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Bitas, Cabanatuan City

Motivated Behavior: Narrative Report

Is the reason for people’s action, desires, & needs.Motivation is also one’s direction
to behavior, or what causes a person to want to repeat a behavior. An individual’s
motivation may be inspired by others or events. Extrinsic Motivation or it may come
from with in the individual Intrinsic Motivation Motivation has been considered as
one of the most important reasons that inspires a person to move forward.
Mastering motivation to allow sustained & deliberate practice is central to high
levels of achievement e.g. In the words of elite sport, medicine or music.

Has been studied since the early 1970’s Intrinsic Motivation is the self desire to seek
out new things and new challenges. To analyze one’s capacity to observe and to gain
knowledge. It is driven by an interest of enjoyment in the task itself, and exists with
in the individual rather than relying on external pressures or a desire for
consideration. The phenomenon of Intrinsic Motivation was first acknowledge with
in experimental studies of animal behavior. In these studies, It was evident that the
organisms would engage in playful and curiosity driven behaviors in the absence of
reward. Intrinsic Motivation is a natural motivational tendency and is a critical
element in cognitive, social, & physical development. The two necessary elements
for intrinsic motivation are self determination and an increase in perceive
competence. In short, the cause of the behavior must be internal, known as internal
local of causality, and the individual who engages in the behavior must perceive that
the task increases their competence.

Motivation it is the one aspect to enhanced by their behavior motivated are more
likely to engage in the task willingly as well as to improve their skills. Which increase
their capabilities.

•Attribute their educational results to factors under their own control.

•Believe they have the skills to be effective agents in reaching their desired goals,
also known as self-efficiency beliefs.

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