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English II

Homework Module #7-8-9

I. Datos Generales
Nombre de la Asignatura: English II Código: INE 205
Unidades valorativas: 3 Duración del Modulo: 10 días

I. Specific Objectives:
- Distinguish among men, women, and children clothing.
- Use the present continuous to show actions that are still happening.
- Use expressions of frequencies to talk about daily activities.
- Understand shopping verbal expressions and use them on daily basis.
- Use music, sports, movie, and free time activities vocabulary in daily
- Distinguish between the use of simple present and present continuous in

II. Goals to achieve:

-Describe the way you are dressing or make clothing description from a
-Talk about how often you do things.
- Talk about free time activities and future plans.

III. Homework Content

Name: Blanca Sarahi Osorto Mendez
Exercise 1

affirmative negative question

Am I w orkin
I I am working. I am not w o
English II

Are you jum

you You are jumping. You are no

Is he dream
he He is dream
He is not dreaming.

Is she sleeping?
she She is slee She is not s

Is it snow in
it It is snowing. It is not sno

Are we singing?
we We are sin We are not

You are not

Are you fig
you You are fig

Are they reading?

they They are re They are n

Choose the correct present progressive form.

1. Look! Andy____is working___ in the garden. (to work)

2. I__am watching______ TV at the moment. (to watch)
3. We______are reading_______ a book. (to read)
4. She__is playing________ the piano. (to play)
5. Listen! Sue and John___are talking____________ .(to talk)
6. My sister (to clean) __is cleaning________the bathroom.
7. Look! They (to go) ____are going__________inside.
8. I (to wait) _____am waiting________ in the car now.
9. Mrs Miller (to listen) __is listening________to CDs.
10. We (to speak) ____are speaking__________English at the moment.

Exercise 2
English II

Use the shopping verbals to describe the way you shop. Use frequency
adverbs in your sentences. Write at least 6 sentences. Underline both
frequency adverbs and verbals.

Frequency Adverb of Frequency

100% always
90% usually
80% normally / generally
70% often* / frequently
50% sometimes
30% occasionally
10% seldom
5% hardly ever / rarely
0% never

Adverbs of Definite Frequency

We can also use the following expressions when we want to be more specific
about the frequency:

• every day
• once a month
• twice a year
• four times a day
• every other week
• daily
• monthly

Example: When I shop for shoes I always try them on.

The cashier never rings up product I buy with coupons.

1. When I buy food, I always compare prices before buying.

2. I buy 24 rolls toilet paper once a month.
3. I buy soda every day.
4. I sell out all my clothes once a year.
5. I pay my university monthly.
6. When I buy clothes I always try them before paying.
Exercise 3
English II

Exercise 3

Talk about your favorite music, sports, and free time activities. Use
frequency adverbs. Use verbs in both simple present and present
progressive tense. Write at least 5 sentences for each.

Example: About Music: I usually hear Gospel Music. My favorite singers are Barak and Marcos
Witt. … About sports: I don´t do sport frequently. Some time ago I used to play volleyball every
week. I trained in a volleyball team ….. About free time activities: I just love to go to the movies
with my daughters. I go to the movies once a month….

About Music:

1. I always listen rock music specially one ok rock.

2. I always listen to anime music.
3. I never listen to ranchera music because it gives me a headache.
4. Sometimes I listen to reggaeton.
5. I usually listen to Korean music.

About Sports:

1. When I was younger, I always played football.

2. When I was younger, I sometimes played baseball.
3. I have never done archery but I would love to do it someday.
4. I rarely play volleyball.
5. Sometimes I played basketball.

About free time activities:

1. I always listen to music every day.

2. Sometimes I watch anime.
3. I rarely draw in my free time.
4. From time to time I go running.
5. Before in my free time I sometimes went out with my friends.

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