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NAME: __________________________ GRADE & SEC. _____ LRN: _______________________ SCORE: ______

Directions: Read each of the following questions carefully and choose the letter that stands for the
best answer. Write it in your test notebook.

1. Which of the following items is not a standard quality of sanitation?

A. free of insects and rodents B. sufficient supply of portable cold and hot water
C.. young and gorgeous personnel C. well-lighted and ventilated
2. Which does NOT show a safe practice on the use of a nipper?
A. always holds the nipper in a proper way B. keep edges sharp
C. use for cutting nails D. use only for cutting a very dry skin
3. Which of the following shows sanitary practice in the working area?
A. applying facial make-up B. combing one’s hair
C. sitting and leaning on counters C. wearing disposable plastic gloves
4. Ana is assigned to perform a foot spa. But she has a cold, what should she do?
A. perform the assigned duty for the day.
B. go to the school clinic and get some medicines.
C. sleep and have enough rest inside the working area.
D. inform the teacher so that she can be re-scheduled.
5. How can you control the bleeding of a wound?
A. applying grease, oil, and ointment B. pressing it with gauze pads
C. putting some antiseptics and antibiotics D. washing it under running water
6. What will you do if you accidentally spilled soap on the floor?
A. cover the surface with a piece of any absorbent material.
B. get a mop or a piece of rag and wipe the surface.
C. leave the place and ignore what happened.
D. turn on the water hose and spray the spill.
7. How can you avoid accidents in the salon?
A. concentrating on your work. B. hiring a good cosmetologist
C. keeping a medicine cabinet D. working alone
8. Nora was injured while working in the school shop room, to whom will she report the incident
A. assigned teacher B. classmates C. guidance counselor D. school nurse
9. Which must NOT be done with aprons?
A. use as hand towels B. change them when soiled
C. remove them before leaving the working area D. wash and sanitize them
10. Which of the following does not contribute safe environment in the salon?
A. complete set of first aid kit materials C. expensive flooring materials
B. properly arranged tools, utensils and equipment D.well-screened windows and doors
11. Working areas must be kept safe, and clean, and free from the following.
A. Cleaning instructions and materials B. Relevant products for hygiene risks
C. Spills, food waste and other potential hazards D.Waste
12. It is beneficial to a business to establish a healthy, safe, and environmentally conscious
management system.
A. awareness of potential hygiene risks C. sophistication of the working place
B. ensuring the classification of working obligations D. all of the above
13. A favorable impression of the shop results when the receptionist’s desk is neat and well
organized, you may maintain an orderly appearance
A. emptying ashtrays frequently C. tidying up the salon with light dusting
B. keeping magazines neatly stacked D. all off the above
14. A receptionist should be professional in behavior and cooperative with clients, management,
and staff
A. she must be emotionally stable C. she would like people
B. she must have a good sense of humor D. all of the above
15. Details of room layout, color scheme, and even the physical arrangement of the equipment
and materials can influence your patron’s emotional well-being.
A. code of ethics for employees of a salon C. the “atmosphere” of the salon
B. professionalism in the salon D. all of the above
16. It is a list compiled for some formal purpose, such as the details of goods and materials.
a. Inventory B. Spread sheet C. Track record D. None of the above
17. It is primarily about specifying the shapes and percentage of stocked goods. It is required
at different location within a facility or within many locations of a supply network to effect
the regular and planed course of production and stock materials.
18. If your stock levels are limited by capital, this will help to plan expenditure on new and
replacement stock. It is either into low, medium, or high.
A. Inventory management B. Safe keeping C. Stock rotation D. None of the above
19. It allows for the time between placing an order and receiving it.
A. economic order quantity B. just in-time C. re-order lead time D. stock review
20. How much stock will you keep?
A. reliability of supply B. discount for buying in bulk
C. expectations of price rises D. all of the above
21. Specialized clothing or equipment worn by an employee for protection against infectious
A. Costume B. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
C. uniform D. all of the above
22. Is a device that can be used to produce an item or achieve a task but not consume in the
A. Equipment B. storage C. tools D. none of the above
23. It is worn or use to protect the skin of the hands during the process in the workplace
a. goggles
b. gloves
c. gears
d. all of the above

24. It protects the skin and clothing and remove when out in the workplace environment.
a. gown
b. goggles
c. gloves
d. all of the above
25. It protects the eyes from debris, spills, and fumes that can accidentally happen during
stay in the workplace area.
a. gloves
b. gown
c. goggles
d. all of the above
26. Which is NOT a characteristic of a good salon?
a. dimly lit with loud sound system
b. well swept floors
c. comfortable seat
d. clean interiors
27. Which of the following is NOT sanitary practice of a salon?
a. debris and clippings are all around
b. tools and instruments are organized
c. Ultra Violet (UV) sterilizers are used
d. wooden implements are disposed properly
28. Which of the following causes bacterial infections?
a. unsanitized instruments
b. staff not maintaining hygiene
c. untidy surroundings
d. all of the above
29. Which of the following reduces the number of pathogens or bacteria on a surface?
a. disinfection
b. evaporation
c. sanitation
d. sterilization

30. Which of the micro-organisms below are capable of causing disease in the salon?
a. e. coli
b. pathogen
c. protozoa
d. salmonella

31. Which o the following solutions are you going to use if you want to prevent the
multiplication of micro-organisms?
a. disinfectant
b. antiseptic
c. brine
d. sugar solution

32. What is the process of assessing the personal need of the client before any care
service is rendered?
a. argumentation
b. consultation
c. conversation
d. dictation

33. How do you receive a client who enters your salon for a beauty care service?
e. with a frown
f. make her wait for a while
g. offer some snacks
h. smile and greet her courteously

34. Which is the best place to sterilized beauty care implements?

i. in a box
j. in a jar
k. in a plastic container
l. in the cabinet

35. What is the next step after assessing your client’s needs?
m. give the client a hug
n. give the requested beauty service
o. prepare the client
p. prepare the tools and implements

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