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James and the Giant Peach

James Henry Trotter is a boy who lives with his parents happily.
Unfortunately, when he is four years old, an escaped rhinoceros from the zoo eats James's
parents and
he ends up with his two cruel aunts, Spiker and Sponge.
But they treat him badly, feed him improperly
After living with his aunts for three years, he meets a mysterious man ||
who gives him green beans (mm) and says that his life would change for the better.
But he falls and spill the beans (mm) on a peach tree.
The tree (mm), in turn, produces a peach which soon grows to the size of a house.
Spiker and Sponge started selling tickets so tourists can see the peach while James is locked in
his house. At the end of the day, James (mm) is assigned to clean the rubbish
But he finds a tunnel (mm) in the peach. (mm)||
He enters it and
meets Centipede, Miss Spider, Old Green Grasshopper, Earthworm, Ladybird, Glowworm, and
Silkworm who become his friends.
The next day, Centipede (mm) makes the peach
roll down and until
it reaches the sea where sharks (mm) surround it. || what will they do??
James uses Miss Spider (mm) to make threads,
while Earthworm is used as a bait
and draws a lot of seagulls so they can lift the Peach off the water

The peach goes into the clouds but

meet cloud men demons. || what do you think wuill happen to the flying peach?

James manages to pull the peach down on the lower part of the sky ||
and realizes that they have reached New York City. || do you know thi building?
Policemen and firemen arrive and see the peach,
Then James comes and tells the whole story and becomes friends with many children in New
and they eat the peach
living inside its seed
and they all live happily ever after.

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