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THERAPEUTIC AGENT Dose Explanation Interactions/Side


Vit.C 12 g – take 4 grams x 3 Powerful anti-oxidant; cytotoxic to Diarrhea, if taken in

times a day cancer cells inducing oxidative amounts past the
damage and at the same time bowel tolerance limit.
promotes the health of normal
cells; strengthens the collagen fibrils
that encapsulate tumors; increases
Vit.D3 1,000 IU – 5 times / day Regulates the cellular proliferation
and differentiation and the
inhibition of angiogenesis;
Green tea polyphenols 700 mg x 3 times a day Antioxidant function; prevents Sometimes gastro-
– green tea extract (this is equal to about mutations; inhibits biochemical intestinal upset.
EGCG (95% phenols; 100 cups of green tea as markers of tumor initiation and
50% EGCG) it is normally brewed) promotion; can halt the angiogenic
ASTRAGALUS Tincture – DEEP A Chinese Qi tonic herb; enhances
IMMUNE Combo; 1 survival rates significantly
teaspoon x 3 /day The root needs to be used.
In pills: 1,000 -1,500 mg
twice daily
GRAPESEED EXTRACT 400-500 mg - 2 to 3 Powerful antioxidant in the high
times daily, higher oxygen environments of the lungs
doses short-term for and brain; increases apoptosis;
acute inflammation (4 x decreases inflammation and
400 mg for a week) angiogenesis and inhibit tumor DNA
R+ Alpha Lipoic Acid 300 mg 3 times daily Rescue mitochondria and turn on Long term it can
the off-switch for bad cells, killing cause vit.B1
the tumors. Help detoxify from (thiamine) deficiency
chemicals and heavy metals; and copper deficiency
reduces fibrosis
MELATONIN 20 mg - twice daily; Antioxidant and hormone regulator. nightmares or feeling
both late in the day Significantly increases survival and groggy in the
(after 8 pm) time until progression. morning; rare:
agitation or
CAN-ARREST a combination of Natural COX-2 inhibitor. Excellent
bromelain, boswellia, for growth control and spread of
curcumin and cancer. Excellent for radiation
quercetin; 2 capsules x support. Do not use while on
3 times a day chemotherapy, because Curcumin
may interfere with chemo drugs.

Stop taking Can-Arrest 2 days
before chemotherapy.
REISHI mushroom 1 to 2 capsule 3 times Inhibits NFkB and thus COX-2; only
extract daily with food. the hot water extracts balance
immune responses and heals cancer
ALKYLGLYCEROLS From shark liver oil; inhibits
angiogenesis and protein tyrosine
INDOLE-3-CARBINOL 200 mg capsules 3 Daily for detoxifying and reducing
times daily growth-stimulating hormones, as
well as controlling various growth
factors. Found in all the cabbage
and mustard family food plants
Cod Liver Oil (with both 1 tablespoon 3 times a Patients in Norway who had used
omega-3 fatty acids day cod liver oil supplements daily for at
and vitamin D) – brand: least a year had a risk of death that
CARLSON was 33% less than those who used
cod liver oil less often; For lung
cancer patients, the reduction in
mortality was 44%
Do not eat for 12 -16 hours (for example 6 pm to 10-12 am); only non-caloric liquids
Intermittent fasting (water or tea) during that time; and then 12-8 hours of eating with a high vegetable,
clean food (organic) and low glycemic (no grains or starchy vegetables) is useful.
Diet high in the cabbage family cabbage (cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels
sprouts, bok choy, collards, horseradish, mustard, kale) is highly protective reducing the
risk of lung cancer by about a factor of 3;
Tea (green tea – Camelia sinensis) and red wine are also protective;
Red meat (feeds the cancer)– eliminate from the diet;
Increase fish and vegetables consumption.


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