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Sibel Adalı
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

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Tuple Relational Calculus

Tuple Relational Calculus

• A logical language with variables ranging over tuples:

{ T | Cond }

Return all tuples T that satisfy the condition Cond.

• { T | R(T ) }: returns all tuples T such that T is a tuple
in relation R.
• { | F ACU LT Y (T ) AND T.DeptId =0 CS 0 }.
returns the values of name field of all faculty tuples with
the value ’CS’ in their department id field.
– The variable T is said to be free since it is not bound
by a quantifier (for all, exists).
– The result of this statement is a relation (or a set of
tuples) that correspond to all possible ways to satisfy
this statement.
– Find all possible instances of T that make this
statement true.

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Tuple Relational Calculus

Quantified Statements

• Each variable T ranges over all possible tuples in the

• Variables can be constrained by quantified statements to
tuples in a single relation:
– Existential Quantifier. ∃T ∈ R(Cond) will
succeed if Cond succeeds for at least one tuple in T .
– Universal Quantifier. ∀T ∈ R(Cond) will
succeed if Cond succeeds for at all tuples in T .
• Any variable that is not bound by a quantifier is said to
be free.
• A tuple relational calculus expression may contain at
most one free variable.
• The following two expressions are equivalent:
{ | F ACU LT Y (T ) AND T.DeptId =0 CS 0 }
is the same as:
{R | ∃T ∈ F ACU LT Y (T.DeptId =0 CS 0 AND =}

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Tuple Relational Calculus

Quantified Statements

• { | F ACU LT Y (T ) AND T.DeptId =0 CS 0 }

can be read as:

“Find all tuples T field such that T is a tuple in the

FACULTY relation and the value of DeptId field is
’CS’. Return a tuple with a single field name which is
equivalent to the name field of one such T tuple”.
• {R | ∃T ∈ F ACU LT Y (T.DeptId =0 CS 0 AND =}
can be read as:

“Find all tuples R such that there exists a tuple T in

FACULTY with the DeptId field value ’CS’, and the
value of the name field of R is equivalent to the name
field of this tuple T .”
alternative read:

“Find all tuples R that can be obtained by copying the

name field of SOME a tuple in FACULTY with the
value ’CS’ in its DeptId attribute.”

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Tuple Relational Calculus

Tuple Relational Calculus Syntax

An atomic query condition is any of the following

• R(T ) where T is a tuple variable and R is a relation
• T.A oper S.B where T, S are tuple variables and A, B
are attribute names, oper is a comparison operator.
• T.A oper const where T is a tuple variable, A is an
attribute name, oper is a comparison operator, and
const is a constant.
The satisfaction of atomic query conditions is defined in
the usual way:
• R(T ) evaluates to true if T is a tuple in relation R.
If T is a variable, then R(T ) can evaluate to true by
substituting T to one of the tuples in R.
• T.A oper const evaluates to true if the condition is true.
If T.A is an unbound variable, then this expression can
evaluate to true by all possible substitutions of T.A to
some value that satisfy this condition.

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Tuple Relational Calculus

Query Conditions

• Any atomic query condition is a query condition.

• If C1 and C2 are query conditions, then so are
C1 AND C2, C1 OR C2, and NOT C1.
• If C is a query condition, R is a relation name, and T is
a tuple variable, then ∀T ∈ R(C) and ∃T ∈ R(C) are
both query conditions.
A well formed tuple relational calculus query is an
expression of the form:

{T | C} where C is a query condition where all the

variables except for T are bound to quantified expressions,
and T is restricted a finite domain.

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Tuple Relational Calculus

Query Condition Examples

• { T | ST U DEN T (T ) AND F ACU LT Y (T ) } will

evaluate to true if T is a tuple in both STUDENT and
FACULTY relations. However, this is not possible since
the schema of the two relations are different. Two tuples
can never be identical.
• Correct way to write this statement:

{T | ST U DEN T (T ) AND ∃T 2 ∈ F ACU LT Y

(T.N ame = T 2.N ame AND T.Address = T 2.Address
AND T.P assword = T 2.P assword AND T.Id = T 2.Id)}.

• What is the result of the following statement?

{ T.DeptId | ST U DEN T (T ) AND T.DeptId =0 CS 0 }

Since there is no DeptId field of T , what is the value of

T.DeptId? Answer. NULL
How about the following statements?
T emp1 = { T | T.A = 5 }
T emp2 = { T | T.A > 5 }

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Tuple Relational Calculus

Query Conditions

• T emp2 = { T | T.A > 5 } is an example of an

unbounded expression, the tuple T can be instantiated
to infinitely many values. This is not allowed. All tuples
variables should be restricted to the tuples of a
specific relation, even if they are not quantified.
• If a tuple variable T is bound to a relation R, then it
only has values for the attributes in R. All other
attribute values are null.
• A well formed query will have a single unbounded
variable. All other variables will have a quantifier over

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Tuple Relational Calculus


• Find the equivalent statement to this:


WHERE F.Id = C.InstructorId AND C.Year = 2002

{T | ∃F ∈ F ACU LT Y (∃C ∈ CLASS

(F.Id = C.InstructorId AND C.Y ear = 2002 AND
T.N ame = F.N ame AND T.CrsCode = C.CrsCode))}

• Find the equivalent statement to this:


WHERE F.Id = C.InstructorId AND
C.Year = 2002)

{F.N ame | F ACU LT Y (F ) AND NOT(∃C ∈ CLASS(

F.Id = C.InstructorId AND C.Y ear = 2002))}
or carry the “NOT” inside the paranthesis:

{F.N ame | F ACU LT Y (F ) AND (∀C ∈ CLASS(

F.Id <> C.InstructorId OR C.Y ear <> 2002))}

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Tuple Relational Calculus


• Find all students who have taken all the courses required
by ’CSCI4380’.

{S.N ame | ST U DEN T (S) AND

R.CrsCode <>0 CSCI43800 OR
T.StudId = S.StudId AND
T.CrsCode = R.P rereqCrsCode AND
T.GradeIN (0A0,0 B 0,0 C 0,0 D0))}.

• Find all students who have never taken a course from

’Prof. Acorn’. Return the name of the student.

{S.N ame | ST U DEN T (S) AND ∀C ∈ CLASS

(∃F ∈ F ACU LT Y (F.Id = C.InstructorId AND
(NOT(F.N amelike0%Acorn0) OR
(S.Id = T.StudId AND
C.CrsCode = T.CrsCode AND
C.Y ear = T.Y ear AND
C.SectionId = T.SectionId)))))}

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Tuple Relational Calculus

Comparing Query Languages

• Relational algebra (RA) and tuple relational calculus

(TRC) are equivalent in expressive power.

In other words, any query written in RA can be

translated to an equivalent TRC expression
and vice versa.
• SQL is more powerfull than the previous two languages
due to the GROUP BY/HAVING constructs and
aggregrate functions.
• Extensions of RA and TRC have been proposed to
overcome this limitation. They are straightforward

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Tuple Relational Calculus

RA vs. TRC
• Selection:
Algebra: σCond(R)
Calculus: {T | R(T ) AND Cond(T )}, i.e. replace
attributes A in Cond with T.A to obtain Cond(T ).
• Projection:
Algebra: ΠA1, ... ,Ak (R)
Calculus: {T.A1, . . . T.Ak | R(T )}
• Cartesian Product: Given R(A1, . . . , An) and
S(B1, . . . , Bm):
Algebra: R × S
Calculus: {T | ∃T 1 ∈ R, ∃T 2 ∈ R(
T.A1 = T 1.A1 AND . . . AND T.An = T 1.An AND
T.B1 = T 2.B1 AND . . . AND T.Bm = T 2.Bm)}
• Union:
Algebra R ∪ S
Calculus {T | R(T ) AND S(T )}
• Set Difference:
Algebra R − S
Calculus: {T | R(T ) AND ∀T 1 ∈ S(T 1 <> T )}

where T <> T 1 is a shorthand for

T.A1 <> T 1.A1 OR . . . OR T.An <> T 1.An.

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Tuple Relational Calculus

Relational Algebra

Write following relational algebra expressions in tuple

relational calculus (results of R1 and R2):
T :=
ΠCrsCode,SectionN o,Semester,Y ear,ClassroomId,InstructorId(CLASS)
T1 := T [CRS1, SN O1, SEM 1, Y EAR1, CLR1, IN S1]
T2 := T1[CRS2, SN O2, SEM 2, Y EAR2, CLR2, IN S2]
T3 := T1 × T2
T4 := σCRS1<>CRS2 OR SN O1<>SN O2(T3)
T5 := σSEM 1=SEM 2 AND Y EAR1=Y EAR2(T4)

R1 := ΠIN S1,SEM 1,Y EAR1(σCLR1=CLR2 AND IN S1=IN S2(T5))

R2 := (ΠID (F ACU LT Y )[IN S1]) − ΠIN S1(R1)

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Tuple Relational Calculus

Relational Algebra

R1: all professors who taught at least two different courses

or two different sections of the same course in the same
classroom in the same semester and the same year. R1
contains both the faculty id, and the semester/year

R1 = {T 1.InstructorId, T 1.Semester, T 1.Y ear |

∃T 2 ∈CLASS(T 1.InstructorId = T 2.InstructorId AND
T 1.Semester = T 2.Semester AND
T 1.Y ear = T 2.Y ear AND
T 1.ClassroomId = T 2.ClassroomId AND
(T 1.CrsCode <> T 2.CrsCode OR
T 1.SectionN o <> T 2.SectionN o)}.

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Tuple Relational Calculus

Relational Algebra

R2: all professors who never taught two different courses or

two different sections of the same course in the same
classroom in the same semester and the same year.

R2 = {F.Id | F ACU LT Y (F ) AND ∀T 1 ∈ CLASS

(F.Id <> T 1.InstructorId OR
(∀T 2 ∈CLASS
F.Id <>T 2.InstructorId OR
T 1.ClassroomId <> T 2.ClassroomId OR
T 1.Semester <> T 2.Semester OR
T 1.Y ear <> T 2.Y ear OR
(T 1.CrsCode = T 2.CrsCode AND
T 1.SectionN o = T 2.SectionN o)))}.

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