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Lesson Plan

Level: Lower intermediate

Book, Unit, Lesson: English Unlimited, Unit 13
Topic: Living your life online
Total timing: 2 hours
● Talk about electronic gadgets
● Talk about past habits and states
● Charts

Warm up:

Timing: 20 min

Communication pattern:

● Students are going to receive the following chart:

When was the You Friend 1 Friend 2 Friend 3

first time…?

used the

opened an
email account


chat online

got a cell

● The students have to fill the chart not only with their ages but also with that of his/her
● Then the teacher asks the students about what they found about their classmates

Pre-teach vocabulary: Expressions

Comparing past and present:

These days, than they used to, in the days before, in the past, nowadays, than there used to be, than
I used to

Timing: 30 min

Communication pattern:

● Each student is going to receive a piece of paper with one phrase written on it.
● They have to identify which expression are about now, are about the past, and which ones
compare the present and the past.

Assigned task:

● Does the author think the changes are good, bad or both?

First read:

● Living your life online by Mark Glaser

Timing: 30 min

Communication pattern:

● Students are given the text and have to read in silent


· Timing: 10 min

Communication pattern:

● Students are going to discuss in pairs about the changes and then compare their answers with
the whole class

Second read:

Detailed questions:

● Why nowadays people tend to talk to each other less?

● Do we have more choices regarding the information than in the past? Examples?
● What are the cons of online shopping?

Third read:

● Each student will read aloud.

Post task:
Critical questions:

● What technology do you use at home and at work?

● How have this changed your life?
● How have they changed life all around the world?
● Do you think these changes have made life better or worse? Why?

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