure assessment
Early/mid-pregnancy 3 0.28 (0.19, 0.42) I2 = 0.0%, P = 0.47
Late pregnancy or birth 1 1.06 (0.41, 2.76) –
Age at outcome assessment
From birth to 7 years 3 0.44 (0.20, 0.99) I2 = 73%, P = 0.03
From birth to 17 years 2 0.40 (0.14, 1.10) I2 = 52%, P = 0.15
≥20 vs. <10 ng/ml b
3 0.44 (0.20, 0.99) I2 = 73%, P = 0.03
Early/Mid pregnancy includes studies measuring 25(OH)D concentrations in maternal blood collected at first or second trimester of pregnancy.
Late pregnancy or birth includes studies measuring 25(OH)D concentrations in maternal blood collected at third trimester of pregnancy or in
newborn blood collected at birth
Magnusson et al. was excluded because information on time at exposure assessment was not specified
Including Chen et al. comparing >22.9 vs. <15.8 ng/ml

more vulnerable to damaging influences [48, 49]. Given trimester [50], while other studies have not [51, 52].
the low number of included studies these results should Anyway, we do not expect that these changes should be
be interpreted with caution. Moreover, we cannot differential between cases and controls. Current evidence
exclude the possibility that these results could be a is limited to establish the optimal levels of prenatal 25
consequence of changes in 25(OH)D measurements over (OH)D circulating concentrations to improve offspring’s
pregnancy given that some studies have described an neurodevelopment. These two important issues warrant
increase in 25(OH)D in maternal blood during the last further investigation.
A. M. García-Serna, E. Morales

The main strength of this study is that we investigated a Acknowledgements AMG-S was funded by a predoctoral contract
wide range of neurodevelopmental outcomes, which adds (FI17/00086) and EM was funded by a Miguel Servet Grant Fellow-
ship (MS14/00046) both awarded by the Spanish Instituto de Salud
exceptional value to this meta-analysis. Moreover, we
Carlos III (ISCIII), Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, and
obtained de novo data from some primary studies [21, 27], Fondos FEDER.
which provided additional information for this analysis. The
present study is based on objectively assessed 25(OH)D Compliance with ethical standards
circulating concentrations in maternal and newborn blood
that reflect both diet and sun exposure. Maternal and cord Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
blood 25(OH)D levels are highly correlated. Cord blood 25 interest.
(OH)D concentrations are 75–90% of maternal concentra-
Publisher’s note: Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to
tions at delivery [50, 53]. jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
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