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Pros/Cons 6.

Concurrency and parallelism are not designed in the

language for super-elegant use
Why Python is Great
7. Python’s one-line functions (Lambda’s) feel quite
1. Code written for Python software development is limited when it comes to meta programming of the sort
easy to read and you can grasp a lot out of it just by popular in LISP
looking at it — no more curly braces and code blocks
8. The only reason not wanting to learn Python, is that at
2. Its standard library support enables you to execute a some point you must learn JavaScript; and when you do,
lot of complex functionalities easily learning Python will seem useless

3. It supports multiple systems and platforms

4. It is OOP driven, offers good support for objects,

modules, and other reusability mechanisms

5. Python web development with Django framework is

super smooth. In fact Django is currently the most
famous framework for web development

6. It lets you develop quickly with much lesser code

7. It’s scalable and lets you expand even complex

applications with ease

8. It provides an in-built testing framework to set

debugging time and enable fastest workflows

9. The Python resource library is one of the best among

programming languages

10. It integrates easily with other languages

11. It is open source, freely available, and quite stable

Why Python is not so Great

1. Python has a smaller pool of experienced developers

compared to other languages like Java

2. It lacks true multiprocessor support

3. Python is slower in performance than other languages

4. The language isn’t a good choice for mobile

applications and memory intensive tasks

5. It has database access limitations

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