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Eternity Christian School and Institute

Class: Psychology
2nd quiz

True Or false justify your answer if it’s false

1 % each total 10%
1. During the second semester for fertilized egg grows from what it’s called
embryo....................................................( )

2. By the end of the sixth month the baby is fully formed but only about 14 inches long
.............................................(. )

3. A baby Is considered full term at 35 weeks..................................( )

4. Amniotic sac Is a round flat organ that transfer nutrients from the mother to the baby
........................................( )

5. The placenta is a part of the digestive tract ........................................(. )

6. The first movement of a baby at fifth month is called quickening ...............................(. )

7. The baby’s shoulders, back and temples are covered by a soft fine hair called hair-dermis
...................................................( )

8. The baby’s lungs are fully developed at the ninth month .......................................( )

9. By the age of 1-3 months the newborn has reflexes but uncoordinated because nervous system
still developing ..........................................................( )

10. By the age of 6 months babies start to smile with parents and respond to siblings and others
...............................................( )

Brief response (answer in the back)

2% each Total 10%
1)What is adolescence ?
2)Mention 4 differences between boys and girls in puberty.
3)Why self -esteem is important in adolescence ?
4)Why do you think as an adolescent you use more your cognitive skills? (define situations)
5)List biological changes between boys and girls in puberty.
Circle the best answer
2 % each total 10%

It is a task that a toddler can do.

A write
B read
C Potty trained
D none of above

Is the use of any substance to the detriment of your health.

A substance abuse
B alcoholic person
C drug addict
D none of above

The child starts exploring crawls or somehow bangs and shakes objects.
A from 4-6 months
B from 1-3 months
C from7-8 months
D none of above

Is meant to be unit of caring in wich older members provide shelter, love and training for the young .
A friends
B family
C family friends
D none of above

Adolescence is a time of change on these levels:

A biological or physical
B cognitive or intellectual
C social, including family
D view of self
E All the previous

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