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1. Give the Pythagorean Formula if the sides of a triangle are x, y, z. The longest side is z.
Answer: 𝑥 2 + 𝑦 2 = 𝑧 2

2. Refers to an asset used to secure the loan, it may be real-state or other investments.
Answer: Collateral

3. True or False.
Philhealth Identification is an example of one-to-one function.
Answer: True

4. What is the value of ln 1?

(Calculator is not allowed for this question)
Answer: zero (0)

5. It is a sequence of numbers such that successive terms differ by a constant

Answer: Arithmetic Progression

6. The altitude of the side of a triangle intersect at the point known as ____
Answer: Orthocenter

7. What type of file has a record of web site activity?

a. Cookie file b. Java File c. HTTP file d. HTML file
Answer: HTTP file

8. What term is used to describe retrieval of data from a memory?

a. Unloading b. Downloading c. Reading c. Accessing
Answer: Downloading

9. An individual computer can be interconnected to a network of computers using which of the

a. Interface b. Serial Port c. Modem d. Network Hub
Answer: Network Hub

10. In a network of computers, what do you call the computer wherein commonly used files are
stored and accessed?
a. Network computer b. Host computer c. File server d. PC
Answer: File Server


1. Which of the following is a binary coding commonly used in computers?

a. Baudot b. ASCII c. BCD d. EBCDIC
Answer: ASCII

2. Which of the following measurement does not divide a set of observations into equal parts?
a. Quantiles b. Standard Deviation c. Percentiles d. Median
Answer: Standard Deviation

3. What is the system program used to translate directly an assembly language to machine
A. Assembler b. Compiler c. Interpreter d. Debugger
Answer: Assembler

4. What is the value of (log 5 to the base 2) + (log 5 to the base 3)?
Answer: 3.79

5. What memory in a computer is used to hold the computer’s start up routine?

a. RAM b. CMOS c. ROM d. SDRAM
Answer: ROM

6. 4𝑥 2 − 256 = 0 is the equation of

a. Parallel lines b. Parabola c. Ellipse d. Circle
Answer: Parallel lines

7. The linear distance between -4 and 17 on the number line is _____

Answer: d=4+17=21

8. Determine the type of curve of the equation 3𝑥 2 + 2𝑥 − 5𝑦 + 7 = 0

Answer: Parabola

9. It is a statement about the population that is contradictory to the null hypothesis and is
accepted as true only if there is convincing evidence in favor of it.
Answer: Alternative Hypothesis

10. If all the units of a population is surveyed, it is called ___

a. Survey b. Census c. Population d. Sample
Answer: Census

11. MCMXCIV is a Roman Numeral equivalent to ___

Answer: 1994

12. The angle which the line of sight to the object makes with the horizontal which is below the eye
of the observer is called ___
Answer: Angle of depression

13. A
14. A
15. A


1. The amount of P12,800 in 4 years at 5% compounded quarterly is ______.

Answer: P15,614.59

2. The standard deviation of the five observations 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 is ____

Answer. Zero

3. In a distribution the standard deviation is 6. If all observations are multiplied by 2, what would
be the value of standard deviation?
Answer: 12

4. What is the mean proportion of 4 and 36?

Answer: 𝑀𝑃 = √4(36) = 12
5. Find the 30th term of the arithmetic progression 4, 7, 10,….
Answer: 𝑎30 =91

6. If the equation is unchanged by the substitution of –x to x, its curve is symmetric with respect to
the ______
Answer: y-axis

8. a

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