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future is


For too long politics has failed young people. We will take radical steps, from building a
We now have a generation growing up who National Youth Service to leading a Green
can expect to be worse off than their parents. Industrial Revolution to tackle the climate
Surging housing prices, stagnating wages, crisis, and ensure that every young person
rising student debt – these are just some of can fulfil their potential and feel secure in
the challenging facing young people after a their future. And we will get Brexit sorted
decade of austerity. in six months by giving people the final
Today’s youth also face new challenges, say – with a choice between a sensible
from rising levels of knife crime, mental ill leave deal or remain. We will implement
health, and chronic levels of loneliness. This whatever the British people decide.
Tory government is failing on the climate I would like to thank Cat Smith MP, the
emergency and pursuing policies that are Shadow Minister for Youth Affairs, for leading
bringing nothing but destruction to their efforts in the Labour Party to develop new
environment, their health, and their future. policies for young people. Policies that will
However, it’s hard not to be inspired by this transform the lives of young people and
socially conscious generation who, despite change our country for the good.
the injustices they face, have not been This election is a once-in-a-generation
deterred and continue to demand change. chance to rebuild and transform our country.
Across the country, young people are taking The future is ours to make. It’s time for real
to the streets and leading the climate strikes, change so that no one is held back and no
they’re campaigning on issues they care community is left behind.
about, volunteering in their thousands, and
using social media to make their voices heard.
We often say that young people are the
leaders of tomorrow, but recent events have
shown they are the leaders of today. Jeremy Corbyn
The next Labour government will invest in
young people and match their ambition
with the money and resources needed to
put support back into our communities.
Labour will transform our country • Experiencing positive health
so that all young people feel valued, and wellbeing
included and secure in their future. • Happy and confident in
We will achieve this vision under five their future
key pillars: • Treated fairly and equally

• Skilled and equipped to learn and earn

• Active members of their communities
and society

Skilled and equipped to learn and earn

Education is a right for all, not just a privileged Labour will:
few. Young people need a broad education • Create a National Education Service
that equips them with the knowledge and to provide support and opportunity
skills they need to learn and earn. throughout your life.
The Tories have slashed funding at every • Review the curriculum to ensure that it
stage of our education system, reversing enriches students and covers subjects
years of investment under the last Labour such as black history and continues to
government. Schools are being subjected to teach issues like the Holocaust. Pupils
intensified testing, inspection, league tables will learn both the science of climate and
and competition, which has failed to improve environmental emergency, and the skills
pupil attainment and is putting unnecessary necessary to deal with them.
pressure on young people. • Reform existing careers advice, working
Britain’s skills crisis has grown under the Tories towards an integrated information, advice
and the narrowing curriculum is denying and guidance system.
many young people access to modern • Abolish tuition fees and bring back
languages, arts and music, or technical maintenance grants in both further and
and engineering skills that will be essential higher education, making lifelong learning
in a world shaped by climate change. The accessible for all as part of a National
Tories have slashed college funding and Education Service.
the education maintenance allowance, • Bring back the Education Maintenance
which enabled young people from poorer Allowance as the Welsh Labour Government
backgrounds to continue their studies. Tuition has done.
fees have trebled and maintenance grants
• Launch a Climate Apprenticeship
have been scrapped, leaving the poorest
programme and introduce targeted
graduates with an average debt of £57,000.
bursaries for this available to women, BAME
people, care leavers, ex-armed forces
personnel, and people with disabilities.
Active members of their communities and society
Every young person needs somewhere The internet also plays a crucial role in
to go, something to do and someone to connecting communities across Britain and
speak to. For many young people, their has become such a central part of our lives.
local youth centre is the only safe space It opens up opportunities for work, creativity,
they have to get the support they need entertainment and friendship. What was once
outside of school or college. a luxury is now an essential utility.
Under the Tories, at least 750 youth centres Labour will:
have closed since and over 14,500 youth • Deliver the fastest full-fibre broadband free
and community worker jobs have gone. to everybody in every home in our country
The consequences of these cuts have by creating a new public service, boosting
been devastating. Young people have lost the economy, connecting communities and
opportunities to learn new skills, develop putting money back in your pocket.
friendships, and have their say in local
decision-making. Recorded crime has risen, From leading the climate strikes to local
including violent crimes like knife crime, campaigns, young people across the country
which has risen to record high levels, up have shown they are politically engaged and
80% in the last five years. The rate of school want to get involved in their communities
exclusions has increased, as has social and democracy locally, nationally and
inequality – crime rates are driven by both. internationally.

Labour will: However, politics remains inaccessible,

limited to the wealthy and connected few,
• Build a properly funded, professionally and many young people feeling their future
staffed National Youth Service, and is decided for them by another generation.
guarantee every young person has This includes the 1.5 million 16- and 17-year-
access to local, high-quality youth work. olds living in Britain who are denied the right
• Focus on crime prevention and early to vote by this Conservative government. As
interventions, giving people the best a result, young people are consistently less
chance of rehabilitation. likely to register to vote and participate in
• Invest in a youth justice system in elections. Labour will give young people the
which schools, local authorities, health tools they need to be active members of
authorities and youth services work their communities and society.
together to divert young people away Labour will:
from the pathways towards crime.
• Oversee the largest extension of the
franchise in generations, reducing the
voting age to 16 and giving full voting rights
to all UK residents.
• Make sure everyone who is entitled to
vote can do so by introducing a system of
automatic voter registration.
Experiencing positive health and wellbeing
A decade of Tory underfunding and cuts Labour will
has driven our NHS into a year round • Double the funding of child and adolescent
crisis, leaving too many young people mental health services through our £845
unable to get the support they need. million plan for Healthy Young Mind.
Public health budgets have been slashed,
• Establish a network of open access mental
mental health services are stretched to
health hubs to enable more children to
breaking point and thousands of young
access mental health.
people are being turned away or have to
wait too long for treatment. • Recruit almost 3,500 qualified
counsellors to guarantee every child
A lack of jobs, a shortage of housing and access to school counsellors.
cuts to public services has also pushed
Time off to rest, relax and be with family is
young people’s health and wellbeing
essential to a happy and fulfilling life, but
into crisis and created huge inequalities
workers in the UK put in some of the longest
between the richest and poorest young
hours in Europe.
people. Labour will provide the real
change young people need to live Labour will:
happier, healthier, more fulfilling lives.
• Reduce average full-time weekly working
hours to 32 across the economy and with no
loss of pay, funded by productivity increases.
• Create a £1 billion Cultural Capital Fund
to transform libraries, museums and
galleries across the country.
Happy and confident in their future
The climate and environmental emergency Everyone has the right to a decent, secure
is the greatest challenge we face and this home. This government has also made
election is our best hope to protect future it nearly impossible for young people to
generations from an uninhabitable planet. move out of your parents’ home because
Many young people do not feel happy rents are sky high. As for buying a house,
and confident in their future, which is why that’s an idea from another generation,
they are taking to the streets, leading because the Tories haven’t built any.
the climate strikes, and sending a clear Labour has ambitious plans to tackle the
message to the government that climate housing crisis.
change will be a fundamental and defining
feature of their adult lives. Labour will:
Instead of taking radical and urgent action • Deliver a new social housebuilding
to tackle the climate emergency, the Tories programme of more than a million homes
have cut green schemes while forcing over a decade, with council housing at its
through dangerous fracking and offering heart.
tax relief to oil and gas corporations. The • Scrap the Conservatives’ bogus definition
Tories even criticises pupils who missed of ‘affordable’, set as high as 80% of
school to protest over climate change. market rents, and replace it with a
Labour hears young people’s demands for definition linked to local incomes.
change and has a radical, credible plan • Reform Help to Buy to focus it on first-
to tackle the climate and environmental time buyers on ordinary incomes.
• Take urgent action to protect private
Labour will: renters through rent controls, open-
• Kick-start a Green Industrial Revolution ended tenancies, and new, binding
that will create one million jobs in the minimum standards.
UK to transform our industry, energy, • Stop runaway rents by capping them
transport, agriculture and our buildings, with inflation, and give cities powers to
while restoring nature. cap rents further.
• Achieve the substantial majority of our • Give renters the security they need to
emissions reductions by 2030 in a way make their rented housing a home, with
that is evidence-based. new open-ended tenancies to stop
unfair, ‘no fault’ evictions.
Treated fairly and equally
Labour is the party of equality, committed Work should provide a decent life for all,
to achieving a world free from all forms guaranteeing not just dignity and respect
of bigotry and discrimination. The in the workplace, but also the income
Conservatives have failed to tackle and leisure time to allow for a fulfilling life
society’s burning injustices. Instead, they outside it. But getting onto the job ladder
have inflicted injustice after injustice on can be very difficult with many young
women, Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people who are forced to take on series
(BAME) and LGBT+ communities and of unpaid internships and placements.
disabled people. Labour will take bold Young workers also face out-and-out
steps to ensure all young people should be discrimination, receiving lower wages than
treated fairly and equally. older colleagues for the same day’s work.
Labour will: This has left many young workers crippled
with debt and resorting to food banks.
• Close the gender pay gap by 2030 and Labour will stand up for young workers.
deliver gender pay equality by making
the state responsible for enforcing equal Labour will:
pay legislation for the first time. • Cap the total amount that can be paid in
• Implement recommendations of the overdraft fees or interest on a loan.
Lammy Review to address the disparity • Rapidly introduce a Real Living Wage of
of treatment and outcomes for BAME at least £10 per hour for all workers aged
people within the criminal justice system. 16 and over, abolishing the youth rate of
• Reforming the Gender Recognition Act the minimum wage.
2004 to introduce self-declaration for • End insecurity and exploitation by ending
transgender people. zero-hours contracts, strengthening trade
• Eliminate remaining areas of union rights and ensuring all workers have
discrimination in law, ensuring that LGBT+ equal rights from day one.
people can live in safety and dignity. • Banning unpaid internships - because
• Put LGBT+ equality at the heart of it’s not fair for some to get a leg up when
government, ensuring our public services others can’t afford to.
are LGBT+ inclusive and delivering on the
national LGBT Action Plan.
• Provide sufficient funding for schools
to deliver mandatory LGBT+ inclusive
relationships and sex education.
Access to public transport is vital for young Labour will:
people who want travel to work, to study and • Introduce free bus travel for under-25s,
to visit friends. But young people have less where councils take control of their buses.
disposable income and tend to be in lower
• Deliver improvements for rail passengers
paid, more insecure work and have which
including more affordable fares, by bringing
means they are spending a higher proportion
our railways back into public ownership,
of their income on travel. Labour wants to help
using options including franchise expiry.
young people make the most out of life by
investing in them.wants to help young people
make the most out of life by investing in them.
13043_19 Reproduced from electronic media, promoted by Jennie Formby, General Secretary, the Labour
Party, on behalf of the Labour Party, both at, Southside, 105 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 6QT.

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