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Essay "Do you think Indonesian education is ready to adopt the technology

(especially in language teaching)"

Education is the basis of the progress of a country. All people are required to get a

proper education as citizens. Indonesia is a country that has a poor quality

education. The lack of teaching staff and a large number of honorary teachers who

are provided with a mediocre benefit are very much supporting the development

of education in Indonesia. Teachers who are supposed to retire but are still helped

to teach are very difficult to meet the learning needs of students in the current era.

The advance of technology has become one of the obstacles of the teacher in

providing material, especially now the curriculum forced teachers to know more

about technology. Teachers who lack knowledge about technology are only able to

teach with the old method, namely the teacher as the center of knowledge.

The development of information and communication technology has had an

influence on the world of education, especially in the learning process. According

to Rosenberg in G. Gunawan (2009) in Sudibyo (2011), with the development of

the use of information and communication technology, there are five shifts in the

learning process, namely: 1) from training to appearance, 2) from classrooms to

wherever and whenever, 3) from paper to "online" or channels, 4) from physical

facilities to network facilities, 5) from cycle time to real time.

In the education process, communication is carried out using communication

media such as telephone, computer, internet, e-mail, and so on. Interaction

between teacher/lecturer and students/students is not only done through face-to-

face relationships but also done using these media. With the current information
technology, teachers/lecturers can provide services without having to deal directly

with students. Likewise, students can obtain information in a broad scope from

various sources through cyberspace or cyberspace using computers or the internet.

The most recent thing is the development of what is called "cyber teaching" or

"virtual teaching", namely the teaching process carried out using the internet.

Another term that is increasingly popular now is e-learning, which is a learning

model using communication and information technology media, especially the


Information technology in education can be understood as a complex, integrated

process involving people, ideas, tools, and organizations to analyze problems, find

ways to overcome problems, implement, assess, and manage problem-solving that

covers all aspects of human learning ( Sukadi, 2008) in Sudibyo (2011). In line

with that, the birth of information technology in education begins with problems

in education itself. Issues of education that are sticking out today include the equal

distribution of educational opportunities, improving the quality/quality of

education, relevance and efficiency of education. The serious problem that is still

being felt by the world of education in Indonesia from basic education to higher

education is the problem of "quality". For this reason, there are three basic

principles in educational technology as a reference for their development and use,

namely: a systems approach, student-oriented, and the use of learning resources.

The negative impact of information technology in the world of education, among

others: advances in information and communication technology will also facilitate

the occurrence of violations of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), because the

easier access to data causes plagiarism people to commit fraud, even though the
administrative system of an institutional education is like a system without gaps,

but if there is a carelessness in running the system it will be fatal, one of the

negative effects of television is to train children to think short and stay

concentrated in a short time (short span of attention).

Whereas in this era students can explore more knowledge by using technology

wisely. A lot of information can be sought through technology and the internet.

The teacher's method of teaching should be more updated and improved by using

technology that is now very advanced. Many ways and applications that can be

used to support and attract students' interest in learning. More teachers in the era

should be equipped with teaching using technology. The existence of seminars for

teachers is very necessary to open up insights on the fun way of teaching using

technology. But in reality, the teacher still cannot use technology as a means in the

teaching-learning process, due to the age of the teacher who is quite old and

difficult to learn new technology and the condition of teachers who are old in their


In junior high school 4 Yogyakarta because I was carrying out a college

assignment that is PPL 1. There, I monitored and observed in the class of Mr.

Kanted Wiwoho. Spd. I found him still using the old method of teaching. I think

the method is less effective because most of the students have been equipped with

mobile phones at school, even though the class is prohibited from using mobile

phones. The class is adequate with the funds supporting the LCD projector for

teaching facilities, but Mr. Kanted does not use it. He still explained at length in

the delivery of the material, and students were required to follow the words of Mr.

Kanted in English pronunciation. Besides students just passively listening to the

direction of the teacher, I race it is also less effective in teaching in the current era.

Students have been provided gadgets so that they easily find the material or

material they want in the teaching and learning process. Now there is already a

Kahood application that I feel is very fun to apply in class because the application

can add insight and competitive spirit to students in answering questions that have

been prepared. Maybe for the future, the teacher can be equipped with teaching

methods that are more modern and not boring. The use of LCD in the classroom is

also very helpful in the learning process. Given a video for observation material

students also very effective to increase the stimulation of students to be more

active in class.

I think Indonesia is capable enough to use technology as a learning tool in the

classroom. Because many schools have facilitated their classrooms with LCD

projectors which I feel are sufficient to help the teaching and learning process in

the classroom. Moreover, now the school has also been equipped with an internet

connection which is very helpful for a more effective teaching and learning

process in using technology as a learning tool. It would be nice now that teachers

are also equipped with knowledge in using technology, maybe the government can

work with private institutions in extension or provide seminars for teachers in

technology-based learning

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